What some face in one day!
Dear friends,
Empathy and compassion can only arise when we realize the sufferings of another being. When we comprehend how others suffer. To understand that we all can be hungry, beaten, abused, hated, despised, thirsty and starved and feel the pain bonds us as one. One what you may ask. One whole is the answer. One single entity when hurt will hurt the whole. We bring down our energy, our mind, our being, our existence when we hurt another. Then this perpetuates until it becomes a ‘normal’ process. We don’t want the hurting of others to be a normal process and we can stop that by beginning with ourselves. We ourselves should hurt no one and take up causes to stop the pain of others. To not sit by and watch. Please take two minutes and ten seconds to see this video and what another being goes through in one day. Don’t feel pain for yourself in watching this but for the the subject in the video. If you find it hard to watch, imagine if you have to live it? Remember it’s not about how you feel if you watch. Focus out. Give the suffering being dignity by watching and understanding what they go through. At least their pain is not wasted.
Tsem Rinpoche
Be kind to animals. Be kind to all beings.
A Camera Was Strapped To A Stray Dog For A Day. What It Captured Broke My Heart.
Kanksha Raina
May 4, 2015
Or view the video on the server at:
A dog is man’s best friend, and there is nothing truer than this statement. But, have you wondered what it’s like to live like one?
This heart-breaking video by World For All, an animal welfare organization, was made to create awareness about street animals and how we can save them by adoption. The video shows you just how tough it is to be an animal living on the streets. There’s no dearth of cruelty around, and it is helpless creatures like these who face the brunt of it the most.
Watch, and try not to cringe at humanity. Or, do the right thing and adopt a stray.
Source: http://www.storypick.com/stray-dog-hard-life/
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Its broke my heart to watch finished this video of a live of a strayed dog,Can not imagined what those street people did to that stray dog. Been kicked,water splashed,bullied ,chased away, rubbish thrown and even attacked by other dogs as well.
If those people deos not like stray dogs at least not to hurt and abused that poor dog being lonely is already bad enough for him .
A dog is man’s best friend well said.,they are like us needs love and caring.
With these heart breaking video ,do hope more people are aware of those stray dog’s suffering and put an end to it by adopting them.
Thank you Rinpoche for these video
.I have shared with my firends ,hoping they could adopt ,give them a good home .
It is heartbreaking watching this video. It is as if we were having a live of a stray dog and in constant risk of being attacked and bullied by human and other animals. We should not create any fear to the stray dogs, cats or any other animals. It is already very suffering living in the streets without food and drinks. On top of that they have to endure pain created by human. We have to create awareness to all, to care and love for all beings. Animals can’t speak and we cannot take advantage to torture and abuse them. It is only by education with understanding and practising compassion and love that we will have a world that has no suffering.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. It was a heartbreaking video to watch. It is sad to see suffering that the dog has to endure in a day. The dog did not do anything wrong. I don’t understand why the people can’t leave the dog alone. The dog did not steal their food or bite them. The dog was only trying to get some food, water and perhaps make some friends with other dogs. There is nothing wrong with that. We humans must learn to have patience and compassion to other beings by putting ourselves in their shoes.
With folded palms,
It is really sad to see the abuse that a stray dog is getting on a daily basis. In this video, someone even lure the dog and abuse them by slapping them! So much cruelly! Some splash water, kicked the ball at them, and some even let other dogs to attack them 🙁
But on the brighter side, more and more people are promoting pets adoption instead of buying pets. This is something we must continuously push for, and education of people not to abuse them.
What an incredible footage of a dog’s life in the streets of Mumbai. It’s really not an easy life that stray dogs have. They go through so much abuse and have to scavenge for food daily.
Human beings are the biggest bullies and create the most destruction in our planet. It’s really not easy to co-exist with human beings.
Since we have the mental capacity to think deeper and have a conscience, we should look deeper at how our actions are creating other beings to suffer tremendously. Adopting strays is one of the things we can do. Another is to just be kind and treat other beings with dignity and respect.
It is very heart wrenching to watch this, a stray dog like this suffers so much just trying to survive.
Its heartbreaking and sad to watch this.
It brings a reminder of the sufferings one goes through in the lower realms.
Imagine if one can strap that camera on a hungry ghosts
that wander around for food for thou)sands of years…(
(that would be a wake up call for us)
This brings to practice Dharma more strongly,
to focus out, to have more compassion for all sentient beings.
