

提问者 Tshulthrim yoezer

Why did Buddha died

提问者 María Elena Cervantes Serrano

Me ama German

提问者 Nona

Hello Pastors!
I have questions about:
What is different between 2 mantras of Lord Manjushri under here?
Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhi.
Om Wagi Shvari Mum.
Can I practices Chenrezig Ngesung Kundrol Sadhana without initiation?
Do you have prayers text for Chenrezig Ngesung Kubdrol?
Thank you so much.

提问者 Jonathan

Good Day Pastors,

Regarding the "Diamond Path Sadhana" if I choose to do the condensed version. Am i allowed to start with Gaden Llhagyama of the short version, but follow the condensed version for the protector practice?

After the Guru Yoga of Lama Tsongkhapa, I would add Vajrasattva practice (https://resources.tsemtulku.com/prayers/deity-prayers/vajrasattvas-purification-practice.html), Chenrezig Ngesung Kundrol Sadhana, Tea Offering To Vajrayogini (https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/tea-offering-to-vajrayogini-for-the-1st-time.html) a short prayer to Shakyamuni and Arahant Sivali (from thai buddhist tradition please advice if i am doing this wrong) before I start the Condensed version of the protector practice.

Please advice. /|\

提问者 Bhavisha

If I do short mantra of vajrasattva for purification purpose with total dedication and pure intention, will I get same effect as long mantra?
I m really running out of time.

提问者 Lee

Hello Pastors!
I have questions about Daily Sadhana Practices:
I saw a little bit different in the part of Protector practice in Short Daily Sadhana from https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/prayers-and-sadhanas/sadhana-prayers.html and Diamond Path prayers book.
I saw from the website, It's without certain prayers from Diamond Path prayer book. Does it means something different from the text in website and DMP prayer book?
Thank you so much.

提问者 Sd

When will DS ban end?

提问者 Don

Hi pastor
I accidentally stepped on my mala. Can it still be use ??😥😥

提问者 Nana

Hello Pastors!
Thank you so much for your answers.
Therefore, may i ask if we can practice or perform Drugchuma ritual without initiation?
If ones who are face with various obstacles and how's they know which Dharmapala is appropriate for them since they haven't a Guru or without Guru nearby.
Thank you so much.

提问者 Nana

Hello Pastors!
I would like to ask about:
What's benifits of reciting Kalarupa prayers and mantra?
How's Kalarupa help us in daily life obstacles?
Could you show us where to put Kalarupa prayers in our Guru Yoga daily practices?
Thank you so much.

  1. 提问者 pastor

    Dear Nana,

    You can find a very comprehensive article explaining all about Kalarupa here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/kalarupa.html

    The article includes a short praise and the mantra which you can incorporate into your daily practice if you would like.

    In regards to where to insert the praise and mantra, if you are practising our Diamond Path sadhana, you can insert it after finishing the Gaden Lhagyama Guru Yoga, before the Invocation to the Dorje Shugden. Alternatively, you can insert after the Dorje Shugden prayers section before the Completion Dedication.

    If you are practising other prayers, then you can insert after you have compelted any Guru Yoga and Yidam practices, before you start any other Dharma Protector practices. Alternatively, you can insert after any other Dharma Protector practices before any additional dedication verses. This all depends on which sadhana texts that you are using.

    I hope this help. Please do let us know if you have any other questions.

    Thank you.

提问者 James

Can we drop blessed pill and mani pills in to big lakes. I ask this because where I live in Canada there is a lot of fishing and hunting that goes on in and around the lake… I was wondering if this method would create a blessed lake to help the sentient beings in that area… I recognize that I don't have much wisdom so when I read that we can make blessed water with the pills i thought this could help… I am wasting my time?

  1. 提问者 pastor

    Dear James,

    Usually blessed pills are either consumed directly, used for statue or stupa insertion or kept on the altar. As you said they can also be used to make blessed water which we can drink. As for the blessing of lakes and other bodies of waters these are usually done through pujas.

    However, as you are probably not trained in such pujas, it would be acceptable to place some blessing pills into the water to bless the environment and beings there in. But you must have a very good motivation when doing so. Think that you are helping the beings by blessing them through the power and energy of the pills. Take refuge first and then at the end make a strong dedication. If you do this, then it is fine.

    And on another note, it’s very good to read that you are thinking of the other sentient beings. It is extremely beneficial to think about others on the spiritual path.

    Thank you.

