Fantastic Oracle film

Myself when I returned to Gaden Shartse Monastery for a visit with 60 students from various countries
A friend showed me this video. It is a interesting video….You can learn quite alot from the video. It’s His Holiness the Dalai Lama giving explanation of the incredible phenomena of oracles that have existed in Tibet for over 1,000 years. It’s a special tradition. What a nice treat to see His Holiness in his prayer/study room in the video..His Holiness shows us his walking area and aviary also…
It’s wonderful to see this VERY RARE VIDEO. It shows you many types of awakened beings definitely exist. You can see formless beings (Protectors) taking trance in specially trained people to speak, give prophecies about the future. Tibetan Lamas have mastered this perfectly.
When you listen to their prophecies during trance in the oracle, they know things that no one could possible know or what they say very precisely comes true. I have witnessed this personally. It makes you think there are other forms of existences. Awakened spiritual beings as depicted in statues and thangkas exist. We can connect with them…. Also if there are other forms of existences besides our flesh body forms, how do we get there? It must be reincarnation. There is life beyond us and beyond this life…. If there is reincarnation, there must be a factor that operates the reincarnation process or determines where we go. This must be karma. If There is karma, then there is negative and positive karma leading to positive or suffering states of existences. Seeing oracles can prompt us to think deeper and more. If there is karma, then there is the collection and purification of karma which can lead us to higher attainments or otherwise. Seeing oracles in action can open our minds to the fact there are other existences. It isn’t always what you see is what you get.
If there are protectors that can take trance then there must be Manjushri, Vajra Yogini, Tsongkapa, Tara, etc. These beings not visible to the eye do exist would be a good conclusion. Buddhas, formless beings can and do exist.
Watch the videos and leave your comments of what you think? What you learned. How has your understanding been enhanced?
Tsem Rinpoche
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For more interesting information:
- 700 Meet A Buddha
- Main Assistants of the Dharma King
- Largest Dorje Shugden in the World
- Floating Market: Dharma Sharing on Offerings
- Never Seen Before Footage of Dorje Shugden Oracles
- Fantastic Oracle Film
- All About Manjushri
- Discovering Yourself: A Teaching on Karma & Mindstream
- World’s largest Dorje Shugden Shrine
- 10 Holy Dorje Shugden Statues Around the World
- How My Protector Healed Me
- Dharma Protectors of Tibetan Buddhism
- Panchen Lama’s Dorje Shugden Puja Text
- Palden Lhamo
- Nechung – The Retiring Devil of Tibet
- The Spirit Nyatrul: Magic, Mischief and Misery
- Methar of Tengyeling Monastery
- Dorje Shugden Category
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Watching this rare video of Oracle tells all. Its fantastic indeed. I have not seem one yet hopefully in future. Consulting oracles has been practised since ancient times. In Tibetan Buddhism the practice is special unique and even till to this days consulting oracles continues to play a major roles in the lives of practitioners. Oracles serve as a guide for Tibetans in political decisions, predictions about natural forces, healing and so forth. They are also sometimes used as protectors. It was the oracles that gave the Dalai Lama specific advice on how to escape Tibet during the Chinese invasion in 1959. Many oracles used to be present in Tibet, but their numbers have decreasing as a result of various factors. Interesting watch….a rare video.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us this documentary of the oracle. I know of people taking trance of local deities or gods in Taoist tradition but I didn’t know Tibetan Buddhism has specially trained people taking trance of Buddhas.
Since we cannot see or communicate with Buddhas directly, oracle becomes the best medium to connect us with Buddhas. The advice given by oracle who is taking trance of an enlightened being is definitely for our benefit as this is the motivation of a Buddha.
We are lucky to have Rinpoche who introduced to us the Dorje Shugden oracle. We can go to Kechara Forest Retreat to pay homage to Dorje Shugden oracle statue if we don’t have the merits to have an audience with the oracle in person.
Thank you for sharing this amazing and interesting video about oracles. A rare opportunity where we are given the chance to view those videos. Oracles acts as a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought. In Tibet tradition oracles have played, and continue to play, an important part in religion, doctrine, and prophecy. Tibetans rely on oracles for various reasons such as healing of their diseases and on all important occasions. In Tibet, they have the Nechung Oracle and other oracles. The purpose of the oracles is not just to forecast the future but do assist in decision-making and providing intelligence on state matters. I have seen mediums taking trance and it is much different from Tibetans oracles from what I saw from these videos. Hopefully the Tibetan tradition oracles could be preserved , where more will benefit. One such famous oracle is the Panglung oracle where the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden took trance . In fact had helped HH Dalai Lama escaped from the Chinese invasion in Tibet to India back 1959. As advice by the oracle Chushi Gangdruk guerrilla group was formed and had escorted Dalai Lama safely into exile.
Dorje Shugden Taking Trance in Peaceful Form
This video has two parts. The first part was filmed in Gaden Shartse Monastery in Mundgod, Karnataka State, South India, and the second part was filmed in Europe.
In the past, Gaden Monastery was home to a very well-known and extremely powerful oracle by the name of Choyang Duldzin Kuten. He was the official oracle of Gaden Monastery and a layman. He was not learned in the Sutras or Tantras, yet he served the monastery very well in his capacity as an oracle.