I expected to see the grimy conditions as was shown in the video, but it still made me wince. The fact that the dog had to resort to drinking dirty water and got beaten, stepped on, tricked and mainly on cared for really twisted my gut. The dog did nothing to anyone, yet everyone picks on it and beats it for sport. It was brutally sad. And all the dog wanted was a little bit of affection. This sis humanity at its darkest. But then again, maybe not. Maybe there are darker things out there humanity hasn’t shown us… 🙁
It is really sad to see that stray dogs are so badly treated in India. The Indians don’t know that animals have feelings just like us, all they know is that dogs are bad, dogs are bad and dogs are bad, they never know what is the truth. I am really sure that someone in the government has seen this video but they are probably too ignorant to do anything about it.
If these kind of things continue, more and more dogs are going to suffer and more and more are going to get killed for no reason.
Those strays are innocent, i mean what did they ever do to you?? They may have begged for food and maybe make some noise, what is wrong with that?? It can’t possibly harm you and in fact the only person that will really get harmed is you. One day your karma will take over and it is not going to be a pleasant experience.
So unless you want to end up with a fearsome fate, i urge everyone who thinks about abusing dogs and other animals to stop, because karma will always be able to catch up with you and turn the tables, unraveling your misfortune and fate that will really harm you.
1) I cannot believe how and why people treat animals so badly. What is the point of treating them badly? After all, the animals have not done anything wrong to be treated like that. Stray dogs have been treated so badly, the people would chase the dogs, try to beat them, etc. And for what reason? I felt angry on the part where there was a man who pet the stray dog at first, then he turns out smacking the dog in the face. How would you feel if you were the dog and you know that there is only torture and death if you bite the man?
2) Are animals worth treating better? The answer is YES! Why? Because they are living beings who are the origins of this world just like us humans. We all belongs to this Earth which also means that they have the rights to live and be free. Animals plays one of the biggest roles in our eco-system. So instead of disrespecting them by torturing, slaughtering and use them, we should respect them by giving them freedom which they deserve.
3)Why is it that these people have these types of mindset where it is okay to treat some species of animals badly for basic examples like chickens, cows, pigs and etc but it is not okay to treat dogs and cats badly. Why do these people think like that? Is it just because dogs and cats are much cuter and lovable? All lives are the same, the only difference they have is their appearance. So we have to treat them the same just like how we treat people. Be fair to every being.
This breaks my heart. Why are people so ignorant to just see that humans are not the most important thing in the world. Humans just think that everything is about them. They are just os ignorant. Why can’t we just share? Or be pleasant? That poor dog has to go through that everyday! Humans are just ignorant and selfish. And it is so sad.
The video shows pure cruelty and how people hurt that poor dog just because it was there and for fun. Why? Is it fun to be hurt? The dog gets hurt and can feel just like humans and feels hungry just like us. Can’t we see that? We wouldn’t like it so why do we get to do it to others? Pain, we all get it, but that doesn’t mean that we must give it to others and spread it.
Even though this is in a less developed country and there might not be enough to go around for everyone, we can at least be nicer to the poor animals. Also since they are in a less developed country we must help them understand and teach them to stop this abuse. We have to help them because if the country and the people are bad how can anything else there be treated well? We must stop this cruelty. This video has to be shown in all places and awareness is the key.
It breaks my heart after seeing this video . No wonder strays run away from me when I approach them even with the intention of offering food.
Personally, i have seen dogs on the streets when i go feed the homeless. And just like looking at the homeless, it is not nice to see other being suffer.
I am a strong believer in animals rights and animal care so this topic appeals to me very much. That is why i am a vegetarian after all. Its so sad to know that these living beings are suffering so much and nobody is doing anything about it. Well, when i say nobody i don’t really mean nobody. But a very small percentage of the world population is trying to make a change to the lives of these animals.
We must all come together and realise what these animals are going through. Only then will we be able to want to help them. This video is good because it puts us in the situation of the dog and it makes us feel sympathy for what the dog has to go through in in daily life. This is a good technique to gain support from many people and i hope that it will work in making people more aware of the situation of stray dogs.
The best way to help these animals who are suffering so much is to spread awareness and get more people involved. The more people involved, the bigger the change you can make and the more lives you can touch.
It’s very sad to see stray dogs got treated this way. In that video, It’s funny that the man who are strolling with his pet dog was trying to chase and kick the stray dog and not let him go near his pet dog. Human are just so bias, just because u used money to buy ur pet dog and he deserves the love and care from you, other dogs, u treat it like trash. Our selfish mind is so deep rooted and it controls our daily actions. SAd. Both are dogs, why don’t treat equally?
Some stray dogs were once pet dog and there are many reasons they became stray. Give them love and not pain. We should really instill animal care education to the young generation to avoid cases like animal abuse.
All beings seek happiness just like we do. In this short video we see how a typical stray dog struggles just to survive, and meeting with abuse every which way it turns. I have dogs and so I know for a fact that they are completely capable of emotions and are ultimately very social and loving beings. And so, I just cannot imagine how much this and other stray dogs hurts. Let’s not just see their physical suffering.
