Kappa – The Japanese Water Demon | 河童 -日本水怪
What is a Kappa?
There are many mysterious creatures or beings in Japanese folklore. One of the popular ones is the Kappa which dwells in freshwater areas such as in ponds, rivers and lakes. The Kappa (河童 river child) is sometimes called Kawataro (河太郎 river boy), Kawako (河伯 river earl or 河子 river child), Kawaranbe (河ランベ), Gatarō (がたろう) or Enko (猿猴), among many other names. There are no less than 80 names for the Kappa.
Even though Kappa sightings are rare, the Japanese strongly believe in its existence. It is believed that Kappas are semi-aquatic creatures, mostly living in the water and sometimes venturing onto land.
The Kappa is usually depicted as a yokai (demon). In the Shinto religion however, the Kappa is considered to be a Kenshin (avatar) of the Suijin (水神 water deity). In Aomori and Miyaki prefectures of Japan, shrines are set up and dedicated to the worship of the Kappa as a water deity. In Tokyo, Ushiku, Komaki and Misawa, a summer festival called the “Kappa Matsuri” is held annually in honour of the mythical Kappa.
- Body – the Kappa is said to look like a human child weighing about 45kg (20lb), with a height between 60 – 100cm (24 – 40in). Its body is greenish, smelly and slimy which makes it hard to be captured. In some places, hairy-bodied Kappas are sighted.
- Back – the Kappa has a turtle-like carapace (upper shell) on its back.
- Hands and feet – webbed hands and feet enable the Kappa to move freely in the water. The arms are connected to each other through the torso and can slide from one side to another. If a Kappa’s arm is cut off, it has the ability to regrow. It is said that their arms are an effective medicine for sprains.
- Head – the top of the head of the Kappa is a dent-like bowl called the sara. When the creature is out of the water, the sara must be filled with water or it will lose its power and may even die.
- Eyes – the Kappa’s eyes are round and glowing.
- Mouth and nose – the Kappa has a sharp beak and its nose is extremely sensitive towards smells.
Kappas are deemed as mischievous troublemakers or tricksters with a penchant for wrestling. The Kappas are said to be malevolent and like to lure people, especially children, into the water and drown them so that they can drink their victim’s blood and eat their intestines. They are also known to look for a mystical ball in their victim’s anus. This ball is called shirikodama (尻子玉) which contains the victim’s soul. People believe that it is the shirikodama that gives power to the Kappas. Apart from attacking humans, they also attack animals such as horses and cows.
As cucumber is their favourite food, Kappas will venture out from the water just to get one on land. To avoid being attacked by them, villagers will write their names and birth dates on a cucumber so that they will not be attacked once a Kappa eats it. In addition to cucumber, the Kappas also love to eat nasu (eggplant), soba (buckwheat noodles), natto (fermented beans) and kabocha (winter squash).
While the Kappas are generally reported to be malevolent creatures, they can also be amicable to humans. In some places, people give food offerings to the Kappas with the hope that the creatures will not harm them. In other cases, it is to appease them and request for tasks to be carried out, such as irrigating the farmland. The Kappas are also known for their special skills and deep knowledge of medicine known only to the yokai. According to Japanese legend, it was the Kappas who taught humans the art of sekkotsu (bone-setting).
Defence Against the Kappa
Below are several ways to defeat or protect oneself from a Kappa if you happen to stumble upon one:
Kappas are creatures that place a high degree of emphasis on politeness, as does Japanese culture in general. So if you encounter a Kappa, you should bow deeply to it, preferably with a 90-degree bow. Being extremely polite creatures, they will bow even lower which will make them spill the water on the top of their head. This will render them powerless and without water on their heads, the Kappas will not be able to move or leave the bowing position. During this time, if a person refills the water for the Kappa, the creature will have to serve that person for eternity.
Pull their hands off
Kappas have unusual hands that can easily detach from their body. Hence if you encounter a Kappa, try to sneak up to it and swiftly pull off its arms. The Kappa will promise you anything in order to have its arms back.
Kappas love cucumbers more than they love eating a human child. Cucumbers are commonly offered to the Kappas in rivers to ensure the safety of the villagers and their children. The effect of eating cucumbers however, differs according to which accounts you listen to. Some traditions say that eating a cucumber before going into the water will help to deter them from attacking. According to other traditions however, it is said that doing so will actually provoke the Kappas to attack.
Kappas hate iron and they do not like it when objects made from iron fall into the water. There are several accounts where people have fended off the Kappas by carrying a piece of iron with them. In some tales, Kappas will offer a reward if someone helps them to remove iron objects that have fallen into the water.

A Kappa with its favourite food, cucumber
Similar Cryptid Creatures
Around the world, in other countries and cultures, there are many reports of creatures similar to the Kappa. Some of the examples include:
Nix are spirits who dwell in quiet rivers and lakes in England, Germany and Scandinavia. These spirits, which feature heavily in Germanic and Nordic folklore, love water as much as they love music. It is said that they use their songs to seduce and lure their victims to a watery demise.
Each culture has its own version of the Nix’s appearance and this lack of a fixed description seems to come from the Nix themselves. This is because they are avid shapeshifters and may appear as humans, merpeople (mermaid people), snakes, fish, sunken treasures or even horses. In human form, they usually adopt an elegant appearance. Their ears and eyes are sharper than a normal human being’s, and there is a hint of green or blue in their hair and skin.
