Posts Tagged ‘ travel ’

Dorje Shugden Cham Dance in Nyemo Gyelche Monastery, Tibet

Apr 22, 2024
Dorje Shugden Cham Dance in Nyemo Gyelche Monastery, Tibet

There are several variations and interpretations of the history and lineage of Dorje Shugden. However, the source most referred to and heavily relied on by contemporary Gelugpas is the Collected Works (or Sungbum) on Dorje Shugden written by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang. This is also considered the most accurate account of the manifestation...

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Posted in China, Dorje Shugden, Travel | 24 Comments »

Spectacular Dorje Shugden Mural in Kathmandu, Nepal!

Jan 22, 2024
Spectacular Dorje Shugden Mural in Kathmandu, Nepal!

I am very excited to present to you our first Dorje Shugden mural in Kathmandu, Nepal! Located on Charkhal Road in Dilli Bazaar, the mural can be found midway between our two Dorje Shugden chapels...

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Posted in Asia, Dorje Shugden, Travel | 66 Comments »

Mahabodhi Temple: The Cradle of Buddhism

Oct 27, 2023
Mahabodhi Temple: The Cradle of Buddhism

Bodhgaya is the centre of many sacred sites. Chief among these is the Mahabodhi Temple Complex where Prince Siddhartha became enlightened and where Buddhism began more than two millennia ago.

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Asia, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Travel | 4 Comments »

Amazing Xuanzang and His Journey to the West

Jul 28, 2023
Amazing Xuanzang and His Journey to the West

During the 7th century Tang Dynasty of China (618 – 907 CE), there arose a great Buddhist master named Xuanzang (602 – 664 CE), who became a famed monk, explorer, scholar, writer, and translator. He is particularly famous for his journey to India, which took nearly two decades to complete, from 627 – 645...

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Posted in Asia, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, China, China 中国, Great Lamas & Masters, Travel | 13 Comments »

Bhagawan Dorje Shugden Chapels in Kathmandu, Nepal!

Mar 20, 2023
Bhagawan Dorje Shugden Chapels in Kathmandu, Nepal!

As an ordained Buddhist monk, I have no better way to give back to the beautiful Nepali people than to share the Dharma with them. I want the Nepali people to have a way to ease their burdens. Bhagawan Dorje Shugden’s practice is perfect for this...

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Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Dorje Shugden | 44 Comments »

Tibet: Her Customs and Culture

Feb 3, 2023
Tibet: Her Customs and Culture

  History The first unified Tibetan kingdom was known as Tubo or Tu Fan. It was established by one of the greatest leaders in the nation’s history, King Songtsen Gampo. King Songtsen was the first monarch to expand Tibet’s power beyond its traditional strongholds of Lhasa and the Yarlung Valley. He is also credited...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, China, Travel | 2 Comments »

Calling Upon the Divine

Jan 2, 2023
Calling Upon the Divine

How Dorje Shugden helped in the time of need… There may be many lay spiritual practitioners who are embarrassed to admit that the main reason for their practice in the first place is something personal and which can be classed as self-cherishing. If one is able to hear the silent prayers to the divine...

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Posted in Dorje Shugden, Guest Contributors | 49 Comments »


Jan 2, 2022


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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Travel, 中文 | 1 Comment »

Two Holy Places in Yunnan, China | 中国云南省的两个新圣地

Dec 20, 2021
Two Holy Places in Yunnan, China | 中国云南省的两个新圣地

Recently, we have received the good news that two holy places are being built in Yunnan province, China. The first is a Dorje Shugden stupa in the Jade Dragon (Yulong) Snow Mountain area and the second is the rebuilding of Chosang Temple in Shangri-la. I am pleased to be able to share this news...

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Posted in China, China 中国, Dorje Shugden, Travel, 中文 | 32 Comments »

Spooky Haunted Hotel Experiences

Sep 24, 2020
Spooky Haunted Hotel Experiences

Every time you are checking at a hotel, wherever that may be, pay attention! You could have an encounter with the unseen world that makes itself visible for you...

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Posted in Ghosts and Hauntings, Science & Mysteries, Videos, Videos | 10 Comments »

Dinasti Shailendra: Leluhur Buddhisme Mahayana di Indonesia (Bahasa Indonesia)

Jun 9, 2020
Dinasti Shailendra: Leluhur Buddhisme Mahayana di Indonesia (Bahasa Indonesia)

Shailendra (yang dieja Sailendra, Syailendra atau Selendra) adalah turunan dari gabungan kata-kata Sanskerta ‘Śaila’ dan ‘Indra’ yang bermakna “Raja Pegunungan”. Dinasti Shailendra, yang muncul di Jawa (Indonesia) selama abad ke-8 Masehi, sangat dipengaruhi oleh budaya India dan memainkan peran penting dalam kebangkitan budaya di daerah tersebut. Sebagai penyebar Buddhisme Mahayana yang berkuasa, Shailendra membangun...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Bahasa Indonesia, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | No Comments »

The Dharma Protector Begtse Chen

Jan 21, 2020
The Dharma Protector Begtse Chen

The practice of ‘Dharmapalas‘, literally meaning ‘Dharma Protectors’ in Sanskrit, was introduced to Tibet during the period of the north Indian Pala Dynasty. It was an era of territorial conquests and Dharma Protectors were used by both secular and religious authorities to protect the State and religion. Dharmapalas are not exclusive to Tibetan culture...

