A Wish-fulfilling Shrine
The Kechara Buddhist Organisation’s Puja (prayers and rituals) House was established to perform a wide range of authentic prayers and rituals for the sick, dying, deceased and those who are going through tremendous obstacles; or even simply wishing to invoke the powers of the Buddhas for their wellbeing or success. Amongst the many pujas that are available at our Puja House, the Dorje Shugden and Medicine Buddha pujas are the most popular due to their effectiveness in removing obstacles, healing the sick, assisting the dying or the deceased and also in accumulating spiritual merit. In addition to prayer services, Kechara’s Puja House also accepts requests to make a range of offerings to the Buddhas on behalf of members and practitioners.
In recent years, offerings of candles and incense to Dorje Shugden have become extremely popular. Due to the karmic affinity between Dorje Shugden and the people of our time, this enlightened Dharma Protector has proven to be exceptionally swift in responding to prayers and bestowing blessings and protection. As such, making offerings to Dorje Shugden is now recognised as one of the most efficacious ways to accumulate merits in order to fulfil both our spiritual and mundane aims.
To accommodate the growing requests to make offerings to Dorje Shugden, His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche saw there was a need for a much larger outdoor space where people would be able to make offerings in a safe, sanctified environment. Thus, the project to develop an outdoor Dorje Shugden chapel was launched.
Work began a few months ago to create this outdoor chapel, located behind the sacred Vajra Yogini Stupa and next to Wisdom Hall where Rinpoche has enthroned the world’s largest Dorje Shugden statue. Supervised by dedicated Kecharians, a grand altar for Dorje Shugden was constructed along with a candle-offering grotto. In addition, two stone incense burners were built to accommodate both traditional Tibetan incense (sang) offerings as well as joss sticks, familiar amongst Chinese and South East Asian worshippers.
There is also space for devotees and visitors to make offerings of Dorje Shugden mantra stones, similar to the way mani stones are offered at sacred power places in Tibet, Nepal and throughout the Himalayas. Mantras represent the energy of the enlightened beings in the form of sound and when we recite mantras, they stimulate the various parts of our body to heal itself, to clear itself, to purify itself and to gain higher states of consciousness. Mantras therefore, are very powerful and they can be written, visualised or recited out aloud, to bless ordinary beings, animals, ethereal or formless beings and everyone in the environment.
With Dorje Shugden mantra stones offered through this outdoor chapel, it means that when we circumambulate the chapel, we are not only circumambulating the Dorje Shugden statue but also his sacred mantra OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA. In doing so, we plant the seeds of enlightenment in our mindstreams so that in the future, we are able to accomplish bodhicitta (ultimate compassion), the realisation of emptiness and attain higher states of consciousness.
On January 18, 2019, the Dorje Shugden statue arrived, greeted by Kecharians and visitors eager to witness the historic occasion. The next two days saw volunteers and members from all over Malaysia coming together to prepare the statue to be invited to its final location on the pedestal. With their help, thousands of holy relics and precious items, as well as trillions of Buddha images, mantras, prayers and texts were inserted into the statue, which was then sealed in the traditional manner. Many of these items were personally selected by Rinpoche, whose wish it is that this outdoor chapel be of as much benefit to others as possible. In preparation for the chapel’s opening, Rinpoche had even given teachings about the benefits of the chapel so the devotees will be educated on exactly how this Dorje Shugden chapel will assist them.
On the afternoon of January 20, under sunny and clear blue skies, a crane lifted Kechara’s magnificent 9-foot bronze Dorje Shugden statue as Kecharians and visitors escorted him over to the pedestal while reciting OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA. Dorje Shugden was thusly ‘enthroned’ on a dedicated 4-foot stone pedestal and in the following week, monks from Phelgyeling Monastery in Nepal performed the soongdroop, rabney and trusol pujas to consecrate the outdoor chapel and statue.
Nestled amongst maturing Bucida trees, this new outdoor Dorje Shugden shrine is much needed due to the tremendous growth of Dorje Shugden practice throughout Malaysia and Southeast Asia as many come to realise the potency of his practice and the reliability of this enlightened Dharma Protector.
