A Seed That Can Kill Cancer Cells?
Dear friends,
I hope the following information will help you. I will start taking this oil and try it out myself. I like to provide information to help people be well in body and mind. If the information is there, it can be of great assistance to someone.
Nigella sativa (black-cumin, also known as nigella or kalonji) is an annual flowering plant. The flowers are delicate, and usually coloured pale blue and white, with five to ten petals. The black cumin fruit is a large and inflated capsule composed of three to seven united follicles, each containing numerous seeds which are used as spice.

Nigella Sativa
The black seeds taste like a combination of onions, black pepper and oregano. They have a pungent bitter taste and smell. They are used in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines as well as traditional medicine for inflammation, infection, and cancer.
I came across some information online about the healing properties and benefits of black cumin seed oil and thought about sharing it with you as I am a proponent of Traditional Medicine and Alternative Healing.
May you always be well,
Tsem Rinpoche
Black Cumin Seed Oil is the most important oil: It treats more than 80 serious diseases
Black cumin seed oil is perhaps the most important oil you can use for your health. Native to Western Asia, Turkey, Iraq, and Egypt, black seed oil has been valued for it’s health benefits for centuries. In fact, black cumin seed oil was found in Tutankhamen’s tomb, and was used by Cleopatra for its valuable health and beauty benefits.
Black cumin seed oil is believed to have over 100 ingredients. The main active ingredient in black seed oil is crystalline nigellone. It also contains myristic acid palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid (omega-6), linolenic acid (omega-3), arachidonic acid, protein, thiamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, copper, zinc, phosphorous, niacin, folacin, calcium, iron.
Studies at Thomas Jefferson University have confirmed the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of black cumin seed oil, as well as its anticancer effects on prostate and colon cancer.
Black Cumin Seed Oil and Cancer
Black cumin oil not only rebuilds the immune system and destroys cancer cells but it encourages the good cells to fight the cancer. Presently, there are 462 published studies on the efficacy of Nigella sativa. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=nigella%20sativa).
Several studies have found that a compound in black seed oil, Thymoquinone, helps induce cell death in leukemia cells, brain tumor cells, breast cancer cells, pancreatic cancer, and cervical cancer cells.
According to one study,
“The anti-tumor effects of thymoquinone have also been investigated in tumor xenograft mice models for colon, prostate, pancreatic and lung cancer. The combination of thymoquinone and conventional chemotherapeutic drugs could produce greater therapeutic effect as well as reduce the toxicity of the latter.”
Black Cumin Oil Can Treat:
- Heart Disease
- Hair loss
- Allergies and Sinusitis
- Anxiety and Nervous Tension
- Bronchitis
- Colds and Flu’s
- Colic (babies)
- Diabetes
- Diarrhea, Indigestion and Heartburn
- Headaches and Migraines
- High Blood Pressure
- Insomnia
- Intestinal Parasites
- Lethargy and Depression
- Candida
- Lowers bad cholesterol
- Inflammation
- Helps Acne
- Helps relieve backache, arthritis and rheumatism
- Helps Burns
- Helps with Eczema
- Fungal and other Infections
- Joint Pain
- Psoriasis
- Sore Muscles
- Lethargy and Depression Asthma
- Increases flow of breast milk in nursing mothers
- Stimulates menstrual periods
- Chronic fatigue
- Increases healthy fat in the blood
- Calms nervous system
- Stimulates urine productionImproves respiratory problems/symptoms
- Fights infectious disease
- Weakness
- Prevent epileptic seizures
- Hemorrhoids
- Varicose veins
- Depression
- Nourishes the skin and helps in the regeneration of damaged cells
- Dermatitis
- Prostate issues
- Gallbladder stones
- Kidney stones
How to use black cumin oil
- For therapeutic effects, take three teaspoons of the oil a day mixed with half a teaspoon of raw honey or freshly squeezed juice.
- For beautiful skin, mix ½ teaspoon of black cumin seed oil into 1 tablespoon carrier oil, leave on for 50 minutes then rinse it off.
- To treat skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, apply the oil directly to your skin.
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22005518
- http://www.jofem.org/index.php/jofem/article/viewArticle/15/15
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24044882
Source: http://livingtraditionally.com/black-cumin-seed-oil-is-the-most-important-oil-it-treats-more-than-80-serious-diseases/
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Nigella sativa is an annual flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae, native to eastern Europe and western Asia. It is a widely used medicinal plant throughout the world. Nigella sativa has been used for centuries in herbal medicine to treat certain health conditions including asthma, bronchitis, and inflammation. Amazing it has also long been used as a spice and food preservative. The most impressive science-backed benefits are substances that neutralize harmful free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to cells. Research has been done and confirmed that it has the potential to fight cancer and have a powerful effect on health and disease.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
There are many natural things we can consume to keep us healthy or prevent serious sickness such as cancer. It is always better to prevent than to cure.
