Langlab Jangchub Dorje
b.early 11th cent. – d.late 11th cent.
Tradition: Nyingma རྙིང་མ།
Geography: Purang County སྤུ་ཧྲེང་རྫོང།
Historical Period: 11th Century ༡༡ དུས་རབས།
Name variants: Jangchub Dorje བྱང་ཆུབ་རྡོ་རྗེ། ; Langlab ལང་ལབ།
Langlab Jangchub Dorje’s (lang lab byang chub rdo rje) life is heavily shrouded in legend, closely wrapped in the lineage history of the Vajrakīla tradition.
He is said to have suffered greatly at the hands of his paternal relatives. To help him through his difficulties, Dre Atsara Sale (‘bre a tsara sa le), an accomplished master of the Vajrakīla cycle, taught him this practice, which he diligently practiced. He used the power of Vajrakīla to murder his paternal relatives, earning himself a considerable reputation as the most powerful master of Vajrakīla.
Langlab Jangchub Dorje is said to have lived as a sheperd in Khore (‘khor re), south of Mt. Kailash on the Nepali border, and he attracted a number of disciples. Ra Lotsāwa arrived one day to pay his respects, but considering Ra’s newly-imported system of Vajrabhairava to be non-Buddhist black magic, Langlab snubbed Ra. Ra Lotsāwa, as was his habit, then challenged Langlab to a contest of magic. Langlab bested him, however, sending a shower of daggers down from the sky.
Ralo retreated, but later returned and murdered Langlab with new Vajrabhairava teachings he brought back from Nepal. Tibetan historians of Vajrakīla have generally denied this history, concluding their accounts of Langlab and Ra Lotsāwa’s contact with the initial contest.
Langlab Dorje’s main disciples were Nanam Sherab Tsultrim (sna nam shes rab tshul khrims, d.u.), Kyi Kyanggyel of Mongu (mong dgu’i skyi gyang sgyal, d.u.), Trang Purbugo of Rong (rong gi skrang phur bu mgo, d.u.), and Nyang Nak of Uyuk Rolpo (‘u yug rol pa’i nyang nag, d.u.).
- rol pa’i nyang nag རོལ་པའི་ཉང་ནག། b.11
- shes rab tshul khrims ཤེས་རབ་ཚུལ་ཁྲིམས།
- Davidson, Ronald. 2005. Tibetan Renaissance. New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 137-138.
- Dudjom Rinpoche. 2002. The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism. Gyurme Dorje and Matthew Kapstein, trans. Boston: Wisdom, pp. 713-712.
- Ra Yeshe Sengge. 2015. The All-Pervading Melodious Drumbeat; The Life of Ra Lotsawa. Bryan Cuevas, trans. New York: Penguin Classics, pp. 51-52, 81-82.
- Roerich, George, trans. 1996. The Blue Annals. 2nd ed. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, pp. 156.
Disclaimer: All rights are reserved by the author. The article is reproduced here for educational purposes only.
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- Ra Lotsāwa Dorje Drakpa
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Lang Lab Jangchub Dorje ,the most accomplished mahasiddha of Vajrakilaya in the Land of Snows. Langlab Jangchub Dorje was a shepherd who lived with his relatives suffered badly till meeting Dre Atsara Sale an accomplished master of the Vajrakīla cycle. He practiced using the power of Vajrakīla and became well known. Interesting story of him and Ra Lotsawa , when they engaged in a battle of arcane powers. The previous lives of Dorje Shugden, Ra Lotsawa Dorje Drak a renowned Lama was famous for introducing the powerful Yamantaka tantras to Tibet. Langlab bested Ra Lotsawa sending a shower of daggers down from the sky. Interesting history for one to know.
Thank you Rinpoche for this short sharing of a powerful lineage master of Vajrakila.
LangLab Jangchub Dorje one of the most accomplished mahasiddha of Vajrakilaya in the Land of Snows. Been a powerful master , living simple as shepherd. Inspiring short read , how he was overcome the sufferings under his relatives practicing under Dre Atsara Sale an accomplished master.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Thank You Rinpoche for this short sharing of a great master. Langlab Jangchub Dorje was a shepherd is said to have lived in south of Mt. Kailash. He has gone through a tough time living with his relatives at that time. Dre Atsara Sale an accomplished master of the Vajrakīla cycle, taught him Vajrakīla practice to overcome the sufferings he has gone through. Later he used the power of Vajrakīla to murder his paternal relatives. He was then considered the most powerful master of Vajrakīla. His life is associated in the lineage history of the Vajrakīla tradition.
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