Tibetans Welcome Mountain Spirits in Faith Ceremony
Dear friends around the world,
Oracular trance has played a very important role in the culture and traditions of Tibet for over 1000 years. During a trance, a specially-trained oracle takes full possession of a spiritual being. These beings can be enlightened Dharma Protectors, worldly protectors, local mountain gods, healing deities or other unseen beings around us. What you see here taking trance is a worldly spirit. Not an enlightened being. By the actions you see this being perform while in trance is obvious to his nature. High level beings in trance do not draw blood. In Tibet and it’s related places in the Himalayan areas there are hundreds of these types of worldly spirits or deities that take trance to assist people. Sometimes when offended, they can be unpleasant. His Holiness the Dalai Lama said it is important we all not propitiate worldly deities as it can demean the profound practice of Buddha’s teachings. If we are to wipe out this practice in Tibet, it would be a difficult task as it is so ingrained within the populace. I wonder if His Holiness and the exile Tibetan government in Dharamsala will issue instructions to stop these practices for these people and countless ones like them also? I wonder if these people will obey? I wonder why some worldly beings are still allowed to take trance within Tibetan society when they are discouraged.
As can be seen in the article below, special diets, specific meditations and particular rituals should be observed by the oracles before the trances can occur. This is to ensure that the body of the oracle is “clean” so that higher beings can enter. It is akin to inviting an important guest into our homes – we always make sure that the house is thoroughly cleaned before the guest enters. I personally have encountered a few times various ‘village’ oracles taking trance of mountain spirits and some of them are very helpful and benign. I find some of them useful for small tasks. I personally hope these traditions continue as I don’t see much harm.
This article provides an insight into the Tibetan culture of oracular trance which many may not be aware of. I hope you will enjoy reading it and that you will gain a better understanding of the oracular system within Tibetan culture.
Tsem Rinpoche
Tibetans Welcome Mountain Spirits in Faith Ceremony
#LIFESTYLE AUGUST 25, 2009 / 8:24 PM / 8 YEARS AGO
Christina Hu, Lucy Hornby
REBKONG, China (Reuters Life!) – Every summer the green hills of Rebkong are home to unique celebrations during which local Tibetans believe the mountain gods visit villagers — and each other — through human mediums.

Manbengya, a 47-year-old Tibetan man who serves as medium for the warrior mountain god Amyesyullha, rests after Amyesyullha left his body at the temple in Rebkong, Qinghai province, August 11, 2009. Every summer the green hills of Rebkong are home to unique celebrations during which local Tibetans believe the mountain gods visit villagers – and each other – through human mediums. Picture taken August 11, 2009. REUTERS/Christina Hu
Rebkong, known in Chinese as Tongren in Qinghai province, has dozens of monasteries that practice Tibetan Buddhism, in which monks and nuns strive for enlightenment.
But the region’s traditions also stem from the animist Bon religion that Tibetans practiced before Buddhism was introduced.
During the festival of Lurol, which falls during the sixth lunar month, worshipping villagers believe the spirits descend from the mountains and enter the bodies of mediums who have inherited the role from their fathers.
Dressed in special clothes, his long hair carefully cut and braided, Damtsengbon waits for his spirit, Amyesrmachen, the most sacred mountain god in the region. Other villagers call the spirit’s name while Damtsengbon, who like many Tibetans only goes by one name, enters a trance, twitching and jerking.
“I am the third generation to channel this god, so it is not just about me. For three generations the god has manifested himself through us, and even living Buddhas recognize this,” Damtsengbon told Reuters. A “living Buddha” is a Tibetan monk who is considered to be an exemplary holy figure.
”I think it’s a way for me to serve my people. It keeps us together and protects us, so it’s an honor to serve them.
What may seem unfathomable to Westerners, even those versed in Tibetan Buddhism, is central to the folk religion practiced by many Tibetans in traditional communities.
“Tibetan Buddhism has a very clear distinction between what they call lha-choe and mi-choe, godly religion and person religion,” said Robbie Barnett, a Tibet expert at Columbia University in New York.