He took trance of various powerful Dharma Protectors of the Tibetan Buddhist pantheon, such as Kache Marpo, Namkar Barzin, Dorje Shugden and Setrap. In Dorje Shugden’s case, he took trance of both the peaceful and wrathful forms of Dorje Shugden.
As everyone knows, Dorje Shugden arose when a very high lama by the name of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, who lived during the time of H.H. the 5th Dalai Lama, took rebirth as a Dharma Protector in order to fulfill the vow he had made in one of his previous lives. This vow was to become a Protector of the Buddhadharma in general and the path of Lama Tsongkhapa specifically. During his lifetime, Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was known as a renowned logician, debater, teacher and Mahasiddha. As a result of holding his vows, he achieved high states of spiritual attainment.
When Dorje Shugden takes trance in a fully trained oracle, he can appear in two distinct forms, allowing others to not only receive his blessings in person but also free themselves from the emotional baggage that exists today.
In his peaceful form, he appears dressed in the clothes of a high lama. Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche has mentioned this clearly. For Dorje Shugden’s peaceful form, the oracle wears the golden hat of Lama Tsongkhapa and the three robes of a fully ordained monk. While in trance, he speaks like a human would to another human. It is only when Dorje Shugden is entering the oracle and when he is leaving that we see a visible change. At all other times in between, he speaks very smoothly and very calmly. He is able to give initiations, perform rituals and prayers, answer questions clairvoyantly and also do purifications.
For Dorje Shugden’s wrathful form, the oracle wears the wrathful regalia of a high level Dharma Protector. He is not able to remain long in this state due to the wrathful nature of this emanation.
In this video, you will see the famous Gaden Shartse oracle Choyang Duldzin Kuten, who was authorised and blessed by Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang and Kyabje Zong Dorje Chang to be the official oracle of Dorje Shugden. Here you can see him taking trance in the Gyelchen Tenkhang, which was built by Kyabje Zong Rinpoche.
There are many lamas, students and disciples seeking audience, blessings and advice from Dorje Shugden in his peaceful form. You’ll see Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche’s personal attendant Kungo Palden-la, Gangchen Rinpoche and Tsem Rinpoche in attendance.
During the 2nd part of the video, you will see Dorje Shugden taking trance. At [23:34], you can see the Protector entering the oracle as he is invoked. At [33:09], you will see him leaving the oracle after giving advice and blessings to all. As he leaves, he makes prayers for everyone to achieve Bodhicitta.
Timestamps of note in the video:
12.52 – Kyabje Gangchen Rinpoche
13:01 – Tsem Rinpoche
13:09 – Kungo Palden-la, personal attendant of His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche
19.49 – Tsem Rinpoche
21.20 – Choyang Dulzin Kuten in Europe, getting ready to take peaceful trance of Dorje Shugden
32:46 – Dorje Shugden doing prayers and dedications for the benefit of those who sought audience. Here, he is about to leave the oracle’s body.
To watch the video on YouTube click here.
Here are some interesting videos of oracles from the Himalayan region. These oracles take trance of local deities who aid their surrounding communities by healing people of their illnesses and solve their problems. In these videos you can see the deities take trance of their oracles and perform rituals to heal and even physically suck out illnesses from people’s bodies.
Regarding Goddess Yudroma and her oracle in Dharamsala
1. I have met this oracle several times in Dharamsala. She gives very accurate predictions. I have experienced this myself.
2. She is a gentle Yudroma goddess riding on a horse and she is white in color and takes trance quite easily in this official oracle lady that lived in Dharamsala. When you go meet her, you have to bring milk and yogurt. She takes 7 sips of the milk when she first arrives and recites a host of prayers before we can consult her. We have the honor to offer her the milk to gather affinity with her.
3. She, the oracle lady became well known as over several decades ago, a western hiker was lost in the Dharamsala hills. The goddess was consulted via this oracle and Yudroma then correctly told them where to find the hiker and the hiker was found and life saved. After that she became very well known in Dharamsala.
4. Yudroma the goddess is one of the main protectors of the Gelug Gyuto Tantric Monastery in Dharamsala. They have relied on her for hundreds of years since Tibet. The monks often ask the lady oracle to take trance and through her consult Yudroma.
5. She would be pleased in this video because people are helping Gyuto Monastery, her dominion. Perhaps she is the one that brought the Australian sponsors to help in the first place in her own mystical methods.
6. She is also the protector of Gungru khangtsen in Drepung Gomang monastery in South India.
7. Sadly this lady oracle has passed away and I guess people are perhaps waiting for a new oracle to be chosen by the Yudroma goddess. Haven’t heard anything yet. How lovely this lady served the goddess, monks and monasteries and public through taking trance her whole life. So virtuous of a job. Her body was used to benefit thousands in her lifetime and serve the sangha.
I like oracles because humans can meet the gods directly.
