Amphawa Floating Market!

Our group at the Floating market. A hardworking bunch of Kecharians…..They have made my visit and work here 100% easier for sure…thanks everyone very much from my heart
H.E. Tsem Rinpoche Visits Thailand’s Amphawa Floating Market!
Or view the video on the server at:
I took a group of Kecharians with me to visit Amphawa Floating Market…Once you park, you walk through a whole bunch of interesting stalls, then you come to the pier and you can hire a boat for Thai baht 600 (very affordable). The boat can fit 20 easily. Then you ride up the river and see so many shops, restaurants and chalets you can rent to stay along the river. Must visit the shops….Very nice sights……
This is the 2nd floating market we have been to…this is one is very nice. Much bigger and open in the evenings. The first floating market we went to opens during the day only.
Well watch the video and enjoy the sights, sounds and scene.
Welcome to Amazing Thailand!!
Tsem Rinpoche

We took an intersting boat must do it…very nice…
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Thanks for sharing Rinpoche. Very interesting place.
This was one of the rare first outings that I was lucky enough to be selected by Rinpoche to be part of the small group to tag along and be in the same car and boat as Rinpoche. It was definitely an experience that I will remember for many years to come.
What Rinpoche highlighted in the video is true, it took much more longer to get there than the information that was given on the internet. Maybe because it was coupled with Bangkok traffic, and also maybe because we got a not-so-good taxi driver. Anyways, that aside, we were at a wrong port, (the correct port is very busy and packed with tourists), that was small, dead and… dead. They really tried to jib us because we were foreigners. It wasn’t very nice of the guy there.
The Amphawa Market is bustling at night, there are many markets and stalls that sells a variety of things. As opposed to the original one at Dameon Saduak, Amphawa has many more restaurants and bars along the riverbank; which is more reflective of the ‘nightlife’ and their opening hours. Whilst we were there, people were packing up by 9.20/9.30pm, and the market closes by 10pm.
I really like this video of Amphawa Market that Rinpoche filmed and created. It’s like one of those travel videos, where the host introduces the place, talks about the places and shows the sights. I like the background music too!! Its tacky but it suits the whole scene. hehe.
I would like to thank Rinpoche for giving me the opportunity to tag along to the Amphawa Floating market. I really enjoyed it, and the filming.
This floating market in night time is one of the place that should go to visit if you come to bangkok. its not far from bangkok but yet you can see the different scene of village near canel, to see how people stay and live their life, very interesting.
Thank Rinpoche for sharing the vdo with us.
I’m so lucky to be one of the “crew” for this short clip. Although it’s just a 9 mins clip, but we spent 2 hours to get there, Rinpoche always have very bad back problem if Rinpoche travel for too long or sit in a not so comfy position, Rinpoche will have very very bad lower back pain. But when we talk about this floating market, Rinpoche said yes and told us we should go there in a taxi, although it will makes Rinpoche’s lower back feel very uncomfortable, but Rinpoche said this will be something new and it might bring more people from different background to the Dharma, and we should go for it.
When we reach the first jetty, the place look down and no one else beside us, the ticker saler actually charge us B 1200 per person for the boat ride, which we think it’s very suspicious, and it’s MUCH MUCH more over the market price.
We decided to went to another jetty which Wan told us this is the real one. When we reach there it’s totally different world, the place is crowded, noise and lot of food. We decided to go for the boat ride and come back for the market.
As you can see from the video, we actually need to climb over few boat to reach the boat that suppose to take us, it’s not easy for Rinpoche’s height because the boat it’s just so tiny, but Rinpoche’s idea of this is just bring dharma from different angle, and he will go all the way just for others, this is what i have see with my own eyes.
To me, a high lama does not judge from his background, his age or who is his previous incarnation, but a person always with the thought of benefiting others that himself, a person will do anything if can help someone, and this is our Tsem Rinpoche.
