The Vegan Prince & Clean Energy

Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed, Saudi Arabian prince, vegan and promoter of clean and sustainable energy
Dear friends,
In a world where it is the norm to be caught up in the pleasures of modern life, when you come across someone like Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed, he becomes a real inspiration, especially when his work tries to make the world a better place. Not only did he make the decision to live a healthy vegan lifestyle, but he extended this care to actively promote awareness and end cruelty towards animals. What’s more is that he advocates the use of sustainable energy through his work.
His incredible strength of character to benefit others, animals and the environment, is something that we all should endeavour to emulate in our daily lives. After all, when we develop compassion for others and animals, we in turn become better and happier people. At the end of the day, if the world keeps treating the environment as only a resource, rather than our home, there will be nothing left for future generations.
Tsem Rinpoche
Meet The Vegan Saudi Arabian Prince, Who Is Using All His Wealth To Promote Clean Energy!
KC Archana | February 22, 2017
Obnoxious display of wealth, luxury cars, lots and lots of money, the things that resonate with billionaires in the Arab world. However, one Saudi Prince is completely changing this narrative with his unconventional lifestyle.
Meet, Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed, son of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Al Saud, who is Arab world’s richest investor, famously called ‘the Arabian Warren Buffett’.
In a country that is steeped in conservatism, 38-year-old Prince Khaled is a breath of fresh air, he passionately supports animal rights and strives to bring his country to a more sustainable path in terms of energy.
Back in 2013, he set up his own company called the KBW investment, which deals with mining, oil and gas. While most of the Arab world’s energy resource is centred around its massive oil reserves. Prince Khaled hopes to turn this around.
According to a National Observer report, the Prince has installed 100,000 LED lights across Jordan along with solar panels. He strongly believes that the use of solar power can replace the use of fossil fuel in the future.
The ‘down-to-earth’ Prince, also follows a very strict vegan diet and his switch was triggered by a hunting trip that exposed the cruelty that animals are put through. But the Prince clarifies that he prefers calling his diet “plant-based” rather than vegan.
Speaking to the National Observer he said: “If I say the ‘v-word,’ people automatically put their guard up. But if you talk plant-based, they’re comfortable and it’s easy to get along with them. I’m trying to push the plant-based movement.”
The ardent environmentalist also drives an eco-friendly Tesla X P90D and buys carbon offsets for all his flights to reduce the environmental footprint.
Now, that’s what you call dedication!
On his official Twitter account, Prince Khaled, actively spreads the word to stop animal cruelty. He is also a part of Mercy For Animals organisation.
For all the idiots who say “everything is better with bacon”@MercyForAnimals #AnimalCruelty #idiots #vegan
— Khaled خالد (@KhaledAlwaleed) 1 February 2017
Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed is not just inspiring people in his own country, but the world over. His pro-active approach towards a sustainable lifestyle is truly commendable.
More power to you, Prince Khaled!
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Animals show love for humans! Cow, lions, apes, dogs, bears, parrots and more can all be very affectionate and show surprising emotions when it comes to expressing their love for people. An emotional animals hugging humans video.
Prince Khaled, the son of the richest person in Arab is someone very inspiring. Most people of this kind of status (rich and famous) will be traveling around, enjoying the best food, buy the most expensive things to indulge themselves. But Prince Khaled chooses to use his status and wealth to do something beneficial for our planet.
His choice to take on a plant-based diet not only benefits him but it benefits other as well. He will be healthier as the risk of getting heart disease and cancer will be reduced. Less demand for meats means less killing. Not only that he also uses social media platforms to create awareness on animal cruelty and support animal rights.
May more people as influential as Prince Khaled use their fame to give a positive impact to the world. Younger generations need inspiration and they always look upon people they admire. Famous people can change the world by influencing their fans/admirers to do something good and make their lives more meaningful.
Knowing that how hard it will be to be a plant-based eater in Arab (where Arabs are most adherent of Islam ), I am overjoyed by the prince’s determination. Just like him, after seeing the cruelty processes of how animals are being treated and slaughtered, I just stopped.
When one is determined, anything can be done. I support Prince Khaled! And on top of that, I wish all the best for his plan to bring his country to a more sustainable path in terms of energy.