The location of this new outdoor Dorje Shugden chapel is strategic and the alignment of the main altar in Wisdom Hall, the new Dorje Shugden outdoor shrine and the Vajra Yogini Stupa transforms the area between Wisdom Hall and the Vajra Yogini Stupa into a power-packed sanctuary on what is already highly sacred land. Very quickly this Dorje Shugden sanctum has become one of Kechara Forest Retreat’s most popular sites for visitors and residents alike, to sit on a number of stone benches to pray, meditate, or simply relax in a place of power. The chapel is open to all so do come and connect with power and blessings of the enlightened Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden.
Kechara Pastors
Welcoming Kechara’s 9-foot outdoor Dorje Shugden statue
Or view the video on the server at:
- Introduction to Dorje Shugden
- Kechara’s 9-foot Dorje Shugden statue
- Introduction to Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR)
Dorje Shugden’s name in Tibetan literally means ‘One Endowed with Indestructible Power’. He is the emanation of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom and is therefore a fully enlightened being that one can have full confidence in.
Dorje Shugden’s lineage can be traced to one of the oldest and highest incarnation lines from India and Tibet. His incarnation lineage consists of a succession of highly attained lamas, pandit-scholars, yogis and Dharma kings, going all the way back to Buddha Shakyamuni’s lifetime when Dorje Shugden incarnated as Magadha Sangmo, the daughter of Buddha’s patron. Dorje Shugden’s other past incarnations include:
- Mahasiddha Virupa who was a master of miracles;
- Thonmi Sambhota who was the father of the Tibetan script;
- Tibetan Buddhist King Trisong Detsen, whose patronage of the lamas and monasteries was instrumental in the spread of Buddhism in Tibet;
- Mahasiddha Naropa who beheld the face of Buddha Vajra Yogini;
- The supreme translator Ra Lotsawa who introduced the Yamantaka Tantras to Tibet;
- Dulzin Drakpa Gyaltsen who was the direct disciple of Lama Tsongkhapa;
- Panchen Sonam Drakpa who was a prolific scholar;
- And just before arising as a Dharma Protector, he was the illustrious Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen, the great scholar and yogi who sacrificed his life in order to arise as Dorje Shugden.
Dorje Shugden is propitiated as a Dharma Protector, whose blessings and assistance helps to remove obstacles, problems and difficulties that can potentially hinder or derail our spiritual practice and the course of our lives. As a Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden is also supplicated to provide supportive circumstances that lead to improvement in our lives. In addition, he is entreated to provide resources favourable to the growth of our spiritual practice. Ultimately, it is our Dharma practice that Dorje Shugden protects and nourishes and that is why he is called a Dharma Protector.
Benefits of Dorje Shugden’s Practice
According to his praise, Dorje Shugden is said to possess the strength of a thousand Dharma Protectors. This is attributed to the fact that he is an emanation of an enlightened being and that he manifested in a worldly form (of a god or deva) that has a closer karmic affinity with us. Hence, he has great strength in holding back our obstacles or our negative karma from manifesting so that we are able to purify it more easily. Consequently, Dorje Shugden has a reputation for quick assistance for those who are in dire circumstances.
In addition, as an emanation of Manjushri, Dorje Shugden has the ability to open our minds to universal wisdom, so that we can develop a greater clarity of mind and penetrative insight especially when it comes to applying spiritual teachings into our daily lives. Such realisations change our perspective and allow us to make swifter decisions that positively impact others and ourselves.
According to his fulfilment ritual text, Dorje Shugden holds a jewel-spitting mongoose and a vajra hook in the crook of his arm signifying that he bestows spiritual and material wealth and resources. In general, Dorje Shugden helps us to acquire the resources we need so we are free to reach our full spiritual potential. The resources that Dorje Shugden bestows includes material wealth, prosperity, a good career, harmony amongst family, friends and colleagues, as well as health and various opportunities that improve our lives.
Most important of all, Dorje Shugden has tremendous power to help us and our loved ones when we take our final journey. He is a powerful ally that we can rely on when we are dying as this is the most crucial moment when everything we have done in this life catches up and creates the circumstances for our future lives. Once the deceased has taken rebirth, nothing can be done to reverse the circumstance of taking a negative rebirth. If we have been practising Dorje Shugden sincerely, he will be able to intercede and come to our aid. That is why many sincere practitioners offer candles, recite lots of Dorje Shugden mantras and perform Dorje Shugden pujas during this crucial moment in order to solicit Dorje Shugden’s powerful assistance.