Nambengya, a 47-year-old Tibetan man, dances after cutting his forehead while possessed by the warrior mountain god Amyesyullha during the Lurol festival in Rebkong, Qinghai province, August 11, 2009. He smears the blood on worshippers to heal them during the festival. Every summer the green hills of Rebkong are home to unique celebrations during which local Tibetans believe the mountain gods visit villagers – and each other – through human mediums. Picture taken August 11, 2009. REUTERS/Christina Hu
“The first refers to the form of Buddhism done mainly by monks and adepts to pursue enlightenment, and the second means the form done mainly by ordinary lay people to improve behavior and get a better rebirth,” Barnett said. “Most Tibetans are primarily focused on the second.”

Damtsengbon, a 39-year-old Tibetan man, attends the Lurol festival while being possessed by the mountain god Amyesrmachen in Rebkong, Qinghai province, August 9, 2009. Every summer the green hills of Rebkong are home to unique celebrations during which local Tibetans believe the mountain gods visit villagers – and each other – through human mediums. Picture taken August 9, 2009. REUTERS/Christina Hu
Mediums like Damtsengbon purify themselves for seven days, by listening to senior holy men chant scriptures, and avoiding alcohol, cigarettes and women.
Normally a quiet man and a graceful dancer, Damtsengbon dances with rapid, awkward movements during his trance.

Damtsengbon, a 39-year-old Tibetan man who serves as medium for the mountain god Amyesrmachen, cuts cooked sheep offal, a delicacy in Rebkong, Qinghai province, August 12, 2009. Every summer the green hills of Rebkong are home to unique celebrations during which local Tibetans believe the mountain gods visit villagers – and each other – through human mediums. Picture taken August 12, 2009. REUTERS/Christina Hu

Damtsengbon, a 39-year-old Tibetan man, holds a wig while his mother combs his hair in front of his house in Rebkong, Qinghai province, August 13, 2009, in preparation for a trance in which he will channel the mountain god Amyesrmachen. Every summer the green hills of Rebkong are home to unique celebrations during which local Tibetans believe the mountain gods visit villagers – and each other – through human mediums. Picture taken August 13, 2009. REUTERS/Christina Hu

Damtsengbon, a 39-year-old Tibetan man, gets dressed in front of his house in Rebkong, Qinghai province, August 13, 2009, in preparation for a trance in which he will channel the mountain god Amyesrmachen. Every summer the green hills of Rebkong are home to unique celebrations during which local Tibetans believe the mountain gods visit villagers – and each other – through human mediums. Picture taken August 13, 2009. REUTERS/Christina Hu
Although other Tibetan areas also have famous oracles, the Rebkong region is unique for its dances, in which the whole village participates.
When another medium receives the spirit of Amyesyullha, the local warrior spirit, he cuts his forehead with a knife and smears the blood on worshippers to heal them.

Nambengya, a 47-year-old Tibetan man, holds a knife to cut a worshipper’s forehead while possessed by the warrior mountain god Amyesyullha during the Lurol festival in Rebkong, Qinghai province, August 11, 2009. He smears the blood on worshippers to heal them during the festival. Every summer the green hills of Rebkong are home to unique celebrations during which local Tibetans believe the mountain gods visit villagers – and each other – through human mediums. Picture taken August 11, 2009. REUTERS/Christina Hu
Men from the villages have their cheeks pierced with steel needles to excise disease from the mouth, a painful ritual that involves little blood.
“The act of piercing the mouth and back is a part of the blood sacrifice ritual,” said Nanjia Cairang, a researcher at the China Tibetology Research Centre in Beijing.

Nambengya, a 47-year-old Tibetan man, gestures after cutting his forehead while possessed by the warrior mountain god Amyesyullha during the Lurol festival in Rebkong, Qinghai province, August 11, 2009. He smears the blood on worshippers to heal them during the festival. Every summer the green hills of Rebkong are home to unique celebrations during which local Tibetans believe the mountain gods visit villagers – and each other – through human mediums. Picture taken August 11, 2009. REUTERS/Christin Hu
Nambengya, a 47-year-old Tibetan man, dances after cutting his forehead while possessed by the warrior mountain god Amyesyullha during the Lurol festival in Rebkong, Qinghai province, August 11, 2009. He smears the blood on worshippers to heal them during the festival. Every summer the green hills of Rebkong are home to unique celebrations during which local Tibetans believe the mountain gods visit villagers – and each other – through human mediums. Picture taken August 11, 2009. REUTERS/Christina Hu
“Villagers sacrifice to the gods through their own bodies. This act represents sincerity and excitement.”
