Will you allow this to happen?…
Dear friends,
Sometimes different issues may be difficult to understand or even look at. But we have to remember, in order to alleviate a problem, we have to understand the problem. To understand is to open ourselves no matter how painful. Be kind, open your mind please.
I found this image of a puppy named Angel on the internet… She was chained to the wall, abandoned and allowed to starve to DEATH under the harsh cold weather. If you take a look at the picture closely, you can see that she wasn’t even allowed to lay her head on the ground. Her frail body had to withstand the snow under her feet and falling onto her tiny body…
Poor poor thing, how can anyone be so cruel and to leave her to die in such a horrible way?
Please share this with everyone you know. We must always share stories such as this one so that people are more aware of the sufferings many animals endure… By sharing, that in itself is doing something about it… the more voices we have against animal cruelty, the more pressure it will put on these abusers to stop their cruel actions.
Animal cruelty is widespread across the globe. Fortunately, awareness about animal cruelty is also growing. We now see many famous celebrities speaking up against animal cruelty, and I find that very touching and a good use of the fame that they have. However, their efforts are not quite enough as many more animals still go through much sufferings, sometimes they go unnoticed!
Is there any form of animal cruelty happening in your own or neighbours backyard?
Tsem Rinpoche

Angel, chained to the wall in the freezing weather… this poor puppy died from starvation and the harsh weather.
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Poor Angel dog chained to the wall ………so inhuman and cruel to let the suffering dog to die in such a manner. Not only that Angie was abandoned in the first place and she was starve to death. Why can’ nt the former owner just leave Angie alone. Sad to see Angie condition, skinny and suffering in pain before dying.
The authority concerned must stop this cruelty from happening and put a heavy fine if caught the culprit who did it. Do not hurt them , care and love them or at least put them in a home. Do hope more will people speak up against animal cruelty and bring awareness around.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
I dont even have the words to explan how sad and cruel this is.If u dont want the animal atleast just let it go so it can take care of itself.This breaks my heart so much.I just dont understand who could do this and live with there self.I also wish more people would get involved when they see an animal being abused.Help them!They cant help there self.
I have no words that could express my horror and sadness. It took my breath away when I saw the image.. How in this world could a human being inflict such wickedness to an innocent animal.
Makes me want to get off this planet.
I hope karma sorts this one out….Please!!!!!!
Unfortunately, I cannot help financially because we are barely paying are bills & buying food for our family. I can re-post, though.
What I want to know is WHERE this happened? I am so enrage right now I want to go and find the POS that did this and chain him/her to a wall – while I invite every single animal supporter I know to have a free ten minutes of whipping time! Isn’t there a GPS on the photo? Why didn’t they let the poor baby go – at least it would stand half a chance that someone might find her and care for her. But no, these POS had to make the poor baby suffer. Petitioning is fine but there is no immediate satisfaction. I want them to suffer. I hope they live long enough to see their offspring die a slow miserable painful death. KARMA.
This is horrible. I think of being a child and needing someone to take the time to help and care for me. I had parents but this animal is a life that thinks, feels, and what is done? Should we turn our backs, see no evil, hear no evil, and not “bother” to respond??????
103, Kamaraj Avenue, 2nd Street, Adyar
Dear Rinpoche, I do not understand why people would chain a cute puppy to a wall and let it die of starvation and harsh weather? It’s so innocent. I would say that this poor puppy have suffered three of the most horrible death which is starvation, thirst and harsh weather. It must be hell for the puppy when Angel was chained to the wall. I hope Angel will take good rebirth and may she learn the Dharma in her future lifetimes.
I felt so hurt as I was reading this article. The culprit must be punished severely by law. Can’t put themselves in animals’ shoes ???if they can they would know how much had the animals, their pets had been suffering.