Once we have developed a spiritual relationship with this Protector, he will benefit us far into the future, a result of his omniscience as an enlightened Buddha combined with our sincere reliance on him.
If you would like to order a Dorje Shugden puja for yourself or your loved ones, you can do so here.
Height: 9 feet (2.7 metres)
Material: Bronze
The 9-foot Dorje Shugden statue installed at the outdoor chapel in Kechara Forest Retreat is not just a statue, but is one filled with countless holy items and has been highly charged through traditional consecration prayers.
Making offerings and prayers to this statue, or circumambulating it therefore generates a lot of spiritual merit and purifies tremendous amounts of negative karma because these virtuous acts are being performed in relations to not just one 9-foot statue, but towards the countless representations of the Buddha’s body, speech and mind contained inside it. Here is a list of the sacred contents of the statue:
Head Tier 1
- Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s chogyur (from the Potala Palace)
- Panchen Sonam Drakpa’s hat string (from Trode Khangsar)
- His Holiness the 4th Panchen Lama’s mala string (from the Potala Palace)
- Pills made by Denma Gonsar Rinpoche containing Lama Tsongkhapa’s bone and flesh, Gyaltsab Je’s bone and flesh, Khedrub Je’s bone and flesh, Pabongkha Rinpoche’s bone and flesh, and Trijang Rinpoche’s bone and flesh.
- Tsongkhapa tsa tsa made by Dakong Rinpoche
- Lati Rinpoche’s robe
- Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen’s hair
- Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche’s hair and nails
- Tsem Rinpoche’s nails
- Zong Rinpoche’s robe
- Trijang Rinpoche’s clothes
- Panang Rinpoche’s items
- Cloth from the previous Denma Gonsar Rinpoche
- Cloth from Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s hat
- The previous Denma Gonsar Rinpoche’s hair
- The previous Trijang Rinpoche’s robe
- Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche’s ngullen (inner shirt)
- Pearls and semi-precious stones
- The mantra for filling the heads of statues (u sung)
- Tsem Rinpoche’s beard
- Dorje Shugden’s hair in trance
Head Tier 2
- Zemey Rinpoche’s tendo rilbu
- Khata from Gangchen Rinpoche (received 1/11/08)
- Khata from Gangchen Rinpoche (received 16/3/15)
- Trijang Rinpoche’s lineage rilbu
- Shakyamuni rilbu
- Lineage Lama rilbu
- Zong Rinpoche rilbu
- Trijang Rinpoche rilbu
- Pill made by Denma Gonsar Rinpoche
- Trijang Rinpoche mani pills
- Shar Gaden’s blessings of all reincarnations of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche pill
- Zong Rinpoche mani pills
- Pill from the blessings of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Sakya Lamas, 1st – 16th Karmapas, Guru Rinpoche, Sakya Shri, Pandae Trawa Trakpa, Dromo Geshe Rinpoche and other High Lamas.
- Pill from the blessings of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Sakya Lamas, 1st – 16th Karmapas, Guru Rinpoche, Sakya Shri, Pandae Trawa Trakpa and other High Lamas
- Grain from mandala in Tsongkhapa’s chapel in Ganden Monastery, Tibet
- Soongdo (string) blessed by Trijang Rinpoche
- Red cloth blessed by His Holiness the 11th Panchen Lama
- Geshe Yeshe healing pill
- Dromo Geshe Rinpoche pill
- Grain from a second mandala in Tsongkhapa’s chapel in Ganden Monastery, Tibet
- Trijang Rinpoche mani pills
- Herbal pills
- Dorje Shugden tsa tsa
- Ratna Samphel pill (dark blue)
- General mantra for filling statues
- Hard disk with various sacred mantras, images, scriptures and prayers (1)
- Picture of Tsongkhapa
- Gen Nyima’s mala bead
- Tsem Rinpoche’s mala bead
- Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche’s mala bead
- Tsem Rinpoche’s retreat mala bead
- Mala beads from Tsem Rinpoche’s other gurus
- The mantra for filling the throats of statues (drin sung)
- General mantra for filling statues
- Rinchen Chakril 25 pill (dark green)
- Dorje Shugden tsa tsa
- Sand from the mandalas of Yamantaka, Heruka Chakrasamvara and Guhyasamaja
