Amazing compassion!
Do you know why this amazing lady is on her knees begging? This wonderful lady is on her knees begging a stranger to not beat and hurt this dog. This is in China. She puts her pride/ego aside for the life of the dog as she is a animal lover and genuine human being. Beautiful. For our animal works to be successful, we have to be like her. We have to be able to swallow our ego, beg, plead and be selfless in taking care of others (dogs in this case). We have to beg and create awareness for public support constantly by various means. We have to be able to put our own feelings aside and work hard and tirelessly. There is no quitting because once we start, the animals depend on us and we cannot let them down and the people who believe in us down. We must be strong, committed, read up on internet on how to take care of animals/dogs, social media our cause to create awareness and be tireless. We must be updated on the latest news on care for them. In the age of internet, everything can be found. Once we take care of animals, we have to put all sense of selfishness aside. What do we get back? The smiles of hundreds of animals we saved, good karma, inspiration to many who are doing the same or will do the same. And we will have self respect for doing something good for the short time we have on this planet. This lady in the picture moves me deeply.
Tsem Rinpoche
Oser girl, Mumu boy and Dharma boy -2015

This is my little precious Mumu boy -2015
I love my doggies. I love the Kechara birds, turtles, fish and all animals. I have a very super soft spot for animals since I was very young. People who take care of animals, are kind to them and find ways to love them and make sure they are okay have a VERY SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HEART. It makes me cringe to see animals hurt. That is why people who take care of animals and raise funds/awareness for our aviary, dogs, fishes, etc really show me how kind they are and caring. I wish to be able to take care of more and more animals and I hope I will be able to team up with like minded Kecharians to do this in the future. We must take care of the animals we have now and create the causes to take care of bigger groups later. People who feel taking care of something small or small numbers isn’t doing much. But how do you do something big if you don’t sincerely start small? Of course karmically and logically you have to start small and then it grows.
I really admire, respect and care very much about animal lovers.
Tsem Rinpoche. (photos of my three doggies by Pastor Seng Piow)
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The lady is truly inspiring and she put other’s welfare before her. She can even kneel down in the public, put aside her pride and ego for a dog. This may is not anyone can do, only those who really see the animal’s life the same as theirs. She values the living being and has so much compassion for it. We seldom see such a person with unconditional love, this is great teaching for me.
The Chair
I have one chair I usually sit on to do my sadhana, watch a program, read, write, research and so on. But many times I return from my bathroom, Oser girl has taken over my chair. She gives me this look like, it’s her chair! She’s a spunky little schnauzer. The room has so much space, other sofas and places of interest, but my Oser has to hijack my chair always. I have to gently move her over and squeeze in next to her like I did last night into the same chair. We sat together for hours and she fell asleep in my chair huddled against me. Love is sharing a chair even though it’s meant for one occupant at a time. ? Tsem Rinpoche
It is incredible how smart Oser girl is. She can steal the treat away from Dharma boy and so casually. Wow. She is so smart. A must watch short video!! Tsem Rinpoche
Mumu boy was Tsem Rinpoche’s little Schnauzer. Partly because of Mumu Kechara was started and you must find out why that is. Do read more and see very cute adorable pictures:
Tsem Rinpoche’s two adorable cute Schnauzer dogs Oser girl (white) and Dharma boy up to their various antics. Short videos that will warm up your day and give you a ‘cute attack!’ Enjoy!
“Tsem Rinpoche’s Schnausers Oser and Dharma trying their luck”
“Tsem Rinpoche’s adorable Schnauzers Oser and Dharma have a challenge!”
“Friendly Encounter”-Oser and Dharma meet Johnny & Casper
“Friendly Encounter”-Soer & Dharma meet Johnny & Casper (2)
“Tsem Rinpoche’s Pet Schnauzer Oser’s Treat Time!”
“Tsem Rinpoche’s doggie Oser girl and Dharma boy getting treats”
“Dharma fights Chip! Showdown between Tsem Rinpoche’s pet Schnauzer and a dog on wheels!”
“Dharma & Oser Getting Treats in Playhouse”
A poem by Tsem Rinpoche
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article and the cute pictures of Mumu, Oser, Dharma boy and Dharma girl. Yes, we must have compassion on all sentient beings. Animals have feelings too. They will feel sad when the owner doesn’t want then, what’s more the pain? The lady in the picture has real compassion. She’s willing to kneel and beg for a dog’s life. I think we should develop compassion on animals too not only on human beings. Many of them, not only in China, even in our country, think that dog is just dog, animals are just animals. They don’t know one day, any of us will be reborn in the 3 lower realms. One of them is animal. Any animals in the world was our friend and family before. Here, I also wish and pray them Mumu has less suffering and go through this hard time smoothly. Thank you Rinpoche. _/\_
It is very sad to see this picture, a woman kneeling down and begging to release the dog.