Tsem Rinpoche
(I have attached a video of her taking trance as well as This is Goddess Yudroma thangka photo. This is a picture of the actual thangka that belonged to the oracle in the video. I got her permission to take this picture when I visited her. The Yudroma thangka was hanging in the room where the oracle takes trance in her house. Thanks. TR)
Wow…..amazing watching such a very rare video. We are so fortunate able to see this with a better knowledge of oracles that have existed over thousands years ago in Tibet. This is a very valuable information which provide a great insight into the world of oracles in exiled Tibet. Watching Namsel Donma the only woman oracle was fantastic, she is so strong, powerful and so as the rest of the man oracle in the video. It show us that there are other forms of spiritual beings do exist as depicted in statues and thangkas. HH Dalai Lama gave a good explanation of the incredible phenomena of oracles. I do enjoyed watching, thank you Rinpoche for sharing this rare video.
This video of the Oracle trance is really amazingly rare and educational. I enjoyed watching this video of oracle trance. Thank you very much Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this video ?
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this video about oracles. From this video i have learnt:
1. Oracles can be hereditary or chosen by high lamas/deity himself.
2. The oracles have to do extensive and intense rituals and prayers to keep themselve pure and suitable to take trances.
3. The famous Oracles in Dharamsala are Nechung, Gadong, and Tenma.
The oracles are few his holiness is one the image of the panchen lama both his precurser and the childs face is like a memory so indelibly painted insie my mind its believeable the truth is easy
This is perhaps one of the most esoteric part of Tibetan Buddhism. Imagine a spectacular divine being enters into a man to speak and give advice. I think that this is perhaps one of the most interesting aspects that directly display the existence of higher more evolved beings like Buddhas. I think in the whole world, this is perhaps one of the last culture that openly accept and seek the trances of these deities on a national level. I think for this reason, it would be good to retain this tradition as it directly reveals the existence and powers of the Buddhas.
This is a very interesting video on oracles and how it is in the Tibetan tradition. I would have never knew of this before until Rinpoche educated us on this. It is pretty mystical and magical but the awesome part about it is that you get an opportunity to witness Setrap for example talking and blessing you. These Enlightened protectors which we only see in statue or in thangka form really comes alive and your conviction on them becomes even firmer, especially when they answer your deep secret questions without you having to even say to them.
I had the fortune to have actually witnessed an oracle in trance myself. It is totally different from the mediums taking trance and drinking and smoking and saying he’s some god/goddess. These Enlightened beings can actually give you a Dharma discourse! Their advice is clear and for a long term overall result that may not sometimes suit your expectations and do not ask for anything in return. In the monastic system of Tibetan Buddhism, this has been a traditional practice and even the Tibetan Givt in exile uses these oracle to help them make critical decisions.
It would be so good if this tradition can be preserved and the oracles can benefit so many people. Oracles are usually be picked by a High Lama and groomed by the Lama. They have to go in to such intense retreat and meditations to clear their channels. I hope we can one day have our very own oracle in Kechara Forest Retreta, taking trance of Lord Setrap, hence the oracles’ clothing in Kechara to create the causes.
i am very grateful for this blog and this video on oracle, it has answered my question that i seek for years. I am a normal, logical and educated person but i experienced trances wide awake three times in my life that left me very puzzled. I am what Rinpoche said a channelling being and if i am not wrong, the rare one in 100,000 humans that higher beings can channel through my body.
I am not a medium , neither do i need to use trances for a living, in fact most of my career in MNCs. My first experience was in front of a altar when a powerful force forced me to kneel and bow. I resisted greatly as i didn’t like such occult thing but the force was so great that i knew if i didn’t bow as it wished, my whole body would be flung out full on the floor, so i finally knelt and bowed.
Later someone told me it’s Yamantaka who wanted me to bow to the altar.
The second channel happened years later in 2000, when Lord Ganesh came down and merged with me during his fire puja. I saw a hindu priest kneeling near the drain at the tibetan style puja and he was very scared or full of reverence when i walked near him. I was panting so badly i only noticed him once and it was strange to see a half naked man kneeling down at a small smelly drain towards me.
I felt great joy though and the force within me was so strong that i could dance with big actions. Later i didn’t want to turn in big cirlces and i was panting from the big movements, that i beg it to let me rest. It did and after 5 mins, it continued to make me pose , dance and did actions that i would not even think of or imagined how to do it. Later i had to read up on Lord Ganesha because prior to this puja , i absolutely had no idea who is he. Then i also found out that there is an Indian temple nearby the puja place and the Hindu priest with three white strips across his forehead could have run from there to the puja and knelt down at a small drain.
The third trance was most recent in 2011 when i was seeking supernatural help to heal my weak back from a major operation. It was during the Guru Padmasambva fire puja by a renounced Bhuten senior tulk rinpoche. I was sitting in meditation posture high up on two chairs , the only spot i could find to meditate. I went into a very sleeply trance that had me bending downwards from my two chairs. Strangely, when it was time to queue for taking the offerings to throw into the fire puja, i would be jerk up and i would be the last few in the queue to take from the Bhuten Rinpoche.
This went on for several rounds and i really lost count of the times as i immediately into a sleepy trance when i returned to my chair. After this puja, my back was miraclously healed.
I didn’t share my experiences to show off or to tell the readers i am special. I cried last night when i read how the oracles were identified an accepted by Dalai Lama. I was not so lucky. In fact i was mistaken as weird/strange/possessed when i knew in my heart i am just an ordinary person who was chosed somehow by Higher Beings.