- Ashes from a Vajra Yogini peaceful fire puja
- Sand from a mandala of Yamantaka
- Vajravarahi rilbu
- Higher Tantra Lamey Bumze pill for use in Yamantaka, Heruka Chakrasamvara, and Vajra Yogini practice
- Lamey Bumze pill from His Holiness Pabongka Rinpoche
- Herbal pill (green)
- Tsodruptashil 37 pill (brown)
- Zong Rinpoche statue
- Dorje Shugden tsa tsa
- The mantra for filling the hearts of statues (thug sung)
- Hard disk with various sacred mantras, images, scriptures and prayers (2)
- Picture of Vajra Yogini
- The mantra for filling the chest and arms of statues (la mey)
- General mantra for filling statues
- Trijang Rinpoche statue
- Medicine Buddha rilbu
- Hayagriva rilbu
- Lower Tantra Chaju Bumzey pill
- Tara rilbu
- Manjushri rilbu
- Blessed sand from a Medicine Buddha mandala by Gangchen Rinpoche
- Chagyu Bumze pill from His Holiness Pabongka Rinpoche
- Grain from the Maitreya Buddha Temple in Tashi Lhunpo
- Blessed rice from an Amitayus initiation
- Grain from a Tara puja
- Sand from a Hayagriva mandala from Kopan Monastery
- Medicine Buddha pill from Serpom Monastery
- Shize statue
- Gyenze statue
- Wangze statue
- Trakze statue
- Dorje Shugden tsa tsa
- Herbal pills
- Ratna Samphel pill
- The mantra for filling the stomachs of statues (do sol)
- Hard disk with various sacred mantras, images, scriptures and prayers (3)
- Pictures of Cherenzig, Tara, Medicine Buddha and Manjushri
- General mantra for filling statues
Below Waist
- Mantra USB drive
- Herbal pills
- Dorje Shugden tsa tsa
- Eight Guiding Monk statues
- Nine Mothers statues
- Ten Wrathful Assistants statues
- The mantra for filling the area below the waist of statues (so jong)
- Hard disk with various sacred mantras, images, scriptures and prayers (4)
- General mantra for filling statues
Lotus – Left Side
- Yangdzay Rilbu
- The mantra for filling the lotus bases of statues (nor lha)
- General mantra for filling statues
- Wealth vases
- Dorje Shugden tsa tsa
- Herbal pills
Lotus – Right Side
- Dorje Shugden ruel from Tibet
- Protector pill from Serpom
- Protector alcohol from Taiwan
- Tendoe rilbu
- Items from the Dorje Shugden chapel at Gangchen Ladrang, Shigatse, Tibet
- Three Protector strings
- Dorje Shugden rilbu
- Dorje Shugden chakra
- Wish fulfilling chakra
- Protector rice from Dorje Shugden
- Protector knot from Dorje Shugden
- Protector rice from Kache Marpo
- Khata from Setrap
- Khata from Dorje Shugden
- Khata from Kache Marpo
- Khata from Shidak Gyenye
- Protector Rice from Shidak Gyenye
- Herbal pills
- Yuning 25 pill
- Dorje Shugden tsa tsa
- Kache Marpo statue
- Namkar Barzin statue
- Setrap statue
- Hard disk with various sacred mantras, images, scriptures and prayers (5)
- Picture of Dorje Shugden
- General mantra for filling statues
- The mantra for filling the lotus bases of statues (nor lha)
Lotus – Center
- Two Dutsi rilbu
- Barley from the Stupa of Tsongkhapa in Gaden Monastery, Tibet
- Nangcho rilbu
- Rabney Thurel rilbu
- Blessed rice from Gaden Monastery, Sera Monastery, Drepung Monastery, Jokhang Temple and Potala Palace
- Leaf from Kumbum
- A piece of Le Shan Buddha’s leg
- Ganden rilbu
- Soil from Bodhgaya
- Myrrh
- Arura
- A snow mountain relic
- Five kinds of sand from Lake Manasarovar
- Boddhi leaf and soil from Lumbini garden
- Holy items offered by Shar Gaden
- Mani pills from Guang Ren Monastery, Wu Tai Shan, China
- Soil from Trijang Ladrang
- Sand from Wu Tai Shan
- Le Shan Buddha rock
- Soil from Jokhang Temple, Tibet
- Rocks from Wu Tai Shan
- Soil from the Hai Shan Guan Yin
- Soil from Tsongkhapa’s retreat cave, Gaden Monastery, Tibet
- Protector rice
- Holy soil from Nepal, Bodhgaya, etc
- Soil from Master Hai Tong’s Cave, Le Shan Buddha, China
- Soil from Wu Tai Shan
- The mantra for filling the lotus bases of statues (nor lha)
- Ruchok tsa tsa
- General mantra for filling statues
- Herbal pills
- Chakras for the base of statues
- Five precious objects (gold, silver, turquoise, coral and pearl)
