July 8, 2023
Questions on Ghosts

(By Tsem Rinpoche)


I posted regarding ‘psychic kids’ and Patricia posed some interesting questions which I have answered. With respect to Patricia, I am posting it here as it will benefit others. For the actual blog post, click here:


From Patricia:

Tashi delek dear Tsem Rinpoche!

Thank you very much for posting this!

I have a question to you: As it is said that the bardo takes in general around 49 days and after that comes the new rebirth. What is it than that is left of the person who have died? I mean for instance: a psychic women`s husband died 5 years ago, but still she can have contact to him; he is still around her.

I’ve heard once even some people perceive a ghost, let´s say their own relative who have died, it is actually not anymore their relative but just “la-energy” of the dead person which remained and in truth the relative actually already got a new rebirth. This la energy can stay for 7 generation. This is even more scary to me, because it is just energy, actually not the dead person`s mind anymore, but who can still communicate and help the living people. Sorry but I do not really understand that, how this can be possible. Can you please tell us something about this?

Or did I got a wrong information and it is more like this: that a person who died but can be perceived by humans as a ghost, actually had a rebirth in the realm of spirits?Or did there something go wrong, like their rebirth did not happen because they are trapped within the bardo /cannot go into “the light” because of a trauma or whatever?

How many types of spirits are existing according buddhism, do they all belong to the class of hungry ghosts?

Best wishes,


My answer:

My Dear Patricia,

Your questions require complex answers, but I will be brief and sincerely hope it helps you.

  • Generally there are many types of hungry ghosts or just ghosts. They travel at the speed of thought and also can live hundreds of years almost like some sort of mini titan. So it is possible for people of many generations to see the same being after many generations. Even seven or eight generations and so on.
  • The amount of beings existing in the realm of spirits/ghost far far far exceeds that of humans. Their population is huge.
  • Spirits have various personalities just like animals and humans. You can generalize them. Like people from the North will be generally taller than of the South. That is very general with many exceptions of course.
  • You have the bitter, nasty, harmless, weak, powerful, quiet, noisy, dysfunctional, sneaky, kind, helpful ghosts and with many more personalities. Because ghosts have the ability to travel superfast they have a sort of clairvoyance. They can wreak havoc with their clairvoyance because it is limited and hence can give advice that turns out wrong in the long run. But seemingly the advice is ok in the short run with or without knowing it from their side.
  • The ghosts can change shapes and forms to appear to you in the form you find comfortable to communicate with you or to frighten you. They wish to communicate for many reasons such as loneliness, anger, expressing their sorrows, or some wish to assist in their own way for something in return.
  • Some spirits can even appear to the untrained as Tara!!! Zong Rinpoche told us, some appear as Tara to people!!! So we have to be extremely careful when dealing with them. Better not to deal with them but be aware of their presence.
  • To elicit favours from them like asking for lottery number, eliminating an enemy, or getting information from them could be dangerous in the long run depending on their characters. Should be avoided. Being careful to not simply do binding rituals or order them here or there. They can get you back in a way you least suspect. Better to leave them alone.
  • Basically if they are in this form, it does not arise from positive karma. So the results cannot be generally positive.
  • If they are in the ghost realm, something definitely went wrong. To take rebirth in that realm generally requires one’s mind to have extreme great attachment to a place, person, thing, idea or the such. That attachment is what binds them to their situation until karma is ‘finished’. When they go into the light, it could be another realm, or rebirth. It is not going into a ‘heaven’ as we know it.
  • If there are psychics or people who can perceive these beings it is important to do protection and blessing prayers daily if we have to contact or see them. If seeing them is beyond our control, then daily protection would be good. It would bless the person seeing them and bless the ghosts also. Ghosts are moved by altruism or great compassion emanating from a being. Some Practices good to do daily are any of the below:
  1. Tsongkapa
  2. Singdongma
  3. Protectors such as Setrap, Four Faced Mahakala, Pelden Hlamo
  4. Ekazati
  5. Vajrapani
  6. Black Manjushri

These practices would bless the person, bless the environment and bless the spirits contacted/seen.

I hope the above helps you.

For further questions re the practices you may contact Beng Kooi.

I wish you well,
Tsem Rinpoche



From Fang:

Dear Rinpoche, a few questions if I may…

With the influences of media and upbringing, we are conditioned to fear what/who we do not understand. is there any reason we should fear these entities?


