Time To Wake Up | 醉生梦醒
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
Dear friends around the world,
About two weeks ago, Pastor Loh Seng Piow (my student and personal attendant) offered me a Chinese book that was published by our publication house, Kechara Media & Publications.
Apparently, Pastor Loh Seng Piow has been working on this book that covers many interesting topics about Buddhism. All of the materials that he got was from my blog! He did this pet project quietly and sincerely… conceptualized it, edited the book content, found the sponsors, and made sure that everything about the book was perfect for publishing.
I am very proud of Pastor Loh Seng Piow, he attends to me 24 hours a day and yet found the time to do this! I am very glad that he uses whatever extra time that he has on his own to do more Dharma.
I am also very happy that Kechara produced yet another Dharma book. Kechara has been consistently producing high quality and great Dharma books. There is nothing that makes me happier than seeing Dharma grow in our departments and within my students as well…
I thought that I should share this with everyone as a form of inspiration to others, and also to let Kechara and Pastor Loh Seng Piow know that I appreciate them very much for having the Dharma in mind always.
Tsem Rinpoche
About the book
A compilation of Tsem Rinpoche’s teachings throughout the years, this book sends the message to free ourselves from our self-created problems by revealing to us what truly matters in life. It’s time to wake your compassionate and wisdom filled mind.
Some of the topics covered within this book are:
- The eight verses of mind transformation – Learn how to deal with problems and difficult people. Through focusing on what truly matters, this teaching helps us to connect with others through wisdom and compassion.
- ‘Failing’ – A commentary on J.K. Rowling’s enlightening speech in Harvard University. Failure is a normal process in life, it is what we do after failing that molds us to a persistent, confident and responsible individual. Learn how to focus on getting success instead of the failure
- Buddha’s Cousin: Devadatta – The Buddha’s life story is rich with examples for spiritual aspirants to emulate, and also lessons to be learnt. Through the story of Devadatta, we learn about the danger and damage jealousy can have on us and others.
- Life in Gaden monastery. Before coming to Malaysia, Rinpoche lived in Gaden monastery for several years. Rinpoche shares about the struggles and training he endured that shaped him into a better Dharma practitioner.
For practitioners, this book enlightens you on these topics:
- Reincarnation – One of the core teachings of Buddhism, reincarnation teaches us to focus have a larger view about life. Learn how to train our minds and let go of ill thoughts to create a better tomorrow, and better future lives.
- Taking Trances – Rinpoche shares about the supernatural, from supreme Dharma Protectors to spirits; Rinpoche reveals the difference between Oracles and spirit mediums.
- How do I prepare myself for initiation – A clear instruction to aspiring spiritual practitioners that want to take the fast track to Enlightenment.
Some teaser content from ‘Time to Wake Up’
“…the failures, that we have put on ourselves, may not necessarily be failures. It is not necessarily the end of the world because everybody’s hopes, dreams, desires, wishes and visions are very different; so what we have failed in, could be another person’s success. As time pass, if we keep self-deprecating and we are not happy with ourselves; we become depressed, and then from that comes depression. We can overcome that by saying, “Hey you know… what I have achieved is not so bad, because it’s not what I actually wanted. It’s not what I actually aimed for but its half way there, it’s one third the way there, it’s one fifth the way there because if this other person had that failure it would be success”. So what we need to do is we need to think carefully and say “Look, let’s look at it from another objective”. It is mind exercises. It is ways to exercise your mind to look at things differently to pull yourself out.”
“… if you have failed, you strip away the inessentials. What are the inessentials? Justifications. A long ramblings or pointing fingers at who to blame, what to blame and the situation. Stop trying to live a life that you cannot live anymore. Stop trying to be who you can’t be, who you pretended to be or who you thought you wanted to be anymore. Accept the fact that perhaps you contributed to the failure and to move on from that so failure means stripping away of the inessentials. What’s essential? What’s essential is you got to be honest with yourself and others, you’ve got to work double hard.”
“… People who are extremely successful will not get angry at things they know they have to do something about. They get angry at themselves and do something about it. The key is they do something positive towards fulfilling the goal, they do something about it. Everyone has their opportunities and chances in life. It’s whether you want to do it or not.”
“… in spiritual practice, it has everything to do with everything about you changing. And the beauty of it is, nothing changes. Why? In spiritual practice, as you do more and more spiritual practice, real spiritual practice, transformative spiritual practice, you will see your mind become light. You will see your mind become very happy, very bright and you will see that you accept things. Example, things that you normally would not have been able to tahan (endure), to take, to forebear, you are able to forbear now.”
“… Everything we encounter becomes practice. And that’s why for Dharma practitioners like us who really, really want to make a difference in our lives and the lives of others, we will thrive on confusion, thrive on anger, thrive on mischief, thrive on nasty people, thrive on weirdos, thrive on people who are just totally out of it and that just test your patience at the end – we will thrive on them.”
Where to find this book?
Malaysia: All Kechara Paradise outlets. Internationally: Vajrasecrets.com
谈“失败”:这是詹杜固仁波切针对作者J.K. Rowling在美国哈佛大学一次的演讲内容的评述。
国际订购: Vajrasecrets.com
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The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. Pastor did manage it well even though having served Rinpoche 24 hours yet he managed to write this wonderful book. Its a compilation of Tsem Rinpoche’s teachings throughout the years. Inspiring and meaningfully for us to ponder.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche schedule is nothing short of busy all the time, and for Seng Piow who had to be by Rinpoche’s side for the past ten years and still manage to produce a book. Really puts thing in perspective.
Rinpoche is versatile in sharing the dharma to us, dharma is not just confined to living accordingly to buddha’s teachings only, if the dharma is spoken and share is from another faith or philosophy or a non Buddhist of what is written or spoken has methods for us to be spiritual and leads towards enlightenment then it can be considered dharma also. The example is JK Rowling speech that Rinpoche commented on 🙂
这是一本内容多元丰富,从降神、化解邪灵、人生哲学、轮回转世、爱与慈悲到谈论内心的敌人与逃避面对自己和现实所带来的坏处。这是一本超越佛书的佛书,我之所以这么说,是因为这些深入浅出的道理和智慧,能实践在生活中。仁波切的开示,从来不是一堆大道理,或哲理满天飞,但是却没有step by step告诉你如何把这些有利自己和别人的生活智慧实践在生活中。这样的“智慧“永远是搁置在”书架“上,永远是别人的智慧。
Wow… Pastor Seng Piow really manages his time well, to be able to serve Rinpoche and yet able to produce such an amazing book.
He is definitely my role model.
Thank you, Pastor SP, for producing the book. 🙂