- Five medicines (shutak karpo, kandakari, lete, gyatso buwa and wangpo lhagpa)
- Five metal powders (gold, silver, copper, iron and precious stones)
- Five types of grains (barley, wheat, pulses, sesame seeds and mustard seeds)
- Five beautiful items (bhuram, honey, salt, butter and sesame oil)
- Five fragrant substances (red sandalwood, white sandalwood, saffron, nutmeg and camphor)
- Holy water
- Five-coloured brocades
- Coins
- Hard disks containing the general mantra for filling statues
- Agarwood incense powder
- Dorje Shugden incense powder
- Assorted medicinal herbs (western and eastern)
- Blessed healing pills
- Five metal powders (gold, silver, copper, iron and precious stones)
- Red sandalwood powder
- White sandalwood powder
- Camphor
- General mantra for filling statues
- Sangdruk powder
- Menche powder
- Saffron
Before the statue was installed, extensive pujas were performed in preparation for the arrival of our Dorje Shugden statue. These were performed to invite and charge the location with the sacred energies of the Buddhas, as well as to clear obstacles in the production, transportation and installation of the statue.
The pujas were necessary because when immensely beneficial projects are underway, the negative karma of those who will benefit from the project will come to fruition. This negative karma fruitions to try and stop the project from completion, to prevent the intended recipients from experiencing the benefits. Hence, pujas are performed to ensure the project is free from obstacles. In the case of our Dorje Shugden statue, pujas performed include a Kalarupa puja performed by our very own Kecharians, as well as extensive candle and Tibetan incense (sang) offerings.

The pedestal set up for a Dorje Shugden puja to create the merits to invite the 9-foot statue to Kechara Forest Retreat. Click on image to enlarge.
Kecharians engaged in a Kalarupa puja to clear obstacles and create merits for the arrival of the statue. Click on image to enlarge.
In the heart of Bentong, Pahang is a 35-acre retreat centre like no other in this region. Set in the midst of lush tropical forest is Kechara Forest Retreat, a place designed to develop a perfect balance of total wellness – body, mind and spirit. Offering comfortable accommodation, extensive facilities and the promise of peace and tranquillity, this is the perfect destination for the spiritual at heart.
Conceptualised by H.E. Tsem Rinpoche as the heart of the Kechara organisation, our mission is to have those who walk through our gates experience a sustainable spiritual lifestyle that will leave the mind and body rejuvenated and inspired. We offer wholesome activities to help families and friends bond meaningfully, to help the weary find inner peace and to provide the perfect getaway to find oneself and inspiration.
We believe in giving back to society through educational programmes for the young and old, instilling universal positive values such as patience, tolerance, mindfulness and compassion. It is our fondest wish that all who walk through our doors return home inspired, sharing what they have learnt within their own communities, thus creating a global revolution of consciousness and kindness.
How to get to Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR)
Kechara Forest Retreat is located in Chamang, Bentong, approximately 75km north east of the capital city of Kuala Lumpur. We are just over an hour’s drive from Kuala Lumpur, a 10-minute drive from the nearest town of Bentong, and a 5-minute drive from the famous Chamang Waterfalls.
If using GPS or Waze, enter into the location field, “Kechara Forest Retreat” or “Air Terjun Chamang”.
Kechara Forest Retreat
Lot 3189, Jalan Chamang,
28700 Bentong,
Photos of the 9-foot
Dorje Shugden statue installation
For more interesting information:
- The Dorje Shugden category on my blog
- Largest Dorje Shugden in the world
- Manjushri on a Pond
- Manjushri Nagarakshasa comes to KFR!
- Nageshvaraja and Loma Gyoma arrives to KFR!
- Holy Mother Tara comes to KFR!