提问者 Junny

Hello Pastors!
I have questions about:
Today, I received some bless pills from Mindolling Nyingma traditions.
My questions here:
As a Gelugpa Practioners and Dorje Shugden followers, is it good for me to consume Nyingma bless pills or use their rilbus?
Thank you so much.

  1. 提问者 pastor

    Dear Jimmy,

    The Mindrolling tradition is a very authentic and powerful lineage, as are others in the Tibetan tradition. In fact, Tsem Rinpoche used to tell use stories of previous Mindrolling Rinpoches to highlight their attainments, even though they are not Gelug lamas.

    If you have received blessed pills from that tradition, it is entirely up to you what to do with them. Actually, not all blessed pills are meant to be eaten, that depends on the type of pill that is actually is.

    You can still keep the rilbu, that is not a problem at all. You can either use it for statue or stupa insertion or simply keep on your altar. As they blessed.

    Alternatively, you can just keep them stored away nicely, and if you happen to meet a Nyingma pracitioner, you can offer it to them for their use. That way, they will benefit from the blessing of their lineage.

    I hope this helps answer your question.

    Thank you.

提问者 Sunny

Could you please give out the Domo Geshe Rinpoche mantra for his dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri who is found in Dorje Shugden retinue.
Thank you

  1. 提问者 pastor

    Dear Sunny,

    Even though Shangmo Dorje Putri is a being who is under the control of Kache Marpo, who himself is within the enoutrage of Dorje Shugden, she is an extremely powerful unenlightened spirit.

    We have provided information about her on this blog for information purposes only. We should not engage in the practice unless authorised to do so by a high lama who can explain the practice to you, including her mantra.

    This is because Shangmo Dorje Putri is an unenlightened Bamo spirit, who can cause great harm to those who are not qualified enough or authorised to interact with her.

    Sorry that we could not be of more help on this matter. Thank you.

提问者 Gour

I recite Dorje Shugden mantra for protection, help but I do not have oral transmission, initiation, empowerment of the Dorje Shugden mantras. Can I get online lung through video call from a qualified Lama of unbroken lineage? I want to connect with other Dorje Shugden practitioners so that we can practice together.

  1. 提问者 pastor

    Dear Gour,

    We are very happy to hear that you are practicing Dorje Shugden’s mantras. Actually, it’s not 100% necessary to have the oral transmission of the mantra to be able to practice Dorje Shugden. It can be practised by everyone. So you can rest assured that when practice Dorje Shugden you will still gain benefit.

    The empowerment of Dorje Shugden is quite rare, it is actually known as a life-entrustment initiation. This is because to receive this, you must have received the Vajra Bhairava initiation first, which itself requires quite a lot of groundwork, preparation, guru devotion etc. You can read more about the Dorje Shugden Life-Entrustment intiation here: https://www.dorjeshugden.org/blog/dorje-shugden-life-entrustment-initiation

    In regards to receiving a lung (oral transmission) online from a qualified lama of our tradition, as far as I am aware, our lamas have said that things like oral transmissions and intiaitions are not possible to do either through video call or online. They need to be received in person.

    Thank you and I hope this helps answer your question.

提问者 Chavonne

Good morning 🙏🏼

I am vegan and I have a deep connection with nature and our planet therefore Buddhism and the Lama Tsem Rinposche’s teachings/ wisdom comes naturally and I am in awe of his teachings. NOWHERE has any teacher cleared so much misunderstandings. I have also attended philosophy courses and meditate regularly.

This question is regarding understanding the word that n some of his articles, specifically the word “Tantra”. In Cape Town, South Africa many people talk about tantra like it is a “sexual” knowing and understanding of one’s body or is this just a case of Western society changing something which was sacred ?? Here is an example of a practitioner: https://www.yogasouthafrica.co.za/events-workshops/kama-yoga-traditional-tantra-yoga-with-valentina-leo

Love and light 🌸🌈

  1. 提问者 pastor

    Dear Chavonne,

    Thank you for your question. The word “tantra” and indeed the practices of tantra have definitely been corrupted in popular culture. People think it is just about, as you put it “sexual knowing and understanding of one’s body” or physical acts with a partner.

    Tantra is actually a system of practice that leads to higher states of consciousness and ultimately enlightenment. The imagery used in tantra can be sexual in nature, but that doesn’t means its all about physical copulation. There is a lot of meaning behind all imagery in tantra, not necessarily corresponding to what we perceive is happening in the imagery itself.