This is so horrible and sad, i hope this puppy has a good rebirth. karma will come back and these kind of people will get it someday. I hate animal cruelty and i help as many animals that i can. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this.
assez de ces souffrances ,pauvres petits loulous
c est une horreur les encules qui ont fait ca devraient subir la meme chose en pire les regarder agoniser de douleur que fait la justice putain de merde que fait elle rien non rien car la justice en a rien a faire des animaux et c est degueulasse mes prieres vont vers cet louloute et qu elle repose en paix et qu elle soit heureuse au paradis des chiens
This is so so cruel its taking my breath away………we need laws and strong ones to stop malicious people from doing atrocities to innocent animals.
i would not allow this horrible thing to happen! damn humans need to be vaporized because of this. animals rule..humans suck BIG TIME
gone but never forgotten
honte d etre un humain !!!sommes nous des erreurs de la nature!!
this is DISTURBING!!!! I hope people who did this will pay. What goes around, comes around. There really is a special place for people in hell who do this to animals, and you are on the first train there!
So very sad. Wish I could do more.
The precious babies were gods gifts to the human race, NOT to consume, abuse, neglect, or EAT… BUT to be the one true friend that will always love and care for you until their last breath.
This was a long and horrible death from a cruel person who chained this puppy up in cold weather. At least they could have brought it to a shelter or let it loose to find it’s own shelter. This was un just and cruel and mean to this to an innocent puppy. My heart bleeds looking at this picture. This was cruel and not fair. We must be the voice for the voiceless. May he RIP.
Where was this?
I have typed and retyped this comment as each time I could not find the right words to explain how I feel looking at this picture!! Anger,total heartbreak,beyond sad,sick,aghast,shocked,and on and on….I keep asking myself why there are people in this world who are so conditioned to feel no emotions when it comes to animals!! I will never comprehend why they can sit in their warm houses,eat 3 square meals a day and let their pet suffer such awful abuse!! But even worse is why the law does not treat the negligence and death of animals the same as humans? If the sentencing for abusing/killing animals was a long sentence, how many abusers would stop??
this makes me so mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO I will not allow this to happen. I foster. I volunteer at an animal shelter. I go on rescues. I can’t change the world, but I can help what animals I come on contact with.
What kind of person would do this to an animal. Its just cruel and wrong. Angel looks like such a nice and cute dog. The person who did this must be evil. I just don’t get why people would even THINK about doing this to an animal. I would NOT let this happen. I wish i could have been there to help this dog when it was suffering.
This is totally totally horrible…
It verry sad to see this poor puppy died in this way.
Thank you for sharing this picture.
Dear Rinpoche,
Oh my Buddha!!!
How could anyone do such a thing???
It sad that till this date there is still a lot of people in the world who still abuses not just dogs and cats but also other animals.
In my point of view I think that the people that are abusing animals these days just don’t understand what it is like to be killed, starved, abused and even tortured until the animals are so beaten up, bleeding and as if torturing and abusing animals is not enough they even leave the abused, tortured animal to slowly dies which equals to the animal suffering in more pain even though death is right in front of them.
It’s really a pity how everyday dogs like Angel and thousands more have to go through everyday.
I really hope that whoever that starved Angel to death, the people who have abused animals before as well as the people who are abusing animals while I am writing this comment will eventually be caught and suffer the same method the animal they abused experienced.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this picture of Angel with all of us….. even though it is just one picture it really speaks a thousand words on Angel as well as animal cruelty.
The ability to have life, liberty and to pursue happiness should apply to all sentient beings, irrespective of who are deserving of such basic rights. We should refrain from committing actions that cause or condone to cause sufferings; such as creating causes for animals to be tortured, beaten, imprisioned, multilated or be killed. Who-so-ever this psychosis could have done such terrible actions to this poor dog, could be afficted by destructive emotions, and may even do such physical harm to those that they loved too! A highly great man has once said, quote: “Today, more than ever before, life must be characterised by a sense of universal responsibilty, not only nation to nation and human to human but also human to other forms of life”.
Thank you for the sharing Rinpoche.It is a very sad picture to see.How could anyone have such careless or inhumane action towards such a weak and defend less animal.If the owner have no intention to raise a pet then, they should not have taken in the pet.A person who intend to keep or raise a pet ,must have the commitment and love to do so.They should never feel it is a burden to do so.
