Randy Pauch——-PLEASE WATCH THIS!!!!! Share with everyone!!!
You must watch this incredibly inspirational video. Randy Pauch is not saying anything having to do with religion but everything he says matches spirituality so well. My point is if we really practice being a good religious person or we are not religious but ethical, it still turn out the same….we still turn out to be good people.
Please watch this great video… I offer Randy Pauch my sincere thanks and peace wherever you are.
Tsem Rinpoche
Watch this and thank you Oprah for having this and inspiring so many of us that do not appreciate what we have.
Or view the video on the server at:
Professor Randy Pauch passes away… may he be at peace wherever he is and his family be ok.
Or view the video on the server at:
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Very inspiring ….of a Randolph Pausch an American professor of computer science, in Pennsylvania. Even though he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer yet he never give up in his remaining days to inspired many with his talks and so forth. He was a brilliant teacher and a very well-known researcher who worked on various projects. In his last inspirational lecture, seems to be to energize others to appreciate life by and achieving one’s childhood dreams. He shared his insights on finding the good in other people, working hard to overcome obstacles and living generously.
(It’s about how to live your life, because if you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.”….. Randolph Pausch)
Amazing .. The Last Lecture” by Randolph Pausch has been translated into 48 languages and has sold more than 5 million copies in the United States alone. Interesting videos .
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing a dying hero giving inspiring lesson to millions of people.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us this very inspirational speech. Mr. Randy Pauch was very sick when he was giving the speech but he still looked energetic, he was using his remaining time to give a positive impact on people’s lives instead of being bitter and feeling sorry for himself.
He had shared with us a few important points on how to be successful and happy.
1. Always be appreciative and grateful to the people and things we have. In return, good things will happen to us.
2. Don’t complain, because complaining does not solve the problems.
3. When we are sorry for the mistakes we have made, we must do something to make it up. By just saying sorry is not enough.
4. Be humble and not to react to the negative actions of others towards us.
5. Be persistent and don’t give up easily. It took Mr. Randy 15 years to make his dream of working at Disney come true.
6. Death is uncertain and it is beyond our control. We can choose to face death with a positive attitude so when we die, there will be no regret.
7. Be honest and have integrity, it is hard to do but if we can do that, we will be truly happy and live our lives without regret.
Mr. Randy had shown us that death is uncertain and we don’t have control over it. However, we have a choice on how we want to live our lives. We are in control of our own happiness. If we have positive thinking, we will be able to turn a negative situation into something positive and then learn and become a better person.
Gosh i’d come across his story years ago at university. I had thought what a gentle and morally good person. His wife is equally strong to support him and raise their kids. It’s true like Rinpoche said we want humans to be ethically correct like Late. Randy Pauch. Hats off to you sir.
Everyone needs a worldview. His happens to be very “American” and it got featured on a none lesser “American” Oprah Windfrey’s show. Live free or die! Sorry, I don’t find it inspirational at all.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this video. He was not a buddhist but his teaching was exactly the same as Lord Buddha’s teachings. This shows that Buddhism is not just a religion, it is a way to live our lives.
两年前第一次看Randy Pauch的《人生的最后一堂课》时很感动,今天再看还是一样的好。
This is a short but very meaning video. Though I have watched it before, I cannot control my tears as I am inspired by his passion about life. He covered a lot of things in this short 10 minutes video, and to me, the key is “integrity” and the way we live our life.
“If you live your life the right way, the Karma will take care of itself”. < -- LIKE
Thank you very much and I remember I was this before but now I really get the message. I really like it.
How to lead the life If you live the right the karma will take care of itself. If you live your life properly the dreams will come to you. How to say an apology is also very correct.
Thank you once again.
Thanks for showing this great person. I didn’t have any pity for him but I felt very happy for him instead. He has lived his life to the best of who he is, not shying away of achieving and living his dream. If we are feeling pity it might be we are pitying ourselves because we are not pushing ourselves as hard as what we truly want to be as a very capable human being.
Out of all Rinpoche’s blogs that I have read. This blog on Randy Pausch last lecture before passing away with pancreatic cancer is so inspiring and uplifting.Nolt only for people who have cancer like him who is going to die soon. He is also teaching us how to live our life positively and happily. It can be for people with all types of problems and how it can help to de-stress oneself. This is also related to our Buddhist teachings also. There are 6 ways which Randy has pointed out which can help people live life. 1. when people point out your mistakes do not get offended. This shows that they care and want you to improve. 2. tell the truth. 3. apologise when you are wrong. 4. show gratitude. 5. think that no one is pure evil and be patient. 6. Don’t complain.
