What do I do with these?
I have always loved to make offerings of the most beautiful and extensive kind. I get offerings from people also and I want everyone to get the most out of it… so I think offering to the Three Jewels is the best.
Kechara has a dept (Kechara Blooms) that takes orders of flowers from all around the world and Malaysia too of course. Very often people have Kechara send me flowers and I am so touched… I like flowers alot and always have. They contact Kechara Blooms and place and order and Kechara delivers right to my doorstep… great service… almost daily now. I get flowers for all types of wonderful reasons and each time is like the first time…
I was presented with these today flowers today you can see above… And when I receive the flowers I offer up to the Buddhas on my shrine for the sender. Sometimes people send me flowers for their birthday, anniversary, graduation, mourning, celebration or on special holidays… sometimes to thank me for whatever little I have done for them… They send me with special requests for certain prayers. They contact Kechara Blooms and it’s sent. Thank you everyone for the flowers from around the world. I appreciate every flower that I have been receiving which is in the hundreds and all flowers in the future to come ahead of time… Humbly, I thank you but I will offer them up for you. So kind and thoughtful of all of you.
Tsem Rinpoche
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If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the tsemrinpoche.com blog team
Rinpoche is very compassionate. When he receives gift, he thinks of the person and also connecting the person to the precious Buddha. His thought is always on how to benefit people and the beings around him and hope to get them learn Dharma & connected to the three jewels and ultimately be free one day!
Flowers are substances that are extremely pure and can be obtained without engaging in an evil deed They can be offered without any risk of feeling miserly or regretful.
We are lucky to have a department (Kechara Bloom) to cater our orders.They provide a variety of fresh flowers.
Rinpoche actions speaks louder than words!Thank you for your compassionate heart that is filled with love for others.
It is clearly said that making offerings to one’s Lama is the highest offering. Whether the offerings are big or small, it doesnt really matter because as long as it is sincere and from the heart, one’s Lama will be pleased. Even more so, offerings of practice are the best that we can offer because they represent a lessening of attachment which is all that one’s Lama will want from us.
It is also good to offer things your Lama will “like”. I am a firm believer that the lama does not really “like” or “dislike” anything, but the lama will manifest like and dislike in order to train his students. Thus, if we have care, and we are observant, we will be able to give suitable offerings to our lama. Even more, we will be able to serve him better because we have developed these qualities.
Anyways, Rinpoche does really like to make flower offerings to the Three Jewels, and I know from direct observation and experience that with every single offering that Rinpoche receives, each is offered to the Three Jewels with prayers for the person making the offering.
The frontage of Kechara Bloom is always a delightful picture to any one that walks pass.
Beautiful bouquets of flowers, nicely arranged gift packs etc.
The staff of Kechara Bloom works hard. They are also responsible for the weekly flower offering at Kechara Gompa, maintaining the flowers to ensure they look fresh till the next change.
Thank you Paul ( HOD of Kechara Bloom) and the team.
Ordering flowers through Kechara Blooms helps this department to sustain itself and thrive. And all flowers we offer to RInpoche will be offered on his altar to the Buddhas.
Offering to one pore of our lama is much more beneficial than offering to all the buddha and bodhisattvas of the ten direction!
Lovely flowers! Someone told me Rinpoche likes RED roses a lot. That’ s why when we visit Kechara, we always offer Red roses to Rinpoche. 🙂
Betty loves flowers too and every time we gather for our study group in Sh, she will buy the most beautiful flowers for our Puja.
People are very nice at Kechara Blooms. I hope I can help again at Kechara Bloom the next time we are in KL for Rinpoche’s birthday.
Dearest Rinpoche, you are most thoughtful to offer the flowers you received from people to Buddha on your personal altar. Thank you for helping us generate merits and creating a connection with Buddha. Giving gift of flowers seem to suit all kinds of occasions. Thank you for having Kechara Blooms for us too.
From as little as USD15, students of HE Tsem Rinpoche from all over the world can have their flower offering delivered right to their Guru’s door step. Just click on http://vajrasecrets.com/offerings-sponsorship/offerings-to-h-e-tsem-tulku-rinpoche.html
I’ve seen how Rinpoche would offer up gifts people from people… from expensive to the most humble gifts. To Rinpoche, he offers it all up for us just the same. From our side, what makes the offering special is our sincerity.
Thank you Rinpoche for the opportunities to help us make a connection to the enlightened ones..
Thank you Rinpoche, love you 🙂
It is so meritorious for all to offer flowers to the 3 Jewels. In this case I always like to offer beautiful flowers to my Guru for each offering has all the benefits that are incredible…just like putting money in the bank earning interest! Hehe..greedy of me.
Thank you Rinpoche.
Kechara Blooms flower arranging is beautiful! How thoughtful of Rinpoche to always offer what we offer to the Buddhas. Thank you Rinpoche!
In all devotional spiritual practice of Buddhism, one often sees offerings, especially of beautiful and colourful flowers and fruits, which is common in all traditions. Offerings are to create positive energy and develope good qualities, such as giving with respectful attitude and gratitude and generosity. As taught in the teachings of Lord Buddha, all things are impermanent. Giving of flowers are to remind us that the freshness, fragrance and the beauty of flowers will soon fade away. So will our lives, and to value what we now have and to work hard to try to create, cultivate and develope the good qualities of the Buddha in order to be able to practice and walk the Dharma Path!
Thank you, too, Rinpoche! We all appreciate and love you! When I’ve offered flowers to you, I did so only as a gesture to show how much I appreciate your teachings – and you yourself. I don’t have piles of gold to lay at your feet – but at least I can visualise that my meager offering is something grand!