Bigfoot in Kechara????
You know I just love all types of strange phenomena such as bigfoot, Naztec, pyramids, UFO, Loch Ness, Findhorn, Bermuda Triangle, Aztecs, Egyptians, Atlantis, Easter Island, etc etc etc…I ‘ve been watching and reading up on these subjects since very young. I find them all very fascinating. My enthusiasm towards them is just as strong now.
Well look at this great gift I received today!!! Yes it is my first bigfoot figurine!! Super neat!! Sengpiow ordered this from KECHARA SARASWATI ARTS DEPT as a gift for me…Can you imagine?? It was made right in KSA!!
Gee, are our people talented or not? I mean a Tibetan Arts and Crafts Dept who can sculpt and make bigfoot??? How wild is that? Very wild. I love KSA!!
I got the figurine about a half hour ago and thought I’d share it…Lili Ng is the artist in Kechara Saraswati Arts that did this.. She is part of the wonderful team in KSA. I LOVE IT. THANK YOU VERY MUCH EVERYONE. SUPER NEAT. My first and only Bigfoot figurine..I will offer him up to my shrine and dedicate to everyone.

My figurine was made based on this really famous footage by Patterson. This is considered a real and genuine footage of Bigfoot. It has gone under two decades of scrutiny by everyone and anyone and it cannot be proven a fake. Neat.
I love my bigfoot a lot… thanks alot everyone. Thanks so much for your talents and love. What a neat out of this world gift… Hmmmm… I’ve got other ideas of what I want KSA to sculpt for me… hehehe.
Tsem Rinpoche
Kechara is the organization I began and you can read more here, and GREAT pictures of Kechara here.
In 1967, Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson stumbled across an incredible sight whilst out in Bluff Creek, in the California wilderness. At a creek which had been freshly washed-out by recent floods, they witnessed a female Bigfoot swiftly traverse the rugged landscape. Since their filmed encounter with the Bigfoot, who has since been nicknamed Patty, many have disputed the authenticity of their recording but no one has been able to successfully prove that it is a fake.
Credits for this video goes to entirely to windvale for the original footage.
National Geographic American Paranormal – Bigfoot
This documentary contains an excellent explanation on the Patterson-Gimlin footage of Bigfoot dubbed Patty. It goes through scientific methods to prove the image on the film is authentic. Please watch and be convinced finally. I’ve always believed the footage was genuine. Mr. Gimlin in all the interviews I’ve watched seemed very genuine and suffered tremendously as a result of the footage.
For more interesting information:
- Yeti, Bigfoot and Sasquatch cateogory
- The Mysterious Monsters – narrated by Peter Graves
- The Search Is On For China’s Own Bigfoot
- Nepal is the land of spirituality, beauty and Mystery
- Japanese Mountain Climbers Say They Found Yeti Footprints
- Malaysia Scientists to Hunt ‘Bigfoot’ in Rainforest
- They’re Sighted Everywhere
- Obama Bows
- The neatest footage on film!
- Monsters & Mysteries In Alaska..Sasquatch!
- 7 Parts
- I was in Willow Creek!
- 5 Years + USD500,000 = EVIDENCE!!
- Pacific Northwest May Finally Have Evidence Bigfoot Exists
- Bigfoot Hunt Is On By Land And By Air
- Researcher Says Bigfoot DNA Analysis Reveals Human Hybrid … Seriously?
- Is this Evidence of Bigfoot?
- Bigfoot Is Real, And We Have DNA To Prove It: Researchers
- Images of the Wildman Inside and Outside Europe
- Researchers go looking for Bigfoot
- Sasquatch (Bigfoot)!!!
- Bigfoot hunters claim they have footprint
- Bigfoot Proven?? Must Watch!!!
- Respect them
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Tsem Rinpoche has always been fascinating about Bigfoot, UFO, Loch Ness, Findhorn, Bermuda Triangle and strange phenomena happening around the world. Its wonderful to have Bigfoot figurine as a gift for Rinpoche from Pastor Seng Piow. Wow fantastic been made in Malaysia at KECHARA SARASWATI ARTS DEPT. So Kechara team are doing well ,been talented has come out with this Bigoot figurine. Definitely looks real based on the famous footage by Patterson. Great effort and time must had put to produce it. The real footage where Bigfoot was caught on camera has since proven that Bigfoot do exist after all.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Curious about the legendary Yeti? Not sure what to believe? Here is an article that explores a range of sources, from folktales to newspaper reports, detailing sightings and encounters with the elusive creature, who has been a part of the very fabric of various Himalayan communities for thousands of years. Read about religious beliefs, myths, fables and stories by scholars and travellers alike, and realise that there is more to the Yeti than you previously thought.
This is a real awesome documentary on bigfoot. One of the best –
KSA team is very creative and loving. They did a very nice bigfoot figurine to offer to Rinpoche. I am sure they put in a lot of effort and time to make this nice gift. Now we can see many more bigfoots in all types of shapes – figurine, posters and even a shop name after Bigfoot in Bentong 🙂
Kecharians are really very talented people..An awesome post that Bigfoot exists in Kechara too! Hehehe..Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche,
Hehehe. So cute! It’s amazing how KSA is always endlessly thinking out of the box and being creative to have sculpted such cute and jaw dropping sculptures of things that Rinpoche likes for example Bigfoot.
Its very smart and kind of them to not just paint statues and repair statues but also sculpt such awesome creatures that
I know how Rinpoche love Bigfoot and how it amazes him how there is such a creature that exists on Earth and yet nobody really has such stone solid proof that it actually exists.
Keep loving and learning Bigfoot and I hope that Rinpoche will one day get to see Bigfoot for real.
Hope Rinpoche is loving his Bigfoot Statue and thank you Rinpoche for sharing about your new gift.
are totally not related to the Dharma at all.