After the festival, Damtsengbon returns to his normal self with no memory of the trance. He works on the grasslands and has married a Han Chinese woman, the first in his village to do so.
Damtsengbon, a 39-year-old Tibetan man who serves as medium for the mountain god Amyesrmachen, dances on a grassland in Rebkong, Qinghai province, August 13, 2009. Every summer the green hills of Rebkong are home to unique celebrations during which local Tibetans believe the mountain gods visit villagers – and each other – through human mediums. Picture taken August 13, 2009. REUTERS/Christina Hu
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-tibet-spirits/tibetans-welcome-mountain-spirits-in-faith-ceremony-idUSTRE57O2MZ20090825
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Tibetan sacred dance, Tibetans referred to as a journey into the religious and folk traditions. Tibetan culture of oracular trance has a great significance as them, where the Tibetans will seek divine help and blessing. Tibet was one of the few places where traditions continued virtually untouched and unspoilt. They do believe the spirits descend from the mountains and enter the bodies of mediums who have inherited the role, celebrated in all the villages. On that day the villagers will dressed up colourfully to welcome the Mountain Gods and join in the dances as well.
Reading this interesting article tells us more the Tibetans do practice spirit worship centuries ago, so as the Tibetan oracles been practice . The Tibetan Leadership believes that Dorje Shugden is a spirit , hence why not they ban all these mountain gods spirit worship too. Dorje Shugden is definitely not a spirit but a Dharma Protector bound by oath. Dorje Shugden is being used as a scapegoat by the Tibetan Leaderships for their own agenda.
Thank you Rinpoche, for this insightful sharing.
Spirit possession is an important phenomenon observed almost all over the World. However it needs psychological explanation!
Thank you very much for these lively visuals from a distant land of the Himalayas!
i was born in Malaysia, a country that you will see medium very often. The mediums are either chosen by the god or passing down from parent. God does exist around us. because we cannot see or hear from them hence through a medium, the god can communicate with us. They normally appear to help people.
Since people accept and have faith in mountain god and all sorts of local god in every where, why not Dorje Shugden who’s an animation of Manjushri, enlightenment dharma protector. Well, when comes to politic, everything is conducted in a way that benefited the CTA but nothing else.
Before any religion, every country already has their cultural practice hundreds and thousands years ago, it was being practiced / celebrated generation after generation until today, we may not believe it or may not has witness it, but for such festival to exist for so many decades, it definitely has their purpose, just like Thaipusam in Malaysia, very similar, they too have taking trance, piercing the body and various prayers and offerings made to the God praying for everything smooth in life and safety. It is really great to learn that other countries also has such festivals, and it’s great for our knowledge. 🙂
This is the link for more info about Thaipusam
Asia countries fill with different culture and they cerebrate it yearly through out different season. Like Malaysia have multi races cerebrate their culture during festivel for example Taipusan, Chinese Jade empare festivel you can see India and Chinese medium take trance to invite gods for blessing.
Such thing in Tibet, Tibetan also having their festivel praise to mountain spirit during faith ceromony. You can find tibetan through the ceromony dress up the costume and inviting mountain spirit to take trace for seeking their blessing. Which respect all being around them and get protection and living hsrmony together.
Smilarly tibet buddhism also have their oracle to take trance to get advise from the protector like Dorje Shugden and Setrap . Whether is wordly being or enlightenment being. People pray to the them to get blessing. We should respect each others belieave and never critisice each others belieave.
Every being deserve respect and there are many that we can’t see with our naked eyes. It’s a choice for every individual to believe it or not, but just don’t challenge or try to offend the unseen being just to show that we ‘re “brave” and ultimate. When things happen, don’t run and look for help.
The “custom” of consulting mediums is nothing new in Asia. In fact I have heard of such practices exist in other part of the world as well. It goes to show that it is not necessarily that only happens to people who are Taoists but other faiths as well. I am always curious who actually created this “practice” in the first place, how did they got to know the know how of what to do to what and when but the accounts of people I spoke to were fascinating and some of it were somewhat bizzare.