    Tsem Rinpoche has an old but very good teaching here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/tantra.html This is a very good introduction to what Tantra is in the Buddhist context.

    In regards to the link you sent, this is from someone teaching Kashmiri Shaivism, which is a branch of tantra in Hinduism, not Buddhism. But the person has used an image of a Buddhist deity on the page. From what I understand of that tradition and the description on the page, this person seems to know what they are talking about.

    I hope this helps.

    May all be auspicious!

提问者 Khang.

Hello Pastors!
I want to ask about:
Do you have Tibetan Phonetics prayers for Dorje Shugden’s original prayer by Kabye Dagpo Rinpoche in Diamond Path prayer book?
Thank you so much.

  1. 提问者 pastor

    Dear Khang,

    You can find both the Tibetan Phonetics and English translation of the praise to Dorje Shugden, composed by His Eminence Kyabje Dagpo Rinpoche on page 42-51 of the Diamond Path prayer book. It is included in the short version of the Daily Sadhana of Lama Tsongkhapa and Dorje Shugden. I hope this helps.

    Thank you.

提问者 Lee Sun

Hello Pastors:
What's different between Sang and Sur Offering?
Can I do Sur offering same as Sang Offering?
I hear that we should do Sur Offering in the afternoon or night, isn't it?
Or can we do sur offering anytime possible?
Thank you so much.

  1. 提问者 pastor

    Dear Lee Sun,

    Yes, there is a difference between Sang and Sur.

    Sang is offered to the Dharma Protectors and sometimes the Yidams (meditational deities). Most Sang prayers can be recited without initiation, etc. For example, the smoke offering to Dorje Shugden, available here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/prayers-and-sadhanas/incense-offering-to-dorje-shugden.html Anyone can engage in this Sang offering.

    The Sur offering, or more correctly the Tsa Sur offering is a smoke offering to the Three Jewels as well as those who have recently passed on and are in the bardo states. Such bardo beings are at the mercy of their karma, so the smoke offering is said to nourish them and alleviate some of their karma so they can take a good rebirth and not suffer as much. It’s a common practice among Tibetan Buddhists that this practice is performed during the 49 day period of a person’s passing to aid them on their journey to their next rebirth.

    The offering is made by burning various types of herb incense, tsampa (roasted barley flour), butter, and other ingredients. Other types of commonly available herb incense such as sandalwood, white sage, etc., can also be added to the mix before it is burned.

    The ability to make such an offering does not actually come from the smoke itself, but the practitioners ability to generate themselves as Chenresig or another type of tantric deity, usually belonging to the Kriya Tantra classification. As such in our tradition, this offering can only be performed by those with the appropriate initiation and practice conferred by a fully qualified tantric guru. Though there are many texts available nowadays elsewhere online, the method to actually make the offering should be taught directly from your guru, otherwise the offering won’t actually be effective.

    For that reason, we don’t provide the Tsa Sur text publiclly here on this site or share information about the practice, as it is only taught by a guru once you have received the appropriate initiation. Hope this helps.


Tashi Delek Rinpoche la.
I have a Dhzambala Wealth vase and the cap with the crown is falling off due to the screws inside was undetached. Should I replace it with new vase or i should try to repair or glue the crown back into position.

Thank you Rinpoche la.

my email : stevenyming@icloud.com

  1. 提问者 pastor

    Dear Steven,

    If the top is only slightly loose, then by all means please try to fix back on yourself. If it cannot be fixed, please consult your Dharma centre, where you received the wealth vase from. The vases are highly consecrated during pujas, so if any part of the inside of the vase is damaged or the items inside, it needs to be handled carefully.

    Please remember that wealth vases should never be handled with your bare hand, always handle with a khata, gloves, etc. This is out of respect to the Dzambala, because he resides in a properly consecrated wealth vase. Hope this helps. Thank you.

提问者 Rojal Poudel

Can my altar have many Buddhas, bodhisattvas, and deities?

  1. 提问者 pastor

    Dear Rojal,

    Thanks for your question. Nice to see you back here. Yes, you can have as many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Dharma Protectors as you wish. Some people like to keep many images, other people like to keep their altars more simple. It’s entirely up to you. Traditionally speaking the Lamas and Buddhas would go in the centre, the Bodhisattvas and yidams on the left side, and Dharma protectors on the right side. But the arrangement is up to you.

