I love mumu!
Mar 8, 2010 | Views: 967
I have always loved dogs and animals. It is amazing that I found this little cute doggy which I named Yogi or nicknamed Mumu. I have so much love and affection for him. when I saw him as a puppy. It was instant love at first sight like that Kylie Minogue song.
Tsem Rinpoche
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I hope Mumu has taken a good rebirth.
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
Rinpoche has always loved dogs and I can understand that. Dogs have the most unconditional love and loyalty of all the animals I know. I have 4 dogs and they have distinct personalities. They always welcome us home at the end of a day or when we arrive home from a holiday.
I heard that dogs are the last reincarnation before they take rebirth as a human. That is really interesting and may explain why to some people dogs have very human-like attributes.
mumu is so cute! he is always so nice to play with and very smart, he loves his friends a and it is nice to see some pictures of him in the past. i love dogs and i am happy Rinpoche has mumu! thank you for sharing Rinpoche
Dear Rinpoche,
Mumu s indeed very cute and talented!
It’s wonderful how Mumu is able to respond to commands that Rinpoche, KB or SP asks cute Mumu to do.
Even now when Mumu is more older he has not forgotten the commands Rinpoche has thought Mumu… just last month I got a video from Rinpoche showing KB saying hello to Mumu and Mumu barking a reply to KB. How cute!!!
May Mumu have a good, healthy and long life so that he can earn more merits for him to be reborn as a human so that he can learn and practice the Dharma.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing about Mumu!!!
Mumu is the cutest and smartest dog in the world! I like him very much, especially his adorable eyes, they are just like a pair of human eyes. Whenever I see him, he’s just always there be ready to play. May Mumu have good health and long life.
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
Mumu is one of the most adorable objects in this universe and probably all universes. Mumu always receives care from the Ladrang staff and especially, Rinpoche. This is an aspect of Rinpoche that I really want to improve on. Rinpoche always manifests so much compassion, even to non-human beings. He emanates compassion to all sentient beings. Because of Mumu’s training, Mumu is able to enjoy life more than how many dogs can. This can be taken into account when it comes to our Dharma practice. If we practice diligently and listen to our guru. We will eventually get to “enjoy” the pure bliss of Enlightenment.
you did a good job with mumu
I also love animals too. I love mumu too. He is always such a cute little puppy. We should always show care and affection towards all animals as they give us very nice comfort. Mumu is a great example to show that Kechara takes care of animals. I really hope that Kechara Animal Sanctuary will manifest swiftly. Then more animals who are as cute as Mumu can have a good chance for someone to care and love them. Some people seriously do not know how many stray animals are there out on the road. There are more than a thousand! The government tried to stop the over population of dogs in a certain city, so they had to send the dogs on to a remote island. The dogs had trouble surviving with the lack of food. So, they had to create the bad karma by killing then eating their fellow brothers, sisters, their father and their mother…I feel that is really a saddening thought! That is why people should adopt animals off the streets instead than from a pet store. Would you like to own a pure-bred dog or a lovely companion that will repay you with kindness as he knows he owes you his/her life for you saving it from the streets! I like the pictures! OM MANI PADME HUM!
I have been fortunate enough to see how Mumu behaves when Rinpoche gives a teaching to a small group of students in his ladrang, it is truly impressive. Mumu would sit in front of Rinpche, together with his students on the floor and it looks just as if he was actually listening to Rinpoche talk, just as if he was among us, another student.
Perhaps, he actually is one uf us, meaning one of us under Rinpoche’s love and care, I actually believe he is. The only difference being that we can understand Rinpoche’s talks with our human capabilities when Mumu can only “sense” it from his animal capabilities. It makes me reflect on our responsibility to all beings less fortunate than us, and for which it is essential that we are steady and dedicated in our practice, for which it is essential that we transform our mind and become capable of helping them, just as Rinpoche does.
Even as a young pup, Mumu already had an old, wise look on his face. He has always been a very good boy, and very clever too. In fact, when Rinpoche first got Mumu, he trained him to respond to some Tibetan words as well. Mumu used to eat whenever Rinpoche said “kah ley shu”! I’m not sure when Mumu began to respond to English commands but he’s very good at them. He especially listens to KB and Monlam, two of Rinpoche’s personal attendants who spend a lot of time with Mumu, and take really good care of him ( http://www.kechara.com/?p=2788 )
Mumu is Rinpoche’s little darling and he receives the utmost love and care from Rinpoche as well as the dedicated ladrang staff like Monlam and KB. Rinpoche personally trained Mumu when he was a little puppy and the result is an extremely well trained and incredibly disciplined schnauzer (not to mention cute!)
When I reflect on this, to me it is just another manifestation of Rinpoche’s compassion, this time applied towards Mumu. Because of his training and discipline, Mumu has free run of the house, and everyone wants to spend time with him. As a result, he has lots of companionship and is a well-adjusted and happy little dog which is not overly attached to any one person.
Yet the minute Rinpoche speaks his name, Mumu is all ears and pays rapt attention. And that means that Mumu;s next rebirth will hopefully be a good one. It all sounds a bit dark and macabre but its true – because Mumu trusts Rinpoche 100%, he will be able to focus on Rinpoche’s voice at the last moments, and his memories of Rinpoche will hopefully guide his mind to a positive rebirth.
mumu is the greatest!