We should reduce the consumption of processed food and whenever possible, consume unprocessed food. People start to realise how much pesticide and chemicals are used to produce vegetables, now many have started to grow their own food.
However, when we are sick, we still have to go to see a doctor and seek for medical attention. With a positive mind and healthy life style, we will be able to maintain healthy body.
Incredible health benefits of Nigella seeds which many of us did not know. Also known as black seed, black cumin, and fennel flower, which is grows throughout India, Arabia, and Europe. It has long been used as a spice and food preservative then. It is used to treat certain health conditions such as treatment of cancer, help to kill off bacteria, protect the liver , can aid in blood sugar regulation, alleviate Inflammation and so forth. But at times there are certain side effect too which lead to digestive problems, such as stomach upset, constipation, and vomiting.
Thank you for Rinpoche for sharing this beneficial information.
There is so many health benefits of black cumin oil. It can cure up to 80 diseases. It is time to introduce black cumin oil into our daily diet now. Thank you, Rinpoche, for this sharing.
Many studies or research found that there are many natural remedies can be used effectively while combining with functional medicine to support the body for a better treatment. One of these age-old remedies is black cumin seed oil or Nigella Sativa.
Thank you for Rinpoche for sharing this useful information. May this post will beneficial to many others especially those who have serious diseases or cancer.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing informative article. I will also share it with others hoping it will help them it whatever sickness that they may be facing. I really didn’t know that a seed can have so many functions in curing sickness and diseases.
With folded palms,
Thank you very much Rinpoche for sharing these wonderful benefits of Black Cumin Seed Oil. I love natural remedies and alternative medicine. I’ve never really liked taking medicines and would only use them if there was really no choice. In reality our bodies should be able to heal itself. It’s amazing that it can benefit so many types of diseases and health issues. I will share this great information on social media and hopefully will help them overcome the sickness in long term. _/\_
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this little seeds information. After reading this post, there are people that have health problems in my cycle of relative and friends from their cancer to aczema.
I will share this great information to them and hopefully will help them overcome the sickness in long term.
Thank you.
_/|\_ Victor Choi
Cumin is used in a lot of Indian cooking. But, nowadays it gaining popularity due to its beautiful fragrance. More and more western dishes are featuring this spice.
It is beautiful and great especially for vegetarian dishes as it serves to add a different dimension to the food we prepare. Roasted and ground cumin, when added to fresh yoghurt is wonderful too.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful spice with us. Thank you for you care, Rinpoche.
It’s amazing how something as small as seeds can heal us from these diseases and even further benefit our health. Sicknesses and diseases are very common nowadays especially in the modern era, it’s as common as having flu or fever.
Due to the environment we live in now, we tend to get sick very easily. Therefore, it is very important to always eat the right thing and try to keep the body as healthy as possible. For people who want to commit in doing dharma, it is very important to have a healthy body so they can do much more to benefit others and themselves eventually.
Thank you Rinpoche for alerting us to the great benefits of black cumin oil. May many others also be benefitted from this knowledge.
Amazing I never knew cumin oil has so much health benefits.
I love natural remedies and alternative medicine. I’ve never really liked taking medicines and would only use them if there was really no choice. In reality our bodies should be able to heal itself.
Basically our food choices is very important. If we consume the right kinds of food, I believe we will be able to live a much better and healthier life. It is because of a more modern, fast passed, materialistic life style that we are living in that we tend to look for convenience and taste instead of quality choices of food.
As the saying goes we are what we eat, so why do people get “surprised” when they get cancer? Cancer is such a norm these days that it is basically almost like hearing someone getting a flu. I’ve never heard of anyone getting cancer so often back in the early 80’s. This goes to show that even though it may appear that our country is developing and materialistically we are advancing but internally we are degenerating and the grosses most obvious level is our health. Perhaps we humans have to learn the lesson the hard way.
It is only after “recovering” from cancer that I notice people start to change their lifestyle and eating habits. Many more people then become vegetarians and organic eaters after they’ve won the battle with cancer. My question is why do we even need to battle cancer if we can prevent it now based on the choice of food we take, and definitely it is one without meat.
It’s amazing how nature would have all these elements that can cure all kind of sickness. It is as though in design it knows what sickness human and animals can get and it provides the remedy. A balance of nature.
So what happens if mankind created new sickness brought forth by technology advancement? Would nature still has the answer to these sickness?