I find this video very inspiring and empowering. It is like what Lama Tsongkhapa says in His great work of the Lamrim Chenmo when He explains on how our fear of death and falling down to the three lower realms will propel us to becoming a better person.
Dr Pausch used the same means of learning and reflection based on the fact that he is awaiting death in a near future and it is really heart warming to know how we can choose not to waste our silly lives by just thinking about ourselves and attending to our own needs.
It is like what it says in the holy ways of a Bodhisattva, when we think more about others, we tend to forget about ourselves and our sufferings and turmoil lessens, bringing us happiness when we see the smiling faces of the people whom we have benefited.
I like this video on Randy Pausch because he is NOT A BUDDHIST but living like one! His courage, strength, and most of all positive mind set in embracing LIFE and DEATH is a great teaching to all of us. And he ever wanted was to share the essence of life and what he’d learnt with his 3 boys and look how many people he ended up benefiting with his lecture. He never expected it but it happened because he focused out and not in himself. It is also amazing that even though he is sick he was a much happier person then the guy next door and because of his positive thinking and having a happy mind, he did not look like a sick man but he was instead more vibrant and stronger then most of the normal healthy people. This reminds me the story of Lama Yeshe http://blog.tsemtulku.com/.services/blog/6a01310f7b9b6a970c0120a915121d970b/search?filter.q=Lama+Yeshe and how when he was sick and dying, he was paralysed, but his face was glowing and smiling. Here we see that YOU don’t have to be some kind of Buddha, high Lama or whatever to have a happy state of mind that can control your being. Randy Pausch was no Tibetan Lama, he did not do any meditation in the mountains but he was getting stronger each day as he gets closer to his death.
Death is a word that most people don’t want to hear or talk about,in some society it’s a taboo to even mention this word afraid it will bring bad luck.These people are only in denial of a reality in life,we ALL are going to die one day,be it a king or queen,a billionaire or a beggar,the good looking ones or the ugly ones,we are all one day closer to death the moment we were born to this world,this IS a reality.it’s just that we don’t think about it at all and distract ourselves senseless with all the ongoing happenings in life,we always live thinking we are going to live forever and ever,even Buddha taught that we will never escape birth,aging,sickness and death as long as we are in samsara,the worst is that it’s a vicious cicle that we have to go through again n again if we are stuck in samsara and not do anything about it.If you are having good life now,how sure are we that we may continue having it once our +ve karma ran out,that’s it,if you believe in karma,you may not believe in karma and all but you can never not believe in death,then what,with all the proof of reincarnation which Rinpoche posted up with all the evidence staring into our face,and Rinpoche himself is a reincarnated Lama,17th reincarnation at that,it’s really really difficult not to believe in reincarnation if we treasure everything that Rinpoche said,so it must be true.scary but true.That’s why sometimes I think ignorant is bliss,of course it’s only a big fat denial.Rinpoche says a scholar may not be a practioner and vice versa,in a way we may all know this for truth but if we do not remember and live according to this truth,it’s as good as mere intelectual words,just like Pabongka Rinpoche,he may realised the Lamrim after meditating for 10 years but what made him special was that he was living according to the teachings and that enabled him to dissemminate the Lamrim teachings effectively,sincerely n purely from the heart out of practice.
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
Touching video!
When humans are nearing the end, for some, realizations dawns on them as an awakening to the real facets of life, what really matters
Perhaps, the Dharma, having a universal quality, contains all of what ethics can offer. After all is not sila/morality the foundation of all spiritual practices or mundane quality for being part of a society anywhere in the world?
If I did not read it wrongly, the Buddha mentioned in one Sutta that supposing there is no hereafter, this Dharma with its universal quality, when practiced well, still benefits one in the here and now, one will reap the effects of being well regarded, of upright standing, righteous, peaceful and so forth. And His Holiness, the Dalai Lama was reported to have said that His religion is that of kindness!
So it’s all a win-win situation…in the beginning, middle and the end.
After watching the video and reading the comments, I agree with what Shirley said.
I remember watching this video whilst doing my 1st year undergrad, my dad had sent the youtube link to me. He thought that it showed a good outlook on life (probably not so much on the ‘keeping having fun’ part!) to try things even if you fail and to not focus so much on material things.