You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche loves animals and is passionate against their harm, torture, and abuse.
The few minutes a day we spend on social media creating awareness for animals who cannot speak is purely spiritual and humanistic practice because we are trying to alleviate pain from another sentient beings and that makes us more spiritual, and that makes us more spiritual and more humane.
It is indeed inspiring to know and learn from Prince Khaled. A public figure who got so much influence on his nation, showing an incredible great example to lead his people to a direction that could be free of pollution and free of animal cruelty. Being a Prince, he is a role model for his people. With his position and his success, I am sure many will be inspired and follow his footsteps. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this inspiring news.
The kind motivation and compassionate movement driven by Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed will definitely shake the world of meat eaters a bit or even more if every act of his can be quantified. Prince Khaled is a wise man as he uses his knowledge, wealth, status, power and royalty to influence the people in his country through his compassion towards the animals as well as environment. One of his effective approaches where Prince Khaled called his diet as plant-based rather than vegan in order to draw the crowds closer to him before Prince Khaled can continue to influence and encourage others to follow his compassionate acts. Prince Khaled is truly a role model among the rich people on earth.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the short and yet powerful article to continue to encourage many people to adopt plant-based diet or simply vegan meals in order to lessen and eventually, eliminate the suffering and pain endured by the unprotected animals.
With folded hands,
kin hoe
An inspiring article. Great to hear that Prince Khaled is a vegan and also involve in Mercy For Animals organisation. He lead a good example to his country and remind all of us to have a healthy lifestyle. Thanks.
Great to hear Prince Khaled is a vegan, kind and passionate to stand for animal rights as actively taking part in Mercy For Animals. Prince Khaled become a successful example to inspire the people from all over the world especially the youth from wealthy family. Further to his virtuous actions, it reminds us to live in harmony with the animals and be kind to them. The animals are very important and have very much contributions to us for example the birds help to control pests and spread the seeds, the dogs or cats can be human’s best companion and many more.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this inspiring news to cheer with great courage.
We heard all kinds of environmental issues and disasters every now and then. This article came as very inspiring and encouraging news. A public figure who got so much influence on his nation, showing an incredible great example to lead his people to a direction that could be free of pollution and free of animal cruelty. This prince can actually display his wealth to the world on luxurious things and flamboyant lifestyle, instead he chose to channel his wealth and effort on more meaningful aspects like propagating vegan lifestyle, support animal rights, and promote clean energy. All this definitely shows a great leadership and vision especially a positive and inspiring example for the young generation. In other words this nation will have a brighter future with more visionary youngsters and can lead the rest to save the environment and create a better life. Bravo Prince Khaled!
It is really good to hear that prince Khaled is using his wealth to benefit the world.
The world we live in is dangerously polluted and the pollution is getting worse everyday and if we don’t take action to reduce the amount of pollution the world will soon be uninhabitable.
Besides helping fund green energy prince Khaled also stands up to animal cruelty and animal killing which is really inspiring and shows that whatever your social status is, it is still possible to avoid eating meat.
Instead of using his wealth to buy nice cars and have day and night parties, Prince Khaled uses his wealth and power to help make the world a better place.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this inspirational post _/\_
He is definitely a child of the modern times. From being environmentally aware and working to conserve the earth’s resources and looking at renewable energy to sustainable food sources. Hey, being on a plant-based diet is also benefiting the environment. Very far-sighted of him.
Inspired to read about Prince Khaled who is a breath of fresh air. One can healthy and happy using renewable energies and also eat a plant based diet.
We all can achieve the same level of happiness whether vegetarian or otherwise. On top of that we bring happiness to many animals who might otherwise be hurt in our consumption of meat.
It is motivating to see a person of position cares for Mother Nature and utilized his wealth and status to promote sustainable energy and fight against animal cruelty. It is especially admirable for Prince Khaled because his ideology stood against the culture and belief of his surrounding. I wish Prince Khaled’s dedicated work will bear fruit every quickly. Thank you, Rinpoche, for this inspiring article.
Wow this is inspiring and wonderful news! Prince Khaled has so much compassion to benefit the animals and the environment. He uses his wealth and position as a royalty to support animal rights and against animal cruelty. With his position he could have indulged in a lifestyle of the majority wealthy people, yet he chose to be a vegan. In addition to that, he strives to bring his country to a more sustainable path in terms of energy towards a clean environment.
