Mindblowing! | 这令人惊叹!
This has to be the shortest blog post I have ever brought to you. But this one liner below is enough to blow your mind and open our thoughts. If all nations followed this and immediately we would reverse the tide of global warming drastically and save our planet. We would be saving ourselves and our future existence. We would save everything we cherish and work hard for. This is not a trend or a thought but a must! May everyone see this!
Tsem Rinpoche
Read this:
25% of Denmark is now powered exclusively by wind.
Source: Fascinatingpics.com
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Denmark is a wind country, powered exclusively by wind as Denmark is no stranger to green energy. Denmark is home to some of the world’s leading wind energy companies. Many countries around the world are using wind power on a commercial basis. Denmark and Danish companies rank among the best when it comes to development, production and installation of wind turbines. Several countries have achieved relatively high levels of wind power penetration. China is one country that is catching up par with Denmark in recent survey. Wind energy does not pollute the environment as much as fossil fuels, coal and nuclear power do. Their only concerns have been raised over the noise produced by the rotor blades, visual impacts, and deaths of birds and bats that fly into the rotors. Some new knowledge for us to know.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Denmark is setting a very good example to the world. 25% is really a lot of energy saved and 25% less pollution.
If every country in the world follows Denmark, then global warming will slow down and the world will be a healthier and greener place to stay.
Jill Yam
Dear Rinpoche,
Denmark is certainly setting a very good example in using and developing renewable energy. By using this method we can reduce to use on biomass to produce energy which can pollute the environment with its side products. Everyone should think more about the environment because we are actually living in it. If we do not care about the environment and pollute it with our waste, it will come back to us eventually.
Chris chong
Everytime I read this, it reminds me that this planet does have hope environmentally. Some european countries are even selling their trash to be used as biofuel as some countries are currently devoid of rubbish to convert already.
Free energy is already available to everyone. There is a reason why they cannot gain mainstream publicity. Too many stakes at risks if they are allowed to do so.
Its eco-friendly structure and eco-friendly system creates eco-green environment in planet earth, can save mankind in the long run. Thanks to the green brain.
Wow! Denmark shows the way to do it. Windpower is clean and doesn’t hurt the environment.
If this becomes global in trend, how great that will be.If there were no more global warming, we wouldn’t be living in dread of sea levels rising because of glaciers and ice melting. Drastic climate change won’t take place. How much of the environment will be saved and how much life too. Waves and waves of goodness can only follow.
Malaysia should really look up to countries like Denmark in order to slow down global warming. 25% is amazing. If each country can do only 5%, global warming can definitely be slowed down. We should always be environmental conscious so that we have a greener future and all of us can live healthier.
It is always exciting to see great steps being taken to move the world towards renewable energy and for Denmark to have moved so far ahead is an encouragement for other nations to join in as well.
Whilst renewable energy in Malaysia is still at a growing stage, there are a lot of steps we can take as individuals to conserve energy, from the simplest of things like turning off lights and unplugging appliances when it is not in used. Tiny tiny steps as individuals will amount to mass savings when everyone is involved.
Denmark has been always known for their innovation and the transparency in their efficient governance. The Scandinavian countries like Denmark, Finland, Sweden are always far-sighted. Scandinavians are innovative in linking education, infrastructure, technology etc together and this had made them climbed up on the ranking of world’s most innovative countries. It’s not surprise that Denmark is using wind energy to create the electricity because they are far-sighted. They are well aware of the increasing global warming problem.
听说本国因为某些政治利益和人为因素, 导至了原本可以採用天然的來生電方式计划被耽误。这是令我们国人很可惜的消息。无论这样说我们国家地理坏境得天独厚,是最适合採用自然來生電的发展。祈福佛法的加持,让我们国家可以如期的发展这计划来利益众生。
Global warming, everyone has responsible to save our earth. We need do something and benefit future generation, else they have more and more suffering like earth quake…. Hardworking of plant seed today and create a better living environment for future generation.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this blog post with us. It is a reminder for us that we should help save our earth because the global warming is the sign that our earth is sick we have overlly used up all our natural resources if we do not do the nessasary action to protect our earth one day we going suffer even more very happy to see a country really take a step ahead to protect our home The Earth.
I never really understood why we aren’t doing more to promote these kind of power generators, they don’t do as much sound pollution as people claim they do, its cheaper to maintain and cheaper to produce. I’ve flowm over many turbine fields in australia and its just a magnificent view to see. Thank you for sharing this Rinpoche.
This is free electricity. Great way to harness the wind and made it into good use. Eco living is the way to go now and we do not need to use coal as the main source of energy. Way to go Denmark!
They are really amazing and intelligent! It would be great if Malaysia follow their footstep, we can save more energy and the world would become a much more better place. We have millions of people living in Malaysia, and if we follow what Denmark does, its a lot of fuel we can save each day. We should use the natural sources we have wisely.
This is a really great invention, apparently Denmark has started having this idea of using wind powered for electricity in 1800s by scientist and inventor Poul la Cour and it is set about building an experimental windmill to generate electricity. His work was instrumental in bringing electricity to rural Denmark in the early 20th century – a time when electricity was only available in cities.
Despite its pioneering position, Denmark up until the mid-1970s was like most countries of the world – dependent on imported oil. When the period of abundant, cheap oil came to an end with the first oil crisis of 1973, Denmark decided to diversify its energy supply.