In fact from this video, i learnt that a oracle will not live past 50 and i am looking forward to it as i am nearing 50. I have not found a good guru and was in fact chased out by my former temple with people inside saying i was possessed. This is insult to the Higher Beings who chose to channel through me to bring a good message and i felt very very wronged since i am a normal logical thinking person and i didn’t ask for such things to happen to me.
I am very grateful that this video clears things up for me and to educate the majority what is an oracle. I had always wanted to be a nun since 18 and had been cultivating hard since then though if you ask me , i prefer to be a normal fashion loving, dolling up , musicially inclined housewife than to be an oracle or religious person.
I am from Singapore, a very modern city with most people in Christanity. I would have become a christian too if not for my calling that push me towards Buddhism rather than the modern clean church that i prefer.
I was only a young 21 when i had my first oracle experience. It has puzzled me since then. I am more into Mahayana mandarin chanting than into Tibetan words chanting , so it takes me this long to finally find a Rinpoche who can express dharma teachings well in English.
Right now i am into chakra and kundalini awakenings as i experienced kundalini myself. I am still a very normal person, i don’t have third eyes, i don’t see ghosts, i don’t predict things but my physical body is chosen by the Higher Beings (Dharma Protectors).
I am a female but it seems that the Male Protectors also choose my body. (Red Zamhbala and Yamantaka) and it is often by chance during a fire puja. Right now i am worried to join any fire puja and then my body is once again being channeled and i hated to be mistaken as insane or putting on an act.
To all the readers, please don’t be judgemental when you see someone ordinary going into a trance. You won’t understand how strong the force is until you experienced it yourself.
I was fully conscious but i also could not fight against the powerful force coming into me. I could only negotiate or plead or just give in to it.
I felt the greatest lightest joy in this world which no words can ever described it fully when Red Zambhala (Lord Ganesha) channeled through my body. This is my precious feelings that i would remember forever.
oops, used the wrong word, the bhutan tulk rinpoche is a very famous 80plus lama in bhutan, not renounced but reputable, he is being recognized as one of the 25 disciples of guru padmasambhva reincairnation.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this video. It provided a great insight into the world of oracles in exiled Tibet.
The parts that stood out for me the most were:
1. The oracle for Khadro La Tseringma is allowed to reside amongst other monks. How fortunate for her to be able to study, live and continue her Dharma practice on such holy grounds surrounded by sangha members, and close to His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
2. The way she became an oracle, how she spontaneously took trance at the age of 8, how her body felt different whilst growing up, how her mindset was different e.g. she felt for the ticks when she took them off her goats.
3. The hardships she went through to be where she is today. Going for weeks without food to get to Dharmasala.
4. The difference in her mannerism and appearance when she’s in trance and off trance.
She fascinates me for some reason. This is a more recent video of her:
5. When His Holiness the Dalai Lama mentions how it’s dangerous to worship a spirit, when on the topic of oracles in villages, I couldn’t help but notice that the states oracle Nechung is himself a spirit.
6. How there are 2 “types” of mediums, hereditary (Gadong oracle) and non-hereditary (Nechung).
The narrator provided a sound documentary on oracles, even being honest with his own opinions and experiences. Seemed like he had a change in perspective on oracles towards the end of the video!
What a rare video! Read and heard about Oracle’s story many times before but this is the first time “see” how they trance. It’s amazing! The protectors are really exist. I’d better do my prayer more sincerely! 😉 I like the young lady. She looks so pure. Her story was fascinating! It’ll be a great video to share with others. We always want PROOF before we can trust but meanwhile we easily influenced by what OTHER people says. Or what advertisement says…sadly! We chose to believe what we want to believe instead of the truth. Or we chose to believe whatever is easy for us to accept. We don’t have the ability to judge what is the truth because we don’t have perfect wisdom. Practise Practise Practise!
It’s also very sweet to see His Holiness making mala, laughing, walking with smile and giving teaching. Very rare to see such a close up scene of His Holiness’s ” Normal life”. Thank Rinpoche to share this video. Thank His Holiness for sharing the mysterious activities for us to learn.
This video is simply amazing. Indeed this has prompted so much further and deeper thought of what other beings could exist beyond our current lifetime. At the same time, although its definitely very hard for a layman to meet these oracles in person while in trance but i hope one day i have the merits to witness a trance taking place (not to ask questions but to witness and feel the session of it).
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing such a video which has been kept as a secret for almost 400 years now.
This is very interesting video and thank you Rinpoche for sharing this full video, that I can knows more about Oracle in trance. It was like a supernatural power when taking trance 🙂 hehe
Dear Rinpoche,
I was wondering why in Tibetan Buddhism we use so much brocade, as
thousands of silk worms are killed to produce just one pound of silk. It seems just as bad if not worse than meat to me. So, I was just wanting some clarification, because in monasteries so much brocade is used.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this video.
“Seeing oracles in action can open our minds to the fact there are other existences. It isn’t always what you see is what you get.” This point strikes me as I have seen a lot of deity taking trance in my childhood but now I really think that it is so true that there are so many other existences around us. Which one would I like to be next after this life? It would be all depend on how and what I am doing now. I better do more and practise more while I still have the chance now to be one step closer to the high beings.