Like the Kappa, the nature of the Nix is also debatable depending on which stories you listen to. According to some tales, the Nix are dangerous. Using their music and beauty, they seduce their would-be victims, luring them to the water’s edge before they are dragged in to be drowned.
In other tales, the Nix are wonderful teachers and once they accept a human as their student, they have the ability to impart their musical talents.
In Filipino mythology, the Siyokoy are members of the Bantay Tubik (merfolk). They are usually depicted as humanoids with green skin and their bodies are covered in scales. Their hands and feet are webbed, and they have fins. Similar to the Japanese Kappa, the Siyokoy are known to eat humans after drowning them.
Myth or Fact?
Many cite the legend of the Kappa as merely lore intended to scare misbehaving children. A lot of the stories focus on what happens to disobedient children – they will end up becoming the Kappa’s victims. If the children venture too close to the water without their parents’ supervision, they will be pulled into the water and be eaten alive by the Kappa, who will then drink their blood and devour their internal organs. Nevertheless, as gory as it may sound, these tales help to reduce the number of children drowning and other unfortunate events that may occur due to carelessness.
It is also possible that the Kappa may be a giant sand salamander and the description provided by locals who encountered it just grew out of hand. Salamanders can grow up to 5 feet in length and have skin tones similar to that of a Kappa. They are known for grabbing their prey with strong jaws and pulling them into the water. This might be the source of the story of how a Kappa drags its prey into the water to drown them before extracting their shirikodama.
More Pictures and Videos
Ancient Aliens: The Legendary Japanese Kappa
(S8, E7) | History
Or view the video on YouTube at:
Kappa – Water Creature (1994)
Or view the video on YouTube at:
It is said that if you come across a fearsome Kappa, you should bow to it. Because it highly values politeness, the Kappa will bow back, causing it to spill the water on the crown of its head, thereby immobilising it.
Signs warning against the Kappas
Left: Kappa mummy at Zuiryūji Temple, Osaka. Right: Kappa mummy at the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden (Netherlands).
A Kappa mummy at Matsuura Brewery
Mummified remains purported to be from the Kappa
- 身体 – 根据传说,河童长得像一个小孩,但是它的身体是绿色的。它的体重大概为45公斤(20磅),身高约60公分(24寸)至100公分(40寸)左右。它的身体会发出臭味和排出黏液。因此,要捕捉它几乎是一件不可能的事。有些地方的河童目击者则说他们看到的河童全身长满了毛发。
- 背 – 它的背上有像龟背一样的甲壳。
- 四肢 – 河童的手足皆有蹼,以方便在水中活动。它的两只手臂通过躯干相连在一起,并可以从一边延伸到另一边去。河童的手被砍断后有再生的能力。据说,它们的手臂对治疗扭伤十分有效。
- 头 – 河童的头顶凹陷如碗。当河童离开水里到陆地时,这个凹陷处必须储满水,否则它的超能力将会消失,更有可能造成死亡。
- 眼 – 它的眼睛呈圆形,而且会发光。
- 口和鼻 – 它有着一个犹如鸟的喙,嗅觉也非常敏锐。
古代外星人:日本河童的传奇(第八季,第七集)| 历史
河童 – 水中生物(1994)
Sources | 来源:
- “Kappa Matsuri”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kappa_Matsuri (accessed: 23 July 2019)
- Tarr, Daniel, “Kappa Monsters”, 2014, http://www.tarrdaniel.com/documents/KulturalisAntropologia/kappa_monster.html (accessed: 23 July 2019)
- “河童 (民间传说中的一种两栖动物)”, https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%B2%B3%E7%AB%A5/93962 (accessed: 23 July 2019)
- “Kappa (folklore)”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kappa_(folklore) (accessed: 23 July 2019)
For more interesting information | 更多精彩内容:
- Bizarre Cryptids
- The study of cryptozoology
- Searching For the Yeti
- Creepy Tales of the Lizard Man
- 10 Japanese Folklore Creatures
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Very interesting article, pictures and videos about kappa the japanese water demon. I really enjoyed reading this article mysterious creatures or beings in Japanese folklore. Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for sharing interesting information about Kappa. ???
First time coming across this word Kappa a water demon in Japan. The Kappa is also called by many other names by different folks. The kappa is said to be roughly humanoid in form inhabiting in the ponds and rivers of Japan. It is typically greenish in colour , some say its yellow-blue. Looks either scaly or slimy skinned, with webbed hands and feet, and a turtle-like carapace on its back. It has a scary nature and are extremely cunning as what the local describe it. In ancient Japanese folklore, the Kappa is a water demon a creature that is as mysterious as it is terrifying. This strange creature is thought to hold magical powers that can be used for both good and evil. Though many still refuse to believe in the existence yet there are still many sightings in the countryside of Japan as to this days.
Looking at the images of Kappa mummy at Zuiryūji Temple, Osaka and Kappa mummy at the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden ,Netherlands has indeed proof that Kappas do exist after all centuries ago. Interesting read of all the mysterious creatures which I have not heard before.
Thank you for this interesting sharing.