Taking trance in other deity or god is quite common in Malaysia Chinese community. There are temples like Guan Yin temples, Ji Gong temples, Ne Zha temples, Guan Di temples, they even have Da Bo Ye and Er Bo Ye (help god) temples etc. Some of this temple have medium to take trance in that particular deity or god to help people to solve their problem. Growing up as a Chinese, seeing the medium taking trance is quite common, like the Nine emperor gods festival, I used to see them walking in parade, with knife cutting their back and long spear poking through the face. But amazingly, some without blood. Every culture and religion has their own believe to follow, we do not know what deities or god that they actually took trance, thus, we only saw it, and did not comment or say anything about it.
Here, the Tibetans welcome Mountain Spirits, took trance, and have ritual for the spirits, but the Tibetan leadership actually allow it in their community. Whereas Dorje Shugden, with proper lineage, proper background, strong evidence of reincarnation, practiced by High Lamas, but the Tibetan Leadership says he is devil, there is problem in the practice, imply ban on this practice, and force all the monks to stop practicing although the practice is given to them by their Guru. So, Tibetan Leadership actually alloe their people to worship to spirit but urge the monks to break their samaya with their Guru by abandon practicing Dorje Shugden, a Dharma protector? That doesn’t make sense.
An interesting article to read for : Tibetans Welcome Mountain Spirits in Faith Ceremony similar like a mediums taking trance in Taoist temples at Malaysia ( here’s the video link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ2csjKq26Y ).
Personal thoughts : Why these deities want to holds a knife to cut a worshipper’s forehead while possessed? And why these deities want to dances after cutting his ( human mediums ) forehead while possessed? Is that a “Blessing” or to purify “Bad Karma” of the human mediums and disciples? Don’t you think is too violent? Doesn’t make sense to me.
At Kechara Forest Retreat – 21 June 2015 – i witness it by myself, a Buddha’s Manjushri manifest in protector form as Dorje Shugden gave blessing and purifying Karma for hundred of peoples, but it’s not violent ( blood scenes ) at all, please watch the video ( here’s the video link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grMEVwN9FWI )
We are very fortunate that Rinpoche shares so much information on Buddhism and the oracle practice. It is important to gain knowledge to be able to differentiate what is safe for us and what can be potentially harmful. I was not familiar with oracle practice before I met H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche via his YouTube channel.
I have learned that enlightened beings will never harm us and therefore we can trust Dorje Shugden, who is a fully enlightened protector. You can see here when the Panglung Kuten oracle took trance in Kechara Forest Retreat: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/dorje-shugden/700-meet-a-buddha.html
It is indeed a good question why some Dharma protector practices are forbidden and the practitioners are punished by the Central Tibetan Administration or Tibetan Government in exile. Dorje Shugden is known to be an enlightened protector and H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama even wrote a praise to Dorje Shugden. Therefore, why doesn’t the Central Tibetan Administration stop practices of worldly beings which we can see here, and are also performed in Tibet. It is very unfair and undemocratic to thread Dorje Shugden practitioners as second class people who are not allowed to do their daily activities such as shopping for their groceries and going to restaurants, meeting friends who are not Dorje Shugden practitioners or having equal opportunities for work and access to medical treatment.
The ban against the Dorje Shugden practice has done a lot of harm to the Tibetans as it is a widespread, well-loved and very powerful Protector practice. This ban is very wrong and should be ended as soon as possible for the benefit of all.
People normally consult mediums or oracles for their problems. Some of these mediums can be of worldly gods and some can be Buddha deity. Worldly gods may have not so good intentions for example they want you to repay them after you have gotten what your answer or what you want. Actually sometimes it is pointless to seek help from mediums because whatever problems we have is the karma we created and it is manifesting at the very moment.
As long as I think that in Chinese tradition do existing of mediums but never thought in Tibetans also have these believes too. It quite fascinating acknowledged other country practices in traditional way, their culture and life. What I think important is the oracle/ medium that took trance of the spirits is good or bad. Good spirit will be beneficial for many but if the spirit is bad, it may cause harm to the oracle and as well as the believers. Be always took precaution when we get into trouble or in extreme need because we are not foreseen to a trusted mediums. Therefore, the most secure for our spiritual health is to trust on a genuine Enlightened Being.
Throughout the world many cultures and traditions have their unique way of religious practice with rituals and incantations to make offering to their gods. Asia is one of the countries where such religious practices abound. In Malaysia, among the Chinese and Indian community, major religious events draw huge crowd of worshippers and tourists, for example: The Nine Emperor Gods Festival that will be held between 8-17 October 2018; Thaipusam that was held on 31 January 2018.
