Nov 14, 2012 (By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear Friends, A couple of years back I came across a book ‘Dragon Thunder’ written by Diana Mukpo about Chogyam Trungpa. It was a fascinating book. I enjoyed it very much. I decided to have readings of the book with my students. Around 80 of us gathered and then discussed the book. In the...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Transcripts | 31 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche and Pastor David Lai) Dear friends, I was given a book called ‘Niguma, the Lady of Illusion’ recently. Although I have read bits and pieces about this dakini’s life online in the past, I did not really know much about her. Hence, reading this book was to be my first serious...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Guest Contributors | 16 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) Over the decades, you have had various teachers and various individuals and practitioners who really promote, complement, and establish and, at the same time, kind of ‘market’ their particular practice, yidam, lineage, protector, guru, monastery, and meditations. When someone promotes their meditations, or their lineage, or their practice, or whatever they...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Downloads, Great Lamas & Masters, H.H. Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche | 23 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends around the world, Before Dorje Shugden was widely practised in Gelugpa tradition, he was enthroned as a protector of the Sakya tradition. As stated by His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche in his work “Music Delighting the Ocean of Protectors”, Sakya reliance on Dorje Shugden began with the 30th Sakya Trizin...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Dorje Shugden, Downloads, Prayers and Sadhanas | 114 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) A few weeks ago, I came across a set of guidelines that Venerable Acharya Kyabje Zasep Tulku Rinpoche had written for his students back in 1999. From his guidelines you can see he is straightforward, honest, genuine and real. He is really out to find genuine receptacles of dharma. Being real...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 41 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends around the world, Nagas are powerful beings belonging to the animal realm but they have subtle bodies that humans cannot ordinarily perceive. They are considered one of the Eight Classes of Spirits known as ‘Lu’ in Tibetan. Nagas are ruled by Eight Naga Kings and are usually depicted as...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Prayers and Sadhanas | 65 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) The Tea offering for Vajra Yogini is an excellent way to: Create affinity with her and her practice. To generate merits to accomplish the Generation stages and Completion stages of her practice. To accomplish her sacred 11 yogas after initiation. To create the causes to receive her practice in complete. To...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, H.H. Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, Prayers and Sadhanas, Vajra Yogini | 92 Comments »
Dear students and friends, Our lives in samsara are influenced by rules and regulations that are often beyond our control. For instance, when we need approvals from local authorities and government departments, we may be subject to red tape, delays, uncertainties and worst of all, rejection. Such obstacles can have adverse effects on our...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Prayers and Sadhanas | 18 Comments »
Beberapa orang menghabiskan waktu mereka membantu dan merawat orang lain, dengan pikiran, kecerdasan, waktu, perhatian, sumber daya, dan kemampuan mereka. LUAR BIASA. Mereka melakukannya tanpa mencari pengakuan atau pujian. Orang-orang seperti ini telah menemukan ramuan ajaib dalam hidup. Suatu eliksir yang merubah hidup kita menjadi bermakna. Bayangkan diri Anda di bulan, menatap bumi, mencari...
Posted in Bahasa Indonesia, Inspiration & Worthy Words | No Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) The Sangha is one of the Three Jewels which we take refuge in everyday while doing our daily sadhanas. However, do we actually know the meaning and reason for paying respects to the Sangha, and how does respecting the Sangha help us in our spiritual growth? In everything we do within...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 27 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) In most cultures, women as a gender have been undeniably classified as lower in status compared with men. It was only recently that women began to receive equal recognition, appreciation, and stature, but even so, in some places around the world, women are still viewed as inferior and treated accordingly. In...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 7 Comments »
Posted in Dorje Shugden, 中文 | 16 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) Beautiful 17 inches Setrap Antique style invited to the office and offerings done!! Setrap is a fully enlightened Protector who has sworn to Shakyamuni to assist sincere dharma practitioners. He is the guardian of Kechara House and it’s members. He is very popular these days here as many people have felt...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Kechara - 13 Depts, Students & Friends | 15 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) What a beautiful picture and message from Paris (Jamie Khoo) sent me just a half hour ago. Gyabshi is a special puja for removing obstacles to one’s life, health and clears our thinking when overwhelmed with negative thoughts. It removes negative supernatural forces that normal means cannot expel. After a Gyabshi...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Students & Friends | 17 Comments »
These mystic formulas carry a tremendous blessing power and exist in all religions. Anyone who recites these holy words can tap into their source and connect with sacred energy that helps to transform our minds. Tsem Rinpoche Watch the video below Transcript: Mantras – holy words of power There...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Transcripts, Videos | 55 Comments »
Dear everyone, I have chosen to write about this topic for Rinpoche’s blog because it fascinates me and it is something that many people are drawn to. Generally, people are afraid and yet they are strangely attracted to the paranormal. It does not matter if you are living in the West or in the East;...
Posted in Current Affairs & News, Ghosts and Hauntings, Guest Contributors, Paranormal, Science & Mysteries | 50 Comments »
Amitayus, Buddha Kehidupan Abadi, sering disamakan dengan Amitabha, Buddha Cahaya Abadi. Beliau tinggal di kediaman ilahi Sukhavati, atau juga dikenal sebagai Tanah Suci Barat. Populer di Asia Timur, pengabdi Amitabha, atau juga dikenal sebagai Amida di Jepang, berdoa agar terlahir kembali dalam bunga Teratai di Tanah Sucinya. Sebagai Buddha Kehidupan dan Cahaya Abadi, Amitayus...
Posted in Bahasa Indonesia, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | No Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche) I received this article in the mail and it caught my attention. These days it is very rare to hear the account of practitioners with attainments, so I thought I would share this with you. In the monasteries, it is very common that through sincere motivation and practice, one can achieve...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Inspiration & Worthy Words | 16 Comments »
(By Tsem Rinpoche and Stella Cheang) In Buddhism, holy relics refer to the physical remains or the personal effects of Buddha Shakyamuni preserved for the purposes of veneration. Relics embody the spiritual qualities, compassion and wisdom of the Buddha. Buddhists believe that by making offerings and prayers to Buddha’s sacred relics, they will be...
Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, China, China 中国, Guest Contributors | 29 Comments »
The opportunity to take a glimpse into the personal possessions of a private and highly-attained lama is a bonafide rarity. Above is the personal Dorje Shugden statue of the previous incarnation of HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche; the direct disciple of HH Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, junior tutor to HH 14th Dalai Lama and the root...
Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Dorje Shugden | 52 Comments »