Sayonara to Depression | 再见吧!忧郁
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
Find that sky-like clarity within you through these simple instructions to inner peace, and learn to laugh at yourself with Rinpoche’s down-to-earth, funny examples of our daily stumbles. The profound energies of the Buddhas of Wisdom, Compassion and Skillful Means are brought to life in Sayonara to Depression, a heart-warming teaching on the Guru Yoga of Je Tsongkhapa. Following a detailed description of Tsongkhapa’s simple practice, Rinpoche then explains how integrating this meditation in our daily lives can heal our depression, fear and loneliness.
Part 1
Part 2

A unique Byzantine style depiction of Lama Tsongkhapa with his two heart disciples, Khedrup Je and Gyaltsab Je. This depiction of the three great practitioners is known in Tibetan as Je Yab Se Sum. Click to enlarge and download the high resolution version.
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Depression is a mood disorder that can affect a person’s daily life. It may be described as feelings of sadness, loss, or anger. It is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how we feel, the way we think and how we act. It can last for long periods of time without any apparent reason. People with these disorder is advisable to seek medical advice as well. As a Buddhist we were encouraged to practice of Guru Yoga of Je Tsongkhapa. It’s a simple practice which can heal our depression, fear and loneliness. Merely by reciting Guru Yoga of Je Tsongkhapa’s mantra will help us to let go depression. Simply amazing all I can say. We are fortunate to receive this precious teachings from our Lama Rinpoche that make a different in our lives.
Thank you Rinpoche for this precious teachings.
Depression is a very common mental disease in our modern world. If we have depression, we have to go and seek for medical attention but at the same time we can do some spiritual practices to help us heal.
Tsongkhapa practice is short and easy to do. Not only it can help us heal our mind, it can also help us to find our guru to further our Dharma practice. If we don’t have a guru but would like to start with a simple Buddhist practice, Tsongkhapa practice will be perfect. Rinpoche said before Tsongkhapa practice contains all the 84000 teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni. There are also practitioners who only do Tsongkhapa practice and gain attainments.
I really love these old videos of Rinpoche sharing dharma. Especially this is really a great sharing to laugh away with our depression! Watched this hilarious video few times and really helps to lighten up our stressful days!??Thank very much Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this wonderful article and video????
Some people come and with their existence change you, your lives and your destinies. You really are the living prince of wisdom, Rinpoche.
I really love these old videos of Rinpoche sharing dharma. Especially this is really a great sharing to laugh away with our depression! Watched this hilarious video few times and really helps to lighten up our stressful days!??Thank very much Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this wonderful article and video????
I will fail again and again and again. Just get up and do it again. Wonderful!
很感恩因为我们还可以观看到这一系列拍摄于2006,Rinpoche 的教诲。。。
从中,让我更了解持念缘悲经或是Lama Tsongkhapa 的心咒 Om Ah Ra Ba Tsa Na Dhi , 隐藏着可以治疗忧郁然后大开心屝,远离痛苦。。。
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this teaching with us. I would said the depression patient should listen to this video because it really help . If we feel depress it is because we think of our self all the time in most cases we are self pity of our situation therefore if we can think of others or look out we realize there are more people who are worst than us . We are so fortunate to receive this precious teaching from Rinpoche that make our life more happy even in a very difficult situation we can endure the pain and unhappiness .
“Sayonara to Depression” these are the words that drawn me into Rinpoche’s teaching and the Guru Yoga of Lama Tsongkhapa. I had been wondering of how Meditating on Lama Tsongkhapa Body and Migtzema could be an antidote to depression until I studied the Lamrim the methods and practice of destruction self-cherishing mind and replaced it with the thought of cherishing others was the wisdom,the real medicine to depression. Oh! this medicine will last even to our next life too!