Question asked by Raya
does following the example of Kwan Yin mean I have to do everything my parent asks me to as filial piety? they want me to marry and have children but I am not interested in that and certain I will never be. I am not comfortable with the idea of following through with my parents' idea of having me married just for the sake of "compassion". Please help
Dear Raya,
Filial piety is an important part of Buddhist practice and culture. However, you also have your own individual freedom to do as you wish in terms of marriage and having children, etc. It’s not a must that you need to get married and have children. It is entirely your choice.
Simply doing what you are told to do by your parents, in this case getting married and having children, is not the practice of compassion at all. If you are uncomfortable with being presured, etc, you should sit your parents down and have an honest, open-hearted conversation about it without letting your pent up emotions get in the way of open communication.
If you have a proper conversation with your parents about this, I’m sure that even though they would still want you to get married and have children due to thier own cultural upbringing, they will understand your thoughts and feelings on the matter.
I hope this helps. You can also engage in the practice of Green Tara. She is great for familial harmony. She won’t help to magically solve the issues with your parents, but her energies can help make things smoother when you have open communication, etc.
I hope this helps.