Do You Know What Happened to Star!!! Read!!
Source: Daily Mail | Published May 28 2011

Dog shot, tied up and buried alive
The discovery of a dog that was buried alive up to its nose after being shot in the head 40 times has led to calls for Malta to reform its animal welfare laws.
The crossbreed mongrel, which was named Star by his rescuers, was found near the city of Birzebbuga by animal welfare officers investigating an unrelated case.
After hearing whimpering coming from beneath a wooden board with a tree stump placed on top of it to weigh it down, officers were confronted with the distressing sight of a dog’s face buried in the dirt.
But worse was to follow. When Star was dug out of the ground they discovered all four limbs had all been tied together and that she had been repeatedly shot with a pellet gun.
Miraculously, after doctors removed 40 pellets from her skull during emergency surgery at the Ta’ Qali hospital, Star survived.
The case has caused outrage in Malta where, regardless of the nature of the act, the maximum sentence one can face for animal cruelty is a one-year jail sentence, or a maximum fine of 46,500 Euros.
A pending change in legislation will raise the maximum fine to 50,000 Euros but the one-year jail maximum will remain.
Animal lovers are holding a silent protest in Valetta next week to express their disgust.
With the abuser still at large, people have expressed their support with dedicated Facebook pages, the largest of which has 7,000 followers.
Update: Miracle Dog Dies
June 6th, 2011
Malta – Star, the dog that survived unimaginable cruelty in Malta, has just died.
The severely abused dog was found buried alive – she had been shot 40 times in the head with a pellet gun and her muzzle was bound with twine.
After Star was discovered, her miraculous defiance of death captured hearts around the world. A Facebook page in her honor was created – “Star, the dog who lived”.
Over 50,000 fans watched her amazing progress – witnessed her joy for life and reveled in her happiness as she learned what it meant to be loved.
The tragic news of Star’s unexpected death came as a shock today.
Though she had been recovering well from her trauma, she developed acute inflammation in her pancreas that ultimately claimed her life.
The devastating news arrived just 24 hours after a group of individuals had banded together to stage a protest against animal cruelty.
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Heart-breaking reading this post again about a dog by the named Star. A dog was discovered buried alive near the city of Birzebbuga by animal welfare officers. The crossbreed mongrel, was named Star by her rescuers. When Star was rescued out they discovered such a horrorfic condition , this poor dog four limbs tied together and had been repeatedly shot with a pellet gun. This miracle dog who somehow survived the ordeal buried in the dirt and going through surgeries to have those pellets removed. It’s a miracle Star survived unimaginable cruelty. This story of survival are simply incredible and her miraculous defiance of death captured the hearts of many around the world. She has since passed away due to acute inflammation in her pancreas.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Thank you for the sharing. It is such a cruel act of human, very sad to discover the poor dog has to go through so much pain and sufferings. Human is the only species on earth that actually inflict pain on other species just for the sake of it or for entertainment. If only everyone knows about Karma, this will stop them from doing more harm.
A rescued dog name Star survived after been buried a life. Sad reading this old post , the poor dog had to undergo all the sufferings, cannot imagine what had the dog done wrong . Been abused, all four limbs tied together and even shot with a pellet gun. Not only that the someone who is so cruel buried that suffering dog in mud. Looking at the picture tells all. It really heartfelt to see that condition.
Glad that Star was rescued and under gone emergency surgery to have those pellets removed. Miraculously Star survived whose horrific tale of torture on the island of Malta made international headlines. It had caused an uproar in Malta and led to calls for the country to revise its animal cruelty laws. Miracle, the dog who is fighting for her life after being left for dead, has recovered so well from her injuries and trauma . But sadly Star passed away somehow after been adopted to a family.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this
Antique Pelden Lhamo thangka with sacred Dorje Shugden at the bottom right. Can see Tsongkapa and Guru Rinpoche on the top also. Beautiful and holy.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. I find that the abuser is so sickening. How can he/she do such a thing to a dog? What wrong did Star did to the abuser to get such abuse in return? Imagine if a human was shot 40 times on the head with a gun, the human would not have survive but it is a miracle that Star survived. The abuser has to be caught and fine so that he/she will know that this is not a small matter but it is taking ones life. Here I pray for Star to have a good rebirth.
With folded palms,
It is very sad that Star have to go through all this sufferings. The person who hurt Star as no respect at all to living beings.
I feel so sorry for Star, even if she had done something wrong, she still didn’t deserve to be treated like this. How big mistake can a dog make? Her abusers were so cruel! How could they do this to her??? I hope she took a good rebirth.
[…] always a lot of news published about how people would torment animals, abuse them and even intentionally throwing them into the river like in John’s […]
this is just so wrong…
Poor doggie. How could the person do things like that?! It’s very cruel! I strongly believe that Star didn’t deserved to be treated in such way. I really cannot imagine the amount of pain she has been through..