- Dorje Shugden – The Protector of Our Time
- Dorje Shugden Gyenze to Increase Life, Merits and Wealth
- Dorje Shugden Shize: A practice for healing and long life
- Dorje Shugden Trakze to Dispel Black Magic & Spirits
- Dorje Shugden Wangze for Power and Influence
- Which Dorje Shugden Style Is Your Favourite?
- Dorje Shugden: My side of the story | 多杰雄登:我这方面的说法
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s Biography
- Various prayers to Dorje Shugden composed by His Holiness the Omniscient 10th Panchen Lama (download PDF)
- The 14th Dalai Lama’s prayer to Dorje Shugden
- The Fifth Dalai Lama & Dorje Shugden
- Never Seen Before Footage of Dorje Shugden Oracles
- What He Can Do For Us?
- Calling Upon the Divine
- Namkar Barzin
- All About Manjushri | 关于文殊菩萨
Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:
If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the tsemrinpoche.com blog team
Visiting Dorje Shugden’s grotto in Kechara Forest Retreat is a must see place . A beautiful hugh statue of Dorje Shugden was installed ,Rinpoche also placed hundreds of Holy mantra stones, around Dorje Shugden grotto, for everyone to do circumambulation around Dorje Shugden. So as visitors could able to do candles offerings as well. We Malaysians are so fortunate to learn about Dorje Shugden if not beacause of Tsem Rinpoche. Dorje Shugden has tremendous power to help us helps us in whatever way we need in our resources and in our spiritual journey. He is an emanation of an enlightened being and that he manifested in a worldly form. As an emanation of Manjushri, Dorje Shugden has the ability to open our minds to universal wisdom.There’s so many benefits when we rely on Dorje Shugden sincerely. A wish-fulfilling Shrine that will help everyone regardless of race and religion.
Thank you Rinpoche .
Beautiful billboard just came up in our hometown of Bentong where Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR) in Malaysia is located. All of us in Bentong are warm, simple and very friendly people. Our beautiful billboard depicts Dorje Shugden statue in KFR and Dorje Shugden is a hero (pahlawan) and a powerful being from Tibet. He is highly respected for giving great inspirations and blessings from his life story.~Tsem Rinpoche- See more beautiful pictures- https://bit.ly/2UltNE4
这个美丽的布告板刚在我们的家乡——文冬安装好。文冬是克切拉禅修林的所在地。我们文冬人热情、朴实和友善。我们美丽的布告板描绘着禅修林里的多杰雄登像,而多杰雄登是位英雄,也是一位来自西藏强大的守护者。从他的生平我们得知他因赐人加持和灵感而备受尊崇。詹仁波切- 点击链接查看更多图片:https://bit.ly/2ThOvVa
May 1, 2019-I really enjoy this picture of these visitors visiting Dorje Shugden’s grotto in Kechara Forest Retreat today. They look happy, light and blessed after doing their prayers to Dorje Shugden. I wanted to share this picture.
The 9feet Dorje Shugden has now become a major focal point of the Kechara Forest Retreat. After the Dorje Shugden was installed Rinpoche also placed hundreds of mantra stones, resulting in this Buddha as being a super charged and blessed place. With 500 mantra stones placed around Dorje Shugden grotto, once circumambulation around Dorje Shugden is equivalent to 500 circumambulations around Dorje Shugden without the mantra stones.
With deep devotion to the guru, higher meditational insights will arise. Because of not having higher meditational insights, one will not realize the need to have devotion to the guru in order to gain higher insights. They are interdependent.~Tsem Rinpoche
With deep devotion to the guru, higher meditational insights will arise. If one does not have deep devotion to the guru, it is a clear sign one does not have higher meditational insights.~Tsem Rinpoche
Dorje Shugden arose 400 years ago as a Dharma protector to help modern people and practitioners to remove obstacles and create a conducive environment for us to practice. His main objective is to help in our spiritual practice and liberate us from our suffering.
There are 2 types of Dharma protectors, enlightened and non-enlightened. Dorje Shugden even though manifests in a wordly form but he is a fully enlightened Dharma protector. He is an emanation of Buddha Manjushri which is confirmed by many high lamas such as Trijang Rinpoche, Dagom Rinpoche.
A Buddha emanates in a wordly form because due to our negative karma, we are not able to have a connection directly with an enlightened being. It is easier for the Buddha to give us assistance when they are in a wordly form. For example, our teacher, he is a Buddha but he takes rebirth in a human form so he can teach us Dharma and give us guidance directly.