I got well inspired and the exact same feelings conjured up in me (which actually reminded me when I first watched it) throughout the video. However, 3 years have passed and although I was just as inspired and touched by Randy Pausch’s words, I don’t feel like much has changed. Well, a lot has changed as I’m getting a tad more maturer but in terms of putting what Randy Pausch says into practice, it’s not feasible in the long-run if you’re the typical teenpop/young adult like me.
I’d either have to watch that video everyday, or find a different method (?).
Experience what you get but you don’t get what you want
Took 15 years to do it, and a lot of tries, fail fail but never give up
Brick walls are there for a reason, they let us prove how badly we want things
Yes, Andy Pausch is really great, his talk is about how to live our life well, it is totally just about what Rinpoche taught us, be true to ourselves, integrity, etc.
Prof. Andy is someone so near to death, but he has no fear, reason is because he treasures his life, he makes his life meaningful, and if you live for others, work for others, you will have no fear when death come.
When Andy wanted to do something, no matter how hard it is, how impossible it is, he just never give up, and when you don’t give up, one day, you’ll win, not winning by succeeding by getting what you want, but you will have no regret even if the end you still fail.
Prof. Andy is not teaching us to be materialistic, or attach to material wealth, you value it when you own it, but not attach to it, no matter what, it is just a thing, not more important than a life being.
I kind of like what he said: Experience what you get but you don’t get what you want.
Live our life well before it is too late, remember, life is impermanent, don’t ever take it for granted.
this is inspiring not just because of what he says but for the very fact that even in death, someone like Randy Pausch can inspire others. When you watch this about his impending death (and then when you hear later that he died shortly after this), it inspires you live better. Even in death, he makes a profound impact on the lives of others!
This recalls to mind one of Rinpoche’s most classic quotes: We talk about death so we can live; we realise death so we can let others live.
Randy has shown us proof of how this statement can be lived out, truly, even when we have passed on.
This is a real legacy, because what he says can live on and on and on in the hearts of so many people and make such a difference to them. The other legends, legacies we talk of are so transient – fame, money, status, celebrity status. It doesn’t make any difference to anyone’s life and are so easily forgotten. Just look at Michael Jackson. he was SO BIG but already people have stopped talking about him. What real legacy did he leave behind? what legacies are each of us leaving behind?
It is inspiring to see people like Prof Randy who consciously knew that his journey would come to an end in just a matter of days and could still use the remaining time to inspire others to what really matters in life.
However, I am in agreement with what Shirley has just written here. Many of my friends are very well read, they read tons of books, you name it, inspirational, motivational, how to reap the best results…and attended motivatonal seminars conducted by high profile people like Anothy Robins. Some of them even have a life coach. So they should be happier then. To my amazement, many of them are still trapped in their own misery, no more happier than before. Some are even worse, sadly to say. Like what Shirley has said, I am not trying to put anyone down here and this is purely an expression of my point of views too.
To lead a happy and meaningful life, to me it means that we will be able to bring forth happiness and benefits to others. This is fundamental! A lot of sufferings and unhappiness that I witness among my friends and familes are all due to the self cherishing minds. Before I met Rinpoche, I couldn’t see through this, but having been in the Dharma for about 10 years, his teachings give me a cutting edge to disect life and understand the true nature of things, the root cause of all sufferings.
When one is sick, isn’t better to find the cause of the disease rather than healing the symptons?
Inspirational or motivational talks are good but one must still understand the reality and the root causes of sufferings.