Refering to this article, Tibetans rely on oracular trance of spirits is a culture and traditions over 1000 years. This practice and culture still exist until now. Personally for me what important is to understand and learn the background of the practice or belief in order to see if it can help us in long term. Quick fix but rely on something that is not enlightened will not able to help us in long term and may end up make our situation worst. But by saying so it still up to the individual to make a wise choice.
Looking at how the Tibetan leadership ban Dorje Shugden practice which they claim as spirit but why other people can still worship mountain spirits? In this case of course Dorje Shugden is not a spirit but what I want to point out is the unreasonable action taken by the Tibetan Leadership which violate religious freedom and human rights. As a leader, one should respect their people’s choice and unite everyone even though there are differences of belief.
When we are in trouble, especially financial wise, we want to look for a quick way out of it. We will find ways to solve that problem so that we can get it off our chest. One of the quickest ways is to go to mediums to get advice for a quick fix. But most people don’t know the type of ‘god’ or spirits that take trance using the mediums. Because they are worldly beings and without attainments, they have a very high chance of giving wrong solutions or advice. Or they will let u get ‘hooked’ with their help and then work their way in to get what they want.
We should never depend on those beings as it can be very dangerous and may get us into real dangers. We should seek ‘help’ from Enlightened beings instead. Our problems started because of our doing hence we should depend on ourselves to solve our own problems with divine help. Not only can they help us genuinely, we can also collect merits that will eventually help us on our spiritual path.
The CTA and H.H the Dalai Lama have accused Dorje Shugden as a demon and decreed that no Tibetans should propitiate Dorje Shugden. Even monks who propitiate Dorje Shugden with respect and devotion to their samaya with their Gurus are expelled from the monasteries. Why then are worldly deities being allowed and annual ceremonies are performed by lay oracles for the deities’ visits to villages in Tibet. Can the Dalai Lama stop such trances and practices like the ban on Dorje Shugden.
Trances of worldly and unenlightened beings are not bad, as I have seen many trances of this nature performed in Taoist temples and in many ways these trances are helpful to the worshippers.
I have also witnessed and participated in Oracle taking trance of Dorje Shugden and the differences are vast. Dorje Shugden gives blessings and dharma talks to the audience. The Oracles do not draw blood but are majestic and kingly like a being of enlightenment has decided to be among us and we all feel charged with holy blessings.
Therefore once again I ask why CTA and the Dalai Lama do not stop these worldly deities trance ceremonies like the ban on Dorje Shugden.
Before concluding I would also like to reiterate that whatever CTA and Dalai Lama have accused the propitiation of Dorje Shugden causing harm to His Holiness and the Tibetan cause and with time passing have proven untrue.
A very interesting take on Tibetan Cultures and traditions. There are powerful benign beings who genuinely want to help people.
There are many people who go into trances during Thaipusam in Malaysia and various Chinese celebrations, and you get to see various instruments and weapons inserted into their bodies, face etc and there is no permanent damage to the devotees, which means during the time such implements are inserted they feel no pain.
Well this is very CLEAR evidence that Tibetans do still practice spirit worship, which is fine and is not an issue but WHY then do the Tibetan Leadership claim that spirit worship is bad, wrong and against Buddhism hence they NEED to ban Dorje Shugden, which they believe is a spirit although we believe it is not?
It just makes them sound so hypocritical. If they want to say that because Dorje Shugden is a spirit and hence is against Buddhist beliefs, then they should very well ban all these mountain gods spirit worship. They should spread the world and announce that anyone who does spirit worship is considered wrong, just like how they condemn Dorje Shugden practitioners day in day out. So this shows how bias the ban and persecution of Shugden practitioners is and how it is clearly a political propaganda to distract people from questioning them and their failures. Hence, this is why I strongly believe that Dorje Shugden is being used as a scapegoat to hide the Tibetan Leaderships, otherwise there is no need for this ban because of it completely illogical.
Interesting write up about welcoming mountain spirits. Looks quite similar to the Taoist and Hindhu faith I suppose. Can’t stand the bloody freaking sight with my mum though. Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for this educational article ??
Interesting article. Personally, I have seen many mediums in trance in Taoist temples. Some take trance and convey messages to devotees in a calm assured manner and some can be wrathful, somewhat like the images in this article.
In contrast to the Oracle of Dorje Shugden, who is an enlightened Buddha, the trances can be quite terrifying.
