Tara’s Babies & Ani Kunsang

(left to right) E-division Jean Ai, Blog secretary Jean Mei, Anila and Su Ming…nice power ladies…
I met Ven Anila Kunsang on Twitter. I’ve never met her in person, but from her posts, I can feel she is special. She is one of the sangha members who is working at Tara’s Babies in Arizona with 148 acres of land… This is a rescue mission for dogs. Wonderful.
Our bio group was in USA a few days ago and they visited Anila to learn more.

Anila with Kechara Care Liaison Su Ming
Anila Kunsang is from Australia and ten years ago just dropped everything to join dharma and do dharma work in the USA… She is still at it. Wonderful…spontaneous and sincere.
Here pictured is Su Ming (Malaysia) from Kechara Care dept with Ven Anila. Su Ming with part of our bio group flew from Los Angeles to Arizona to meet up with Anila and see Tara’s Babies.
Anila lives in a simple yurt (tent and has no electricity or running water) on sanctuary land itself. She devotes herself solely to the care of dogs and the near 100 dogs they have on this sprawling land with very little to no facilities. We must create awareness.
More dogs are joining them…..Anila told Su Ming that before she dies, she has one wish…that is that GOOD facilities on Tara’s Babies are developed for the dogs. They need people to help them to build a way to pump water up to where they are from the river as they still have to walk to get water. Anila never complained, just shared her wishes for this great animal sanctuary to grow and have good facilities for the dogs…that is what she focused on…
I wish Anila very very very long life, happiness, great health, blessings/protection from Tara and success. I am so glad my bio team made it to Arizona to visit.
If you love dogs, but cannot do much to help them, well contact Tara’s Babies. They are doing your work for you. Remember don’t let animals suffer.
See their website: http://www.tarasbabies.org/sanctuary.html
Tsem Rinpoche
See this wonderful video below:
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I always admire people who are kind to animals, because when they help animals, they are really not expecting the animals to repay kindness to them. It really take a special kind of person to be really kind to animals.
This piece of land is also really special. It is so beautiful, so peaceful and so spacious. It is really a good place for the dogs.
I wish Anila to have long life so that she can benefit more animals.
Such a nice place where dogs can enjoy themselves. I wish that all dogs would have this same chance to be here. And i love it how they save all these dogs, i hope that Ven Anila keeps on doing this and may he gain many good merits while doing this.
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Rinpoche, I am honored by these words. It was very special to have Su Ming, Elena and Elisa visit, and to learn more of the extraordinary work you are doing.
I cannot take the credit for Tara’s Babies. The vision is that of my perfect Teacher, Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, who, like you is the presence of pure and boundless compassion in this world. Without her spontaneous and urgent wish to end all suffering, the dog rescue would never have begun. I am very fortunate to be her student, and for her to have provided me with this chance to help save lives. I love this land and the dogs – they are my daily teachers and reminder of the enormity and intensity of suffering in samsara, and that the only remedy is the supreme wisdom and compassion reflected in the presence and work of Teachers like Jetsunma and you, who will never cease to give us method to open our hearts and awaken.
with thanks from the heart, Ani Kunzang
What a lovely place for the dogs to be. Saving animals like this is providing great merits to one’s self as one would be helping sentient beings in a way they want to have. May Ven Anila have a long and happy life because he knows of the preciousness of the lives other beings.
Such a wonderful place! Thank you Anila for your dedication and caring to the beings in need!
Rinpoche has become more and more popular now with meeting people on twitter or facebook. And not even knowing them personally. Rinpoche’s projects and charisma has really attracted a lot people all over the world. Tara babies is a project set up by Anila Kunsang to provide shelter for abandoned dogs in USA She left Australia to start this project in Arizona. It was hard life on the farm where the dog shelter is. No facilities. But due to her sincerity and compassion she keeps on with the tough life and hard work for the sake of saving sentient beings. She hopes that whatever she can do to help the animals she will endure. But hope that after she is gone there will be more and better facilities in the project with the help of sponsors.