Do you know what Gucci did?

The policy change will come into effect in 2018
Dear kind friends around the world,
A friend shared this article with me which I wanted to share with you all because it is such good news. One of the global fashion powerhouses which is Gucci is going to stop using fur for its fashion in 2018. Not only that but whatever they have remaining which is fur, they will auction off and donate the proceeds to organisations against animal cruelty.
I was so happy to hear this news! It is good when brands are self-aware and recognise the role they play in providing a demand for these cruel industries. These lead to the suffering of many animals before their painful deaths.
For such a huge global brand to make this decision must mean there is a demand for cruelty-free fashion, and they know they can remain a viable business even if they don’t offer fur. So it is also good that when consumers apply pressure to other brands, to let them know they will still buy into the clothing even if there is no fur. From the side of the consumer and the side of the producer, both can work together in this way to eradicate fur farms and cruelty to animals.
Dare I hope that in time, Gucci will also stop using leather in their products? In the meantime, I applaud Gucci for taking this stand against animal cruelty, and showing people that fashion can be beautiful without the torture of another living being. In this day and age with technology for warmth and heating, and so many textiles that are just as effective, there is no reason why fur is a necessity. Let’s hope more and more fashion houses follow in Gucci’s example, and take up the mantle of cruelty-free fashion.
Please lets stop hurting animals and stop eating them immediately. By doing so we save our health, our environment, animals and we also save our planet. Please share this and create more awareness on social media for the voiceless animals who suffer so much.
Tsem Rinpoche
Gucci boss pledges firm to go fur free in 2018
Luxury fashion brand Gucci will go fur-free from next year, the company’s chief executive has announced.
Marco Bizzarri told a London College of Fashion event that the move was part of a commitment to “sustainability”.
The Italian fashion house will make the changes from the brand’s spring-summer 2018 collection and auction off all of its remaining animal fur items.
Campaigners hailed the move as a “huge game-changer”, but a fur trade body said the decision made “no sense”.
The change means Gucci will no longer use mink, coyote, raccoon dog, fox, rabbit and all others species specially bred or caught.
Mr Bizzarri said: “Being socially responsible is one of Gucci’s core values, and we will continue to strive to do better for the environment and animals.”
He said the new approach was in part thanks to Gucci’s creative director, Alessandro Michele, who was appointed in 2015.
“In selecting a new creative director, I wanted to find someone who shared a belief in the importance of the same values. I sensed that immediately on meeting Alessandro for the first time,” Mr Bizzarri added.

Mr Bizzarri made the announcement during a talk at the London College of Fashion on Wednesday
Gucci’s remaining animal fur items will be sold at auction, with the proceeds going to animal rights organisations Humane Society International and LAV.
Kitty Block, president of Humane Society International, welcomed the brand’s “compassionate decision”.
“Gucci going fur-free is a huge game-changer,” she said.
“For this Italian powerhouse to end the use of fur because of the cruelty involved will have a huge ripple effect throughout the world of fashion.”
Gucci will become part of the Fur Free Alliance – an international group of organisations which campaigns on animal welfare and promotes alternatives to fur in the fashion industry.
Joh Vinding, the alliance’s chairman, said: “Gucci is taking a bold stand for animals, showing the world that the future of fashion is fur-free.”
But the International Fur Federation, which represents the global fur industry, said it was surprised by the decision.
The trade body’s CEO, Mark Oaten, said: “Claiming they have done this for environmental reasons makes no sense.
“Fur is the most natural fashion item. It comes from nature and lasts for decades, unlike chemical-based fabrics or fake fur.”
Gucci’s decision follows that of its Italian fashion rival Armani, which announced last year that it would no longer feature fur in its collections.
Fur farming was banned in the UK in 2000.
For more interesting information:
- Fur from China
- 40 billion every year!
- Minks in Sweden
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Animals show love for humans! Cow, lions, apes, dogs, bears, parrots and more can all be very affectionate and show surprising emotions when it comes to expressing their love for people. An emotional animals hugging humans video.
It is nice to know a big brand like Gucci will not produce any fur product anymore. I have seen some documentaries on how fur is taken from the animals, they are skinned alive, it is very very cruel. I am glad Gucci is taking this approach to help stop animal cruelty.
How can it be beautiful if what we wear is from killing an innocent life? Also, In the process of getting the fur, the animals suffer tremendously. I am sure the fur will carry some negative energy with it. How can our mind be at peace?