My answer:

Yes, there are cases that you will fear these beings such as:

  1. If you have offended them in any way, shape or form.
  2. Taken anything from them.
  3. Ask them for help and then later ignored them.
  4. They gave help and you are suppose to give them something in return and you didn’t.
  5. If someone has cursed you or send magic to you using them.
  6. Harming a person they are close to or ‘protecting’. These are just some examples people ‘might’ fear them or have experienced disturbances.
  7. But it would be good to put that fear into actual results for example by concentrating on intense Setrap practice which will bring intense benefits on so many levels not just pacifying the disturbances or the objects of your fear.

And if we do, should we learn to suppress the feeling of fear. By suppressing the fear, should we then substitute it with compassion and kindness?

  1. We should apologize to them from our hearts and not do it again.
  2. Do what we have promised once and for all unless totally impossible but don’t break the law doing so.
  3. If we have done none of the above 6 points except number 5, then we don’t need to fear or put that fear in remedial actions such as Tsongkapa or Setrap practice.
  4. Generate great pity for the state they are born in without being condescending but genuine pity and wish them well.
  5. Generating great compassion towards them will help a lot and do practices such as Tsongkapa and Setrap. Dedicate the merits of that practice to them and all beings who suffer, and be genuine in it. They will feel it.
  6. You can’t suppress fear or pretend you don’t feel it. But remember they are suffering much more than you from loneliness, cold, reliving tragedies/disappointments, hunger, thirst and great attachments. If you look at a dog who’s on the streets, starving, hurt and when you go near to feed, bite you, you don’t feel anger. But even more compassion for what has been done to the poor dog. Same example for spirits. Some are nasty and harmful because they have been given a lot of pain. They are in pain and deserve your pity not so much fear.

When harmed by what we believe to be a spirit/ghost… what should we do, where do we go? i have personally experienced a ‘confrontation’ of sort with an entity and after going to different practitioners who takes trance, i eventually found one who could help me. (this happened prior to my knowing of Kechara).


My answer:

  1. Kechara is not the only place that can help. Many places can help. But Kechara is qualified to help when necessary.
  2. As to what to do, this will take up much more space to explain. For now, I have a book, please refer to that and read it thoroughly. It will help a lot. The book is called ‘Protection from Black Magic and Spirits’. Please direct people to that book would help a lot.
  3. In general, practicing the 8 verses of Thought Transformation, Tsongkapa Guru Yoga then capped off with Setrap would be very very very good for general disturbances. More ferocious disturbances would require variations of the above or certain rituals. If you do the above three practices very well and daily, you will be ok. Really. Sometimes annoyingly these spirits can come get us later, years later, when we are at a low point. They watch. But doing these practices would be a great protection, blessing yourself and ‘them’. By blessing them, they eventually go away.


Why do some advice from ‘deities’ work and some don’t. it doesn’t mean that they are fake, i am sure because; they have managed to help others in the past.


My answer:

  1. The level of the deities are important. The level of the deities that are being used to nullify whatever is disturbing you is very important.
  2. How long the disturbance has been with you. If it has been a very long time, then it will not have instant effect. It will take time. Like if you see the best doctor in the whole world, but your disease is very old, it will take time.
  3. Affinity.
  4. Karmic disposition of the person who needs help. Sometimes the karma is so heavy, the helping deity cannot help you.

These are some of the possible reasons.


In Mahayana, i was advised to learn and recite the Great Compassion Mantra (大悲咒) when i feel uneasy in certain situations. is there a mantra in Vajrayana practice that is similar? would reciting Lama Tsongkhapa’s Migtsema help? or would Setrap? Green Tara?


My answer:

  1. Definitely doing the Great Compassion Mantra, Tsongkapa’s migtseyma, Setrap and Green Tara would help. It depends on your affinity to which Deity and your karma.
  2. For some Green Tara would be and some not. It is not Green Tara’s fault, it is the affinity of the person.
  3. But for sure all these above practices are for much higher purposes, so protection for spirits is a minor side benefit.
  4. We should engage in these practices for development of wisdom, compassion, skilful means, letting go of attachments, anger and the like.


Thank you for your time and kind sharing, Rinpoche 🙂

Dear Fang,

I hope the above helps you.