Thank you rinpoche sharing this documentary video,it help us to understand more about Buddhist oracle took trance is different what we saw at the Taoist temple. Be the Buddhist oracle to invoke higher being enter the oracle, The oracle has to proper training by doing retreat. To prepare oracle body is clean for dharma protector to enter oracle body. It show how compassion dharma protector came in different way through oracle to help sentient being who was suffering.
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing, it makes me think deeper about ” If there is reincarnation, there must be a factor that operates the reincarnation process or determines where we go”
To believe in karma or reincarnation is not an easy thing for most of the people, because we can’t really see it physically. After participating in producing a video about reincarnation,, from what explained by the experts of different field, we can actually “see” it from the phenomena they mentioned.
The video which Rinpoche shared in this post is very nicely done, a good video production that tells what is oracles about. It’s not superstition to believe in oracles who is taking trance of an enlighten beings; for me it physically shows that enlighten beings do exist.
It is very wonderful video. It’s interesting to see how different cultures view oracles and those who uses logic and science to understand what he sees and experience. I have never seeing a oracle before and now I learn more about it. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this interesting video.
Thank you Rinpoche for this amazing video on Oracles. As the Dalai Lama says, it is only in the Buddhist context of understanding and accepting the true nature of reality and interdependent arising(and of there being no truly permanent independent ‘self’) can we ‘make sense’ of Oracles. When the medium goes into trance, his consciousness is displaced by the mind of a “formless” being, that is the Dharma Protector.
Whatever may be said against consulting Oracles,they have an intrinsic role to play in Tibetan Buddhism. In general,it is through Oracles that Dharma Protectors can communicate directly with us.The whole stringent process of identifying and training genuine oracles makes them worthy of our trust and respect.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this precious video. If beings from the lower realms exist, then subdued spirits and dharma protectors do exist too. When I was young, I have seen mediums taking trance and I was being told that its the “God’s” spirit that has entered the medium. However, I think oracles have to undergo more intensive training and discipline than mediums. If some of the oracle’s predictions turned out unfavorably, I guess there must be a reason for it turning out this way. Don’t undermine HH Dalai Lama’s choice in using an oracle to seek divinations for Tibet.
From young age till now, i very interested in Oracles, Deities, Buddhas.. Like to mix around with friends to go Taoism temple to take a look how Taoism oracle take trance, what Taoism oracle doing.. Because of Rinpoche, i am so lucky get to know about Tibetan Buddhism Oracles, that is much much more interesting.. And now i know, is not easy to become an Oracle ( Tibetan Buddhism ). Thank You Rinpoche to shared it with us.
Best Regards : Erickksiow _/\_
Amazing video I enjoyed watching it so much in a way. There are powerful who can perceive the future and give us advice on what to do. Knowing what is in store can help us avert it if it is something that produces negative results in the future for us.
Seeing the trained oracle taking trance really an eye opener. Really amazed me and got me thinking there are actually things which is unexplainable by science or simply beyond of our understanding. Being an oracle in Tibetan Buddhism is no joke as explain by one of the oracle’s son who chose not to be one. By dedicating their life physically and spiritually ready alone requires lots of proper training and discipline. Unlike here, some who claims to be a Kwan Yin oracle. The more i think, the more i feel i am extremely lucky to be able to know so much more because of Tsem Rinpoche teachings.
Thank you Rinpoche, that was fantastic – i felt that there is so much more that i do not know; i really need to develop more wisdom for sure. Seems i also need to keep an open mind, not stuff it with hard opinions. Thank you again, Rinpoche!
When I started watching videos of oracles, my mind kinda opens, and started to think a lot… I never really thought about higher beings “taking over” the human body… but what is strange is that I have always believed that ghost and other spirits can take over human body (may be becauseI have heard so many cases), but why I never thought about Buddha or high beings taking over human body?
Also, a lot of us (me included of course) always wanted a proof that a higher being has taken trance, but we automatically believe that spirits taking over body… it is strange, right?
Thank you for posting this video, not only it gives me some knowledge, but also open my mind to accept more possibilities.
This is a really interesting documentary! I was so focused on it that I forgot to turn off the stove on which a big pot of soup my mum was boiling, and burnt the soup!(sorry mum)
Some of the points which stood out to me was:
1) Science is still very limited to measuring only physical/tangible phenomena. Many people do not recognize this and would dismiss things which can’t be proven by science as mere fib. This closes them out from learning so much more.
2) The practice of consulting “spirits” or higher beings through oracles or mediums were meant to be for spiritual development, not worldly matters. It is important to know what deity is being consulted and never to seek refuge with an unenlightened deity.
3) There are some who think that people who consult and act upon the advice of oracles are shirking their responsibility. To me, the ultimate decision whether to follow the advice or not still lies with the decision maker.
4) The Dalai Lama’s bird shelter reminds me of the one in Ladrang =)
this is a really fantastic video that showcases the secrets of the Tibetan practise and the reliance on the oracles like Nechung. Well if Guru Rinpoche relied on Nechung and the Dalai Lama there must be a real function for such dharmapalas!
It is a very interesting video. Kechara Paradise staff watched it at Kechara Care Lounge 2 weeks ago and they found it very fascinating! I believe the Buddhas exist and the oracles are real as they can advise us things that benefit us.Thank you for this wonderful video!