Lately, Rinpoche received some really cool Bigfoot keychains and pendants from one of Rinpoche’s students! It reminded me of this old blog post that Rinpoche wrote some time ago and made me want to read it again hehe…
The figuring still looks really cool. It is one of a kind.
WOW! Lili Ng is fantastic at arts. The Bigfoot figurine looked exactly like the Bigfoot from the picture above which is taken by Patterson. The figurine is very pretty and I like it. I hope Rinpoche enjoyed Rinpoche’s beautiful present.
Hmm…. That was a very creative gift and we all know how much Rinpoche is totally fascinated by Bigfoot since childhood. I am fascinated with it but perhaps not as fascinated as Rinpoche is. To be totally honest, I very much dig paranormal, ghosts, goblins, ghouls, aliens, crop circles etc. I am not very much an bigfoot kinda guy.
However, I do think that it is as mysterious as the other supernatural paranormal stuff out there. I personally think they do exist as there are plenty of partial evidence but nobody has really found their bones or any other hardcore evidence of their existence. I tend to think that is because they are highly intelligent and have effectively dodged us for a long time already but not for long. Perhaps, one day, bigfoot, sasquash, yetis and the like will be included in the list of other similar animals.
I’ve seen this statue in real life! It’s really really nice, looks extremely real, in an animated kind of way.
The intricacy of the details is astounding, and the statue is really nice, light-weighted and solid. The clay mould was done well, eventhough it was one of Lili’s first few attempts at clay. She has a brilliant knack for arts, her creativty is boundless. Kecharians are very talented!!
I am in awe of her creativity and recently, Lili took on a challenge and decided to make a 3ft Lama Tsongkhapa Statue on Elephant!! She has successfully completed it, you can see it here:
Big round of applause to Lili – she’s your one stop creative shop, from flower arrangement to art classes, statue making to painting.
Yes, Rinpoche, you have created a 21st century Tibetan Arts and Crafts studio of many local talents and expertise through KSA, for the purpose of bringing people closer to Spirituality Through Art. KSA through its years of study from several visiting Tibetan experts and Artists, provides all services needed to transform any altar into a beautiful place of worship. KSA makes a great place for volunteers to learn and do:- (1) Statue and Thangka repairing and painting works (2) Brocade sewing of Deities cothings (3) Mantra cutting, mala beads stringing, flowers arrangemants etc.,etc. It is said that in the sutras that just by assisting and getting involved in the painting of holy objects and statues, makes it so easy for us ordinary beings to collect extensive merits. It is because statues are quintessential symbols of particular enlightened beings, and are embodiment of love, wisdom and compassion!
Looking at the title for people who don’t know Rinpoche or Kechara. They would think and be shocked that a Bigfoot is really existing in Kechara. Well this Bigfoot is not really big. But the size is just the opposite of the real Bigfoot. It is a figurine made by KSA and ordered as a gift to to be given to Rinpoche by his personal assistant Seng Piow. Seng Piow knows that Rinpoche loves Bigfoot. The figurine was made and sculptured by our KSA artist Lili Ng. It looks really like the Giant Bigfoot except that it is a miniature version of the real life one. It is so nice to see Rinpoche so happy with the things that he likes.
SP is very thoughtful to ever thought of this wonderful creation as a gift to Rinpoche. Very unique and inspiring, to allow Lily to show her talent of creating new things. It is truly a labour of LOVE! Congrats Lily for a wonderful job!
I love the posture and expression of bigfoot….Cute…A nice piece of art…
What a beautiful work a lot of effort .
Well done lily!
Very nice big foot, can produce more for sell 🙂
Can, contact Paul of Kechara Saraswati Dept..
wow… now this is what quality figuring is all about.
Love the facial expression =)
Awe Wicked!
Wow, is great Rinpoche, and yes, KSA do have some amazing, talented people. I don’t think there’s anything Lili Ng can’t do. Much better than the stuff we order off amazon or whatever!
And, hmmmm if we look closer, he does seem to resemble quite a lot of people within Kechara too, doesn’t he?… although I’d probably say some of us are probably scarier than big foot.
I love that sightings of Bigfoot reveal that he is actually quite a gentle creature. Very Monlam-like? hehe
I saw Lili very casually work on this some time ago amidst all the “organised chaos” and going-ons at KSA and i remember remarking what wonderful work it was. She truly is a rare talent and good of SP to commission such a brilliant gift for Rinpoche.
Although I have never seen Bigfoot, Nessie of the Lochness and UFOs (other than the regular ones at Kechara) i have always felt they were very real. And the closer I get to my own sense of existence, the more these and others yet to be discovered, become real.
Bigfoot, Leviathan, Behemoth, Flying Serpents, Fire Breathing Dragons, Unicorns, Ghosts, Rhakshas…so much we don’t know.
Cool figurines…its Rinpoche that keep throwing the challenge to the KSA folks thta brings out the best in them. KSA is an amazing team, and may the talent growth by leaps n bounds.
Kecharians are such talented people, basically, they can do anything, anything!!! How wonderful when people are learning from one another… they’ll be able to learn some much from one another. Under the guidance of Rinpoche and the roof Kechara, it is now not only a precious dharma center, it is also a learning center. NICE!
Dear Rinpoche,
What a great gift – fairly unique too! The folks at KSA sure are a talented bunch. It’s wonderful that you have a keen interest in these enigmatic subjects. I remember being on a visit to Loch Ness when I was younger and my friend took great pride in announcing that the Loch Ness monster was a fake and ridiculous idea. He wasn’t so sure though after I dared him to swim in the Loch – he couldn’t decline quick enough!
I hope you enjoy your gift, Rinpoche.
Kind regards,