May she takes a good rebirth..
Thank You for sharing this to us Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
oh my, please let star have a happy life from that incident. I think animal abusing is sick and i strongly hate it. please let star have a long happy life from now on. Please stop animal cruelty!!!!!
Oh my god. This dog survived! That is truly amazing. But this dog should have never have been put in this position. No animal needs this amount of suffering. In fact, no animals should have any suffering. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
i cant believe someone would ever do that to a poor innocent animal. i pray for Star’s soul and that she is well and happy and not feeling any pain or trauma. i pray she is in the rainbow bridge happy playing with other dogs. dogs will gie you anything and all they ask is very little from you-love. if he didnt want Star why didnt he just gave it away to a good home!? why did he make it suffer like that. i hope whoever did that with live with the concience of the terrible thing he did and that he rots in hell for eternity. i am an animal lover and i would never ever do that to a kind defensless animal. rest in peace star, you were a good dog
Some people are just too free. Take all the time to shoot the dog 40 times and dig a hole to bury it? I can think of much better things to do than go do that. I am glad they did not bury Star alive and left the head so Star can breathe. Well, I don’t know if that it is good as she suffered before she died. May she not suffer like this again.
Sad to read this new on Star.
Strangely, there are so many people who can be so sick to create their happiness from the sufferings of others.
I wish very much the abuser has been caught and that Star can take rebirth in a better place.
Dear Rinpoche, Star died on the 6th June which was yesterday due to inflammation in her pancreas. Such a heartache to heard the news!! May all these abuses STOP!! No more harming to all well beings!!
To Star~
Rest in Peace Star, run free over the bridge.. far from those who caused you so much pain. May you have a good rebirth!!
Love, Helena
A dog named Star which had been shot in the head 40 times with pellets, tied up and buried alive with her head just above the ground, miraculously survived, after an emergency surgery was done at the Hospital at Malta. Such barbaric acts caused an outrage of protests from animals lovers. With the abusers still at large, people, especially the kind and sympathetic facebook followers, more than 7000 in numbers at time of happening, have expressed their dedicated support in roping in the offenders to face the maximum jail sentence and fines for such animal cruelty. But, Rinpoche has advocated and directed that “before we can conclude so easily on Karmic effects, we should study first the text on Karma, and how Lord Buddha described it to us, especially the Doctrine on KARMA. It explains so much. It will be much easier to apply to this situation and every situation in our life. Everyone will be so amazed. It puts your mind at rest, answer so many questions and enough to be at rest with. It is an eye opener!” Thank you Rinpoche, for your attentive care and guidance on your teachings to us. Naturally all our hearts and prayers are with Star, but also, more so with this degenerating world of today. May it be free of the pains, sufferings and fear for all who live in it. OM MANI PADME HUM.
To me “STAR” is a Hero,40 pellets in the head, 4 limbs tied up buried alive up to the head under hot sun, poor “STAR” must be hungry & thirsty, and yet she did not let go of her life, Why? because “STAR” want to bring this cruel human act to the attention of kind hearted people, like Rinpoche(Kechara) so that there will be no 2nd;3rd……”STAR” to be torture to death.I pray for the speedy recovery of “STAR”.
Its so sad that everyday humans seems to be fighting a losing battle against cruelty. It really is getting more degenerated with the level of cruelty increasing all the time. I pray for all the poor victims and the abusers that Dharma may find its way to their hearts.
Poor, poor mumu. Being shot so many times with its legs tied up, buried and left to die. The pain and suffering it went through but cannot relate to anyone.
How could anyone have done this? What did it do to deserve this? May you find peace in your heart.
I can’t believe anyone would actually go to that extent to sadistically torture a dog. What’s going thru the mind of the person who did this?
However, thinking of the law of cause and effect, it dawned upon me that however victimized Star is in this life, he must have created the cause for it in the past. Hence going thru the experience similar to negative action created in the past. The person who did this is even worse of, most probably taking this action as a result of having the tendency similar to past negative action thus perpetuating even more negative karma that can bring extreme suffering in the future.
Witnessing this even just thru reading about it this blog makes me feel how scary it is to commit negative actions as the results can be far reaching and increasing especially so if we are born again without opportunity to come in contact with Dharma and apply the methods of purification.
There will be no chance of escaping the scary effects except to experience it and in the process most probably create even more negative karma. It will be almost impossible to get out of it. It is a vicious cycle. Very scary.
To see Star in the pix above, buried up to the nose and Star in the Fan page, made me realize what good nature most animals have. In the Fan page, you do not see Star brooding or looking mean spirited and using the abuse it underwent as excuse for it to be vicious and nasty.
On the other hand, what a twisted mind a person must have to be able to do that kind of thing to another being. Its scary that there are people like that out there.