From this, it clearly shows that Denmark doesn’t started using the wind power overnight, they spent years and years of trying and testing for it to be success today, I’m sure in between they had failed many times as this is the pioneer project in the world, but because of their passion and consistency, they had brought it up to 25%, they are aiming to reach 50% in 7 years that is year 2020.
A wind farm is said to be reliable, i.e. the output at any given time will only vary gradually due to falling wid speeds or storms (the latter necessitating shut-downs). A typical windfarm is unlikely to have to shut down in less than half an hour at the extreme. Wind is said to generate about 16% of electric energy in spain and Portugal, 9% in Ireland and 7% in Germany and provides 20% of electricity generated in Denmark. Wind power is said to be affected by air temperature because colder air is more dense and therefore more effective at producing wind power. A 2006 analysis found that “wind power may be able to cover more than 50% of the Danish electricity consumption in 2025” under conditions of high oil prices and higher costs of co2 allowances.
Dear Rinpoche, I understand that the main stream view point is that the wind farm technology is our future energy crisis saviour. It is getting a lot of attention because of government policy and funding. However, when one looks deeply into this technology in a more holistic sense it is not as “green” as most people perceived. One of the books by Dr. John Etherington, which entitled ‘THE WIND FARM SCAM’ reveals the downsides of this technology and industry. pdfVarioushttps://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&ved=0CD8QFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.actionforrenewables.org%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2F100216RevWindScamEtherington.pdf&ei=sP4pUrTGHMTm7AalsIHgBA&usg=AFQjCNERUJM2de44lVXX4WUnCNfYftY9bw&sig2=v59pwJLfvK-nP4XQPB4FWQ&bvm=bv.51773540,d.ZG4
For now, the best ways to be “green” is to consume less energy. Such as using bicycle instead of car, reduce the use of electricity/water and recycling. Plum Village and Findhorn adopted the above practices.Hope this helps.
Wow… This is super awesome!!!
Perhaps the answer to resolving our global warming issues. What is the point in having all the wealth in the world and being a super powerful rich country when everything could just be swiped away in one instant of a natural disaster due to the karma we have created in sucking the life out of mother earth!
You give what you receive… so let’s pass this around and create awareness!
Dear Rinpoche,
This is truly mind blowing even though it is just a single line of words it truly says that Denmark is doing a lot to do it’s part to ease Global Warming and other countries should also follow the footsteps of Denmark and do the same or something similar.
Together we can all help ease global warming!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing!
The people in Denmark are amazing. They are very environmentally conscious and this should be taking as an example to every other country. This is a great way to save our remaining resources. Amazing!
It is time that we all start to modify our lifestyle in order to slow down global warming. Everybody has a role to play to preserve our mother earth. We don’t have to wait for the government to do something, we can start by reducing our own personal carbon footprint….and educate our children to do so.
How fascinating and truly inspiring! It is true that this is not merely something we applaud and get on with our regular lives. We should make a stance and follow the example. Alternative and sustainable energy technology is out there… why make any excuse not to use it… just do it!
Sure there is the conspiracy theory of the oil and gas industry keeping a tight hold onto such technologies as it would deem them obsolete… Whatever we choose to believe, we can and we have as history shows in the past that, we can transcend our selfishness and raise above it. Lets start by creating the awareness and stand up for what is right and do it now… share this post!
Wow, this is an effort to make a difference. Every country should do something in order to save our planet earth.
With the rising concerns over energy security, global warming and fuel depletion, using windmills is the best method for all countries to implement to save Mother Earth.
哈哈,就是我们太多如果,所以我们的国家还是如此! 国家如是,人民也是!
行动最实际! 改变才会进步。
it is indeed very mind blowing…using nature energy and without destroying nature. It is a matter of implementing or completion of the project that is in the mind or thoughts, and the really care is shown to the earth and the narure. A thought that has transform into reality, with action taken. The world leaders should follow Germany…the Germans are well known for their engineering conceptualization.
In Malaysia this co. has already started supplying solar energy to the national grid in Pajam (near Nilai) where they have built a solar farm on top of what was once a garbage landfill. http://www.crbenv.com/crb_services_renewE.html
Dear Rinpoche,
This is wonderful news! 25% is a great start. How I wish that the whole world would take the effort and follow Denmark to help slow down the global warming.
But I believe that every small actions count even though we are just one person. Like switching off the air condition earlier, recycling, etc. Every small step counts in making the world a better place!
Maybe in future, KFR would be running solely on solar power? hehe
Together, we can work towards making the world a better place to live in! =)
Thank you for sharing, Rinpoche!
Denmark is home to the world’s happiest people. In the 1970s Denmark was 99 percent dependant on foreign oil and had decided to develop al alternative-energy policy and this took them 30 years to develop new technology and wind-power technology is now one of the driving force in the Danish economy. Their result were due to the willingness of the Danish to adapt to alternative means, commitment and attitude toward energy conservation to become self-sufficient.
The modern windmills with similar function like the windmills in Holland. A good and safer addition to other means of generating power.
I think more countries should turn to renewable energy like this. Its smart and clean. And i think those two things are what a country needs most. For their country to have a clean environment to live in and that there is enough good healthy energy for the country. Thank you for sharing this with us Rinpoche.
wow, they are so smart. i hope this helps get rid of global warming and every country should do this. this is a good way for saving our natural recourses. thank you Rinpoche fro sharing this