Much care,
Tsem Rinpoche

June 12, 2010


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  1. Samfoonheei on Sep 20, 2021 at 3:07 pm

    In folklore, a ghost is the soul or spirit of a dead person appear to the living. Descriptions of ghosts vary widely that exist everywhere depending on the person who see it. Ghosts generally appearing for reasons. These could range from unsolved murders, forced suicides, preventable tragedies and so forth.
    Reading this post has a better understanding of how to solve or rather handle such situation. I do believe ghost do exist after all. To me ,we respect and having compassion for all those unseen beings we so call it ghost. Learning Buddhism and putting into practice, we have the knowledge to deal them. Doing prayers and dedicate to them to relief their sufferings.
    Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.

  2. Yee Yin on Sep 11, 2019 at 3:41 pm

    Ghost is a very mysterious subject to most of us as we cannot perceive ghosts. It is only natural that we have fear of the things that we have not seen before. What Rinpoche has explained here actually helps me to understand more what the ghost is and how we should react to it.

    Being in the ghost realm is a suffering, it is lonely and full of negativity. If we think our human life is a suffering, living in the ghost realm is even worse and it is a long suffering. Therefore, while we are still in the human form we should put our focus in spiritual practice.

    If we ever encounter a ghost, we don’t have to be afraid, just think of how much suffering it has to go through. We should generate compassion and do a prayer for it. However, since we are not attained, we should not establish a connection with them.

  3. Linda on Sep 10, 2018 at 8:44 pm

    We are usually not very knowledgeable on supernatural topics and many only know about ghosts from horror movies. Yet, since I know Buddhism and Rinpoche’s teachings, I understand much more about the world we live in and that there are many ways by which we can offend beings. Most of the time, we are not even aware of it but it is important to learn and know so that we can avoid dangerous situations.

    I think most important is also to remember that ghosts have taken this rebirth because of their negative actions and attitudes. We need to have compassion for the sad state they are in and learn about it so that we are aware.

    Thank you for Kindly postings these questions and answers to help us and live a more positive and beneficial life.

  4. Jacinta Goh on Feb 13, 2018 at 4:26 pm

    Thankful that Rinpoche have shared these with us. I can share this with others should they encountered the above.

    What I can summarise from the above:
    1. Do our prayer daily and consistently coupled with Protector practice. Trust that this practice will help us and them eventually.
    2. Each day transform our mind from negative to positives ones.
    2. Generate compassion for the spirits as they are in a negative states with tremendous sufferings.

  5. Pastor Albert on Jan 18, 2017 at 8:26 am

    Ghost exist everywhere in the world, there are many people encountered spirit disturbances and don’t know how to overcome it, this post is very useful for the knowledge on how to overcome, there are practice stated clearly and also the prevention too.

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this post, it’s good for us to share with others on how to deal with it when we have disturbances and what motivation we should have. Most importantly we do not challenge them but to treat them compassionately when we know how painful they are.

  6. Mingwen on Jan 18, 2017 at 7:31 am

    Respect, respect and respect are the 3 things that we need to learn well if we wish to free from trouble and live in harmony and peace.

    Treat others like how we wish to be treated. Put ourselves into the others’ shoes. Everyone has their background and stories. We would never know who or what we’re facing, we will never wish to be harm, especially by our own EGO.

  7. Pastor Chia on Jan 18, 2017 at 7:28 am

    One of the reason, l’m always find grateful study and learn more about Buddhism is about having compassion toward all the sentient being where there seen or unseen. since young,i had paranormal experience,which terrifying me scary about”ghost”. Until i study Buddhism it discrib more about 6 realm existing and the cause to be born within this 6 realm. It do help me overcome my fear toward ghost or spirit. The main cause born as spirit is attachment and can not letting go thing or emotion when their death. As spirit they will suffer loneliness cold, reliving tragedies/disappointments, hunger, thirst from their great attachments hundred and thousand of year . Until they find relief on their mind to seeking for next rebirth. This is important when we do the prayer or puja to dedicate merit particular to spirit generate compassion toward to their suffering to relief their suffering.

  8. June Kang on Jan 18, 2017 at 2:06 am

    Ghosts is at one of the six realm, they are like human still in samsara and therefore just like human they do need kind and care. Therefor is good to generate great compassion to them as mentioned by Rinpoche as above –“Generating great compassion towards them will help a lot”. Furthermore compassion conquer all and is the best protection to us.

  9. Andrea Lai on Jan 18, 2017 at 1:59 am

    The most memorable ghost incident I have encountered was about more than 10 years ago. It was Hungry Ghost festival where me and a friend have planned out for a night movie.