I’m thankful to be one of the crew team, and I’m sharing this not to show off, but hope one day we all can be just like HIM, keep others always in front of us.
Thanks Rinpoche
People see these videos and they’re wonderful but few realise how much work goes into producing that one video 😉 there’s the research, the checking, the logistics… like Ethan said, arranging all of this in a foreign country can be a challenge! Then there’s the actual filming – in a crowd like the one in the floating market, it’s very difficult to hold the camera steady when you’re being bumped against all the time!
The blog team is absolutely stellar when I think about all of this, because not only are they doing the blog work but they are also doing other things in between to ensure everything is completed in time, and the people in the Bangkok Ladrang are comfortable and well cared-for.
Thanks guys for taking such wonderful videos of Rinpoche!
This place reminds me of an Asian version of Venice. Thailand has a lot to offer for tourists. From beautiful temples to floating markets like this. The fire flies sound interesting as well. The last time I saw lots of fire flies was 20 over years when our environment was less polluted. Will definitely visit this floating market.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this visit with us. The community of Amphawa Floating Market is very lucky and blessed by Rinpoche’s visit.
What is amazing on this trip is that not only I get to tagged along with Rinpoche and got involved with the blog team. I’ve also learned a lot about how and where and planning of the journey. In a foreign land, where language is normally the barrier therefore it is not easy that everything will go your way. The effort of Rinpoche making it to the trip and the time, the effort and the hard work behind the team to make Rinpoche’s Dharma teachings available to all is definitely a heart warming experience.
I sincerely wish that people will get touched by Rinpoche’s teachings, most of all; improve one’s life then it will make all the effort worthwhile. Eventhough it is merely a 9 mins video. This 9 mins can really change your life if you make it work.
Dear Rinpoche, thank you for sharing beautiful thailand to all of us , it is very nice to read your blog and learn a lot of information from your blog , example amphawa floating market ,you gave very clear explaination on the floating market and make easy for the people who want to visit the floeting market
I was very lucky to went to this Floating Market with Rinpoche and witness the whole video shooting process for this blog.
It took us about 2 hours to get to the Floating Market due to the heavy jam in Bangkok City. I would say it is not easy for Rinpoche to sit in the 7 seated car as Rinpoche is tall and the space for his leg is quite small. However, Rinpoche took the time and made the effort to go the place to do the vblog on Amphawa Floating Market. Seng Piow is our one and only camera man and editor. Everyone of us carry about 2 to 3 bags including all the equipment for the shooting.
In the night market, you can observe and see the people there were shopping, having dinner, meeting friends, but when comes to religion, they are very respectful and sincere, this is the culture in Thailand which I personally like it.
This floating market appeals to me as it is operational during the night which is much cooler. It can be really hot during the day in Thailand. Its always fun to check out the handicrafts in thailand, one can get a bargain or some interesting buy if one spends the time browsing through the shops in Thailand.
Thank you,Rinpoche for sharing this video of Amphawa Floating Market with us. Yes it looks interesting and I will visit this place one of these days.
Thank you, Rinpoche, for continuing to share all your experiences in Bangkok. You make everything come to live. You make Bangkok come to live from a Buddhist perspective and this is so rich!
This floating market throbs with the vibrancy of Thai culture in which homage to the Buddha is so deeply embedded. Even in a floating market, there are Buddha statues on sale!
dear rinpoche,
have enjoyed listening the dharma sharings from bangkok and others where you are onsite somewhere (beach, near floating market, on a tuktuk, etc) offering a dharma talk. i love it! from reading the short posts on the right, it seems like a ladrang is being established in bangkok, thailand. i wanted to simply write that brings me a boost of happiness hearing that. i don’t live in thailand, but visited there a couple of years ago and i am inspired by what seems like an exploratory plan to create a homebase there too. tsem landrang in thailand—wonderful! where there is dharma, may it grow!
san diego, california, usa
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真的希望11月快点到来! 那么我们就可以拿着这些质料一一的去探索!!