I hard of fennel (fennel-flower is another name for Nigella Sativa) and cumin but I have not come across black cumin specifically. I guess it’s common in India and the Middle East, a culture I’m not too familiar with hence I’ve never heard much about this spice.
The fact that it is believed to have over 100 ingredients and can treat over more than 80 serious diseases, I wonder why it is not more commonly known. This is not the first time I heard of supposedly miraculous natural herbs or plants that can heal various sickness, another example being the Moringa Oleifera, it does make me wonder how the world of medicine really works. On one hand there are countless diseases and sickness to treat and on the other hand there are claims of all sorts of miraculous nature cure but relatively unknown.
If these natural remedies do indeed contain such powerful antidote to so many of our illness, why is it not promoted and marketed more. Some claim these traditional remedies are not proven but I’m sure with all the modern technology available, proof is not that hard to find. It’s no secret that the drug/medicine industry is govern by money just like every other industry. It is sad to see this industry being driven by what it wants to market for profit as oppose to for healing sickness.
I like natural remedies, traditional medicine/ healing using medicinal plants or herbs and there is just so much that has been said about this little black seed. It is said that the physicians to the Egyptian pharaohs frequently used black cumin to treat headaches, toothaches, colds, and infections. Queen Nefertiti, renowned for her stunning beauty, was also known to have used black cumin seed oil, likely due to its abilities to strengthen and bring luster to hair and nails.
Hippocrates (5th century B.C.) regarded nigella sativa which he referred to as as a valuable remedy in hepatic and digestive disorders. In the first century it was used extensively by Pliny the elder in his “Naturalis Historia” (Natural History) who referred to it as “Git”.
In Arabic cultures, black cumin is known as Habbatul Barakah, meaning the “seed of blessing.” It is also believed that the Islamic prophet Mohammed said of it that it is “a remedy for all diseases except death.”
An Assyrian Herbal book explains black cumin seed as a remedy internally for stomach problems and externally for eyes, ears mouth and many skin problems, e.g. itching, rashes, sores, and herpes.
If you are not a believer of natural remedies, there are around 630 scientific peer-reviewed articles that have been published about black seed oil benefits. A study conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College researchers set out to determine just how potent black seed oil against some of these superbugs and pared it against several antibiotics such as Amoxicillin, Gatifloxacin and Tetracycline. According to the study,“Out of 144 strains tested, most of which were resistant to a number of antibiotics, 97 were inhibited by the oil of black cumin.”Looks like this little seed (and its oil) is something worth trying out!
埃及人们习惯外用油滋养肌肤。它也被广泛用作助消化。黑种子油是每天埃及生活的珍贵的部分。埃及人知道和使用的黑种草苜蓿,并形容这是一个万能的(治疗问题和疾病)。 法老Tutankamun甚至曾在他的墓中随葬一瓶油!罗马人也知道这粒种子并把它称为希腊香菜,并用它作为膳食补充剂。
公元一世纪,希腊医生Dioscoredes记载,黑种草苜蓿种子被用于治疗头痛,鼻塞,牙痛和肠道寄生虫。 波斯医生伊本西纳给了黑籽的治疗作用足够的信用。伊本西纳写了“治愈之书”,认为这是人类医学史上最大的成就。伊本西纳称赞黑籽为它的预防和恢复性的特质。在他的著作,他说,黑籽刺激人体的能量,有助于疲劳或精神不振的恢复。伊本西纳还建议用黑籽治疗发热,头痛,牙痛和普通感冒,缓解皮肤疾病,创伤和外部的刺激,对抗抗真菌和抗寄生虫和蠕虫。
黑种草苜蓿是一种开花植物,长到20-30厘米高线性树叶。花是微妙的,通常有色淡蓝色和白色,花瓣5-10。果实大而膨胀胶囊3-7团结毛囊,每片含大量的种子组成。种子被用作香料。在世界各地名字不同。 黑种草苜蓿种子也被称为Kalonji(印地文),Kezah(希伯来文),Habbat-EL-barakah(字面种子祝福阿拉伯语)或Siyah Daneh(波斯语)。在英语中,它也被称为茴香花,黑色香菜,豆蔻花或罗马香菜。使用时,有时会误导其他的名字,是洋葱种子和黑芝麻。种子经常被称为黑孜然,然而也可用于不同的香料,它有时也只是被称为黑种草或黑色种子。