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Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 4 Comments »

Auspicious Days

Nov 25, 2019
Auspicious Days

On certain special days of the year, the accumulation of merits is multiplied a hundred thousand times. This is not the result of chance or an ‘alignment of the planets’ but the fruit of the collective vows and aspirations of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas...

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Posted in Buddhas, Dharma & Practice | 13 Comments »


Sep 16, 2019


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Posted in Asia, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Dorje Shugden, Students & Friends, Travel, 中文 | 15 Comments »

Mount Wutai – The Earthly Abode of Lord Manjushri

Aug 26, 2019
Mount Wutai – The Earthly Abode of Lord Manjushri

Mount Wutai is believed to be the earthly abode of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom. Its connection to Manjushri is mentioned in a passage of Avatamsaka Sutra (the Flower Garland Sutra)...

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Posted in China, China 中国, Dorje Shugden, Guest Contributors, Inspiration & Worthy Words, Travel | 33 Comments »

Pilgrimage Through India & Nepal

Aug 19, 2019
Pilgrimage Through India & Nepal

Since my mother had passed away earlier this year, H.E. Tsem Rinpoche advised me to take my dad on a holiday. He suggested several countries like India, Nepal, Burma, Thailand and so forth. Rinpoche said that we should go to these places to make our holiday a meaningful one because these countries are full...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Asia, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Dorje Shugden, Guest Contributors, Travel, Vajra Yogini | 72 Comments »

Making Offerings to Shar Gaden Monastery

Aug 12, 2019
Making Offerings to Shar Gaden Monastery

(By Tsem Rinpoche) Around August 2013, the Board of Directors in Kechara presented me 800 White Tara statues to request for my long life. I was very touched by such a wonderful and sincere offering from my students, as I knew it must not be easy to arrange for 800 statues and on top...

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Posted in Asia, Buddhas, Dharma & Practice, Dorje Shugden, H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, Students & Friends, Travel | 64 Comments »


Jul 16, 2019

亲爱的博友: 请你看看这些遍布中国各地的大佛像。这一尊尊的大佛像使我叹为观止。我真希望将来有一日能在这些佛像跟前礼佛。千百年来,中国与佛教结缘,并且促进佛教在中国丰富、多元的文化中生根。

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Posted in China, China 中国, Travel, 中文 | 2 Comments »

Longkou Nanshan Giant Buddha | 龙口南山大佛

May 6, 2019
Longkou Nanshan Giant Buddha | 龙口南山大佛

(By Tsem Rinpoche)   Yantai City Yantai City, also known as the “Most Charming City”, is located in the northeast of Shandong Province, China. Unlike the metropolitan cities like Beijing or Shanghai, Yantai offers charming, picturesque sceneries that made it one of the most habitable places in the world. Yantai in Chinese means “smoke...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, China, China 中国, Travel, 中文 | 9 Comments »

Power Struggle at Dalai Lama’s Potala Palace – Tibet

May 2, 2019
Power Struggle at Dalai Lama’s Potala Palace – Tibet

(By Tsem Rinpoche) His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is known for being the spiritual and temporal leader of the Tibetans. However, among Tibetan Buddhists, he is much more than that. His Holiness is treasured for being an emanation of Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of Compassion and has been in an unbroken lineage of almost...

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Posted in Art, Architecture & Culture, Great Lamas & Masters | 6 Comments »

Blog Chat


Dear blog friends,

I’ve created this section for all of you to share your opinions, thoughts and feelings about whatever interests you.

Everyone has a different perspective, so this section is for you.

Tsem Rinpoche


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Concept: Tsem Rinpoche
Technical: Lew Kwan Leng, Justin Ripley, Yong Swee Keong
Design: Justin Ripley, Cynthia Lee
Content: Tsem Rinpoche, Justin Ripley, Pastor Shin Tan, Sarah Yap
Admin: Pastor Loh Seng Piow, Beng Kooi

I must thank my dharma blog team who are great assets to me, Kechara and growth of dharma in this wonderful region. I am honoured and thrilled to work with them. I really am. Maybe I don't say it enough to them, but I am saying it now. I APPRECIATE THESE GUYS VERY MUCH!

Tsem Rinpoche

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The Unknown

The Known and unknown are both feared,
Known is being comfortable and stagnant,
The unknown may be growth and opportunities,
One shall never know if one fears the unknown more than the known.
Who says the unknown would be worse than the known?
But then again, the unknown is sometimes worse than the known. In the end nothing is known unless we endeavour,
So go pursue all the way with the unknown,
because all unknown with familiarity becomes the known.
~Tsem Rinpoche
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