Another success story of Kechara Soup Kitchen
Report from Justin Cheah of Kechara Soup Kitchen. Every month, many like Shamsul are taken off the streets thru KSK’s help
Shamsul (37 years old) sometimes sleeps on the streets and sometimes stays in friends room whenever convenient. He applied to work in Mandarin Hotel as a steward (kitchen helper) about 2 weeks ago. He could not afford to buy a pair of safety shoe which is compulsory requirement and remain jobless till we met him last week midnight rounds. We bought him one pair and he reported to work just now. He works part time now while waiting for full time slot available. He’s getting RM5 per hour (One day at least 12 hours guaranteed). Now he’s able to make some money and have his own room soon. He is very happy.
Justin Cheah wearing red T-shirt getting shoes for Shamsul
Shamsul is off the streets and with a job now!!! No more homelessness for Shamsul. How wonderful. He deserves warmth, comfortable dry place to sleep and nourishment just like all of us. Good job from Kechara Soup Kitchen.
This is such a wonderful sms update from Justin Cheah that I recieved a few hours ago. And as I am typing this right now, Kechara Soup Kitchen department are in the streets delivering food right now!!! It is 12:42 AM.
Tsem Rinpoche.
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Justin and his team are still doing a very good job with helping the homeless find a new lease on life six years on from this post. I really like to read on the works of Kechara Soup Kitchen. It wonderful to see how Kechara Soup Kitchen has grown from a small and simple operations started by Rinpoche. Due to the motivation and kindness of Rinpoche, Kechara Soup Kitchen has grown from strength to strength.
Thank you, Justin Cheah and team.
this story really an eye opener for me. in this selfish society there is still a group of ppl (KSK) that care about the homeless. Well done KSK!!!
Credit should also be given to Justin Cheah who is among the many hardworking people in Kechara Soup Kitchen or KSK. KSK not only feed the homeless but also help those who are jobless and stay on the streets. KSK has found jobs for many of the people who stay on the streets and making them able to support themselves. Shamsul 37 years old has been jobless and had stay on the streets had applied for a job in Mandarin Hotel. He has no money to buy a pair of safety shoes which is a requirement. KSK found him and bought him the shoes. He is now working temporarily until he can find a permanent job where he can afford to rent a room soon so that he can have some where to stay.
Well done..
With the help of KSK, Encik Shamsul, a 37 years old homeless street sleeper got a job as a kitchen-helper, initially as a part-timer at RM5 per hour pending permanent full-time slot availability later at Mandarin Hotel.
Shamsul is now not only off the street, but also able to enjoy back a warm & comfortable dry place to sleep on again, with adequate daily nourishment instead of being a homeless street vagrant with uncertainty.
Thanks to KSK and the hardworking leadership of our big brother, Justin Cheah with his Bodhisattva’s nature, in helping out the down trodden homeless, and urban poor!!
KSK is doing a wonderful job helping the homeless. Congratulations to KSK team for getting another person off the streets and a step forward for Shamsul to gain financial independence. Given a chance, no one wants to be on the streets not knowing where or when their next meal will be and where to rest their tired bodies when night falls. The food pack given out every week is just an ice-breaker for KSK to reach out to the homeless. Justin you are doing a great job, helping so many people with so many kind of problems- lost identity cards, those needing medical attention and the list go on. May you be able to continue with your noble duties and help many more people.
Every time I received the SMS re homeless off the street, it really cheer me up. I remember on the earlier round of KSK, we mainly distribute foods to the homeless. At that point of time we are kind of like “New Kids On Block”, don’t have much contact on job allocation for the homeless. So during that period it is to create a trust/bonding between us and the homeless. Now KSK has been sending people of the street by getting them a job. How wonderful KSK is meeting the long term goal now!
Justin & the volunteers hard work is getting more meaningful. The committees of KSK which always out there look for sponsor or with the media feel more confident to promote KSK as there are result As I’m typing this I feel so much rejoice for the homeless…..
