Good News for Animal Lovers!
Dear friends,
It breaks my heart to see animals abandoned, hungry and suffering on the streets. Most of them are ignored by passersby, and some are even abused and killed for sport. I always carry some food and water in my car so that I can feed any hungry animal I come across and I encourage my students and followers to do the same.
As sentient beings, animals are capable of feeling love and pain, therefore those who hurt them will be “punished” by the laws of karma, which is cause and effect. Similarly, if one brings relief and joy to animals with the right motivation, positive karma and merit will increase.
It is common for people to fall in love with a cute fluffy puppy in the pet store, but most do not realize that the puppy may have come from a puppy mill instead of a responsible breeder. Puppy mills are horrific places where dogs are kept in inhumane and overcrowded conditions, caged for most of their lives and are typically bred on an intensive basis. Survivors of puppy mills are known to have growth deficiencies, malnutrition, horrible skin conditions, a fear of humans and typically do not survive for long.
After bringing home that cute puppy, a few months later when it is all grown up, no longer as cute, and perhaps even a nuisance, many do not think twice about dumping their loyal pet at the animal shelter or worse, on the streets. A quick look at Facebook animal rescue groups is proof of how many people keep dogs and cats as convenient companions, only to throw them out later when they emigrate to a different country, when they have a new baby or when their pet no longer matches their lifestyle. This is horrible and must be stopped.
I’m extremely happy to read this article, and I hope there will be similar movements in other states and other countries in the very near future. Please share and create more awareness.
Tsem Rinpoche
San Francisco Passes New Pet Store Law – Pet Stores Can Only Sell Rescue Animals
written by Carlee Carbone on February 22nd, 2017

Source: The Independent
Good news for dogs and cats as well as animal lovers! San Francisco passed a law to ban the sale of non-rescue dogs and cats at pet shops in efforts to eradicate inhumane puppy breeding operations. The city will also ban the sale of animals under eight weeks old.
“Most animal lovers are horrified at the thought of keeping their beloved family pet in a dirty wire cage for a second — let alone a week, month or even years. Yet, that is the fate of many animals at large-scale commercial breeding operations across the nation, including the mothers of many puppies and kittens sold in pet shops,” the San Francisco Board of Supervisors wrote in an op-ed piece in The San Francisco Examiner. “In response, more than 200 cities and counties across the nation have banned the sale of dogs and cats in pet stores.”

Source: Facebook
District 4 Supervisor Katy Tang, who sponsored the legislation, also called on the US Agriculture Department to reinstate information on its website documenting animal cruelty cases, which was removed earlier in the month. The city of San Francisco currently has no known pet shops selling dogs and cats. Katy Tang stated the measure will allow the city’s Animal Care and Control Department to prevent future shops opening.
“While there are no known pet stores currently selling dogs and cats in San Francisco, we should all be concerned that one could open at any time, and without this legislation, our Department of Animal Care and Control has no way to stop them,” stated Tang.
San Francisco is not the only US city to implement this measure, which will also ban the sale of animals under eight weeks old. The other cities include Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, and Austin who will enforce a similar legislation.
This legislation will save and improve the lives of so many dogs and cats across the country. It’s a step in the right direction for dogs and cats alike.
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For more interesting information:
- He is super compassionate!
- Casper the Therapy Dog Needs Therapy
- Don’t Abandon Senior Pets!
- The Father of 735 Dogs
- Marc Ching Shows Us The Way
- Amazing Things You Didn’t Know About Them
- New Zealand Officially Recognizes All Animals as Sentient Beings
- 7 Signs Your Dog Is In Pain And Trying To Hide It
- These Dying Dogs Need Your Help Urgently
- Inside the World’s Most Dog-Friendly Office
- Dog Funerals Held By Kechara
- Rescued Cats and Dogs Only
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Although I myself do not have a pet, I feel that all pets no matter they are still young or old still need the love and care from their owners.
It is glad that San Francisco government made a law to allows only rescued dogs to be sold. and really hope that the law can be implemented in other places in the world.
Thank you for sharing this in order to create public awareness to treat animals equal as human.
Indeed it’s a good move to help the strays. We see many dogs on the roadside and it’s sad to them hunger and abandoned. Instead of helping those dogs, there are people buying from the pet shop. If this effort transfers to the dogs that been rescued then we are really helping and changed their lives for better. We want people to treat us well and we will feel happy. This applies to the animals too. Treat them as to how you want to be treated. You will not regret it because you are not having them for the sake of having them but you have them because you want to help them. Compassionate last for life.
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You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche loves animals and is passionate against their harm, torture, and abuse.
The few minutes a day we spend on social media creating awareness for animals who cannot speak is purely spiritual and humanistic practice because we are trying to alleviate pain from another sentient beings and that makes us more spiritual, and that makes us more spiritual and more humane.