Whereas Dorje Shugden Oracles are amazing and give Dharma teachings during trance. The differences are quite obvious.
What a beautiful belief system and culture. There are many belief system in the world and all of them are unique and should be respected. I am glad that these belief system coming from Tibet are being allowed to be practiced in China. China respects all religion and belief system unlike TIbetan Leadership who bans Dorje Shugden practice. Tibetan Leadership label’s themselves as democratic group and getting funds and aids from other democractic countries. However, they themselves do not adhere to the democratic constitution which includes religious freedom. They prosecutes Dorje Shugden practitioners and created alot of suffering, discrimination and segregation in the Tibetan community. This is not how a democratic leadership should act.
Nice to learn about the colourful brief practiced by Tibetans that are allowed and celebrated openly in Qinghai Province, China. It is contrary to how the CTA have portrayed China to be the totalitarian government who restriction religious freedom, especially on Tibetans. Rebkhong County is known for thank painting as well as the many Tibetan Buddhism monastery. As part of the Buddhist practice, Rebkhong popular embraces Oracular trance traditions which, is a sacred tradition that entails stringent training and vows to facilitate the taking trance of spiritual beings. In Rebkhong, the famous festival of Lurol, welcomes the mountain spirits through their entering into the trained bodies of mediums/oracles. Through this celebration, the people get blessings from these spiritual beings to get enlightenment or to get good rebirth. Thank you, Rinpoche, for this insightful sharing.
This is such an interesting article. Since young, I love reading on things other worldly and when in my twenties, I went along to witness the Chinese mediums taking trances in deities where people would request for help, either financially, relationships, medical problems and any worldly problems we may have. I had never really participate in asking as I had never really trusted in the answers. Now having learnt from Rinpoche, these deities are still unenlightened and as such are at best only to provide short term help. What more they are just like humans with possible demands of repayment. From this article, the Tibetan mediums share similar practices as the Chinese, the need to “cleanse” themselves before the trance, the physical weariness after the trance and no remembering what took place. Actually I knew of a medium who takes trance of “Black faced” deity or “Fa Cu Kong”. Once I asked him where was he when in trance and he said that its as though he was expelled out to a place in space where he can observe but not hear or know what is happening. He dislikes taking trance as it wears on him but apparently the deity insisted. I think it is so much better to rely on an enlightened being like Dorje Shugden whom Rinpoche had so compassionately given the practice of. We are assured of real guidance towards gaining true release from sufferings. Thank you Rinpoche for this interesting article and most of all for the precious practice of Protector Dorje Shugden. Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha!
I do wonder why the Tibetan Leaders did not ban these worship of the spirits or fear for the “soul” of these worshippers but instead illogically banned only Lord Dorje Shugden’s practice claiming he is a spirit although Dorje Shugden is enlightened and had authentically been practiced by many highly attained Masters since 400 years ago. It just does not make sense to me.
In the culture and traditions of Tibet ,Oracular trance is a folk religious activity since 1400 years ago..It has played a very important role where the locals believe the spirits descend from the mountains and enter the bodies of mediums who have inherited the role. There are a number of worldly spirits or deities in other culture and tradition that take trance to assist people .Here in Tibet, during the festival of Lurol, Tibetan culture of oracular trance has a great significance as the Tibetans seek divine help and blessing. It is celebrated in a traditional manner in all the villages in Tibet. All Tibetan dressed up colourfully and will join in to perform elaborate dances. After the festival, the medium then returns to his normal self with no memory of the trance. All cultures and traditions of all different people should be respected in order to live in peaceful and harmonious environment.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this insight article which many of us are not aware of this Tibetan oracular trance. My first too as I have not heard before.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the interesting article written about the local Tibetans tradition in taking trance of their local deities or gods in order to request for protection and healing from the deities. Since the act of taking trance and assisting the local Tibetans in Tibet are not against the secular law and regulations, no one has the rights to end their traditions as it is very normal for everyone to seek happiness through legal methods. We should not segregate and humiliate others who are not practicing the same religion as we do but we need to respect other religions with equality, acceptance and fairness. From the pictures in the article, I observe the humbleness from the oracles’ expression, and I also observe the feelings of being relieved on the worshippers’ side when the worshippers bow down to the oracle in trance. In short, there is nothing wrong for the worshippers to receive protection and healings from the local deities. Buddhists and ordained people can educate the worldly deity worshippers according to the Buddhadharma practice and Buddha’s teachings rather than segregating or discriminating them, which is the opposite of pure compassion in Buddhism practice. May all sentient beings will be blessed and guided by enlightened Dharma Protectors, Bodhisattvas and Sangha members towards achieving liberation from samsara and enlightenment ultimately.