Prof. Randy has really inspired so many people with his last lecture. However, it does seem very sad that most people ONLY realize what life is truly about when their time on earth is coming to an end. Prior to that, they have been living their lives in just serving themselves and not helping others. I am not implying that Prof Randy was the same. Not at all. He has always been known to behave, think and act according to what he preaches since he was at college. Unfortunately, many of us do not realize how impermanent life is and how death could come and get us at any time. We live under the delusion that we are immortal and act like as if we are invincible. It always takes a dying visionary or hero who is on his or her death bed to send the message across to the rest of us. It is almost as if someone has to die in order for us to take stock of our lives, and re-evaluate our attitude towards life/people. I truly appreciate what Prof. Randy says, because they are true and inspiring BUT I value what my Lama says MORE. And I will explain why before all readers go up in arms and come after me with their angry protests. Many Life Coaches and Motivators present good and helpful ways to change our mind sets. However they do not provide a step by step mind training manual for me to practice on a daily basis and they are not around me to ensure that I transform in a consistent manner. I have been to many motivational talks and met some of these inspiring world famous speakers. Believe me when I say, I am not putting anyone down. But after the talks or the seminars are over, so is my will and determination to transform. You see, I am not looking for a superficial transformation that takes away the symptoms. Nor am I looking for just a ‘feel good’ factor that is temporal. I am looking for the CURE to the root causes of the diseases in my mind. Hence, I find that with the Guru and Dharma, the transformation is swift, deep and very real – when we allow it, of course. It’s real- time and real-life. There is no way I can run, hide or escape. I have to face the truth and the truth lies within me. In this respect, I value the Dharma and Guru most of all. The rest, such as inspirational talks, motivational talks and seminars are just supportive tools – but they do not represent the actual path, or method to my complete and total healing from inside out. Again, I am not putting anyone down and have no wish to offend anyone. I am just presenting my own views stemmed from personal experiences. Honestly, what I care about is the ultimate benefit and the ultimate good for all. I must say that the path of transformation is not an easy one. Then again, do you think it will be easy to severe the years of bad or negative habituation that has thrived inside us? Do you think it will all go away with just a pop of a pill? Think about that. Thank you for reading without misunderstanding my comments. Hope this truly helps someone.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for the wonderful posting of Randy Pauch last lecture. His act of pouring the soda can drink into the back seat and emphasizing that the car is only a “thing”, really blow my mind. Not many people that I know of have that kind of perception towards life. We were brought up in a culture that emphasizes hardworking and rewarding oneself through obtaining happiness from external objects.
I would like to share with you a video clip of an example of how compassion can change one person’s hatred to tolerance. The video shows an interview session with former Ku Klux Klan leader Johnny Lee Clary on how reverend Wade Watts have changed his life.
I hope you would enjoy the video clip 😀
Thanks So much to this Teaching cause that a big buddha teaching in our face thank you so much Rimpoche and I Wish to Paul to rebirth in dewatchen and got the dharma teaching !
Thank you Rinpoche, this is a deep and great video, I hope as well that his familly is well today.
I love it.
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Today he is very rich having many houses and shop lots all over Kepong but the government is still silent, now he has a court case, he is a lawyer and he made or signed a fake land title to someone.
Anyone who knows DATUK YIP KUM FOOK AND SIMON LOW KOK MENG, please try to stay away from them because those people can eat you all, the first one they do very well with you but behind their back they will eat you, please be careful before getting caught up in that
By Meng, Taman Desa Jaya…Kepong
Thank you Rinpoche and Li Kim .
After many efforts to find a cure in their hometown never found any success, Dark Magic is an incredibly powerful form of witchcraft that draws on malevolent powers.Black magic is a belief system that is not supported by scientific evidence. However, psychologists and neuroscientists have studied magic to understand how it affects people’s perceptions and beliefs. Regardless of the path forward, the study and understanding of black magic will undoubtedly remain a subject of enduring fascination and scholarly inquiry.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Thank you Rinpoche and Genla for this profound teachings.
Thank you Rinpoche for this simplified daily prayer. Easy and convenient for everyone.
Thank you Rinpoche for this post.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this beautiful thangka of Vajrayogini and explaining to us
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing of a great Master
Thank you Rinpoche with folded hands.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Thank you Rinpoche with folded hands.
Interesting blog of a sect of ascetic sadhus who practice a unique and extreme form of Hinduism. They are the only surviving sect of the Kapalika tradition, a Tantric form of Shaivism originated in Medieval India. The Aghoris are a fascinating and mysterious group of Hindu ascetics, who have a distinct and radical approach to spirituality. They are known for their bizarre and unconventional rituals. They live in cremation grounds, smearing ashes on their bodies, using human skulls as utensils, and eating flesh from human corpses. Aghoris are Hindu devotees of Shiva the god of destruction and transformation, and they seek to attain liberation from the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. They see themselves as healers, both of the body and the soul. Many believe that their intense penance and devotion give them extraordinary powers.They engage in practices that challenge conventional ideas of purity, such as meditating in cremation grounds, consuming what others deem inedible, and embracing what society often shuns.
Thank you Rinpoche for this interesting sharing.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing
Thank you Rinpoche with folded hands for sharing this .
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Tsem Rinpoche