For Angel, I hope for its good rebirth in a good family or even as a human and a chance to be acquainted with the dharma.
How it breaks my heart to see such cruelty! How can people do such thing? I can imagine the cold, pain, starvation and suffering Angel had to go through before dying a slow death! There was barely any chain for her to move around freely but I believe even if the chain was long enough, she would have died from the bitter cold.
Yes, a lot of celebrities are creating the cause to let people know about animal cruelty but I believe more can be done therefore for those who truly love animals, please share and help those poor animals who can’t speak for themselves.
My heart broke by just looking at the picture. I cannot imagine the pain that the little Angel had gone through until the last breath of her life. What had she done so wrong that she has to bear such a cruel punishment? The karma will come back to this person who did this to her.
Yes normally I can’t stand looking at the pictures of children, old people or animals suffer – whether is a sick baby, sick old people or animals in slaughter house… I tend to avoid looking at them second times. I will scroll down or up if I see these on Facebook. Now I know I have understand better if we really want to solve a problem…
I will share also.
This is revolting! Plain revolting…
I don’t have enough imagination to understand what goes on in the mind of those that did that, how can they get up every day and not feel horribly regretful, regretful to sickness, regretful to disease even…
I rather be that poor dog than be them, the suffering is less, karma or not. I would not want to live with this act on my conscience…
This act of cruelty I find it very hard to believe and disturbing that some form of mind is capable of commiting such an act. What kind of mind would possess such a disgusting thought to be able to do this to poor Angel. She is barely any few months old and had to go through this suffering. I really feel hopeless and angry at times when I see these evidences of what some part of humanity is capable of. I really hope he/she does not breed babies of their own when they have this ability to do that to Angel. This just isn’t right. I do hope Angel has a good rebirth, some whe better, warm and kind, in a better world. Rinpoche is right, these things need to be shared and brought into awareness, children need to start learning compassion towards living beings whether animal or another human and adults need to start teaching and be an example of. I hope those who commit these sorts of cruel acts would be brought to justice or otherwise just stop, it only breeds more evil and is toxic to ones mind.
This is so heart breaking and sad..how come people can be so cruel and treat the cute dog this inhuman way…Om Mani Padme Hum…i remember last time at my hometown there a lot of stray cats at by-lane, when they keep meow-ing,my neighbor will use water or even hot water splash on them..but when the awareness about animal cruelty is growing, happy that they not doing the cruel things anymore, even giving food to the stray cats…This is the wonderful changes been happen…we have to make effort create more and more awareness about animals cruelty,then we will see more and more like my neighbor cases happen..wonderful…Thanks to Rinpoche for sharing this facts for everyone know that this problems is really happen just around us.
Dear Rinpoche, Thank you for sharing this post.
We should never abuse any animals because they are like us who have feelings also. Why are all these cute animals being abused? what is this world becoming?
I just heard from a friend that a Chinese boiled his cat alive. I always get news that animals are being ill-treated and abused.
Can all people please help prevent cruelty to animals? Dogs and cats are such innocent creatures. So we shouldn’t harm them at any time.
This is totally totally heart breaking!!! How can anyone be so cruel and to leave her to die in such a horrible way?verry sad to see this poor puppy died in this way.
This is so cruel! I don’t understand why people would do this to the animals, if you do not like them then don’t buy/adopt them at the first place. They will only get hurt, they did nothing wrong to deserve to be treated so badly. I feel so sad when I look at the picture. Poor little puppy, may she have a good and swift rebirth.
I hope more people will understand that animals do feel pain..
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
It is really painful to see the picture !!How can anyone do such cruel things to another living being? Every animal is should be loved and cared,they have their right to live and human no right to abuse and kill them !!Please share out this news to many people with the motivation to educate people not to abuse animals,STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY !! Om Mani Pedme Hum…..may the puppy take good rebirth !!