    On the left side, you should have a Dharma text to represent the speech of the Buddha and on the right side, you should have a stupa, to represent the mind of the Buddha. That way you have the complete set of Body (image), Speech (Dharma text) and Mind (Stupa) of the Buddha. Then it is considered to be a complete altar. I hope this helps. Thanks.

提问者 Dimitrius


  1. 回复者 pastor



提问者 Marc


  1. 回复者 pastor

    亲爱的 Marc



提问者 James


  1. 回复者 pastor

    亲爱的 James:





提问者 Mei Hau


  1. 回复者 pastor

    亲爱的Mei Hau,


提问者 kenneth ugokwe


  1. 回复者 pastor

    亲爱的 kenneth ugokwe,




提问者 Moses





  1. 回复者 pastor









具有在家人的外表,却背负出家人的责任,讲法师自然而然就扮演了僧伽和一般修行者之间的桥梁。他们是跟你我一样的凡人,却跨出了非凡的一步,将一生用来弘扬佛法。作为持戒的在家人,讲法师让更多人有机会接触佛法,为人们提供指导和知识。讲法师们通常会驻守克切拉佛教中心,随时准备为人们进行辅导。欲知详情,请联系 house@kechara.com









由于邝仁爱的父母亲很多年前就开始跟克切拉有很深的接触,所以她年幼时期就遇见了尊贵的詹杜固仁波切。没有仁波切的日子,对她来说是难于想象的。仁爱自小就在詹拉章当志工。在考获英国伦敦沃里克大学心理学学士后,她在伦敦缓刑管理局工作。之后回到马来西亚加入E 部门,负责管理kechara.com的每周 Kechara 电子新闻,工作内容包括撰稿和审稿。较后,她加入仁波切的写作小组,负责执行仁波切的指示,以及管理仁波切的往来信件。















尼拉在英国出生和长大,大学时期主修人类学。毕业之后,他曾先后在一家酒店式公寓及旅馆公司及一家管理公司担任财务管理员。在一个偶然的机缘下,他在网络上发现了尊贵的詹杜固仁波切的 Youtube 频道。正是透过仁波切的教诲,尼拉开始明白如果想要自利利他,最重要的就是要修习佛法。






锦丽在2006年跟友人前往金双威用餐时发现了克切拉佛教中心,之后立即参与了克切拉主办的活动。她更踊跃参与了当时的一千万《缘悲经》念诵闭关。 2006年4月,锦丽遇见了尊贵的詹杜固仁波切,也第一次出席了仁波切的开示,那次的开示让锦丽禁不止流泪。当时的她并不明白自己哭泣的原因,直到后来她才明白那是因为自己终于找到了完美的上师,而仁波切慈悲地以身示教的弘法方式更是深深感动了她。


仁波切的许多教诲改变了她生命里的轻重缓急。她在佛法中找到了生命的目标,也意识到只有跟随佛陀的慈悲和智慧之道,才是克服痛苦和愤怒的方法。 这个领悟让她提出了出家的请求。




















2007年,谢晓晶经由她十年好友郭月谊讲法师的介绍,初次来到了克切拉。 谢晓晶对完全没有信仰的老友月谊讲法师的彻底改变感到非常惊讶和好奇。在一次偶然的机会下,谢晓晶阅读了克切拉媒体(简称:克媒)出版社的《贪得无厌》。起初,她惯性地以怀疑的态度阅读,试图找出书中谬误之处。然而, 这一次她不仅找不到漏洞,反而对书中逻辑条理分明的解释留下深刻的印象。







2004年12月,林汉妮参加了尊贵的格列仁波切举办的《菩提道次第》及白度母闭关。在闭关期间,林汉妮发现自己的问题逐渐有了答案。然后,在 2005年6月,她在姐姐的介绍下来到克切拉,也因此遇见了她的精神导师尊贵的詹杜固仁波切。詹杜固仁波切最近劝告她必须为了众生的利益全神投入佛法事业。






打从一开始,詹杜固仁波切就鼓励黎国圆投入写作工作。在克服了种种障碍后,黎国圆终于展开写作生涯,并在2009年推出他的第一本著作和自传《There’ s No Way But Up》(不进则退)。这本书记述了他自幼的灵修旅程,直到他遇见根本上师――尊贵的詹杜固仁波切的种种经历。

