Beautiful mantras in music

I had the great honor to offer a statue of Maritse (Marici) to Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche. Gangchen Rinpoche is very close to this form of Tara and really likes her a lot and very much promotes her practice. You can listen to Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche’s recitation of her mantra below.
Since young, I have always loved reciting mantras. The first mantra I ever learned was OM MANI PADME HUM which all the Kalmyks knew and were taught because they are very devoted to Chenrezig. Whenever I could go to Turkey Swamp, which is a nature reserve and park near to my house, I would sit by the edge of the lake there and visualise Chenrezig emerging from the lake and recite tens of thousands of OM MANI PADME HUM while my friends went off to play. Even from a young age, I instinctively and by experience already knew that mantras definitely have power.
Mantras are the enlightened essence of the Buddha manifested in the form of sacred speech. They are words of power to transform our delusions, unhappiness, hatred, impatience – everything in our mind that makes us unhappy, negative, evil and rotten people. To find the real us which is kind, compassionate and altruistic. So when we recite mantras, it is to counter delusions based on the sound which arises from the power of three aeons of practice of the Buddha. You are tapping into three aeons of Buddha’s energy, merits and ethics, so you gain the imprints to also achieve that. Mantras will also help us to invoke the particular energy of that particular deity, that particular representation of enlightenment, to gain the particular power or benefit you need from that particular deity. That is one way mantras help us.
The second way mantras help us is by creating awareness. Awareness is the key to survival; even in the animal kingdom, a blur animal is more likely to be attacked and eaten compared to alert and aware animal. Within Buddhism, awareness is the key to spiritual success. When the level of our awareness grows and we know what is happening around us, we become extremely sensitive, alert people who can use this alertness in our normal life to succeed, and in our spiritual life to develop our practice. So mantras, which are a form of meditation, can be used to create awareness to gain higher insights within our own mind. When higher awareness develops, it will lead to clairvoyance. You have clear audio, vision, you can see things that people cannot see, hear things that people cannot hear, and you will know people’s thoughts.

Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche was one of the first lamas to verbally recognise me as a tulku. He is renown for his great healing abilities and powerful clairvoyance which I have personally witnessed for myself on many occasions.
And finally, mantras invoke upon Buddhas so a benefit of mantras is that they can be used for healing, blessing animals, blessing the sick, blessing the dead, and helping people to clear the environment. When my Mumu was very sick at the vet, upon my request, my students brought a small speaker to play mantras for him to listen to while he was receiving treatment. They played it 24 hours a day and I am told that when Mumu listened to the Medicine Buddha mantra especially, he was very calm and soothed. So you can do this too for your animals and loved ones. If you would like to read deeper on how mantras can help to do that, I have previously given an extensive teaching about it here:
So there are many, many benefits to mantras. The other day I found some mantra recordings online which I wanted to share with all of you. They are mantras and prayers to invoke upon enlightened deities such as Chenrezig, Black Manjushri, and Dorje Shugden. Many of the mantras below were recorded by United Peace Voices, an initiative established by His Eminence Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche and his students to put beautiful mantras into the form of sacred music. According to their Facebook page,
The United Peace Voices group’s idea stems from the meeting of the Tibetan Lama T.Y.S. Gangchen Rimpoche with the Beat Generation poet Allen Ginsberg in 1996. In their first album with IRMA records, the group of female voices, together with the voice of Lama Gangchen, recite the mantra of the Buddhist teachings on the musical bases created for the occasion by some of the best producers of the label. The result is an unprecedented fusion of oriental melodies and electronic sounds influenced by jazz and Brazilian music.
The group continues to produce records over the years and to support other artists who promote inner peace, an essential foundation for world peace, through music.
Please enjoy and be blessed by this sacred music which are mantras set to melodies. You can play this for yourself to listen, which is what I like to do as I’m working at my computer. You can even play this for your beloved animals and pets, so it blesses them and plants seeds of enlightenment for their future rebirths to return as Dharma practitioners.
Tsem Rinpoche
Disclaimer: The videos below belongs to their respective creators and owners, and is made available here for strictly educational, non-commercial purposes only. No profit is being made from making it available.