His actions will inspired others to follow; to care for the environment and to lessen the sufferings of the animals. Thank you, Rinpoche, for sharing this inspiring article.
Wonderful news….The Arib world ‘s richest investor a son of Prince Alwaleed is a vegan and helping in to reduce the environmental footprint.Prince Khaled is one inspiring prince that spreads the word to stop animal cruelty in his country as well as worldwide.He even used his wealth to promote clean energy.Thats amazing. A hunting trip that he saw
cruelty done to animals has his life changed.
He is activly involved in Mercy for animals organisation bringing awareness of animals cruelty world wide and having a clean environment.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this wonderful article.
It is indeed inspiring to know and learn from Prince Khaled. At his position as a royalty and one of riches man in Arab he has so many good values to share. He is so compassion towards animal and to the environment. His actions shows that he not only talk about it but also put it into practise by becoming a vegan, actively promoting stop animal cruelty campaign and supporting the use of renewable and clean energy.
I am sure his actions will bring a awareness to many to care for the environment and encourage more people around the world to follow his footsteps.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article.
Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed, the “vegan prince” from Saudi Arabia, uses his wealth and his power to promote kindness to animals, clean air and sources of ‘clean’ energy. His lifestyle, diet and his business are well-integrated to give a clear powerful message about non-harming of animals and the environment. With great compassion, he “passionately supports animal rights and strives to bring his country to a more sustainable path in terms of energy” .He is actively involved, through the Mercy for Animals organization, to help stop animal cruelty everywhere.
Being also a passionate environmentalist, he has applied this passion to the use of energy resources that are not harmful to the environment .According to a report, he has installed 100,000 LED lights across Jordan along with solar panels. He strongly believes that the use of solar power can replace the use of fossil fuel in the future. He also drives an eco-friendly Tesla X P90D.
His compassion shines through in every step he takes. In fact, his becoming a vegan was triggered by being exposed to the cruelty animals are subject to, having seen this first-hand in a hunting trip.
Wow what an inspiration! This is one price that has chosen to make a difference in the world. It is an easier path to enjoy the most decadent lifestyle when you have access to it, but to choose a clean lifestyle and promote sustainability is really a noble act. One person can make some difference but one person with access to resources can be an influence and efforts gain more traction. I am impressed that he is an advocate for animals, not only some kind of animals and excluding some others. Now that is admirable.
Prince Khaled Bin Alwaleed is a very wise and compassionate prince. Because he want to stop the cruelty to animals, he has changed his diet to plant-based and he is also part of Mercy For Animals to raise awareness. Prince Khaled also care about the environment and truly understand the important of sustainable living.
Being a Prince, he is a role model for his people. With his position and his success, I am sure many will be inspired and follow his footsteps.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article about Prince Khaled. He is indeed an inspiration to many people. He is switching the mindsets of the people by showing them that being a Prince and rich he still shows love, kindness and compassion to the animals and the environment.
With folded palms,
This is a quite unusual Prince, given all the wealth and power he has in the world, he has chosen the compassionate path benefiting his country and people. I believe he could be one of the pioneers in promoting animal rights in the middle east country. This could due to some good imprints he has from previous life that leads him to be a very kind and compassionate person now.
Prince Khaled Bin Alwaleed, a saudi modewrn life Arabian Prince in today’s World, has become a real Prince of true inspiration. This ‘down-to-earth’ prince is said to be Arab World’s richest investor at only 38 years old, who set up his own company called KBW Investment back in 2013, dealing in mining, oil and gas. Passionately supporting animals’ rights, he follows a very strict vegan diet but prefers to call it “plant-based”, a movement which he intends to push up World-wide! A proud supporter of “mercy for animals”, Prince Khaled very actively spread the word vehemently to stop animal cruelty through his Twitter account, thus becoming “a part of mercy for animals’ organisation” the World over! He truly is a super compassionate vegan Prince, showing his strong feelings ardently to the whole World. As said, “Though one should conquer a thousand times a thousand men in battle, He who conquers himself is the greatest of all conquerors!”