Leopard Saves Baby Baboon—must watch!
Please click on this link to see this incredible touching video. It is amazing how much compassion some animals have for others. It is so beautiful. Share this with others. Wonderful to watch, wonderful to inspire with. The night in which the leopard lays down with a baby baboon!
Please never hurt any animals in anyway. No one wishes to have pain and suffering. Not the smallest insect to the largest animal on the planet to us humans. So do not create the causes or circumstances for others to ever suffer.
Tsem Rinpoche
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So touching watching this amazing video of the leopard showing love and compassion to a different species ,a small tiny baboon. The leopard even to the extend helping the tiny baboon on to the tree. Its very rare leopard not kill other beings. Animals experience the same range of emotions as humans, and researchers have proven that some animals do feel a full range of emotions, including fear, joy, happiness, shame, embarrassment, resentment, jealousy, rage, anger, and love. Hence do not hurt and kill animals , give them a chance to live like humans. Go on vegetarian is the best choice.
Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
It’s so touching seeing leopard has so much care for the baby baboon. If animals can have so much feelings other other beings, why not human. Stop eating animals and be a vegetarian.
This is a very touching and amazing video, even animals can show love and compassion for other animals of different species especially a ferocious beast like leopard, this shows that animals have feelings too, so we must not hurt or eat them, go vegetarian and have compassion for other living beings. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing .
This is very touching indeed, I have never seen anything like this before! The leopard has shown kindness towards the little baboon and it’s very rear for leapards not to kill animals that are very fragile and weak, like this lil baboon. Even animals can show kindness, why can’t we human do the same thing?
This is amazing, it’s the first time i see a leopard cared for other beings. Usually predators would instantly kill the baby baboon.
this video shows me that compassion is everywhere and in everyone. this is normally a meal for the leopard but a friend instead. you must always have compassion. just like killing a small ant is horrible because thats a life too, nobody wants to be hurt in anyway. so if you like this become a vegetarian or at least start slightly.
This shows that the leopard does care about the little baboon. The leopard knows the feeling of losing a parent. Animals do have feelings. This is something amazing which I don’t think humans can do that. It’s so amazing to see that animals do care about each other. Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
This is so cool. I would have never taught that leopards would do this. I found this really cool to watch. Its hard to find kindness like this. Especially since the leopard could have just eaten the baby baboon. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
Compassion is planted in all sentient beings regardless of humans, animals or even ghost. All of us have this seed but just that it has not been sprout. I’m overwhelmed with this interaction. It made me thought, there might be some karmic relations between the leopard and the baby baboon. I’m curious how are they living now. I’ll pray for them to be able to reincarnate to be human and learn the Dharma in order to be liberated in the wheel of Samasara. Om Liberate to you Hung Phet. _/\_
She probably felt sad because she didn’t intend to kill a nursing mother, and she felt bad for the baby, so she helped it.
Researches have shown that ’empathy’ is not restricted to humans only but also to animals too, and said to be infact as old as the mammals themselves. ‘Empathy’ is said to be what happens to us when our minds (or thoughts) leave us and turn to others’ minds. Thus we are indirectly turned on to observe the realty of their eyes, felt their emotions and finally begin to share their pains or happiness. Many classic examples have been shown and seen in Dolphins or whales saving human beings from drowning or from sharks’attacks in the open seas. As shown in a real life story seen in a video, recorded by San Francisco Chronicle in Dec.2005:- A 50-ton female humpback whale was caught in a net near Farwan Islands, off the California coast. After rescuers untangled her, the humpback whale swam up to each of them and winked, before swimming off! All rescuers agreed that she was expressing her gratitude. According to research records, whales are known to be intuitively emotional mammals!
Its really a bittersweet this tale. May we never create the causes to harm another creature or being. I hope the leopard will create the causes to develop compassion over and over again and not just exist as a predator. OM MANI PADME HUM.
Dear Rinpoche,thanks for sharing this video. It is amazing to see that even carnivorous animals have a heart and compassion,may be motivated by maternal instincts but just amazing. Love animals and I would never hurt a fly.I truly hope that the animal sancturay can be realized at Kechara.I with I could help you in anyway.I would love to!!
I’ve seen this video before. It shows that animals can demonstrate compassion. It is something instinctive and universal. I wonder what happened to these two animals after that. Did the leopard raise the baboon or did they go their separate ways? Is there a followup of this story?
This is beautiful. Thank you
I have always wondered about the “buddha-nature” that I have read. Just as I wondered about the “subtle mind” which Rinpoche taught in your videos. In this video, it immediately becomes clear and more importantly, it becomes evident that the natural essence of all sentient beings is that of goodness, kindness and compassion. In just an instant the predator became a protector. The leopard could NOT have learned compassion in those few moments. It was too quick for external factors to change its nature. Somehow the conditions were right and compassion and kindness broke through and immediately turned the leopard’s focus away from itself, its hunger and its predator instinct, and onto that of the welfare of another being. I was not engrossed in its own needs and wants. Was it the kindness that the leopard developed in one of its previous lives or love that is inherent in all beings that shone through? Whatever it was, it came from within.
That would also mean we all have the high potential for compassion and bodhicitta as stated in all the teachings. It is all there, covered by negative self grasping thoughts.
A leopard van indeed “change it’s “spots” and so can all of us. That it takes an animal to show us how it can be done is also something else. I wonder if human being’s ability to reason and think works against us sometimes.
Thank you for this Rinpoche.
This video shows that Leopard, a great predator, and a baby Baboon, a seriously easy to catch prey, can show care and affection towards each other. This shows that sometimes the moral values that one can learn from animals are really a lot. Humans themselves are in a very bad condition when it comes to friendship compared to the little ones in the great and animal kingdom. Most humans hate each other for no apparent reason at all, is that not bad at all? Humans should be more like this odd pair of animals, to love each other regardless of whether you are black, white, brown, asian, jewish, red etc.
How cute! Why is it we’re always touched by stories of different animals becoming best friends? Like this leopard and baboon, and the one about an orangutan and dog, and the elephant and the dog…
I guess it must be the fact they are so different, and they really aren’t meant to be friends but they are. It’s kind of like Kechara people eh? I mean, a quick glance at the lot of us and anyone can tell that outside of dharma, we’d never be caught dead together. But Rinpoche and dharma brings us together, and shows us we’re not so different from one another after all. And after we’re brought together, we work and push each other to benefit others.
People coming together when they aren’t meant to, then rising triumphantly over obstacles always inspires because it just wasn’t meant to happen! (ha, teaches us never to have expectations of what things should or should not be, eh?)