Is happy to know this news from San Francisco.By execution of this law, I am sure the puppy mill will be less breed dogs for commercial purpose. This will rescue more animals to free from abandon.
Before we want breed an animals, please make sure we can give themu a good environment to live.Treat animals equal as human.
Please adopt instead of buy dogs.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing this in order to create public awareness .
This is excellent news for all animals abandoned by their owners, and unplanned pregnancies. I hope such a ruling can be implemented in Malaysia also. We have our share of domesticated animals living on the streets.
I’m afraid many people buy pets or adopt pets into their homes based on their cuteness value. People are lonely and they want a companion, or the kids are bored or too glued to their phones and they want to divert their attention, or they want a pretty little toy breed to embellish their selfies. That is, the pet is to serve a purpose. Very rarely do we hear of people taking in pets while looking to serve them, care for them and relieve their suffering.
So when the pet no longer serves its purpose, then they get the boot, often in the most inhumane ways. It would be good if people who want a pet has no other way to get one except rescue pets as there are too many already that need homes.
I have heard directly from an ex-Puppy Mill owner telling me how cruel it can be at the site they breed the pups. He has finally gave up the business after 1 year cos he couldn’t bear the pain. Banning the puppy mills is definitely a very good news, I hope Malaysia soon will also follow this trend, allow the pet store to sell only rescue pets
According to the data from American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, US shelter takes around 7.6 million animals every year. This huge number showed many unwanted pets being abandoned and the relevant authorities should take appropriate actions for it.
Now, it is so great that San Francisco together with a few cities in US enforce the legislation in order to protect the animals especially the dogs, cats or etc from inhumane animal breeding farms. Hope there will be more countries have the similar implementation. By doing that the animals would suffer less and the number of unwanted animals will be reduced too.
It is indeed nice to know that San Francisco has passed a new pet law that
allows only rescued dogs to be sold. This is good as it also ensures that
there is less demand for puppies from mills. The condition in puppy mills are extremely inhumane and some dogs are forced to breed until they collapse.
I really hope that the law can be implemented in other places in the world and maybe it could cause puppy mills to run out of business and then shut down.
Very good news for the animal lovers as the law just approved only rescued animals can be sold at pets shop.A few of US cities like San Francisco ,San Diego, Chicago to name a few have enforce a similar legislation.That is wonderful as pets will not be breed and kept in small cramped cages,waiting to be sell off.As a least this way they can improved the living condition for pets.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. I think it will be beneficial if we adopt the same concept here in Malaysia whereby pet shops are only allow to sell rescued animals. By doing this, those animal breeders can no longer breed animals to sell and can safe a lot of animals from being breed and locked up in the cage until someone buys them.
With folded palms,
Wow the San Francisco government is doing the right thing by passing this legislation. There are too many breeding dogs enduring lonely, unhealthy lives in puppy mills and the best thing is to adopt a homeless dog from a shelter or rescue group. Puppies look cute and adorable in pet shops but pet lovers don’t realized that they are supporting animal cruelty as most of the puppies sold in pet shops are sourced from inhuman puppy mills or backyard breeders. Young puppies are often at significant risk during long-haul transport to pet store and the living conditions are not conducive. Puppy mills contribute to pet overpopulation and cause countless dogs’ lifetimes of suffering in squalid wire cages.
Dog lovers can make a difference for the dogs suffering in puppy mills and stop this cycle of cruelty by not buying from pet shops but to adopt a stray. I hope other cities and countries will follow San Francisco and enforce this legislation too.
Thank you, Rinpoche, for sharing this article.
This is indeed very good news because it is done at the governing body level. By enforcing this law, it will first stop the unnecessary breeding of dogs, and really help to curb the issue of stray dogs. Too many times, we have heard sad stories of dog breeding, but at the same time, there are so many abandoned & stray dogs.
I wish more town councils around the world can follow the footsteps. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this piece of good news!
This article shows us how the law could help to change the fate of the animals. San Francisco passed a law to ban the sale of non-rescue dogs and cats at pet shops and the sale of animals under eight weeks old. Many of us might blissfully unaware that puppy mills, the commercial dog breeding operations, (which is more commonly known as backyard breeders) do not exist in Malaysia. But lots of evidence from media proved that they do exist. Majority of the pets sold in pet stores are from backyard breeders, where they are crammed in filthy small cages with hardly any room to move about and fed with innutritious food. The breeders put profit as the top priority and pay very little attention to the animals’ well being which caused most of them suffer in bad health condition.
Therefore pet lovers should stop buying animals from a pet store but to adopt animals. Other law makers of all other countries should emulate San Francisco too to pass the similar law to eradicate the unscrupulous act of puppy mills in the world.
I’ll have to agree that this is one good piece of legislation. Puppy or kitty mills are just one of the many things we don’t need. There are already too many strays who need homes.
