Everyone Watch This!!
Dear everyone, for the sake of all the animals killed and eaten, please for them, watch this video. For them spread this video around as much as possible. For them create awareness.
Nobody wants pain..not even a chicken.
Please create awareness. Please find the compassion within you to never eat meat.
Tsem Rinpoche
“To avoid causing terror to living beings, let the Disciple refrain from eating meat”
~Lankavatara Sutra by Buddha
For more info on cruelty against chicken, go to http://www.kentuckyfriedcruelty.com/
Or view the video on the server at:
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Good sharing to bring awareness to those not vegetarian. Watched the video feeling sad , the way the KFC chickens been abuse, suffered , cramped in small place before been packed into cages before slaughter . Chickens one of the most abused animals on the earth, often handled roughly, transporting in long distances on crowded vehicles. Chickens as seen in the video are suffering on an unparalleled scale. The cruelty of these chicken were exposed , bringing awareness of the sufferings of the KFC chickens at the farm. Its great to see some changes now yet choosing meatless or vegetarian is the best choice to stay healthy.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
It’s really cruel how they slaughter the poor chickens. I really cannot imagine what it feels like to be cramped in a small place with thousands of chickens, so horrible! The chickens are treated in a very bad condition before they are about to be slaughtered. One thing about chickens is that they do not die immediately after getting their heads chopped off, so they do feel pain during that period of time. It already hurts when we have just a little bruise on our bodies, but can you imagine the pain the chickens have to go through before their deaths??
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
This so bad, i can believe that they start slaughtering the chickens at such a young age. They are treated so badly before they die. And something that really sounded painful was when they cut their beaks off, that must be so painful. I couldn’t imagine how much pain the chickens had to go through just so they could feed someone. Terrible.
And its so sad, that when people actually asked whether the chickens could be spared they said no. I wonder why they could be so mean to such nice animals.
Dearest Rinpoche… I have a question about ‘Right Livelihood’ hopefully you see this question… I have been quite troubled by this question, because I try to be mindful of the karma I create, these days.
I have become a vegetarian but the only job I could find is Cashier at Carl’s Jr., (a burger chain in the U.S.)
It kills me inside to know I’m basically just working the front desk at the butcher shop… For all I care they should order a salad and we do carry lots of vegetarian food for a burger place.
My Question:
How much ‘meat’ karma am I getting?
What if I worked at a grocery store, if they choose to buy meat and I ring it up is this my karma? Is the karma heavier because I’m a cashier at a place that sells items with meat when compared to a grocery store?
Keep in mind I don’t want the animal to die or even want to sell meat… I have to survive right now and that’s who hired me…
Dear Josh, working at a place that sells meat is not good of course. It comes down to you or me to survive. Working as a cashier in grocery store would be less karma. How much karma, I don’t have exact numbers.
Sir Paul McCartney, founding member of The Beatles and Wings, has written a letter to India’s Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, requesting January 12th be declared an official meat-free day. The purpose of such a day is to celebrate compassion towards animals, and commemorate the founding of India’s branch of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
In the letter he wrote, “Would you please think about declaring one day every year — perhaps 12 January, the anniversary of PETA India’s founding — a day to celebrate vegetarianism and compassion towards animals? Such a declaration would save countless animals, reduce the environmental devastation caused by the meat industry and help participants clear their arteries and their consciences. It would be a celebration of life — all life.”
Mccartney has been working with PETA for over 20 years to bring attention to the abuse of animals that takes place routinely around the world.
It has been reported that he and his wife Linda became vegetarians after seeing lambs on their own farm while eating lamb for dinner.
Dear Raluca, What a spectacular post you put up here. I am SO HAPPY TO HEAR WHAT SIR PAUL McCartney IS DOING!!!!!! It is wonderful when ppl use their fame to benefit something on this planet…I will post this on my blog…THANK YOU SO MUCH….THANK YOU SO MUCH. Tsem Rinpoche
Such a senseless holocaust. I am guilty of having fed on animals for most of my life but I cannot anymore since knowing what an crucial role I have been partaking in, to have created a demand for such cruel treatment to animals.Edmund Burke said “All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing”. I am very guilty for having done nothing.
Dear martin, please do something…thank you for caring.
It’s amazing how some ppl have so little respect for life that they can treat these animals to horribly…
One question… Does being vegetarian means we refrain from using leather products too?
If we can refrain from leather products, all the better. It is not about doing this or that, there is no hard and fast rules. It is just a genuine concern to not harm animals. The less animals products we use, the better all around. Thank you so much for caring.
What an awful way to produce food for human beings…..I am currently not a vegetarian, but try to buy food that has been ethically created\eco friendly. This video has certainly made me think about vegetarianism, and I want to reduce the amount of meat i consume. I think its time to revisit this book: – Food of Bodhisattvas, Buddhist teachings on abstaining from meat by Shabkar Tsogdruk Rangdrol.
Dear Jim, thank you for being so honest. Thank you for your consideration to be vegetarian…..Being vegetarian will harm no animals and it will not harm you. No one gets harmed anymore. Please spread this video around and share awareness. I thank you.
Jim you sound like I was right before I became vegetarian. It starts with a conscience, and an INABILITY to tolerate killing or harming animals.