I find this video disturbing and provocative but I am very glad that it provides for perspective and an opportunity to empathize with what is in fact a sentient being that is loyal and full of love. I hope this video changes people’s minds about strays they see on the streets and be moved to do something for them.
Watching the video and what it’s like to be a stray dog for a day, I imagine the same would be so for a homeless person. Each day is such a challenge for these beings and imagine the hope and happiness you bring to them when you help or give them food. At least out of 365 days, 1 day they had hope and didn’t have to struggle, 1 day they could feel kindness from someone. It may not be much to you to feed a hungry dog, animal or person, but to them, it could mean everything.
Watching this video made me think of life on the streets and how hard it is…and how much of a difference we can make to their lives by just showing a little kindness. Also how shameful it is for us who have everything yet always wanting more when these beings can’t even have the most basic sustenance to keep them going.
What a crying shame! We, humans , can be so unfeeling. so callous, so cruel! Even if we have nothing to give this poor being, why give pain? it is n our power to give it happiness and security, or to give it fear and hurt and harm.Being humane or inhuman, we have a choice.
Why don’t we step into their shoes and feel and live their pain, as we are doing with this stray dog(with a camera strapped to it).If we were them, would we not mind the pain and terror of living through each day?
Let’s create awareness, kindness and care.
Let’s adopt a homeless being.
I know it is not nice to be a stray dog, but it was not until I saw this video that I feel how it is like to be a stray dog.
Not only they do not have a place to live, they have to suffer from the ill-treatment from the human beings. In fact, all their sufferings come from human, they are beaten up, splashed with water, shouted at, traumatised by the bad behaviour from the children. Something is really wrong with our educational system, or the basic human values. While we complain there are so many crimes, people are not trustworthy, etc, we have never thought why is that so. If this is how we treat another life, we will not be merciful to any other lives.
Whether animal or human, if we do not want to help or not able to help, we should not inflict pain on them. What do we get out of it? Teaching kindness and compassion have to start young, parents play a very important role. If we want the world to become better, instil the right attitude and values in our children. We have to be a role model to our children too. No one is obliged to give us a better world, it is the responsibility of everyone, a universal responsibility.
That video was insane… Seeing how many times in a day a stray dog gets kicked or hit or threatened makes me very sad and also very sorry and sad for the humans responsible for their despicable mean behavior. They are weak men or weak women. So very weak minded. Compassion is strong.
I am really glad that someone took the initiative to make this project a success, it is definitely one of the best ways to educate people to appreciate and care for the animals even though they might not be some expensive breeds.
Pure breeds or not, they are all living beings who have emotions and feelings, who feel love, happy and upset just like we humans do. So why neglect another living being? I think that most of us have this double standard thingy in our heads, we always assume and even believe that we are the smartest animal and as for the rest who don’t speak human language are “convinced” or rather regarded as lowly.
This kind of mindset is very wrong and can be very damaging in the future, because we are allowing our ego to take charge of our mind. This may sound like a small matter, but if we keep feeding onto our ego and self-centeredness, our mind will degenerate and whatever we do will not show results, it always comes from the tiny little acts that we’d always ignore or not take serious of it.
There’s a scene where two little children burning some fire crackers on the dog. It’s very sad to watch, even small children are doing this. Children nowadays need to be educated, they should be taught the correct ways to treat animals, and every single living being in fact. Can you imagine if this goes on to the next and future generations? Our society will be in a huge mess. I hope that this short video will reach out to more people and inspire them to STOP buying and START adopting.
What World For All has done is really creative and well thought of.
We sometimes see dogs around our office area, sometimes by themselves or sometimes with the rest of their family. Either way, just seeing them when we walk out to lunch or to our cars, we don’t actually realize how much suffering and pain they have to go through.
Watching this video and seeing this stray dog roam around the city trying to find food and water and seeing that everywhere this dog goes, he is chased away by us arrogant humans.
Whether it is getting water thrown at it’s face, getting kicked on it’s side, getting barked at by other dogs… this video shows exactly how hard it is to be a stray dog.
Apart from having to worry about being abused by people, another hardship of being a stay dog is how difficult it is to find a morsel of food and water.
It is really hard to imagine going through every day living in fear and desperation in the shoes of a stray dog.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this sad yet true post.
Truly heart breaking… It is incredible what stray dogs have to go through on a daily basis… and it’s just incredibly sad that people would treat another living being in such manner…
We must all do our part to get this video out there… let people see, create awareness so that one day, dogs on the streets can live peacefully. After all… who can watch this video and still be cruel to a dog on the street?