I am really intrigued by the oracle in Tibetan Buddhism. I have never thought trance-taking exist in Buddhism at all. If it is strongly practiced by high lamas and monasteries, it must be real.
When I look deeper, I found Buddhism to be so ‘flexible’ in the sense that there is no fixed method to follow the teachings. Before Buddhism spread to Tibet, people practice Bon religion, trance-taking was part of their culture. In order to spread Dharma to these people, Buddhism blended into their culture, taking the form people can easily accept. 84000 methods, this must be one of those.
This also teaches us to be open minded, not to be restricted by our preconception. What we cannot see, does not mean they do not exist; what we can see does not mean they are real.
There are oracles in most religion and culture not just exclusive to Tibetan Buddhism. History shows that oracles exist even among the Aztecs, Africans, Greeks, China, Hawaii, India, etc. The famous Delphic Oracle was also very famous throughout Hellenic culture, mostly associated with Apollo.
However, I wonder if these oracles have to go through as much and intense training as the Tibetan oracles. The oracles in training have to keep themselves very clean and complete hundreds of hours of retreats. How clear the oracle’s speech also determines how ‘advance’ is the oracle. I think this is why oracles are highly revered which is for their discipline and training; not that they are gods or supernatural beings.
Thank you Tsem Rinponoche for this. Here in my town in Ontario Canada I attended a so call meditation where the person said they channeled from spirit,and gave messages to everyone in the group. Right off the bat they knew I was uncomfortable with this as she almost seemed nervous of me before she even went into . I came for meditation, not knowing she was going to channel. The meditation was actually wired because for a brief minute I almost felt way from my body and expanded and not really aware of anyone in the room as if we where all one or I was kalppne somewhere. it was brief. Then after the meditation she channeled and. Said things Incould not accept as she was angry I could feel that. She said she knew what everyone needed and I said I was trained that only that continum can know what is best for them l here eyes went black, that’s what happens forw me to see it as more of a demon, as this has happened with another and was validated by moy spiritual teacher. the medium would not turn on the lights Asa the evening rolled win and it got dark. She decided to have one on open where you ask three questions , when it came to my turn to go and sit in the dark I knew what this was so I cannot see her and her black eyes plus this entity was angry with me. So I left. Because sometimes I may see someone who has passed on when a client comes I not always say anything. Also when I did Reiki it was more of a spirit possession . I left it up to the guides to guide me with that .
Veneralable Anne a Tibetan Nun told me I had a gift and to seek a qualified teacher , I do not know of one so do not attempt much in that direction. However people who may have died in an accident will come to me , however I do not look for that to happen. Yet if they do come I was at someone’s apartment and a ghost came in and Inasked about this man and my friend said they think of him often even though he died 5 years ago. We lit a candle told him the story and my friend and I crossed him over in a nice ceremony and so happy for him to cross. I rathernhave a teacher then to do this pon myown. I nowr use Tibetan insence to liberate souls.. That animal
died in a calm state so it will transitioned easil. Now rather help my animals and others to help y and have a better rebirth. Io only have doped Bardo prayers. And wish I knew more. To help transition or heal the animal. So I do Medicine Buddha now and practice the practice of daily practice. And it is getting much better and pig desire to practice. I sonapreciate this place to find out how to practice and what. Seeing this makes me realize I did right not to delve into on my own. Blessings
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this documentary video,so precious n awesome , is really open my eyes about mysterious Tibetan buddhism oracle. During watching the video, suddenly a question pop up in mind :is what is the qualifications to be oracle ya?is it must be reincarnation background or certain assign people or can be train up even a lay person? and i so surprise even have girl oracle like Tenma oracle.
This video is good to educated people about the different about Taoist oracle and Tibetan Buddhist oracle…Actually I have some experience before about Taoist oracle, normal they wear less lah :p and when they get trance is no one can know that is really the ‘god’ or ‘others’ inside or is fate…but some of them really can know what happen on you before, even you did not tell before. after that they have some solutions for you ( normal in easy way, like drink a water that have Incantation paper burn inside, paste a mantra on door, bath with 7 colour flowers and so on, it depends on your problems) , but is only for really short term and sometimes the situation become more worst after that.
and through this video, will gain more confidence on Tibetan oracle after understand more, time have proven that oracle answers is right and is the best advise.Sometimes even scientific can’t explain this kind of situation, but we need more open mind on this formless area, that we know and believe it does existence.
Thank you Rinpoche for your kind and great care sharing this wonderful video.
p/s: the wide shot and lock shot in this video is sooooooo amazing. Very Sincerity, and lot of effort put on this production.salute
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this. Many Chinese don’t understand why Buddhism has oracle. To many of the Chinese, Tibetan Buddhism or oracle is something exteremely ‘new’ to them.
This video educates people to think what is the difference between the Taoist oracle and the Tibetan Buddhism oracle. Although there are differences between the 2 oracles, but there are also similarities such as the oracle is able to heal people, predict the future(but i understand clearly that the enlightened Dharmapalas like Setrap is helping us to gain attainments, unlike the other spirit or worldly deities).
What I cannot see does not mean it does not exist.
Mediums taking trances of different spirits and deities are not uncommon here in this part of the world and people seek their help and prophecies. But the majority is questions pertaining to own mundane stuff like “will my business/health/relationship improve?”, “what should I do to improve my business/health/relationship?”.