This is a very powerful picture and I hope it will bring more awareness for others not to hurt and abuse animals. We have seen many posting in social media that there a some countries that practise eating dog meat and killing whales. It is a very cruel act.
Its hurt me to see an old lady kneeling down to beg a stranger … order to safe a dog.What she did was wonderful…leaving pride and ergo aside to help. We do need more kind people like her to save animals been abuse. It would be wonderful that if we can create awareness for the public to know about cruelty of animals.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing this article as well as those beautiful photos of his doggies. I do have one too…and i am giving as much love and respect to her as if she is one of my family.
Thanks again with folded hands.
It is very sad to look at an elder woman on her knees, begging for the young boy to not hurt the dog. Humanity has really deteriorated to a state where our society has become very cold-blooded, disrespectful and selfish. This is not good. Why must one be told not to hurt an animal? Isn’t it common sense not to hurt animals? Just like how we can’t hurt or kill people, it’s a given. To me it just doesn’t make sense.
We need more heroes like this lady to end the cruelty to animals.
Hero, in my sense does not mean someone who has super powers or can lift 1000 kgs of lead, but rather someone who puts aside his or her ego and pride to save another sentient being. These kind of heroes will go the whole hog to save an animal (or a dog in this case) because other people are more important than us, it does not matter whether that figure is a king or is a dog.
It is really nice to hear about people like this because it says that not everyone in the world is cruel or merciless.
Just imagine, if 60% of the world’s population are heroes, things could really change, it means that less animals will have to suffer under irresponsible people.
Remember, you don’t have to be of noble birth or have extraordinary powers, all it takes is a good heart and a good mind which is filled with little ego and selfishness.
“don’t wait for the hero, be the hero”
The chinese lady is a bodhisattva of the animal realm and she can go through much derision and the scorn of others just to protect an animal. An animal who cannot negotiate or talk its way out of a difficult situation.
It is said, “He who long to overcome the abundant miseries and sufferings of a mundane being, receives immeasurables merits.” This kindhearted lady has proven herself a well-intentioned person who not only thinks but does what she felt necessarily to eliminate all pains, hardships and torturous sufferings of the poor dog. I respectfully pay homage to this precious jewel with the pure compassionate heart and mind, otherwise who could have such altruism! Om Mani Padme Hung.
Dear Rinpoche,
It really makes me smile when I see amazing people like this lady on your blog. I truly get inspired by people like these, who sincerely put others before themselves and really commit, no matter what the judgement of other people. It is very comforting to know that there are good people in the world, and it is elating to know that we can be those good people. 🙂
Your humble student,
Keng Hwa.
It’s not easy to put our ego aside for the sake of animals or another human being. There are saying going on when someone or a group of people who care/fighting animals welfare, like against the Yulin Festival to eat dog meant, or whale killing and etc; they tend to received attacks as these group of people are hypocrite or being selective in caring others or animals.
Of course it would be very kind for a person to love all kinds of animals or all beings; however it wouldn’t be wrong or unkind to start loving one kind of animal like dog/whale/cat/pig/chicken which touches his/her heart deeply. As long as you are not loving one and discriminating another. We have to start from somewhere, then it would be starting from loving the one you have more care & care and expand to the others.
One may says this lady cares a dog’s life more important than a citizen killed in Iraq War or any war zones in the world. I would say care & save the one near to you; as long as you are saving life why discriminate and pick which one to save…
Thank you Rinpoche for highlighting the importance of putting down one’s pride and KIV one’s feeling/emotion, in succeeding & sustaining a project, a goal.
May all animals and human live in harmony.
The world needs more people like this woman and Rinpoche. Because they care so much about animals that it hurts them to see them be hurt and it makes them want to even sacrifice things themselves to help others. The world doesn’t have those kinds of people these days. We need more of them if you ask me. We can all be these types of people and I would like to become one. With the determination and the right mindset, you can truly be a pure and good person like that woman and Rinpoche.
I would like to point out, why would the man get a dog if he is just going to get angry and hit and beat that poor dog. If he cannot handle one he doesn’t get one, that’s it. If he doesn’t like it, then don’t get it. If he doesn’t show his dog respect like a family member that your dog has become, don’t get a dog. Why put an animal in distress because you are a bad owner/person? If you bring a dog home, it is family and that is that. He/She is not part of you and don’t let them down.