Wow stunning 9 foot Dorje Shugden statue at Kechara Forest Retreat, Malaysia. It arrived at the right time , where many visitors from all over Malaysia will be able to do offerings for the coming Chinese New Year. Located strategically , it transformed the surrounding area into a powerful sanctuary where we can circumambulate the Dorje Shugden statue and also his sacred mantra stones OM BENZA WIKI BITANA SOHA. We are so fortunate to witness the traditional rituals performed by the monks of Phelgyeling Monastery. I am glad to make there for the powerful Rabney and Trusol blessing and consecration ritual on this stunning Dorje Shugden Statue.
Thank you Rinpoche with folded hands.
I am so fortunate to be able to pay homage to the new Dorje Shugden statue in Kechara Forest Retreat and also take part in cleaning the statue and attending pujas. It is indeed a memorable experience for me. Thank you Rinpoche for creating so many ways for us to plant seed and connect with the great Dorje Shugden. May all obstacles be cleared and Dorje Shugden ban be quickly lifted, and Lama Tsongkhapa teachings can be spread to all direction to benefit more people.
Rejoice to this very auspicious day welcoming Dorje Shugden outdoor statue to Kechara Forest Retreat and everyone who volunteered in this preparation. We are all very fortunate and blessed to have such a wonderful and spiritual place like KFR founded by our dearest Guru, H.E.Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. KFR is the best spiritual place in Malaysia for everyone to circumambulate beautiful and blessed outdoor Buddha statues to purify our negative karma and do retreats for inner peace. I truly hope to be able to go KFF more often and circumambulate all the Buddha statues and Stupas. Thank you very much Rinpoche, blog team and everyone for making this happen to benefit everyone ??????⭐️?☀️??
Most impressive, inviting and blessed sacred ground with all signs of auspicion. May this holy place enrich the lives of the many who will visit, make offerings and benefit from the presence of the enlightened dharma protector Dorje Shugden. May the powerful prayers and mantras travel the winds in ten directions to aid all sentient beings in need.
Great thanks to the many hands who have been integral in making Kechara what it is today. You are extensions of the Gurus compassion in your actions and the seeds you sow will continue to grow well into the future. Appreciation for the wise vision of Rinpoche, making dreams reality, showing us there is a way and for providing the opportunity to benefit from Buddha Dorje Shugden.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you so much for creating this wonderful place and statue for us to make continuous connection to Dorje Sjugden, the Protector of our time. Thank you also for sharing the many wonderful photos of many wonderful Pastors and Kecharians who have worked tirelessly to prepare the place, prepare items for insertion, to prepare the pedestal, the grotto and eventually the installation of the statue.
From the photos, I have come to understand and deeply appreciate the meanings, and the hard work behind to ensure that the statue is set up.
For many ordinary people, it is difficult to understand and appreciate the hard work and more so the meaning behind everything that is done for consecrating a stautue.
I pray and dedicate merits that with this 9-foot statue, many, many, many more people who come to KFR will be blessed by Dorje Shugden and may everyone grow and deepen their Dharma journey for this life and future lives.
Humbly yours,
Lum Kok Luen
Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Buddha Manjushri, there is no doubt. Trijang Rinpoche had said very clearly in his text called “Music Delighting the Oceans of Protectors” that Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being. Trijang Rinpoche was not the only lama who said that, many high lamas had written praise and prayer to Dorje Shugden. They acknowledged the enlightened qualities of Dorje Shugden and assured us that we can rely on Dorje Shugden.
If it is not because of Tsem Rinpoche, we Malaysians will not have the opportunity to learn about Dorje Shugden, let alone to do his practice. Tsem Rinpoche is very kind to build Kechara Forest Retreat and connect us with Dorje Shugden by installing so many Dorje Shugden statues in Kechara Forest Retreat. Due to our karma, Buddha Manjushri has to emanate in a worldly form to be closer to us so he can provide very swift assistance to us.
Dorje Shugden has performed many miracles and save many lives. I have heard of stories of cancer patients being saved by Dorje Shugden; people who met in a serious accident but suffered from only scratches; people who had financial difficulty but their problem was solved after praying to Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden is a Buddha, he will not ask for anything in return. Therefore, it is very safe to propitiate him.