For more explanation on mantras as holy words of power, please go to
For more prayers and sadhanas, please go to
Black Manjushri
(Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche’s voice)
Or watch the video on YouTube:
Chenresig self-healing mantra
(Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche’s voice)
Or watch the video on YouTube:
Chenresig, alternative Manjushri mantra,
Vajrapani and Maritse mantras
Or watch the video on YouTube:
Dorje Shugden mantra (Kechara)
Or watch the video on YouTube:
Manjushri (Chinese music)
Or watch the video on YouTube:
Medicine Buddha
(extremely beautiful and touching)
Or watch the video on YouTube:
Saraswati prayer and mantra (beautiful)
Or watch the video on YouTube:
(Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche’s voice)
Or watch the video on YouTube:–EBrCF7NrM
Tsongkapa (beautiful and soothing)
Or watch the video on YouTube:
Or watch the video on YouTube:
Trijang Rinpoche confers oral transmission
of Dorje Shugden mantra
Or watch the video on YouTube:
Trijang Rinpoche doing Dorje Shugden puja
Or watch the video on YouTube:
Various Dorje Shugden sacred healing mantras
Or watch the video on YouTube:
Eight-line praise to Vajra Yogini and short mantra
by Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche
Or watch the video on YouTube:
Requesting Vajra Yogini to enter to Kechara her paradise
by Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche
Or watch the video on YouTube:
For more interesting information:
- Mantras – Holy Words of Power
- Helping ghosts and others through mantras
- Starting On Vajra Yogini NOW! | 今天就开始修习金刚瑜伽母
- Kechara’s Vajrayogini Prayer Wheels
- Sadhana & Prayers
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Thank you Rinpoche for sharing all these beautiful sacred music and rare videos of high Lamas . H E Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche is a real lama, with great knowledge and incredible healing abilities, who has benefited thousands around the world. Hearing the voice of H E Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche reciting the mantras is a blessing . We are fortunate to hear various Dorje Shugden sacred healing mantras. Able to watch Trijang Rinpoche confers oral transmission of Dorje Shugden mantra and doing Dorje Shugden puja as well.
When my cat was very sick, my friend suggested me to play mantras for it to listen to while it was resting. My cat was at its last moment. I played the mantra 24 hours and I hope it did feel better. I’m not sure whether the mantra has worked, I hope it did.
Then I was in a book sharing session, one of my friends shared a book with us. The book name is “Download the password for the Universe Energy”. What I get is every single word of the mantra is carrying the energy from universe. When we recite mantra, the vibrations help us to connect with the universe, be one with the universe, so we are able to meet our true nature. It’s exactly like what Rinpoche said, mantra help us to find the real us which is kind, compassionate and altruistic.
Also, visualisation is important when you recite mantra. Rather than recite it in a quick and short way, visualisation helps me to deepen into myself and be more aware with the vibrations around me. Hence, I have more understanding whenever I recite mantra now. Especially when a bunch of people do it together, I can really feel there’s lot energy generate around the room. That’s why I can relate to mantra, it’s really powerful as I can feel it.
Gangchen Rinpoche’s chanting has always full of love and compassion, I enjoy it very much. “Chenrezig Self-Healing Mantra” is my favourites and I can play it all day long!
1997 in Malaysia. Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche and Tsem Rinpoche.
It is always blessed and lovely to hear highly attained lamas recite mantras. These mantra songs are wonderful to listen to when we are online doing our dharma work Thank you very much Rinpoche and blog team for sharing these beautiful blessed mantras.?????
Chanting of Mantras has many multiples benefits such as it increases our immune functions, transforming our mind, body, spirit and so forth. The sound of the mantra literally drowns out the negative voices in our heads. When the negative thoughts are suppressed, positive thoughts comes into our mind which will help us creating awareness.
Wow …..fortunate to hear the voices of HH Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche and his students chanting mantras into the form of sacred music. The divine songs carry the power which benefits every aspect of our life.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these beautiful sacred music for us as well for our beloved animals and pets too. I do enjoyed listening .
Thank you Rinpoche for compiling all the great mantra songs and we are so fortunate to be able to listing to Gangchen Rinpoche reciting the mantra. It is so convenient, where we can play to people and animals who are sick, and hopefully they can heal soon.