世界各地读者对“There’ s No Way But Up”一书的热烈反应推动黎国圆继续撰写其他著作,包括尼泊尔朝圣指南《Vajrayogini and other Power Places in Nepal》(金刚瑜伽母及尼泊尔其他圣地)、短篇故事集《Tales My Lama Told Me》(上师告诉我的那些传说)以及关于情感关系的《Conversations in Love》(亲密对话)。这些著作给许多人带来启发,也将无数人带向佛法的殿堂。


















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构思: 詹杜固仁波切
技术: 廖君凌、贾斯汀李力、杨瑞强
设计: 贾斯汀李力、李诗莹
内容: 詹杜固仁波切、贾斯汀李力、陈稚鑫讲法师
作者: 罗胜彪讲法师
管理员: 罗胜彪讲法师、黄明贵



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Height: 33ft (10m)
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Second picture-Standing Manjushri Statue at Chowar, Kirtipur, Nepal.
Height: 33ft (10m)
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Height: 33ft (10m)
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Fresh eggplants grown on Kechara Forest Retreat's land here in Malaysia
Most Venerable Uppalavanna – The Chief Female Disciple of Buddha Shakyamuni - She exhibited many supernatural abilities gained from meditation and proved to the world females and males are equal in spirituality- https://bit.ly/31d9Rat
5 年前
Most Venerable Uppalavanna – The Chief Female Disciple of Buddha Shakyamuni - She exhibited many supernatural abilities gained from meditation and proved to the world females and males are equal in spirituality- https://bit.ly/31d9Rat