Kechara Soup Kitchen was conceptualize by our dear Rinpoche to give food to the homeless around KL. Thank you Rinpoche for giving us the opportunity to give back to the community, to practice compassion. Many of us would not have engage in virtuous activities if it’s not for Rinpoche’s skillful ways of setting different departments in Kechara. The KSK team is very passionate team and they go all the way out ensure food is delivered every weekend to those who is out on the streets. Now KSK is going the extra miles to help them find a job so that they can have a steady income to sustain themselves. KSK is helping to put people off the streets. Everyone deserves a chance in life. It is so nice for KSK volunteers to spend their weekends spreading joy to others in need. As Rinpoche always remind us, there’s greater purpose in life other than having a great career, getting married and having kids. Dharma is the way of life.
Yes Beng Kooi, when KSK finds a homeless person, our first thought is how to help this person to be independent. This is our main objective that is to help them off the streets. Feeding is only the first step. We have helped many like Shamsul off the streets. Yes, RM38 can change a person’s life but i’d like to share with everyone that many times we have helped the homeless pay RM2 for a police report for loss identity card. Sometimes they can only afford RM1 but in most cases none at all. And we are talking about adults here not even having RM2! Daily, our office also patiently receives many calls requesting for help, may it be to help them find shelter home, a bus ticket back to their kampung (hometown), medical bills payment, etc. We try to respond to all requests to the best of our ability and Id like to share with all that we have been successful in most of the cases.
It’s so heartwarmiong to see how KSK helps rebuild the lives of those who have fallen in society and give them a chance to rebuild their life. Sometimes, all some people need is a chance for their lives to be rebuilt, but this chance will never be given by society for them as most people are too busy to care about the sufferings of others or to provide people with at least something to rebuild their lives.
It’s things like these that sets KSK apart from many other charitable organizations: KSK dosent just feed, but we help the homeless rebuild lives by finding them a job so that they can support themselves, and Justin Cheah goes all the way for them. It is this kind of altruism and attitude that defines a Buddhist soup kitchen 🙂
Kudos to Justin Cheah! Thank you for showing the way and the expression of love and care. KSK is also known as an organization that not only distributes food to the homeless, but gives them a glimmer of hope by showing love and care, especially in trying to get them off the streets.
I have been on rounds with Justin before, and his untiring effort to help is really admirable. He would take the time and make effort to take the friends to make police report on stolen identity card, then go to the national registration center to apply for the replacement of IC and also to the welfare department to apply for welfare card. He would take the old and infirm that needed medical treatment to the hospital, waited with them and then sending them back, and these often took many hours.
He would also arrange and take the old and willing friends to the old folks’ home where they would be taken care off, food to eat, a bed to sleep in and off the streets.
I remembered on one occasion how Justin made so much effort and drawing on so much good will to put one of the HIV patient and drug addict friend into a home and try to wean him off drugs.
Getting Shamsul that pair of shoes for him to start work is only a small part of his contribution.
Justin shows us the true meaning of selflessness, care, love and compassion.
Thank you, Justin.
The ultimate purpose of KSK is to bring people off the streets to help the find a new life. It may be a new job for someone who had lost a job. It may be a new old folk home for someone who had lost his home. It may be the person’s first hot meal of the day since he had been roaming around hopelessly. KSK is HOPE for these people.
Justin Cheah will always do what he can to relieve the pain and suffering of any homeless he meet on the street in his rounds. He is someone who worked tirelessly with devotion and passion to help. We just take it for granted that we will always have a comfortable bed and home to go back to. What about these homeless?
Jace, i am very happy for Shamsul. Ya.. I am so delighted and relieved that KSK AGAIN helped another homeless to get out of the street.
Thank you Justin and Kok Wai for taking Shamsul to buy the shoes.
I remembered he came to Jace and asked for help. when we were giving food to the homeless at the Honda showroom and I interviewed him. He even gave me the Mandarin Oriental Hotel manager’s number to ensure me that he was telling me the truth.
Many people just like Shamsul, what they need were just a pair of shoes, or just a pair of spectacle, or may be just an Identity card to get a job and to change their life.
