The Republic of Seychelles is a 115-island archipelago in the Indian Ocean. It is a paradise of spectacular nature, white beaches with crystal clear waters, and unusual flora and fauna.
If you flew there, you could land on either of 2 different islands: Mahe Island or Praslin Island.
Depending on which airline you take, it takes about 15-24 hours to get there from Kuala Lumpur… just one day away to a little paradise on our planet Earth.
Below are photos of North Island in the Seychelles…I do not like the beach or swimming in the ocean at all, but I will make an exception to hang near the beach on this island…
Tsem Rinpoche
It’s unbelievable how clear and blue the waters are..
I love places that are very green..
I would put a large Tara statue here and make plenty of offerings…
Wow what nice little house to live in…this would be like my retreat house..I would stay here and do my sadhanas, watch paranormal shows on youtube and read…I can see my dear Mumu and Oser with me and running around sniffing and playing…
Great place to put alot of candle offerings daily for the Three Jewels…making light offerings creates the causes for having a penetrative intelligence that helps us to see our true condition and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Light offerings are wonderful ways to collect merits to gain tremendous wisdom, intelligence and discriminating logic…Just to be intelligent is not need merit to back it up for it to be useful.
I can sit here and do my sadhanas and plenty of incense offerings constantly….no smoke to fill up the room…
I like this kind of open bedroom concept..and plenty of windows..
Great place to play hide and seek with mumu and Oser…they would love it…
I would love it if my Mumu and Oser can run around on the greens….but without tics please.
Wouldn’t that be great? To be so isolated and not many people around….I love to be alone. I like the privacy very much. And no I don’t feel lonely at all…..
Is that me walking along the beach??
I can see me, Oser and Mumu here on this taking a nap..then plucking a fresh coconut to drink..
(The 48 images above are extracted from:
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The Seychelles is an archipelago of 115 islands in the western Indian Ocean, off East Africa. It’s home to numerous beaches, coral reefs and nature reserves. This beautiful archipelago known for being extremely beautiful and extremely expensive to visit. With lush tropical vegetation, beautiful beaches, and a wide variety of marine life . Just in the ocean itself there are more than 900 identified species of fish, green sea turtles and giant tortoises which also inhabit the islands. Its home to amazing flora and fauna. Many of the beaches are untouched and are refreshingly free of crowds as one of the few undeveloped islands. They offer clear blue skies, emerald green water, sugar white sand and peacefulness where one will rarely find. The scenery along the hike is breath-taking. The warm Indian Ocean waters make Seychelles the perfect place for the water enthusiasts. Water sports such as scuba diving, snorkeling, windsurfing and fishing are also extremely popular.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article with beautiful pictures that tells all.
Wow…what a great fantasy place to go for relaxing holiday or retreat. Seychelles which is an archipelago located 1,600 km east of the African coast in the Indian Ocean at the crossroad between Asia and Africa. The Seychelles are one of the world’s most beautiful tropical islands destination. The island republic comprising of about hundreds of islands, with lush tropical vegetation, beautiful beaches, and a wide variety of marine life. The majority of the islands are uninhabited, with many dedicated as nature reserves as well as rare animals. It’s home to numerous unexploited beaches, coral reefs and wild lives. Many celebrities and tourist loves to visit these tiny islands as it’s just so unbelievably peaceful.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article and those beautiful pictures .
I love this beautiful place of Seychelles. It is extremely beuatiful beyond words to describe. The hotels looks really open and should allow the breeze to blow through whole day long. I guess a bit of insects is a small price to pay for clean, fresh air wholeday long.Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this beautiful place.
Seychelles looks really beautiful and the hotel is very beautifully designed. There is the green forest and the blue ocean. Best of both worlds.
The hotels looks really open and should allow the breeze to blow through whole day long. I guess a bit of insects is a small price to pay for clean, fresh air whole day long.
Any offerings of incense and light would be ever so delightful – incense wafting through the whole place and the light from the light offerings will really brighten up a dark night.
Thank you, Rinpoche for sharing this beautiful place inspiring us to think about a retreat home.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this place with us here. I can see the investors have put in a lot of efforts in every corner of their resort to make this place very special. They have done it well by blending in modern facilities (such as spa pool and wine corner) with the nature and all pictures look very beautiful day and night.
I can imagine that it must cost a bomb to stay there for a night, something around USD 4-5K?? Oh well, for the ultra rich, those who have headache spending their money.
One look the 1st picture of Seychelles Island gives me the image of a big duck swimming in the ocean. The 2nd pic of the Island is of a dog lying and basking in the sun. The 3rd pic of the Island is a big snake. The whole scenario reminds me of my trip with Rinpoche in the early years to Padang Besar Island in Johore. Of course Seychelles Island is more beautiful than Padang Besar. Even though Seychelles Island is beautiful according to Tom sad to say it has its dark side and not safe. I hope the Buddhas will bless this Island and turn it into a sacred place and fulfill Rinpoche’s dream of his visit there. And also to benefit sentient beings.
what a nice place!
Dream to be there one day!
it realy interesting… peace..
Eat Pray and Love…
Eminence, Dharma Prince,
It is truly a visual paradise. My concerns are that it would be too hot to truly enjoy the surroundings, and also it is in the middle of “Pirate Country”… Africa’s East Coast is very problematic for pirates…
Of course, such a beautiful place must have its dark side, or everyone would be there…
Love, and great respect,
Dear Tom, The pirates would ruin everything huh? Yes it would be very hot…very good considerations..thanks
Eminence, Dharma Prince,
The modern pirates of the 21st century are not the “romantic” fellows of the 18th and 19th centuries, regrettably. They seem to follow no code of honor, and they kill people instead of merely letting them go.
The nations of Eastern Africa do not have much in the way of a Navy or Coast Guard to police these waters, understandably, as their priority is rightly focused on the food and health care of their citizens on land.
Nothing lasts forever, though, my Dharma Prince. The age of the pirate will be over soon enough, I think.
Rinpoche – deliciously gorgeously extravagantly delightfully luxuriously beautiful place. May every being swiftly cross the ocean of Samsara to the Seychelles of their dreams.
Dear Ani Kunzang, What a nice wish you have for everyone. Thanks. I know I would not be able to get to Seychelles in this life. Highly unlikely for me to get there for few reasons.