  • Pig puts his toys away
    5 年前
    Pig puts his toys away
    Animals are so intelligent. They can feel happiness, joy, pain, sorrow, just like humans. Always show kindness to them. Always show kindness to everyone.
  • Always be kind to animals-They deserve to live just like us.
    5 年前
    Always be kind to animals-They deserve to live just like us.
    Whales and dolphins playing with each other in the Pacific sea. Nature is truly incredible!
  • Bodha stupa July 2019-
    5 年前
    Bodha stupa July 2019-
    Rainy period
  • Cute Tara girl having a snack. She is one of Kechara Forest Retreat’s resident doggies.
    5 年前
    Cute Tara girl having a snack. She is one of Kechara Forest Retreat’s resident doggies.
  • Your Next Meal!
    5 年前
    Your Next Meal!
    Yummy? Tasty? Behind the scenes of the meat on your plates. Meat is a killing industry.
  • This is Daw
    5 年前
    This is Daw
    This is what they do to get meat on tables, and to produce belts and jackets. Think twice before your next purchase.
  • Don’t Take My Mummy Away!
    5 年前
    Don’t Take My Mummy Away!
    Look at the poor baby chasing after the mother. Why do we do that to them? It's time to seriously think about our choices in life and how they affect others. Be kind. Don't break up families.
  • They do this every day!
    5 年前
    They do this every day!
    This is how they are being treated every day of their lives. Please do something to stop the brutality. Listen to their cries for help!
  • What happened at Fair Oaks Farm?
    5 年前
    What happened at Fair Oaks Farm?
    The largest undercover dairy investigation of all time. See what they found out at Fair Oaks Farm.
  • She’s going to spend her whole life here without being able to move correctly. Like a machine. They are the slaves of the people and are viewed as a product. It’s immoral. Billions of terrestrial animals die annually. Billions. You can’t even imagine it. And all that because people don’t want to give up meat, even though there are so many alternatives. ~ Gabriel Azimov
    5 年前
    She’s going to spend her whole life here without being able to move correctly. Like a machine. They are the slaves of the people and are viewed as a product. It’s immoral. Billions of terrestrial animals die annually. Billions. You can’t even imagine it. And all that because people don’t want to give up meat, even though there are so many alternatives. ~ Gabriel Azimov
  • Our Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir speaks so well, logically and regarding our country’s collaboration with China for growth. It is refreshing to listen to Dr. Mahathir’s thoughts. He said our country can look to China for many more things such as technology and so on. Tsem Rinpoche
    5 年前
    Our Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir speaks so well, logically and regarding our country’s collaboration with China for growth. It is refreshing to listen to Dr. Mahathir’s thoughts. He said our country can look to China for many more things such as technology and so on. Tsem Rinpoche
  • This is the first time His Holiness Dalai Lama mentions he had some very serious illness. Very worrying. This video is captured April 2019.
    5 年前
    This is the first time His Holiness Dalai Lama mentions he had some very serious illness. Very worrying. This video is captured April 2019.
  • Beautiful Monastery in Hong Kong
    5 年前
    Beautiful Monastery in Hong Kong
  • This dog thanks his hero in such a touching way. Tsem Rinpoche
    5 年前
    This dog thanks his hero in such a touching way. Tsem Rinpoche
  • Join Tsem Rinpoche in prayer for H.H. Dalai Lama’s long life~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYy7JcveikU&feature=youtu.be
    5 年前
    Join Tsem Rinpoche in prayer for H.H. Dalai Lama’s long life~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYy7JcveikU&feature=youtu.be
  • These people going on pilgrimage to a holy mountain and prostrating out of devotion and for pilgrimage in Tibet. Such determination for spiritual practice. Tsem Rinpoche
    5 年前
    These people going on pilgrimage to a holy mountain and prostrating out of devotion and for pilgrimage in Tibet. Such determination for spiritual practice. Tsem Rinpoche
  • Beautiful new casing in Kechara for Vajra Yogini. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 年前
    Beautiful new casing in Kechara for Vajra Yogini. Tsem Rinpoche
  • Get ready to laugh real hard. This is Kechara’s version of “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane!” We have some real talents in this video clip.
    6 年前
    Get ready to laugh real hard. This is Kechara’s version of “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane!” We have some real talents in this video clip.
  • Recitation of Dorje Dermo‘s mantra or the Dharani of Glorious Vajra Claws. This powerful mantra is meant to destroy all obstacles that come in our way. Beneficial to play this mantra in our environments.
