Joanne Kam Poh Poh in Ladrang Kitchen Cooking!
Joanne Kam Poh Poh (left) is a well known performer with show stopping outfits and jokes that have the crowds roaring with laughter. She is a great comedienne here in Malaysia and Singapore. She is one of the women in this area who dare to be vulgar and tell raunchy jokes in this conservative society and gets away with it!!
I love her when she is in her Wonder Woman outfit on stage..You can imagine…. Yes, wonder woman!!!
She is really quite talented and hilarious on stage and I have told her, she has powerful stage presence. She just needs a very good manager to push her global and the Protector to help her.
Over a decade ago she drove to Melaka from Kuala Lumpur to take refuge with me and to have a ritual done. We have been friends ever since.
She is busy with her shows as she has really made a name for herself in this area.
She is a student of mine and a friend. She has visited Gaden twice and loves pujas being done for her by monks. She likes the monks too.
She visited Tsem Ladrang (my residence) today in Kuala Lumpur and was giving pointers to Justin Ripley (right) on making food. The 21 liaisons are here today having a meeting and they are preparing supper helped created by fj…hehe.
Nice to see Joanne or Fj as I affectionately nicknamed her in the Ladrang helping out, hanging out and just being with her spiritual roots.
Tsem Rinpoche
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Hi! I am Aida..
Our company will be having Kick Off meeting somewhere in May 2014.
As such we would like to request for a quote for Joanne Kam.
The date will be either 10th or 17th May and will be at night.
Joanne lost her parents when she was in her teen years. And had never had a parents guidance and she had to depend on herself alone. I met Joanne through my son who was working with Joanne in Haw Par Villa, Singapore. He b rought her home to the house for a visit. When Rinpoche arrived in Malaysia in 1992 Joanne met Rinpoche and took Refuge with him. During the course of there friendship Joanne suggested to Rinpoche she wants to have a God Mother. Rinpoche suggested me. And I became her God Mother since. She may be a performing artist but she is also very good in preparing home cooked eastern and western food. She is a Buddhist but she celebrates Christmas also She loves to cook. Thats why she is also cooking in Ladrang kitchen. She will invite me as her godmother to her house every year for Christmas to celebrate with her friends.And she will be hands on cooking wsestern cuisine which is very good. She is a very generous person with a beautiful daughter called Jade.
Wow – the “Shrew”, the proud epitomy of the “trucker’s mouth”, the comedien who does not hold back and gives it as good as she can take, Ms. Joanne Kam Po Po cooks?! And not just for anyone – she cooked for Rinpoche and the Ladrang! That is something special indeed.
A famous celebrity like her who can take time off to volunteer and cook for Kechara’s Liaisons says a lot – she is definitely more than what meets the eye. It spells out that she cares about the Dharma and the Guru. Although she is always busy with her shows, she will make time for this.
I always felt that cooking for the Sangha is one of the most rewarding activities one could do, or cleaning the Dharma center. I enjoy doing both very much. It is very encouraging to see more people come into Dharma being themselves.
There are so many ways for one to express his or her spirituality, and so many ways for one to make spirituality a part of their life, if not their life.
Joanne is actually the sister of one of the Ladrang staff, Joy. It’s so nice to see family getting into the dharma together, like Datuk and her daughters Li Kim and Li Kheng; Lam and his wife Choi Sheem with Jutika and Pavara; Su Ming and her mother…there’s such a long list! I guess it just goes to show that we can inspire by setting a good example. Rinpoche recently gave a teaching about children, saying that we need only look at those closest to us to see if we are transforming and therefore practising dharma. If even our own flesh and blood, our children are not in dharma, then perhaps we need to take a closer look at our practice.
Dear Tsem Rinpoche,
I am Jampa Tsutrim. My Guru is HE Kensur Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche. He is spiritual director of Sakyamuni Dharma Centre, Singapore of which I am a member. I have seen and heard you in many of your Youtube Dharma teachings. I am always overwhemed and touched by your teachings. I pray I will have a chance meeting with you in person. I was a Catholic for the past 20 odd years. I met my beloved Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche and took Refuge under his holy auspices. I am so glad to be able to be a Buddhist and to practise the Tibetan Buddhism that I feel is so close to me. I thank Lama Tsongkapa and Buddha Sakyamuni for this cherished affinity. I thank especially my my guru, Jampa Yeshe Rinpoche for his guidance and inspiration. I have stopped eatidng animal meat for the past 6 years but continue to eat a little fish and seafood. Just 3 days ago, I decided to go on a full vegetarian regime. Please pray for me that I will be faithful to my new regime. I realise a vegetarian diet is akin to saving lives in my own personal way. May Lord Buddha has mercy on my karma.
Please allow me to pay respects to you, dear Rinpoche:
Lama la jiao song
Chyi yu la jiao song
Gain tui la jiao song
Om Namo Manjusriye
Namo Susriye
Namo Uttama Sriye Soha!
Jampa Tsultrim
try this link
Keng Nam
Hmmm i will be picking her taste buds for some more exciting dishes to incorporate into the Ladrang Menu.
Fj has been Rinpoche student and friend when Rinpoche first came to Malaysia in the 90s. When I came back from studies in 1997 – all I knew was that she suddenly turned Buddhist! She had a Vajrayogini and still does on her altar. At that time I thought she was into some cult practice hehe. Now look who’s talking! hehe
Tsem Ladrang is always full of activities with interesting visiting guests.
You’ll never know who you’ll bump into when you go to the kitchen or the Waiting Lounge.