I believe Gucci will be able to influence the buying behaviour and mentality of the consumers and to help create awareness in animal cruelty. I wish more brands will follow the footstep of Gucci, be more conscious to our environment.
You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
It is definitely a great step in the right direction for Gucci and it would be much better if Gucci did go all the way to eliminate all fur from all its fashion line. Unfortunately, Gucci defines “animal fur” as “any animal skin, or part thereof, with hair or fur fibers attached thereto, either in its raw or processed state or the pelt of any animal killed for the animal’s fur.”
In short, whilst it excludes exotic animals such as mink, fox, rabbit, karakul lamb and raccoon dog, domesticated animals such as lamb, goat and even alpaca can still be used are not off-limits as Gucci’s new products. It would be ideal if Gucci extended such compassion to all animals but that being said, it already a huge leap by Gucci to commit compared to other major luxury fashion brands who have been sluggish in embracing fur-free commitments. Indeed, Gucci’s (conditional) fur free policy marks a game-changer for the whole luxury fashion industry to follow or improve on.
It is great to see that fashion giant Gucci has decided to take animal fur out of the list of ingredients for their fashion products.
For years people have used animal fur for hats, coats, and shoes, indeed some of it is comfortable, but is it worth it? For your comfort one or more being died a horrible death. Most of us don’t even stop to think about where our fur products come from, all we know is that they are stylish and make us look rich.
I really hope that in future all fashion brands will follow Gucci’s footsteps and remove fur from all of their products.
This is landmarked and Gucci is one of those conspicuous fashion houses that uses a lot of fur in its luxurious creations. There are a lot of alternatives and I feel fur is very easy to replace and if such a big player like Gucci can retract from using fur, so can many other fashion houses. It would be good if this would lead towards leather as well and fashion can just be completely cruelty-free. Furthermore, a little bit of money can be poured into research to develop a viable alternative to fur and leather. That would really be fashion forward!
Lets all be kind to other sentient beings especially animals.
Thank you so much, Gucci for showing the way.
Its a great news that with Gucci the major fashion brand has taken fur off in its collections.
Its remaining animal fur items are then auction off. Gucci has indeed a compassionate decision after Armani the other Italian fashion rival did it . More and more people are aware of harm done on animals just for their fur. And more cruelty-free fashion, are in demand in the fashion market.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this great news.
Well Done Gucci. In fact by doing this, I am sure more brands will follow suits and more and more consumers are more conscious in what they buy and wear or carry.
Stella McCartney is other brand which also does not use leather or any animal type of skin on her products.
To more of such animal friendly brands to come!
Glad to hear that, at least one of the branded companies ‘Gucci’ has stop fur products. It would be much better if they can stop producing leather products.
I really wish to see another company will work together in this way to eradicate cruelty to animals.
We also have to play a part to stop consuming and stop using animal base products.
This is great move by Gucci and I hope it will encourage more brands to follow suit. We do not need to have animals fur on our body to look pretty and to prevent us from cold. We have many options. Choose one that does not harm and bring suffering to other beings.
As per the happy and relieving announcement that the luxury fashion brand Gucci will go ‘Fur-free’ from next year in 2018, campaigners hailed the move as a “Huge game-changer!” The change means Gucci will no longer use mink, coyote, Raccoon, dog, fox, rabbit and all other species specially bred or caught for the use of their fur which is being socially responsible as one of Gucci’s core values! “We will continue to strive to do better for the Environment and the animals, Mr.Bizzarri has assured. He also directed part of thanks should go to Gucci’s creative director, Alessandra Michele, who was appointed in 2015, in whom he has sensed that Mr Alessandra Michele will share the importance of this same belief with him, the first time when Bizzari met Alessandro! Kitty Block, President of Humane Society International, in welcoming the Italian Gucci’s “Compassionate Decision” has even delightfully remarked, “To end the use of fur because of the cruelty involved, will have a huge ripple effect throughout the World of Fashion”. The righteous man is happy in this World and the next. He is happy when he thinks about the good he has done and happier seeing the good path ahead, as stipulated in the Dhammapada, which says, “To do only good, to avoid doing harm, to purify the heart is the way of the Buddhas.” Yes, fashion is said to be beautiful, but of course without the torture of another living being!” Please stop hurting more animal beings and let us pray that more fashion houses follow such compassionate actions of Gucci’s classic example for the benefit the silenced sufferings of all animals. Om Mani Padme Hung.
H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche loves animals and is passionate against their harm, torture, and abuse.