Humbly with folded hands,
kin hoe
Same as in Tibet, this reminded me that oracular Trances also play a very important role in the culture and tradition of folk religion as in Malaysia during the Ninth Gods Festivals Celebration, which took place from the First to the Ninth day of the Ninth Lunar month of the Chinese calendar, which I used to witness at a big Temple at Ampang New Village, Ampang Jaya, Selangor, when I used to stay there as a small kid during the school holidays. As said, the origin of this myth of the ninth gods festival can be traced back to the Han Dynasty during the development of Daoism. During such time, the constant of tingling of prayer bells and the chanting from the monks and priests can constantly be heard, with thousands of devotees staying at the temple taking part in the recitation of the continuous prayers and chanting too. Like in Tibet, and places in the Himalayan areas, “Worldly spirits’ or dieties will take trances in the human mediums to assist the people. Oracles at such time will have to take special diet and particular rituals would have to be observed to ensure the body, speech and minds are clean for higher beings to enter.. Many mediums will purify themselves for 9 days by listening to the special recitation of the Holy men, chant scriptures, become vegetarians, avoiding alchohol, cigarettes and sex too! Thank you Rinpoche for providing such an insight into the Tibetan culture of oracular trances for our better understanding and knowledge.
Tibetan religion has a clear distinction between ‘godly religion’ and ‘person religion’, says a Tibet expert. The former is practised by monks and spiritual adepts in their pursuit of enlightenment, while the latter is practised by ordinary lay people, in the hope of improving their behaviour and getting a better rebirth. “Most Tibetans are primarily focused on the second,” adds Barnett, the Tibet expert. It does appear that we should be more open to and accepting of the fact that the majority of people anywhere are more influenced by their own cultural background and upbringing in shaping their beliefs than by the pursuits of a transcendental religion.
Hence, while there is blood shed with the cutting of the head and piercing of the mouth, the power of belief in these mountain spirits is strong , as well as the belief in their healing power.There is an oracular tradition in places like Rebkong in Qinghai province in which these mountain spirits would channel themselves through local oracles, whose power is hereditary here. Rebkhong,at the same time, has dozens of monasteries that practice Tibetan Buddhism, in which monks and nuns strive for enlightenment.
When we compare the two systems of oracles,oracles for enlightened beings to channel themselves through them and those for such as the mountain spirits above, we can see how the former leads towards enlightenment, while the latter are more towards secular pursuits of this life. Thus, we can see we truly need the Dharma to help us understand what is secular and what leads us to transcend the secular toward pursuits of enlightenment and real peace.
Before the arrival of Buddhism in Tibet, the locals worshiped energies from the natures and spirits world where oracle was the medium to channel healing or divination powers during trance. These practices of taking trance in worldly spirit are deeply rooted in their cultures and traditions for over 1000 years.
In Buddhism, we do not seek blessing or take refuge from worldly spirits or deities. Although our religion is different, we should tolerance and respect others beliefs. Their religion practice maybe vary from ours, keep in mind that we are human who share similar core value such as spreading love, helping the needy, leading a moral and ethical life.
Therefore it is unwise to block someone out just because their religion does not match up with ours. The bottom line is, accept and respect their believe even if we don’t agree with certain things.
This traditions are so old that I doubt if anyone can remember when it started and how exactly did it get started. We may be squeamish about the blood-letting but it is their believe and their tradition that has become part of their culture, so who are we to judge them. To each his own and they should have the freedom to choose who and what and how they worship. As Buddhist, we only take refuge in enlightened beings. We do not tell anyone who they can or cannot worship.
Dear Rinpoche,
The above practice is bloody as their head will be sliced which is very much akin to those Indians and some Taoist cultures back in Malaysia. There are many practices within Tibetan community itself and if it benefits others, I don’t think we should barred them from their practices. We can’t have everyone agreed on only one religion which is Buddhism or vice versa. We just have to generate that wish that their seed to understand Buddhism will come to fruition one day.