Rarely would there be a question for spiritual practice or advancement. However, if such questions are asked to a non enlightened spirit, there may be no direct answers or remedies or guides for spiritual practices.
High lamas, out of humility, summon dharma protectors for prophecies of spiritual growth for dharma centres or for their students.
No matter how many times I have witnessed these trances, I always am in awe in the presence of the powerful energy of these highly evolved and enlightened beings and how very accurate the answers would be to the questions asked.
Tibetan Oracles date way back from Shamistic Tibetan Bon religion, pre-Tibetan Buddhist period. They take trance of guardian deities from numerous classes of worldly spirits such as pehars, oath bound by Padmasambhva and enlightened beings such as Setrap and Palden Lhamo. Female Oracles take trance on female guardian deities and male oracles take trance on male guardian deities.
The Tibetan government and the Dalai Lama seeks advice on state affairs from their State Oracle who takes trance on protective deity Nechung, oath bound by Padmasambhva.
This video reminds me of when I was young I used to follow my father to a Taoist/Buddhist Temple. And at this temple there was a medium who will take trance of the protector deity of the temple. It seems to be a common practice for the devotees of this temple to consult the deity through the medium for solution(s) to various types of problems, obstacles or illness devotees had experienced. Devotees would resort to consult the deity when all other methods failed or this could be the only method that the devotee concerned could afford.
During trance, the protector would prescribe some remedy for the problems concerned, sometimes the protector through the medium would write certain ‘mantra’ or certain protective words for the devotee concerned to wear. Or this mantra is burned and then mixed with water before it is consumed. Were the problems or obstacles resolved through these consultations? I believed the problems were resolved. But sometimes they weren’t.
One observation was when a protector deity was able to resolve many of these problems, the protector deity will gain a lot of attention and eventually the deity and temple will become famous. Many people will travel from afar to this temple to seek help from the protector deity.
Modern and educated people would normally not believe in such consultations as most believe these to be non-scientific and unreliable. However, these consultations have been part of the Chinese way of life for centuries. Consultation with the protector deity is still being followed to this present day.
Having found Buddhadharma, I am beginning to understand more about these unconventional methods of solving life’s difficulties. We must consult only the enlightened deities for example Lord Setrap. Why? Only enlightened deities can provide the perfect solution(s) to our problems. The enlightened deities do not expect anything from us in return. However, worldly protector deities are not yet enlightened and hence they provide imperfect and incomplete solution(s). Furthermore, these worldly protectors will almost always expect us to return their favours.
Having some understanding of Karma, we realized we are the cause of our own problems in life. The only way to resolve them is to do purification practices and to refrain from creating further negative karma.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for the video. It’s interesting to watch this video from the angle of a Western narrator who uses logic and science to understand what he sees and experiences. Although there are instances where oracles can be political amongst different Tibetan Buddhist lineages, the function of oracles is still important for our spirituality.
HH The Dalai Lama said that science can only answer questions pertaining to what we can see using mathematics. But we need other methods to understand the formless field. What HHDL is implying is that we can’t use what we learn in school to understand everything in the universe. So we need to have an open mind.
A few things in this video stood out for me:
1) how forthcoming Ngari Rinpoche is. I have seen him in a couple of other videos (most recently a documentary about the Dalai Lama’s life) and he seems very easy-going and open-minded
2) it’s interesting to see how different cultures view oracles. Western culture, as a result of Christianity, has marginalised the practice whereas Eastern cultures still practice it. But what many people who scoff at the practice today fail to remember is, there was once a similar tradition in the West.
It’s not a competition but I’d much more readily accept a practice that has taken place and been tested for over 400 years, than try to discount it using a practice (e.g. Western psychology) that’s much more undeveloped.
3) why are people always trying to explain things away? For me, the results prove something is beneficial, and therefore they matter more than the how’s. I really liked what Lama Yeshe’s student said about leaving stuff if you can’t handle it for now, and revisiting it later. It seems to me a much more practical approach to practice, than just discarding teachings / concepts because they don’t fit in with MY false expectations of Buddhism.
4) if a spirit can take possession of a person, then a Buddha can definitely enter an oracle
Dear Rinpoche,Thank you for sharing this video. What i know about Oracle is very little, i have never been seeing a Oracle in reality, between there’s lot “imitated” out there ( sorry to say that =p )Perhaps this is the reason makes me not interested in Orcale.But after seeing this video is ” WOW!!~~” it is very different to what i think about Oracle, totally. Thank You Rinpoche ^^,
Dear Rinpoche,
I find this very interesting. In the Islamic faith, there are beings called Jinn. The Qur’an says they are made from “smokeless fire” and are separated into different groups (tribes, nations, religions etc.) like the Dalai Lama was saying. I wonder if are Jinn are the same/or very similar to formless beings.
Very interesting video. Presentation is engaging and dramatic, but I think it raises more questions than it answers – which I think is very good btw. 🙂
KHKC staff watched the video today. Everyone was captivated and have a better understanding of why the Tibetan Government consults the Oracle in certain decisions.
Tapping the energy of the formless realms is not new to the Asian culture but to use this energy /knowledge in running a country requires great wisdom and compassion otherwise this powerful ‘tool’ can be abused in the wrong hands.