Do not know where to give your love? Please come to KSK.. we need people, people and people just like you to share your love and care to the homeless.
A pair of shoes and you get a job. Looks simple but for Shamsul he was in a predicament. Those are some of the things KSK can help with, getting a brand new IC, some clothes for the work which requires it and this case a pair of shoes. Homeless are faced with violence, fear of authorities, wary of one another and many other challeneges. I rejoice that KSK is able to help Shamsul towards a first step off the streets. It is not easy to get off the streets once you have been on the streets for along time. Needs some time to adjust.
I think the real success of Kechara Soup Kitchen is that all who are involved in any aspect of it has opportunity to mix their mind be touched by kindness, care and love for fellow human beings through giving and receiving, whether they are volunteers,leaders,VIPs, sponsors, the hungry on the streets or the homeless.
KSK’s purpose is more than just feeding the hungry, but to help them get off the street to do something useful to put back dignity and self worth in their life.
Shamsul’s example is what KSK is really about and his face and expression here say it all.
It is amazing that RMB 38 can kick start somebody’s life. It is also amazing how we can easily (with no intention of discounting the amazing work KSK has done) make a difference to somebody. This is the type of awareness the empowering work of KSK can create for Malaysia. I am so happy that KSK is getting so much publicity because the message it communicates is so important.
The work of KSK goes beyond material aid. It is at the core, all about love. Just look at Justin’s sincere effort to go all the way and purchase a pair of shoes for Shamsul so that he can go to work and make a living and eventually got off the streets. THIS is love. Thank you Justin for showing me unconditional love and care still exists.
I wish Justin and KSK many more success stories in the time to come!
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
It is unbelievable when I first read that Shamsul could get a role in Mandarin Oriental as I know from experience as an ex hotelier how difficult it is to be roped in as part of their workforce and their selection process.
But the Dharma is immeasurable and miracles can happen and it has manifested via KSK once again, and through the kindness of Mandarin Oriental, Shamsul now has obtained back a life of his own and able to rebuild back his hopes and dreams.
Another testament to Rinpoche’s heart via KSK that reaches out to all irregardless of creed and color. Sadhu!
These are the stories that I really enjoy uploading every week on to the Kechara website. It is tangible evidence of how Kechara Soup Kitchen changes lives every single week. Of course they feed 850+ mouths each week (and the number keeps growing!) but when you take a person off the streets, the satisfaction must be immense. It’s all down to people like Justin Cheah, who works so incredibly hard to help all of KSK’s clients. He’s one of the most giving people I’ve ever met, incredibly patient with his time, energy and effort…so patient in fact, he hasn’t got enough time for everyone because he’s really thorough in his care for each person!
Congratulations to Kechara Soup Kitchen for getting Shamsul of the dreadful streets of Kuala Lumpur. When I talk to people in school about Kechara Soup Kitchen, they think about it as a restraunt at first glance but when I explain to them further they think that Kechara Soup Kitchen only feeds the hungry on the streets. They don’t just do that, KSK takes the poor of the streets and stops their sufferings partially. Some cases have very simple solutions that just need some money, some are very hard as some need education etc. It makes my heart melt when I know that the people on the streets are saved. They deserve it! KSK is a group that will do anything to help the poor in Malaysia. I wish that KSK will clean the streets of Malaysia and save all the homeless from enduring unending torture!!!!
That night Justin told me “I have some good news for you”, I didn’t understand it until I read this post. And then the rubber shoes finally recall me about Shamsul. He was staying at Honda showroom (outside of it) at Jalan Chow Kit, he told me he got a job but he didn’t have the shoes, feeling very down. Julia is the one who sent the report to Justin, and Justin is the “master” to solve all these problems. He knows the best and simpliest way to get them off the street.
Like a lot of homeless, Shamsul is honest and never wanted to involve in any crime or hurt people, they just want to make their living but they don’t know how to start especially for them who got robbed, lost their IC etc.