    6 年前
    Recitation of Dorje Dermo‘s mantra or the Dharani of Glorious Vajra Claws. This powerful mantra is meant to destroy all obstacles that come in our way. Beneficial to play this mantra in our environments.
  • Beautiful
    6 年前
    Beautiful sacred Severed Head Vajra Yogini from Tsem Rinpoche's personal shrine.
  • My little monster cute babies Dharma and Oser. Take a look and get a cute attack for the day! Tsem Rinpoche
    6 年前
    My little monster cute babies Dharma and Oser. Take a look and get a cute attack for the day! Tsem Rinpoche
  • Plse watch this short video and see how all sentient beings are capable of tenderness and love. We should never hurt animals nor should we eat them. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 年前
    Plse watch this short video and see how all sentient beings are capable of tenderness and love. We should never hurt animals nor should we eat them. Tsem Rinpoche
  • Cruelty of some people have no limits and it’s heartbreaking. Being kind cost nothing. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 年前
    Cruelty of some people have no limits and it’s heartbreaking. Being kind cost nothing. Tsem Rinpoche
  • SUPER ADORABLE and must see
    6 年前
    SUPER ADORABLE and must see
    Tsem Rinpoche's dog Oser girl enjoying her snack in her play pen.
  • Cute!
    6 年前
    Oser girl loves the balcony so much. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTcoWpKJm2c
  • Uncle Wong
    6 年前
    Uncle Wong
    We were told by Uncle Wong he is very faithful toward Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden has extended help to him on several occasions and now Uncle Wong comes daily to make incense offerings to Dorje Shugden. He is grateful towards the help he was given.
  • Tsem Rinpoche’s Schnauzer Dharma boy fights Robot sphere from Arkonide!
    6 年前
    Tsem Rinpoche’s Schnauzer Dharma boy fights Robot sphere from Arkonide!
  • Cute baby owl found and rescued
    6 年前
    Cute baby owl found and rescued
    We rescued a lost baby owl in Kechara Forest Retreat.
  • Nice cups from Kechara!!
    6 年前
    Nice cups from Kechara!!
    Dorje Shugden people's lives matter!
  • Enjoy a peaceful morning at Kechara Forest Retreat
    6 年前
    Enjoy a peaceful morning at Kechara Forest Retreat
    Chirping birds and other forest animals create a joyful melody at the Vajrayogini stupa in Kechara Forest Retreat (Bentong, Malaysia).
  • This topic is so hot in many circles right now.
    7 年前
    This topic is so hot in many circles right now.
    This video is thought-provoking and very interesting. Watch! Thanks so much to our friends at LIVEKINDLY.
  • Chiropractic CHANGES LIFE for teenager with acute PAIN & DEAD LEG.
    7 年前
    Chiropractic CHANGES LIFE for teenager with acute PAIN & DEAD LEG.
    7 年前
  • Leonardo DiCaprio takes on the meat Industry with real action.
    7 年前
    Leonardo DiCaprio takes on the meat Industry with real action.
  • Do psychic mediums have messages from beyond?
    7 年前
    Do psychic mediums have messages from beyond?
  • Lovely gift for my 52nd Birthday. Tsem Rinpoche
    7 年前
    Lovely gift for my 52nd Birthday. Tsem Rinpoche
  • This 59-year-old chimpanzee was refusing food and ready to die until...
    7 年前
    This 59-year-old chimpanzee was refusing food and ready to die until...
    she received “one last visit from an old friend” 💔💔
  • Bigfoot sighted again and made it to the news.
    7 年前
    Bigfoot sighted again and made it to the news.
  • Casper is such a cute and adorable. I like him.
    7 年前
    Casper is such a cute and adorable. I like him.
  • Dorje Shugden Monastery Amarbayasgalant  Mongolia's Ancient Hidden Gem
    7 年前
    Dorje Shugden Monastery Amarbayasgalant Mongolia's Ancient Hidden Gem
  • Don't you love Hamburgers? See how 'delicious' it is here!
    7 年前
    Don't you love Hamburgers? See how 'delicious' it is here!
  • Such a beautiful and powerful message from a person who knows the meaning of life. Tsem Rinpoche
    7 年前
    Such a beautiful and powerful message from a person who knows the meaning of life. Tsem Rinpoche
  • What the meat industry figured out is that you don't need healthy animals to make a profit.
    7 年前
    What the meat industry figured out is that you don't need healthy animals to make a profit.
    Sick animals are more profitable... farms calculate how close to death they can keep animals without killing them. That's the business model. How quickly they can be made to grow, how tightly they can be packed, how much or how little can they eat, how sick they can get without dying... We live in a world in which it's conventional to treat an animal like a block of wood. ~ Jonathan Safran Foer
  • This video went viral and it's a must watch!!
    7 年前
    This video went viral and it's a must watch!!
    7 年前
    This happens daily in slaughterhouse so you can get your pork and Bak ku teh. Stop eating meat.