Thank you Rinpoche for this precious knowledge.
I didn’t realize the oracles were so unreliable. The film mentions the Nechung’s disastrous advice regarding the 1904 Younghusband Expedition. Also, unless I misunderstood, the Nechung is here filmed predicting progress in Sino-Tibetan relations for “this year” (i.e. the year of the film), possibly including a Dalai Lama visit to China. In fact China has been stonewalling the Tibetans–they are obviously waiting for the Dalai Lama to die–and so the oracle is again proven wrong.
I was thirteen when I first witnessed an oracle on trance.My half brother’s friend was the oracle.Their temple was under renovation and my parents agreed for some of the dieties to be brought to my home.
I was rather frightened when I saw the oracle took trance,he was very wrathful.I can’t really remember all the details but I remembered I was praying silently not to be afraid and my prayers are answered and I was never afraid again.
Thank you Rinpoche,for this video as it brings back fond memories back then.Take care and always be in good health.
To be an oracle of Nechung is not an easy task, especially with a solid 75lbs weight of a fully-jewelled decorated protector’s Hat, a largr heavy colourful robe and other ornaments draging the person down. Yet, surprisingly the oracle is still capable of wrathfully jerking his heavy head violently up and down, even at times jumped about yelling fiercely in his semi-unconscious form, though assisted by monks at times. In ancient times, the phenomenon of Oracles is said to remain an important part of the Tibetan spiritual way of life. From hundreds, today it seems only a few survived, including those said to be consulted by the Tibetan Government, and H.H. The Dalai Lama, with the principal one being Nechung. It has been traditional for the government and the Dalai Lama to consult Nechung customarily, as the Dalai Lama has said that he himself has had dealings with Nechung several times a year, and that on each one of them, time has proven that Nechung answer was correct. Tibetans it seems do not only rely on oracles to foretell their future, they are called upon as “Protectors” and sometimes as healers for sicknesses. However, the primary function of the Protectors is to protect the Buddha Dharma and its practioners! Thank you Rinpoche for this post, your deep concern and great care.
Amazing! Thank you!!
Thankyou for the video Rinpoche. Before i know of Kechara, I heard about medium and taking trances but I was never interested. Don’t know why, i am afraid of them because simple I dont understand the need and who they are. After learning much from Rinpoche and study up, now I am so interested in oracle and trance taking… hehe. Even watching this video made my hair stands… I love it!
It is wonderful that the world is looking into studying about the divine, this is a great way for people to learn and not base on our own presumptions. This will eventually clear doubts, we need information and knowledge. Thankyou for Rinpoche’s compassion teachings to make these information and teachings so accessible for today’s age!
Thank you for posting this enthralling documentary. It is really quite amazing to see the oracles in trance and the various interviews. I do wonder why His Holiness the Dalai Lama seeks advice from Nechung, who is a subdued spirit, when he can seek advice from Palden Lhamo or Setrap. I would have thought that enlightened Dharmapalas would be more accurate in their advice. I had not thought there were lady oracles so this was eye-opening. I’ve always been fascinated by Dharma Protectors and this video has given me much food for thought. i will google for more information – especially about the Tenma oracle! Thank you again!
Sharon, what you have written makes sense, although I never thought of it that way. Why indeed does His Holiness seek advice from a non-enlightened being? It ties in with my main question that arose from watching this video, which is, why does His Holiness need to seek advice from anyone at all? After all, he is an enlightened being, who is one with Chenrezig, is he not?
What I think is that His Holiness doesnt really need the oracle of Nechung, but he does it so that others have faith in dharma protectors and their advice. I think it is a form of skilful means on His Holiness’ part, rather than an actual reliance on Nechung. Otherwise, it doesnt make sense at all.
I suppose that also means that if Nechung gives incorrect advice (is this possible?), His Holiness will also know that it is wrong and take corrective action?
Tsem Rinpoche, that is a great surprise to see 15th Ngari Rinpoche Tenzdin Choegyal here! I did meet him im Brazil, São Paulo, in the our meeting with the Dalai Lama. I talked to him for hours. He is a very fun and profound person. I really like Ngari Rinpoche!
Thank you very much for this video! Must clarifying! I will advice my brothers and sisters of Tashi Gyatso Institute here in Brazil to see it!
May you always teach the Dharma, have a long life and continue to do this wonderful movies!
Thank you very much again!
Thank you for sharing this video, Rinpoche. I have always been searching for a video/documentary like this but most of what I found online were just snippets and teasers. This is the full version and very informative indeed. I wish to witness an oracle in trance some day.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this unique documentary. Watching this video is like stepping into the secret, mysterious world of which Tibetan Buddhism is so well known for.
Is it that strange for a nation to seek counsel from a being who take trance of a deity? From what i understand, these monks are highly trained to be suitable vessels with the motivation to benefit.
Some may question if Nechung is a good or bad spirit. Well, all I know is that Nechung was a spirit and he was subdued by Padmasambhava to be a Protector. I do believe that Padmasambhava is highly attained and definitely knows what he is doing in order to subdue Nechung to be a Protector who is highly sought after to give advice and to predict the future.
It is human nature to know the future and to have the best advice one can get. Perhaps this is why oracles are highly sought after by many.