    On our journey, we passed by a hospital. While we thru, sudden we’ve been attacked by a wild gust of wind.The wind was so strong, the van that my friend drove almost lost control. My friend, knowing something went wrong, she speed up and acknowledge me to hold tight to the handle. The wind kept chasing us until we reached about 3Km, it stops. It was quite terrifying and my friend only confirmed with me the next day.

    As I known that these spirits are actually harmless unless those wraftful are seek for revenge or possessed. It was unfortunate for me then because I encountered with the fierce one.

    I humbly thank you Rinpoche for explanation and giving guidelines on practice chant mantras and ritual for these poor soul.

  10. Pastor Antoinette on Jan 18, 2017 at 12:56 am

    We are very fortunate to learn in Buddhism about the 6 realms and within the 6 realms is the hungry ghosts realm. There are reasons why we can become disturbed by them, such as the karmic effects of something we have done previously.

    Because of the kindness of H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, we have here in this article the guidelines what to do to stop disturbances and how to avoid offending spirits by respecting all beings.

    It is a good reminder for all of us to let go of our attachments as they are the very reason to take such a sad, lonely and long rebirth.

    May we all be close to the Dharma always and practice from our heart.

  11. Eric kksiow on Jan 18, 2017 at 12:37 am

    Most of my “Ghost haunted” experience are from KP outlet customers, these cases i will always refer to our Kechara Pastors. And i had learn a lot of “Ghost haunted” cases from Pastor Chia, and he will always guide me to check whether the “cases” are real or.. Erm…. Maybe the customer too stressful of their work or their living life?

    Thank You Rinpoche for sharing of all the details “Ghost haunted” cases article to us, and it’s make me more clear how to handle “Ghost haunted” cases from customers. And much thanks of Pastor Chia who taught me too. _/\_

  12. nicholas on Jan 17, 2017 at 11:24 pm

    I have known many people that had such experiences with spirit and many of them doesn’t know what to do. For those who have learn from their spiritual practice it’s very important to practice and share with others so many people will know what they can do. Of course we are not here to tell which practice is better than which and most of the time I believe it’s our affinity and karma to meet the right one. What important is that we must have full trust and go all the way. The doctor can prescribe the medicine to help us but if we don’t trust or follow the advice how can we be heal?

    Beside just follow we should also understand what we are doing in order to give us a better understand and the logic of the practice. What important here is not about how to protect ourselves from spirit disturbance but as mentioned in the article that we should develop compassion, wisdom, letting go our attachment and delusion. This is the main core of our practice and the antidot from any of the negative thought that resulted the negative experience.

    I must say that this article gave a good guidance for us and we should learn more from here.

  13. Pammie Yap on Jan 17, 2017 at 10:40 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    Thank you for the explanations.

    I shall remember the practices prescribed for those who need it. It is true, those beings who are trapped in the spirit realm deserve a lot of compassion because of the state they have to go through till the karma exhaust. It must be really scary and lonely. Can one imagine to be in that state even if as a human?
    No matter what, we must respect all beings and do not harm them in any way. As human, we do not wish to have other people take advantage nor harm us, so what make us think that the spirits want to feel the same?

  14. Fong on Aug 15, 2016 at 3:52 pm

    As Rinpoche pointed out the answers, for the ghost to be where they are, in that particular realm, something must have gone wrong somewhere. There fore, how can we rely on a being that is in the wrong place, a lower realm. So, the best thing is to avoid dealing with them.

    There a many levels to deities and ghosts, so sometimes some deities can help and other times, they cannot. So, we should only rely on the ultimate truth of the Three Jewels.

    At the bottom of it all, is that we should practice kindness and compassion and seek the proper help instead to trying to”kill” these beings.

    Best defense is to follow Rinpoche’s advise on doing our daily practices adn reap the side effect of protection against disturbances of the spooky kind.

    Definitely doing the Great Compassion Mantra, Tsongkapa’s migtseyma, Setrap and Green Tara would help. It depends on your affinity to which Deity and your karma.
    For some Green Tara would be and some not. It is not Green Tara’s fault, it is the affinity of the person.
    But for sure all these above practices are for much higher purposes, so protection for spirits is a minor side benefit.
    We should engage in these practices for development of wisdom, compassion, skilful means, letting go of attachments, anger and the like.

    Thank you, Rinpoche for this timeless advice.
    May Rinpoche’s wishes manifest smoothly and swiftly.