组成: 种子含有的结构上不寻常的不饱和脂肪酸与萜醇(7%),众多酯,两种独有的生物碱:isochinoline生物碱由nigellimin和nigellimin-N-氧化物为代表,和吡唑生物碱包括nigellidin和nigellicin。 精油(AVR0.5%,最大为1.5%),百里醌被确定为主要成分的(高达50%),除了对甲基异丙基苯(40%),α-蒎烯(高达15%),和dithymoquinone thymohydroquinone。其他萜烯衍生物,发现只在微量:香芹酚,香芹酮,苎烯,4-萜品醇,香茅醇。此外,精油含有显著(10%)的量的脂肪酸乙酯。在存储,百里醌产生dithymoquinonene和更高oligocondensation产品(nigellone)。
种子还含有脂肪油丰富的不饱和脂肪酸,主要是亚油酸(50% – 60%),油酸(20%),eicodadienoic酸(3%)和dihomolinoleic酸(10%),这是特性为属。饱和脂肪酸(棕榈酸,硬脂酸)量的约30%或以下。商业黑种草油(“黑籽油”,“黑孜然油”),还可以含有精油,大多百里醌,由它获得的芳族风味的部分。 黑种子中发现的精油nigellone和百里醌抗痉挛和扩张支气管的性能。它也作为一种抗组胺剂,这有助于减少过敏症患者的阴性症状。
内用治疗哮喘,咳嗽,过敏 黑籽油很好缓解哮喘,支气管和呼吸道炎,抑制过敏反应。应用和擦胸部和背部有黑籽油。早上服用
糖尿病:黑籽油抑制葡萄糖在胃肠道的吸收,控制血糖。每天早晚两次食用。 20天后检查血糖水平。
现代科学已经证明了黑籽的神秘力量,含最高浓度的百里醌,dithymoquinone,thymohydroquinone,麝香草酚和欧米茄3和6,几千年来用于Phytotherapy,芳香疗法,营养疗法,替代医学。医药古兰经和先知倡导全天然纯黑色种子的美德。 Nigella种子来自东方国家,更确切地说,从埃及,在那里它被用于其舒缓,再生,振兴,保湿效果和保护细胞组织,同时滋补神经酰胺和奇迹般抗自由基。 治疗性质,抗炎作用和对免疫系统的刺激作用使之成为神奇良药治疗大量疾病。 对呼吸,泌尿胆道的感染非常有效的。 缓解风湿,减少炎症并允许组织再生。 促进排水动作有助于消除肺部和肠道的毒素。 加强并保护环境的攻击的气道。 加强头发和皮肤,舒缓晒伤,软化黑眼圈,对抗痘痘等。
Oh wow, I haven’t heard of this black cumin oil until recently when it’s shared on the blog, I certainly did not know about the benefits of it too. It’s amazing what can black cumin seeds do, this article is definitely very helpful especially in times of emergency or if we have heard any of our friends who are fighting against all those diseases, there’s no harm in trying it. Who would know that such a small little thing like these seeds would save lives?
Wow, there is abundant solutions to the problems we face right in the generosity of Nature. The solutions have always been there. It is just for convenience sake, we have disconnected to this wisdom and effort.
To imagine that we can battle cancer with the extract of these little seeds that is accessible directly if we choose.
Thank you Rinpoche for this precious information
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this. This is a really good supplement for vegetarians. Take for example omega 3 and 6, which people would usually get from fish or meat, but the black cumin seed oil provides both to us.
“Both omega-3 (ω-3) and omega-6 (ω-6) fatty acids are important components of cell membranes and are precursors to many other substances in the body such as those involved with regulating blood pressure and inflammatory responses. There is increasing support for omega-3 fatty acids in protecting against fatal heart disease and it is known that they have anti-inflammatory effects, which may be important in this and other diseases. There is also growing interest in the role of omega-3 fatty acids in the prevention of diabetes and certain types of cancer”.
There never is any harm to trying the black cumin seed as supplement, because the health benefits is tremendous.
It is amazing that this black cumin seeds oil has so many beneficial healing properties and especially as an alternative treatment for cancer.
Thank you, Rinpoche, for sharing this informative article.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this information about black cumin seeds oil. I am sure this will be an option to be considered for cancer patients that seek for alternative treatment. There are other food that believe to be able to cure cancer too, such as coconut oil, soursop, black face general leaves, & etc.
May all cancer patients find the correct medication and be cured.
Thankyou Rinpoche for your kind sharing on this miraculous spice to assist those in time of need.We certainly hope that the potency of the black cumin with the prescribed usage could neutralise the cancer cells of those that is affected within the shortest period.OSAGE
It is amazing the help of black seed oil in such wide range of illness, especially cancer. A friend with thyroid cancer was introduced to this oil after I read this article and she feels some relief. Thank you Rinpoche for your love for us in search and posting of this article to help us.
Thank you for sharing this, Rinpoche. Am sure this post will benefit many especially those suffering from cancer and other serious diseases.