The few minutes a day we spend on social media creating awareness for animals who cannot speak is pure spiritual and humanistic practice because we are trying to alleviate pain from another sentient beings and that makes us more spiritual and that makes us more spiritual and more humane.
It is great to see more and more big corporations are incorporate the more humane approach into their business. It also goes to show the humane approach is becoming mainstream. I wish more and more big corporations will follow this footstep.
There is absolutely no need to abuse animals for self benefits.
Dear friends,
This meme is powerful. Who you hang around with and the types of attitude they have is who you will be influenced by many times and who you will become in the future. Look at your friends and the people that always surround you to know who you will become.
Tsem Rinpoche
Gucci rocks!
Being a socially responsible company or individual is the way to go. Thanks Rinpoche for sharing this and will social media this and share it with others.
Is good news. It would be even better if all fasion industries stop exploiting animals. When there is no supply, there wont be demand.
Imagine our skin been peel off.
This is a great news to animals. Gucci, a leading fashion company going to stop fur clothing now. I just watched a video about the people peel off the fox skin. So cruelty.
Even though we own any fur clothing, we shouldn’t wear it because this will create a desire cause to others to buy more fur clothing .
Human beings are very intelligent but we shouldn’t take away animals rights to live in this planet.
Thanks Rinpoche sharing.
This is such a good news, hope this helps inspire other larger fashion brands to follow their step. As the Mr Bizzarri said, this actually helps innovation and raise awareness about the suffering of animals. This decision is widely applauded by animals welfare groups and Fur Free Alliance; because fashion with the stains of animal blood, with animals in the fur industry subjected to intense cruelty, living their entire lives in small cages is just not matching with beauty.
Luxury fashion or look is not necessary doing with using animal fur. What the International Fur Federation CEO Mark Oaten said: “Fur is the most natural fashion item. It comes from nature and lasts for decades, unlike chemical-based fabrics or fake fur”, may be has his point but to have 100 million animals tortured and killed a year just for the “lasting” natural beauty is not justify. There are so many natural material can be used, creatively; and with advanced technology to come up with fashionable clothes without killing.
This is certainly a rejoicing news to hear Gucci’s compassionate decision on assuming responsibility for a cruel free fashion. This move can be infectious for other fashion designers to follow the move.
Fabric made from synthetics can be as beautiful and usable as animal skin. We are no longer cave men, our technology has improved immensely and we can opt for alternative materials which are sustainable and cruel free for our wearables.
This is a more than excellent news! To have fur completely removed from esteemed fashion brands like Gucci and Armani is a strong message; it creates the much-needed awareness among the affluents on being a compassionate consumer! I hope one day Gucci and the big brands will also cease using leather in their collections. In fact, Gucci has several canvas collections that are in high demand.
Gucci shows the world that it can be fashionable and socially responsible at the same time. Good move to win the hearts of the fashionista of a new generation!
This is such great news! Animals should not suffer at all regardless of what eloquent reasons are given. As one of the world leading consumer brands, Gucci wants to be ahead of the industry. Social responsibilty is something that is underdeveloped but much needed.
As people nowadays have more access to information, the millenials are also more socially aware of the dire situations that previous generations have created due to greed. Hence, it makes business sense for Gucci to follow Armani’s direction in making such a bold move of protraying themselves to be compassionate, kind and caring. These are qualities that inspire the world.
Whatever the reasons, it’s definitely wonderful news!
Jan 30, 2015 – Gray wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park in 1995, resulting in a trophic cascade through the entire ecosystem.
A documentary, Wolves of Yellowstone by National Geographic Society ( in 2015 documented the turn around that almost extinct wolves made to Yellowstone Park. From being near extinct and the entire park’s ecosystem turned around. So, all animals play an important role in the circle of life.
So, eliminating fur from their fashion collection, they not only stop suffering of animals,they are also aiding in the turn around of the ecosystem of the planet. We only have one Earth to live in. Twice the gain.
Thank you, Rinpoche for bringing this news of Gucci going fur-free and its implications to everyone’s attention.
Let’s make a difference by saving the animals and saving our planet. Tsem Rinpoche
The news that Your Eminence shared is just wonderful. Gucci have created the causes , on their own free will, the first step to reducing harm to animals in their quest for profits. I rejoice on hearing this great news and hope that this first step will be emulated by other fur / mink manufacturers to also take the first step in reducing and eventually to eliminate suffering to animals. The next big hurdle for Gucci will be to reduce and perhaps eliminate leather products.
Thank you
Lum Kok Luen