Thank you Katy Tang for sponsoring the legislation banning the sale of non-rescue cats and dogs from pet-stores. It is heartening news too to learn that besides San Francisco there are other cities and counties across the US that have banned the sale of cats and dogs from pet stores. Indeed, currently there are over 200 of these cities and counties!The legislation also bans the sale of very young animals under 2 months old.
This legislation has not come in a day too soon. Already, far too often,we are reading about cases of animals in the puppy -mill industry being abandoned after being forced to breed non-stop, often weakening them to the extent of their not being even able to walk steadily. In US alone , in one year, it is reported that 7.6 million animals have been abandoned to shelter homes!
In effect , the ban will see to it that inhumane mass breeding operations will eventually be eradicated.It will lead to the improved lives of animals.
This blog continues to highlight such rejoicing news. In the blogpost ” Rescued Dogs and Cats”, a Phoenix court in Arizona also upheld a law to ban the sale of rescued dogs and cats
Thank you Rinpoche for always sharing such heartening news of acts of humanity that seek to reduce the suffering of animals.
When I read about this article it was so rejoicing. Not just seeing the action from Katy Tang the true animal lover trying her best to help the stray but the city council also play a role to support this action. It’s not an easy way to do this but with the support it eventually becoming an education to many people not to abandon pets and appreciate them. The act to reduce stray is not depend on one or two people or group of people but it’s a responsibility from everyone especially in that particular area. Those a living beings and if we felt sorry for homeless it is the same to the stray. Hope to see this action spread wider to many places and also get the same support from the area council or authority together bring a better life for the animals.
This unconventional stance by San Francisco government to legislate in consideration of animal welfare is definitely a step in the right direction. By essentially mandating the sale of only rescued dogs as well as cats and outlawing the sale of animals below 8 months, it is actively fighting against large-scale breeding operations that put profit ahead of animal welfare.
What most patrons of pet store fail to realise is that they are indirectly and unknowingly supporting animal cruelty. Generally, in puppy mills, female breeding dogs are forced to continuously produce litter and when they reach a point when they can no longer do so, it will just be a matter of time before they “cleared away”. As for the puppy mills dogs, they will spend their lives in captivity until purchased (or until they are “disposed off” when they become too old and/or not “sale-worthy”), since they are literally transported (not long after birth) from breeding cages to pet shop cages. This is not even factoring the emotional trauma of never knowing a mother’s love and sincere care since they are cruelly separated (from their respective mother) almost immediately after birth.
Further, the commercialisation of animals underpins an overbreeding crisis which is resulting in hundreds of thousands of needy animals being euthanised every year simply because there aren’t enough good homes for them. In short, for every animal sold in pet stores, equally healthy and deserving animals in shelters face death row whilst waiting for someone to adopt them.
Thus, it is indeed very encouraging that other cities in the United States such as Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, and Austin are in the midst of following suit. Hopefully, many other states and even other countries would be influenced to enforce similar legislation.
The passing of such laws by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in San Francisco, represents truly a commitment to save the poor, “no one to carefor” animal lives! It is indeed a real humane and mundane act to save the tamed household pets’ and wildlife animals’ lives which have no one to care for but the Almighty! Rinpoche has always reminded us not to abandon any animals due to their old age and in poor physical conditions. It is equivalent to ill-treating a fellow sentient being. None one should follow this inhumane trend and cause more sufferings for the animals. Thank you Rinpoche, for the the wonderful kind sharing of this news for the animals. Om Mani Padme Hung.
Little puppies and kittens at the front of the pet shops always look adorable and very inviting, but for people who care to notice and find out, one will discover the truth of puppy mills in inhumane state. San Francisco did the right thing! With the new law where pet shops can only sell rescued dogs, this helps reduce the oversupply of pets from puppy mills and at the same time help abandoned dogs find a new home. Animals have feelings and it is not right to treat them like a toy, buy them at the spur of the moment and abandon them when faced with the slightest challenge.
Wow this is really superb news! It goes to show if we don’t give up and we keep speaking up for the right cause, and to genuinely protect others, it can happened and people can change an entire state, country and even planet.
This is such good news what Ms Katy Tang did and what San Francisco decided to do as a state law. All state and countries should actually follow suit! So many more millions of dogs will definitely be saved and also rescued because of this beneficial law.
It is not right for people to treat animals like another piece of fashion accessory which they can just buy and later on when they get bored, tired of it, they discard it and in this case abandon their pets. That is truly heartless, and if you can do that, then you don’t deserve to have a pet and you deserve to be fine big time or even better be lock up jail for a few weeks without bail.
This is very good news. Glad that San Francisco government made a law to stop selling animals below 8 months and only can sell rescued animals. This will prevent and stop breeding business and many unethical related businesses. Hope more states in the US as well as other countries will follow suit.