Omg. The suffering is etched all over that poor baby’s face. How can anyone have been so cruel to chain her up and even after that, to ignore her crying? Because you KNOW she didn’t pass away quickly, and would’ve cried and suffered for a long time…you just wonder what kind of karma she had to not be rescued, where even if people heard her cries, nothing moved in their hearts and they ignored her.
It is no point acquiring wealth and material goods, when our hearts are cold. That is what I define as evil – when good men stand by and do nothing, that’s all it takes for evil to triumph.
This is so sad. If someone could take this photo, that means someone could have done something to stop it and prevent Angel from being treated in such a way. To prevent death.
Because in every situation we encounter, we have a choice to change and do something. If we leave and ignore, we will continue to live in a world based on our selectiveness. If we choose to do something, we continue to grow.
Mankind is cruel. Yes. There are a whole load of mindsets out there, some conditioned to harm others, but that doesn’t mean that we should just close one eye and ignore. By ignoring, we are silently agreeing to what is being done. Make a change in today’s world because you live in it and you can change it.
This is such a cruel act. I have no words to say but may the people who did this to this poor puppy will prosecuted and karma come back to them. Hope that this will bring out some kindness in people and more awareness to people to treat animals better.
When I see pictures such as this I am hit with a barrage of emotions. A person’s conscience would have to be so terribly and irreversibly seared to be able to do something like this to a defenseless being – a life that is fully capable of feeling pain. And it is not an isolated case as we see more and more abuse being reported from all over the world. The question I cannot answer is why would a human being inflict such torture on a little dog. Not only was the act totally devoid of even the most basic of humanity, it also shows how ignorant human beings are, of the repercussions of their actions. It is worrying to think that there are such people like that in the world, and even more who are ready to stand by to witness and condone such wickedness.
We cannot stop every cruel deed being done to animals but we can compensate with our kindness to the animals we encounter, we can refrain from being the cause for their abuse, and we can refuse to be mere alibis for this kind of mistreatment and instead create awareness that such cruelty persists in the world today and should not be tolerated.
Angel died under such horrible circumstances and I hope she has taken good rebirth. The person(s) who caused such suffering should worry for they have sowed extremely terrible karmic seeds.
This is taking animal cruelty to a whole new level. Saying this is heart breaking would be the understatement of the millennium. I used to get really angry and mad at the person who did this, but after meeting the Dharma, I pity them instead.
May Angel have a good rebirth as human and be able to meet the Dharma and practise so that incidents like this wont be happening to Angel again..
May the person who did this realize that it is wrong and stop doing it.
Thank you for sharing, Rinpoche..
Countless of animal cruelty out there, endless, really…for cases like this, it is done on purpose, and it shows how twisted is the heart of the doer.
I wonder what made the person did what he/she had done to Angel. S/he had the heart to chain the dog onto a wall knowing what would come next. I wonder too if anyone heard Angel’s calling for help. It is quite impossible that Angel wont bark for help.
This also makes me think what karma that Angel had made in the past that she had to suffer this way. To feel cold and hungry at the same time and to feel abandoned. How cold-hearted this world has become.
The perpetrator of this evil and heartless act is a sadist. Otherwise,a crazy person. This is cruelty that is unimaginable and to be utterly abhorred.
To have to die in such a manner, with so much suffering.Not being allowed to lie down and to have one’s frail body exposed so helplessly to the bitter cold.
Though one may glibly say that the perpetrator of this grievous crime against a being, who is utterly helpless, will himself/herself be subject to similar suffering as the wheel of sharp weapons turns on him/her, yet one cannot help but want to do something about the abject misery of this and other helpless beings everywhere.
It’s time to go all out in support of a sanctuary or safe haven for all these victims of such vile acts of cruelty.
This is really crazy and it would make just anybody sane really angry. There’s many ways to look at this and for one, the person who did this to this puppy must be sick in the head and probably going through similar mental suffering. What people inflict on others is just a reflection of the mental suffering they are going through. This does not justify this act but we must certainly remember this when we encounter people who are difficult and hateful.