Oh my goodness, I have just seen this and am completely shocked that someone would do so much just to willingly see an animal suffer… Definitely, I will dedicate prayers to her at our Setrap retreat tonight, and will light a candle for her. Poor baby… Thank Buddha for those compassionate rescuers who have helped her – there is some kindness in the world.
I am again reminded of something Rinpoche has taught us, which is that we always feel great sadness for beings like Star… but we don’t feel sadness for people who are creating the causes to be like Star. So actually, we feel huge anger at the people who did this to her but they are creating the causes to end up being tortured and hurt and to suffer just as Star is. This is a huge contemplation in itself, which I find helps tremendously in not continuing the cycle of anger towards others.
It is sad that a frustrated/bored/troubled human did this to an innocent being that did nothing to him/her.
I find it amazing to know that when Star was rescued, she immediately allowed all the Animal Welfare staff to cuddle her and she even managed to wag her tail as if to show gratitude.
No being deserves to be hurt. It is time we stop speciesism and stop harming other animals.
Thank you Rinpoche to bring STAR’s case to many people attention.
Very sad and heart broken when came across cruelty towards animals.
I will continue to burn incense and light candle for Star and includes her in my prayer.
May Star healing fast and recover soon!
It is quite sad that there are crazy and cold blooded people out there who would be so cruel to animals. I feel so terribly sorry for Star. Whoever to did this to her is really heartless. My prayers goes to Star…may she receive the love & care that every animals deserve. Will definitely light a candle for her.
Now there are 23,500 followers on Star’s facebook fanpage and a petition to bring justice to her tormentors – please sign it here:
Her abusers deserver justice, how can anyone do so much damage to another living being and derive enjoyment from it? If karma was so simple, then her abusers should get 40 shots with a pellet gun to their heads and let’s see if they like that. I wished everyone (or at least more people) would read and study up on karma, then perhaps there would be less misery and cruelty in the world.
Will most definitely light incense along with sending prayers to Star for healing, and that this message can reach others hearts to stop this cruelty. For as we cherish the most All Life, even the most simplest, so too shall we cherish the preciousness within others.
“A society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable”
…which Mahatma Gandhi said included animals*.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It is very disturbing, sad and angry all at the same time. Such an inhumane act committed by a so called human. Despicable!
I will include Star in my prayers. Have lighted incense for him. I just saw his FB and has 23,000 people wishing him well.
Dear Rinpoche,
came across your post about Star today. I was thinking what about Star until i look in yr blog.
Ahyo it is really a cruel act. This person can take 40 shot and tied the limbs up somemore.
Will light a candle for Star in home and also another one in KPSP.
Thank you for your update.
Respected Rinpoche,
My heart is wounded after reading it. I wonder how cruel some humans are, what might have they got by doing such act??? Please….. Save such animals who is the victim of cruel human mind.
I cannot comment on other religions, but before we conclude so easily on karma, it’s effects, how it comes, goes and latent karma, dormant karma, you study first. Study the texts on karma and how Buddha describes it for us. It will be much easier to apply to this situation and every situation in your life. People should go online and listen to the youtube teachings His Holiness Dalai Lama has explained karma. It is a eye opener. Do a google search, find and study, read and learn. Make an effort…Take 2-3 years to study the vast teachings of Buddha thoroughly and then debate, discuss and recommend. Buddhism is the religion I was born into, but I didn’t accept it because I was born into it…but I studied for the last 30years. I was very lucky to live in Howell, New Jersey nearby one of the greatest living masters of this century (Kensur Lobsang Tharchin) at Rashi Gempil Ling on East 5th Street. This great master even spoke English. I with a group of students and some Kalmucks took the time, went there to listen to the discourses and learn about my religion more. I didn’t want to just pray and I did not want to be swallowed up by the thoughts of mainstream Americans. I do not want to just repeat what mainstream Americans believed in because I have my own heritage I thought at the time. Nothing wrong with Americans, but I am Kalmuck-Mongol-Tibetan. I have an identity, my forefathers have a deep religious doctrine they brought to America, and I needed to search into my roots, my religion and who I was…I started by studying as a young boy in Rashi Gempil Ling. Now I accept Buddhism NOT BECAUSE it is my cultural roots, but due to decades of study, contemplation and investigation, I found it quite logical, sensible and fits me. Especially the doctrine on Karma. It explains SO MUCH. Everyone would be amazed. It puts your mind at rest, answer so many questions, and enough to be at rest with. Tsem Rinpoche
No words can describe the cruelty act to STAR,offered incense and candle and prayer to MIRACLE STAR!
Dear Rinpoche. Will go to light incense now. I cannot imagine anyone being able to do something like this. Such unimaginable cruelty. Lin
How sick and cruel can a person be to do this to Star, not only shot Star 40 times but tied Star up and buried alive to die a slow death?! Really insane.