I try to value and treat my doggies with as much respect and love that I can give because I know that they are lives and they also feel like us. I even talk to them like normal people. They are like my children/nephews/nieces, it doesn’t matter, they are family to me and that bond is there for a two way street. They feel that too.
We often think that when we are being kind to animals, we are doing them a favor. However, I learn from Rinpoche that giving care and love to animals is actually an opportunity to:
1) Learn more about ourselves: How we behave to a being that will not be able to return our kindness or reward us reflect on how our mind thinks. Knowing myself is the first step to personal improvement and development .
2) Harness and nurture the nature of loving kindness that is within each of us. This makes us better people and also creates better relationships with the people around us.
3) Form a harmonious community: As loving kindness, consideration for others and acceptance of others become second nature to us, a society that is safe, civilized and advanced is born. I believe that a world community like this would give hope for a chance to have peace and happiness globally.
Kechara Forest Retreat aims to be a sanctuary where love, kindness, care, acceptance is cultivated amongst a conscious community
I want to start off by saying: Rinpoche’s doggies are so cuteeee!!!!! Oser looks like a polar bear cub, Mumu is cute as usual and Dharma is so chubby. It’s amazing how Pastor Seng Piow is able to capture these amazing pictures with such great timing!
It is truly amazing what this lady would do to save a dog. She would give away her pride, ego and selfishness. I really love people like her and people who tries to make the world a better place (like this blog post:, people who would give away such things normal people would not usually do to save these lovely animals. Not just us but animals are beings who also belong to this world.
I dislike people who abuse and hurt animals for pleasure and people who agrees with me but still doesn’t want to change. What is the purpose of hurting animals and what do you gain from doing so? Why would some people criticize other people who eats dog meat but they still wants to stick to eating meat? Are they just being hypocrites? or they just simply do not understand that all animals are the same? What I am trying to explain is that, if you want to criticize people about eating meat which would seem disgusting to you then why don’t you stop eating meat first? Thank you for reading
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing on this wonderful kind lady in China.Her in born compassion is sincere and her action should be an excellent example for us to follow. A living example of Dharma in practice.
It did not matter which religion she follows but compassion is a major core value in most religion.But sad to say,most of us only display or apply it to our own species only.As to most of us will only regard humans as the most superior beings that deserve kindness.
Compassion should transcend to all sentient beings and to all those that are too weak to defend themselves.
I admire what this lady has done for this dog in China. Not many people would do what she did. Not many people would put themselves out like that and overcome their ego just to say a dog. She shows true compassion and kindness.
Sometimes i think to myself, ‘I really want to save animals. But would i really do if the opportunity presents itself?’ A lot of people say they love animals and say they would do whatever it takes to save them. But a lot of these people do not overcome their egos to do what they have said. Its all talk but not action. That is sad.
People need to understand and realise that the lives and well-being of others is more important than ourselves. We must start giving back instead of pleasing ourselves. We must step out of our comfort zones in order to benefit the beings around us. This post has really made me think about life and how i should help the people close to me. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the picture of this beautiful lady, who was begging to the man for not beating and hurting the dog. She is one of the rare jewels that is hardly found in this degenerate age. From my understanding, to swallow one’s ego or put aside one’s pride to save and protect the stray dogs, is not something easy for most of the people now. However, if we start on our own to save more animals everyday and setting good examples for others to observe, eventually we can attract many people’s attention and at least, leave some good imprints into their mind so that they can be kind and compassion towards the animals in this life and many future lifetimes.
May all the animals be free from sufferings and pain, live freely and gain higher rebirths in their many future lifetimes through the blessings of the 3 Jewels and all the Buddhas.
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing.
Yes, it is not easy for us to put our ego down for an animal. The lady must be very kind to the animal.
Thank you Rinpoche again for reminding us again for not quitting.
Thank You
This lady is a “diamond in the rough” at this dog meat auction market.
She may be an elderly citizen but that clearly didn’t deter her from getting down on her knees not for the sake of her life but for the sake of saving the life of the dog that was about to be sold to that ignorant man not for keeping the dog as a pet but for slaughtering it and then eating it.
It is really sad to see that in a country like China, the sale of live dogs to people who slaughter the dogs and eat them.
This picture is an real eyeopener to the world that animal lovers around the world should unite to put pressure on China to ban this inhumane practice.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this picture.