These cases require very small help, they can continue their life. Imagine if without us knowing that they need only a small help, they still have to laying by the street, and not sure how their life would be, they might start to use drug, they might get beaten up because they sleep on somebody’s cardboard, they might get sick and nobody takes care…. Anything could happen on the street.
So, KSK, let’s do more and more!! Looking forward for the building to manifest and be the “home” for the homeless.
Echoing Beng’s comment, it’s amazing to see how much of a real difference KSK and Kechara as a whole organisation benifits others.
To feed someone is a wonderful, compassionate act, but how much more beneficial is it that KSK can help someone find their own opportunity to be able to take care of themselves independently.
When I think of a Soup Kitchen, I have images of volunteers giving out food to those who, sadly, aren’t able to afford to feed themselves. How much more KSK does! And this is down to the pure compassion of H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, his organisation and its wonderful volunteers.
In this wonderful story, Shamsul looks a very proud man indeed, and it’s in the stories like Shamsul’s that really act as an inspiration for people to benefit others in any way that they can: even small acts of compassion can go an incredibly long way.
Good luck and well done, Shamsul – I hope you find tremendous happiness in your new life!
Kind regards,
Kechara Soup Kitchen is one of the NGOs making a real impact on the homeless situation in Kuala Lumpur. With support from the Malaysian government, KSK has successfully helped many homeless people off the streets and into proper jobs and homes.
If you think about it, the work that KSK does really exemplifies one of the fundamental principles of Buddhism – cause and effect.
KSK don’t just feed the homeless, they do more. Feeding the homeless mere addresses the symptoms but not the cause. But by KSK giving the homeless the means and resources to get off the streets (in this case shoes), they are able to start their journey towards financial independence and to have a sense of self worth and self respect.
Tsem Rinpoche says, “When you meet a real guru, his first act is to make you independent of him”. And when KSK finds a homeless person, they try to get them off the streets permanently.
What a DRAMA! This, you would say, can only happen in soup opera when the script writer wants the viewers to shed tears! But Shamshul is REAL and so was his story! The safety shoes cost RM38 but he just coulnt afford it.
This shows that there are indeed countless people out there living well below poverty lines, they go from soup kitchen to soup kitchen for meals and sleep on the street.
Time to get out of our comfort zone and live a meaning life of helping others, join us for food distribution rounds or support us financially or in kind.. not sure how?? check out
It’s very heartening to hear another story of Kechara Soup Kitchen ( making a difference in someone’s life. This is a reflection of compassion that lies deep beneath the staff and volunteers of KSK. It’s not just about providing a pair of safety boots to someone but also being there at the right time and right place to extend help when it was needed. This event did not happen by accident. It is the culmination of KSK’s consistent effort in distributing food to the homeless and continuous effort in connecting with them and gaining their trust. Congratulations to KSK for a job well.
The Soup Kitchen that Rinpoche started has made me think of my younger days when I have to share food with my 8 other siblings. I used to crave for more food. I have learnt that sharing is very important and to be able to give food to others. I have realized that I have become a non-generous person and would like to change that. The Soup Kitchen has taught me to be more giving. I believe in karma: that if you can be generous you can get more in the long-run. Rinpoche used to call me a cheap-skate. I did not understand why but now I do.
Can you imagine? One pair of shoes can make a whole lot of difference in someone’s life! If KSK is not around, if Justin not out there in the streets getting to know the needs of people, Shamsul and many in the same predicament as Shamsul will still be out in the streets.
Many like Shamsul are able bodied and can integrate and contribute back into society. All they need is a helping hand. Don’t we all need a helping hand.
What goes around comes around. Let’s give a helping hand to make a difference in someone’s life…what are we waiting for?
Happiness comes when someone’s life is change for the better and we can make that change happen.
How touching! KSK rocks!
How nice it is to help other people 😀
The journey and story of KSK is one that is written with blood, sweat, tears, love, kindness, and the conviction that WE WILL NOT LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND TO STARVE IN THE STREETS…not on KSK’s WATCH. I “HEART” TEAM KSK!!!