The other angle is to look at the poor puppy but what did the puppy did in his previous life to create the cause to be reborn as an animal and be tortured in this manner? Karma is blind and the result resembles the cause. The puppy must have been really means and nasty in its previous life. Why pity the puppy now when the perpetrator is creating the cause to suffer a similar suffering later on. I am not asking one to pin the blame on a previous life. The blame is definitely not the puppy in this life but the cruel and hateful person who did this.
Whatever it is, the puppy definitely do not deserve to die in this manner but I pity the perpetrator for he does not know what he is doing and what sort of destiny he is creating for himself.
Outright cruelty! How can people be so heartless! It is heartbreaking that an innocent puppy had to suffer this way due to someone’s insane actions. May Angel take a better rebirth……..
This is indeed very heartbreaking and depressing. I am sure this picture has brought tears to many animal lovers out there. This cute little puppy did not even have the chance to grow up and its life has just ended like that. Chained to a well, abandoned and was starved to death. How can anyone do such thing to a fragile puppy! The person who did this to Angel is just plain cruel and cold-blooded. May Angel have a good rebirth.
This photo really bothers me a lot. I cannot imagine why would the abuser have the heart to do this terrible act. We should share as many as possible out to our friends to at least let other people know of this kind of cruelty is still happening out there. Poor Angel, may you have a better rebirth in your future lives.
Oh my gawwwdddd… this is so so cruel!!!! What is going on with these people… why on earth would they even wanna keep a pet? What kind of sick minds do they have??? Yes it is true there are many many more abused animals that goes unnoticed daily that we do not know and is not reported, or we choose to ignore cos we do not see it. But fact is, it is happening. From those who breed puppies and pedigrees for the beautiful pet stores to those being farmed and tortured for our daily meals.
It seems like the more advance we become, the more mental we are as well. I am so shocked to see this dog suffer and died a painful cold and slow death… and will definitely share this to create the awareness of animal cruelty. If you do not like animals, the least you can do is not harm them! I wonder what kind of karma the owner will face for such a horrible inhuman action.
This is very sad and it should not happen at all. The one who did this to the dog is totally running out of compassion. May the dog takes a good rebirth as human and help other less fortunate animals.
It is truly sad and heart breaking to see this poor puppy died in this way. How can a human being be so cruel to take the life of an innocent and helpless animal,it’s unbelievable! Hopefully this story and picture will help to create awareness of animal cruelty and to prevent and stop it. May the puppy will take a good rebirth. OM Mani Pedme Hum!
Really really really sad … This dog had to suffer in freezing weather until died . Don’t know why they want abuse animal like this . I’m believe KARMA , they have created a cause and this situation will come back to them . May this dog have a good reborn in next life .
So horrible… I just don’t understand the cruelty that people can do towards animals. It truly is heart breaking to see and know how much this poor puppy had to suffer due to the cruelty of just one individual…
I hope that pictures and stories such as this will go viral so that more awareness on cruelty towards animals can be brought to the public so that these abusers will mend their ways, and the public will be more attentive towards animals that are abused…
May this poor puppy have a good rebirth and never suffer such harsh conditions again.
This is totally totally heart breaking!!! How can anyone be so cruel and to leave her to die in such a horrible way? It is totally horrible, my heart is falling as well as my tears!!!! I will not let this happen around my compound, and no matter I see ppl cruel to the animals I will always stop them!!! I just can’t stand the helpless animal got abused not tortured!!! I hate this act!! We must educate the young ones to love animals and the spread these awarenesses to the public!!
What is this world coming to? This is beyond cruel… its downright evil! Whatever possesses one to even contemplate such an act is really beyond me. It is bad enough to chain a poor dog, but to literally “hang” him from a wall and left to starve?
Imagine the karma that the person/persons will be getting for this act… then again, imagine what the poor little pooch’s karma is to be treated in such manner!
Lesson here is, karma’s is karma whether we choose to believe it or not and it WILL return as sure as a well crafted boomerang!
31 Rue Faubourg saint martin