Everywhere, office workers cry out in agreement
An activist from the AnimaNaturalis organization sits in a cage to protest the captivity of wild animals outside Chapultepec Zoo in Mexico City, Wednesday Aug. 11, 2010. The sign reads in Spanish “Would you like to live in captivity?”
Dating a penguin leads to such complications
In this Thursday, Aug 12, 2010 photo, Annwyne Stanish walks ” Hop Along ” the little blue penguin along Rothesay Bay beach, near Auckland, New Zealand. The penguin was washed up on Muriwai Beach suffering from head and leg injuries and was nursed back to health by a bird rescue volunteer Sylvia Durrant and Annwyne Stanish.
Kittens, the great protectors of abandoned property
Demolition on an abandoned bank-owned South Beach condo building was postponed after a group of neighbors raised awareness of homeless cats living there, Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2010 in Miami Beach, Fla. Many of the cats were abandoned during the down economy and sought refuge in the foreclosed property. Cats were, also, brought to South Beach after the turn of the century to fight the rat problem.
Wouldn’t you rather look like a cat? Whiskers are particularly hawt
An activist wears a mask depicting a cat during a protest in support of homeless animals during the World Day of Homeless Animals in Medellin, Colombia, Thursday, Aug. 12, 2010. The International Organization for the Rights of Animals, ISAR, celebrates this day on the third Saturday of August.
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Revisit this blog again to bring awareness loving animals. Be kind , caring and give love to animals. Interesting read of the four stories in this blog . Where activist from the Animal Naturalis organization, The International Organization for the Rights of Animals, volunteers and so forth doing what they could to save animals.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Three interesting stories from this blog.
Animals that are held by humans and prevented from escaping is sad. They are been held in captivity in cages, bad for their welfare. Well those animals are deprived of their natural habitat , even experience a lower quality of life. They can feel and many show signs of depression and stress. The Chapultepec Park Zoo in Mexico City , houses almost 2000 animals from more than 200 species. Activist from the Animal Naturalis organization protest the captivity of these wild animals.
Blue penguins found washed up on northern east coast beaches. The number of injured birds was unusual. The penguin were suffering from head and leg injuries. Sylvia Durrant and Annwyne Stanish, were volunteers has help to rescue injured penguins.
It’s a huge problem, a dilapidated Simone Hotel, was to be demolished. Friendly residents on Ocean Drive, and cat activists, raised awareness of homeless cats living there. The residents managed to get a temporary postpone against the owner to demolise the hotel. A dozen of kittens were saved and given a home. That’s wonderful ,they given a chance to live like human. The area state laws are against intentionally hurting or killing animals.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing of compassionate people saving animals. They do anything to safe, love and care for those who cant speak for themselves.
I really like the news on the gentleman seating in the cage. It not only shows us humans how uncomfortable it is to be kept in a cage, but also raises the awareness of the animals being kept in their cages not being able to be let out. If as humans we feel that having another fellow human being kept in a cage, not having enough space to play and have fun, how would the animals feel when they are being kept like that 24/7?
Its so cool how people are so kind to animals in these stories. They would o through everything to keep these animals safe. I wish that people would show this kindness to all the animals around the world. And that there would not be anymore suffering of animals.
I like how people are voicing out for animal rights nowadays. The only thing I can think of is that people have fought for human rights before, and the fact that people are paying attention to animal rights shows that society has became more civilized. I suppose that’s why people often relate the way some countries place priorities on their animal rights as being more advanced.
I’ve had a lot of cat karma in my last 7 years in KL. I always seem to find kittens or homeless cats. They have taught me more about care, and to be especially attentive when they are ill.
They can’t have much of a conversation but they do provide many hours of company 🙂 and meow love so we should appreciate our pets a lot.
In good times human beings keep animals for prestige just to showoff their status, but when economy downturn comes, many animals especially the cats and dogs were cruelly abondoned. Many of these homeless animals sought refuge in broken-down properties and abandoned homes. At one time cats were enlisted and brought to Southbeach to fight the rats problems, when help was badly needed, but such kindly acts of the animals was quickly forgottened. But fortunately not by all, at least a group of neighbourhood dwellers in southbreach condo building protested and raised awareness of the countless cats living there which led to a postponement of the demolition of the said building, thus saving countless of cats’ lives. At least many activists the world over, like “Animal Naturalis Organisation in Mexico city & The international Organisation for the rights of animals (ISAR) at Colombia helps in whatever way they can to raise the awareness of animals cruelty and to fight for their rights. Like our compassionate Lama said,”Everything on this planet and other planets have a right to live. You do not have any right to take it away with any justification. Shedding of blood, slaughtering, killing and murdering of any creatures on this planet will come back to you. All action come back. Please Help as I beg you on my knees, SAVE ANIMALS”.
whiskers are hawt? 😛 do cats have buddha nature tsong khapa nature somethin somethin?
In Mexico an activist from Anima Naqturalis Organisation sits in a cage outside the Zoo in protest against the captivity of wild animals. It is good that this idea about sitting and experiencing how it would be like to be confined. This gentleman would then be able to relate his feelings and discomfort and sufferings to be confined to a cage and not being able to move. The animals are sometimes confined in smaller cages. Then more sufferings. Animals are also living beings. They can experience emotional and physical pains too. I think if all the people who has been caging up animals were to be asked to sit in a cage at least one time. These people will know how the animals suffer. Then their mindset will change.
Mee-Yow… A woman who cares about animals and all life makes me purrr….
Also if someone sends me a Business Suit and a Cage, I WOULD DO THAT FOR ANIMALS. He looks so cool… In a different way, you know?