Cheque Presentation at Pure Life Society! Mother Mangalam
A while ago, Ooi Beng Kooi’s aunt unfortunately passed away. Being a family-orientated person, she was very close to her siblings and expressed before passing away how she would like to pass on a significant portion of her estate to her brother’s favourite charity, Pure Life Society. Pure Life Society is famous and well-known for their charity causes. Beng Kooi’s father (aunt’s brother) has been an active volunteer in this charity organization and it was through his work that inspired his sister to help in her own way.
Mother Mangalam has been running the charity and have been for the past 53 years. Last Wednesday, Beng Kooi’s father handed over a donation of RM180,000 to her, however, from that sum a portion was donated to Kechara Soup Kitchen as well. It was both Mother Mangalam and Beng Kooi’s aunt who saw the good work that KSK has been doing who then decided to donate RM28,000 of the total inheritance to KSK. Besides KSK, the good work work the Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia was also recognized.
KSK was represented by the President, Ruby Khong who at the closing of her speech recited Shantideva’s prayer. This was well-received at the simple and modest ceremony, where parties from different religious centers…Christian..Sikh…Buddhists..recited their own prayers.
It’s good that people of different faiths can come together to appreciate altruistic work, regardless of religion. In a country like Malaysia, there is a lot of tolerance between different faiths and events like this really proves that. Malaysia is one and we are all people and we all want happiness. We must look for the similarities in each other and celebrate this. The small differences in all of us are inherit in humans and it should be respected. We share the same earth, same air, same water, same lands….so we should share love, harmony and enjoy our diversity.
When we die, we cannot take anything with us. So it was wonderful of Beng Kooi’s aunt to plan her estate to benefit others…how beautiful…. it seems like a wiser choice to use that money to benefit a non-profitable charity who will use the money to benefit many, many people. I offer my prayers for the aunt, Beng Kooi’s dad, Mother Mangalam and Pure Life Society. Thank you Mother Mangalam and everyone.
Tsem Rinpoche

Everyone listening to the opening speech..

Ruby saying her thanks

Mr Ooi (Beng Kooi’s father) passing over the cheque to Mother Mangalam

Mother Mangalam passing over the cheque to Ruby. How nice…two ladies who have tapped into their caring consciousness to use their lives to benefit others….absolutely wonderful.
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that”s great it takes a lot of afford to do that
How lovely to read this words. I wish all of them well. 🙂
Dearest Rinpoche,
I am so happy to read this article as both Pure Life Society and Kechara Soup Kitchen are dear to my heart and they do need the support they can get!
Soft spot for Pure Life Society as I had the opportunity to volunteer there for a stretch ( a few years back) to do programmes with the residents kids and seeing them bloom is something nothing short of wonderful!
Being brought up in Singapore where we are all used to seeing a Chinese temple next to a Hindu Temple with a Church just close by and seeing various congregations of different faiths attending ceremonies. mingling and doing prayers is something I am exposed to. I am lucky to see that!
Likewise it is fantastic to see this in Malaysia and at Pure Life Society. For people who are 1st timers, ( if you are visiting ) what strikes most is the way the children embrace their diversity and individuality with respect for each other and their faiths. They have different religious studies to cater to the kids and help them understand the faiths they or their family embrace and make sure they have teachers to guide them in their practice and understanding.
Mother Mangalam is a most caring and unassuming person. She loves all the children under her care and instills the love, peace, harmony and respect that is so needed in an interfaith home – in the people running it, the caretakers, the teachers, the volunteers beside the children and their parents, and the people, people, people around her! She always have that special twinkle in her eyes and her smile. It is good to see her in the photos. She is a presence in the most subtle way.
Housing children from dysfunctional families and providing them a loving, nurturing environment, grounding them, inspiring and encouraging them towards their dreams, takes a magnitude of enthusiastic efforts. love, courage, faith and much much more!
And yes they have success stories of children graduating from universities and coming back, to inspire their brothers and sisters and giving back the way they can.
Pure Life Society and Kechara Soup Kitchen are the same in that they do wonderful work for many, to benefit others. Many things happen behind the scenes … the trials and tribulations, the hardwork behind the daily running … that we do not hear and see. We should make a point to help in whatever ways that we can…
I salute them both for the great work!
With Folded Hands
Even though it is sad due to the passing of Beng Kooi’s aunt, yet it turned out to be a meaningful event as her kindness exceeded even after her death. A great lady with a big and generous heart, her last and final contribution will benefit many.
Pure Life Society and Mother Mangalam is what they are and what they do is the truth. They do not discriminate. Mother Mangalam is aversion of Mother Theresa who has in their own way do their part to Society. My brother in law passed away very young in is forties leaving behind three young children. The wife is a dental nurse who does not earn much. The wife finds that she could not take care of the three children. She applied to Pure Life Society to take care of the eldest daughter. And was accepted. Pure Life Society took care of her education and needs. Today she has Pure Life Society and Mother Mangalam to thank for her happy marriage a good life and a good husband with lovely children.
Wow, this is a very emotional and yet uplifting post.
Although it is very sad due to the passing of Beng Kooi’s aunt, and yet it is uplifting because even at her aunt’s death, her aunt did something truly selfless. I guess this is what it means when we always choose to do something for others and not just for self.
Who said that we can’t do something meaningful even after we die? This post is proof that we can always choose to do something good, at any point in our life…especially right at the end of our lives.
What Rinpoche said is true – we can’t take anything with us when we die. Even our ashes will blend with the earth or become food for other creatures of the earth.
What matters is how we have benefited others during every stage of our life.
The part that especially touched me as well was when I read how people of different faiths came together at the simple ceremony and said their own prayers. That is truly beautiful. It shows that everyone can definitely come together and still remain together, even in our prayers – despite how different it may sound.
If every day, we can live our lives without division of things and people, then we are always connected to life in every way. We don’t have to wait until we die and then regret. We can always choose to live well and leave something much more than just our ashes behind.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the true storey behind this cheque presentaation from Prue Life. It is important also to have the merits to retain our wealth so that at that point we do have assets to be distributed. Really great to be able to do it for charitable purposes to benefit more sentiment beings.