What karma does Star has to suffer like this. May the people who did this realise what they’ve done and redeem themselves before karma catches up with them.
May Star have a speedy recovery and be adopted by a kind and caring family.
Dear Rinpoche
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It’s beyond words to describe the cruelty and no regards for life.
I am so glad to know that Star was found and the very kind people didn’t give up on her and now, the legislation may be changed. I hope it will. I hope everywhere in the world will revise their laws and not wait for another life to suffer so much before anything is done.
Yes, Rinpoche, I’ve offered light and incense for Star.
much respect
Dear Lama
I am horrified to read what happened to STAR. I hope he is well taken care off. I am impressed by his will to live.
I am frustrated sometimes to see how animals are being treated. They are weaker than us in the matter of intelligince, but they can feel pain, love, and compassion just like any of us. That alone I think give them the right to be loved, respected, and being taken care of.
Much love
Read about Star in the Daily Mail yesterday. I cannot comprehend the extent of cruelty that the perpetrators possess.What motivates someone to perform this inhumane act.
Star is now too withdrawn to be re-homed at the moment. Hope Star will find a loving home soon.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing this,
May Star purified her negative karmas through these and be protected by Three Jewels from life to life.
this is so sad, why would there be such human who can be so cruel to treat a poor dog like that, this is so inhumane, this is such a cruelty. but it is amazing that Star survive such condition, it truly a miracle. i had just lighted the incense and prayed to the Three Jewels and wish Star swiftly recover and will have a good rebirth in future life, so that he can help other sentient being who is suffering. i hope the culprit who did this will repent. Om Mani Padme Hung.
It is very distressing to read about this. 40 shots in the head, 4 limbs are tied and buried alive…….No matter what motive was, the person who did that was a physco, in my opinion.
I will light incense as well as candles for Star…….May he recovers soon and never have to suffer like this again.
Dear Rinpoche,
I have already lighted one incense and candles to the Three Jewels and thought of Star strongly. I have just made my prayers for her. I cried and cried. Tears couldn’t stop rolling down. The thoughts and the picture of Star kept playing in my head. May Star recovers well and not feel afraid. May the Triple Gems be with Star and protect not only Star but all beings.
With much love,
Wow. There are no words. Just when I thought I had read the worst of stories.
Horrific, sad, barbaric, awful, cruel, unbelievable, nonsensical, absurd, disgusting. No adjective seems to do justice to this story. If I had to, I’d pick sad, simply because it is deeply sad to think that anyone would treat anything like this. If there was ever a story that made the heart cry, this is it.
My heart and prayers are with Star, that she should recover fully and then be nurtured with love for the rest of her life. May the world be free of torture and fear, and may our blindness to suffering dissolve, and the eye of true compassion in our hearts awaken. Thank you Rinpoche.
All my life, I never really fancied animals (mainly because of their fur). But no matter how much I dislike animals, I wouldn’t hurt them for whatever reasons, let alone bury them alive like how this dog named Star had been treated.
This is beyond insane. When we say that we control our lives, it should not mean that we have the power to do anything we like, example hurting animals. Instead, we should use our lives to benefit more beings, or the at the very least not do harm to any beings.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for bringing this to light. I saw the photo and scrolled right past the text initially, only going back to it after the photo sank into my mind.
It’s so gross to see what kind of ugly people exist out there.
Just by looking at the photo, you can tell how much thought had gone into torturing the dog.
Shooting 40 bullets is easy. It only requires 1 finger, but burying the dog is a lot of work. The worst part of it all was that they (or he/she) deliberately kept the face exposed to watch the dog suffer.
How horrible.
Increasing the penalty is not going to change people’s mentality.
Animal cruelty should not be seen as a crime or going against the law, but as morally incorrect. It should be something innate in us that to inflict harm on any being is wrong. That pain hurts, and it hurts for everyone.
This really is a sad post.
By the way, I found the Facebook page. It now has 20,000 followers….
Thank you
I cannot believe what I have read here. I am happy Star survived but it is only a physical survival. How about the emotional pain and trauma? No time or medication can ever heal that. My prayers will be dedicated to Star’s emotional survival.
I also wish that the abuser be found and given what he deserves. I am sorry, but I cannot feel and think about how much help he/she needs now to redeem himself and karma. I just want the abuser punished so that he can learn and redeem.
I am utterly shocked and speechless. I will definitely light a candle and incense for Star. Thank you, Rinpoche for sharing this story. It is extremely tragic to know that humans did this to a helpless innocent being. Very, very sad ;(
It is 12 midnight but I will not be able to go to sleep without lighting an incense and saying a prayer for Star, the victim of such unimaginable cruelty and sadism.I will pray for people to realize how much misery they are creating for themselves by these acts of atrocity.
Please everyone, light one incense to the Three Jewels and think of Star strongly. Make your prayers for her today/tonight. Open your heart. TR