Ask the Pastors





At the point of the passing, the only thing that will help us and our loved ones is the Dharma. Hence, try to chant mantra, do pujas, giving alms and etc during this period. Bereavement puja by Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
1 月前
At the point of the passing, the only thing that will help us and our loved ones is the Dharma. Hence, try to chant mantra, do pujas, giving alms and etc during this period. Bereavement puja by Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
Bereavement puja by Kechara Penang Study Group. May the deceased has good rebirth and the family members find solace in the Three Jewels. Thanks to Rinpoche for He always taught us about practising compassion through action. By Jacinta
1 月前
Bereavement puja by Kechara Penang Study Group. May the deceased has good rebirth and the family members find solace in the Three Jewels. Thanks to Rinpoche for He always taught us about practising compassion through action. By Jacinta
Thanks to Sharyn, the florist came and arranged on the spot! What a lovely and colourful bunch flowers attractively arranged to Buddha as offerings. 2nd Penang DS retreat of the year (2024), uploaded by Jacinta.
1 月前
Thanks to Sharyn, the florist came and arranged on the spot! What a lovely and colourful bunch flowers attractively arranged to Buddha as offerings. 2nd Penang DS retreat of the year (2024), uploaded by Jacinta.
As usual, a retreat will not be complete without nice tormas. Pastor Patsy and our dear Penang members ~ Swee Bee, Tang, Jasmine and Siew Hong came together as a perfect and united team in completing it. Penang DS Retreat 17-18th Aug 2024 by Jacinta.
1 月前
As usual, a retreat will not be complete without nice tormas. Pastor Patsy and our dear Penang members ~ Swee Bee, Tang, Jasmine and Siew Hong came together as a perfect and united team in completing it. Penang DS Retreat 17-18th Aug 2024 by Jacinta.
A picture that says all. Thanks to Pastor Seng Piow, 12 retreatants and 51sponsors that make this event a successful one. See you all in our next retreat. Kam Siah. A simple yet full of gratitude note by Choong, uploaded by Jacinta.
2 月前
A picture that says all. Thanks to Pastor Seng Piow, 12 retreatants and 51sponsors that make this event a successful one. See you all in our next retreat. Kam Siah. A simple yet full of gratitude note by Choong, uploaded by Jacinta.
Offerings being set up, getting ready to start the first day of Kechara Penang Group's retreat. By Jacinta
2 月前
Offerings being set up, getting ready to start the first day of Kechara Penang Group's retreat. By Jacinta
As H. E. The 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche had mentioned a retreat is time taken away from our ordinary, daily, mundane activities specifically to focus on deeper meditation, deeper meditational practices to gain some benefits.  Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
2 月前
As H. E. The 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche had mentioned a retreat is time taken away from our ordinary, daily, mundane activities specifically to focus on deeper meditation, deeper meditational practices to gain some benefits. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
Retreat started for the second half of the year, 17th Aug 2024. We have new participants and those regulars. Thanks to Pastor Seng Piow and Choong for organising it. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
2 月前
Retreat started for the second half of the year, 17th Aug 2024. We have new participants and those regulars. Thanks to Pastor Seng Piow and Choong for organising it. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
10th Aug 2024. Kechara Penang Study Group completed DS puja, led by Siew Hong. Uploaded by Jacinta.
2 月前
10th Aug 2024. Kechara Penang Study Group completed DS puja, led by Siew Hong. Uploaded by Jacinta.
Thank you Pastor Seng Piow for the dharma sharing and leading today's puja 3rd August 2024. Pic by Siew Hong and uploaded by Jacinta.
2 月前
Thank you Pastor Seng Piow for the dharma sharing and leading today's puja 3rd August 2024. Pic by Siew Hong and uploaded by Jacinta.
Puja sponsorships packages of RM100, RM 50 and RM30. Really appreciate the continuous support for our Penang DS Chapel. 28/7/2024 By Jacinta
2 月前
Puja sponsorships packages of RM100, RM 50 and RM30. Really appreciate the continuous support for our Penang DS Chapel. 28/7/2024 By Jacinta
Completed weekly puja at Penang DS Chapel. 27th July 2024 by Jacinta.
2 月前
Completed weekly puja at Penang DS Chapel. 27th July 2024 by Jacinta.
For those Penang members who were back in Penang, instead of having a weekend off, they chose to go to Penang DS centre and did a DS puja for the benefits of all beings. 20th July 2024, Saturday. By Jacinta
2 月前
For those Penang members who were back in Penang, instead of having a weekend off, they chose to go to Penang DS centre and did a DS puja for the benefits of all beings. 20th July 2024, Saturday. By Jacinta
So proud of Penang Kecharians for attending initiations given by Venerable Chojila at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong on 20th - 21st July 2024. Against all odds, many of us made it there. (Not in the pic Mr. Teo and Sunny) By Jacinta.
2 月前
So proud of Penang Kecharians for attending initiations given by Venerable Chojila at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong on 20th - 21st July 2024. Against all odds, many of us made it there. (Not in the pic Mr. Teo and Sunny) By Jacinta.
Wishing all sponsors' wishes be fulfilled and thanks for supporting our Kechara Penang Puja packages on 13/7/2024. By Jacinta
2 月前
Wishing all sponsors' wishes be fulfilled and thanks for supporting our Kechara Penang Puja packages on 13/7/2024. By Jacinta
#throwback 13th July 2024, Kechara Penang Study Group completed DS puja. We have special guest that day, Paul, a long time senior Kecharian with his friends. By Jacinta
2 月前
#throwback 13th July 2024, Kechara Penang Study Group completed DS puja. We have special guest that day, Paul, a long time senior Kecharian with his friends. By Jacinta
Beautiful offerings arranged by Choong. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
3 月前
Beautiful offerings arranged by Choong. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
7/7/2024 Kechara Penang weekly puja completed. Kechara Penang Study Girup by Jacinta.
3 月前
7/7/2024 Kechara Penang weekly puja completed. Kechara Penang Study Girup by Jacinta.
This week's puja offerings sponsored by a few people and we hope their wishes be fulfilled. Pic taken by Choong and uploaded by Jacinta.
3 月前
This week's puja offerings sponsored by a few people and we hope their wishes be fulfilled. Pic taken by Choong and uploaded by Jacinta.
29th June 2024. Kechara Penang Study Group completed weekly Dorje Shugden cum Manjushri Namasangiti. Pic taken by Choong and uploaded by Jacinta
3 月前
29th June 2024. Kechara Penang Study Group completed weekly Dorje Shugden cum Manjushri Namasangiti. Pic taken by Choong and uploaded by Jacinta
The Promise
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Lamps For Life
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Zong Rinpoche




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Dorje Shugden