  15. Pastor Elena Khong Jean Ai on Jan 6, 2016 at 4:54 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for this detailed posting and explanation on spirits. What I take away from this is that:

    1) compassion is the best protection. Even in the human realm, we are attracted to and support people who are kind. No matter how ugly, old, etc. they are, if they are kind, people gravitate towards them (like Mother Teresa for example. She was not conventionally beautiful but her kindness attracted so many to her). So if this is the case in the human realm, it won’t be different when beings take rebirth in the spirit realm

    2) never trust a ghost, no matter how benevolent they appear to you. What Rinpoche said about the causes for a being’s rebirth in the spirit realm made an impression on me. If the cause for you to take rebirth as a spirit is not positive, then the results of dealing with them are generally not positive.

    How can it ever be positive? If extreme attachment leads a being to take rebirth in the spirit realm, then when they are there they will continue to act out of attachment. And as Rinpoche said, although their actions may appear benevolent at the beginning, they lack the wisdom to perceive how the results will be destructive to our spiritual practice in the future.

    So that leads me to wonder why people rely on ghosts and spirits for anything, when they have the benefit of lamas and the Dharma. My thoughts about this are are that:

    1) such people do not understand the full benefits of relying on the Three Jewels, instead of samsaric beings like spirits and gods

    2) they want a quick fix and because they want that, that’s the real reason why their troubles will never end, because the inherent attitude that led to their problems initially has not changed

    3) it is so SO much negative karma manifesting for you to see your interactions with spirits and gods as being more beneficial compared to your interactions with a real teacher or lama!

  16. JP on Dec 21, 2015 at 12:49 am

    I have always been fascinated with spirits when I was young. I loved to listen to people’s paranormal experiences. What inspires me about Buddhist practice is that we always use compassionate methods to appease and subdue even the most difficult and or evil beings. This is because their negative karma is so strong that it clouds their mind to do anything positive. This can also happen to us if we continue to feed our selfishness.

    As Rinpoche explains, “You can’t suppress fear or pretend you don’t feel it. But remember they are suffering much more than you from loneliness, cold, reliving tragedies/disappointments, hunger, thirst and great attachments. If you look at a dog who’s on the streets, starving, hurt and when you go near to feed, bite you, you don’t feel anger. But even more compassion for what has been done to the poor dog. Same example for spirits. Some are nasty and harmful because they have been given a lot of pain. They are in pain and deserve your pity not so much fear.”

    This makes so much sense. We can also apply this to people whom we dislike. Anybody who is “evil” is such because they themselves are suffering and are extremely unhappy. The way they manifest their unhappiness is by inflicting sufferings onto others. It sounds twisted but it makes sense.

    Compassion is very powerful. India gained her independence from 300 years of British rule because she used compassionate methods as guided by Gandhi.

  17. Dense Kuek on Dec 27, 2014 at 4:29 pm

    Thanks Rinpoche for sharing this with us. I strongly believe with the blessing from Tsem Tulku Rinpoche and Setrap, we can overcome the fear of the ghost from our mind and the real ghost, we must believe our Guru and Setrap can help and we also gotta show our compassion to them.

  18. Karma Tenzin on Dec 3, 2014 at 4:35 pm

    Dear Rimpoche,

    I am a Buddhist, I have once been to local deity for wanting to stop from drinking alcohol which lama at the lakhang perform some prayers and made me drink thrichu. I managed to stay away from alcohol for few years and then started again. Later I have been told, once you have made that kind of promises you cannot break it and you will be punished with all kinds of sickness and hunt you mentally. I have experience them practically. So, I am desperately in need of your valuable advice. I have been to the same lakhang for forgiveness and still now I am doing so. Please what should I do? HELP!

  19. Low KHJB on Oct 19, 2014 at 12:15 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for the precious sharing . As advised,sincere practice ,empathy and respect the other form of beings would refrain us from antagonizing the spirits or ghost.
    In understanding their existence ,we seek the dharma to gain mind transformation to prevent our self and others to fall into their plight .
    Creating negative karma in our action and holding on to attachment will trap us into this realm …..

  20. Edwin Tan on Oct 16, 2014 at 4:11 am

    Great article and very helpful too!

    I believe it will tremendously help those who can see the spirits / ghost / energy.

    Thank you Rinpoche.

  21. Lum Kok Luen on Oct 15, 2014 at 6:14 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,
    Thank you very much for the answers to questions and also your teachings on spirits.
    I believe one of the toughest challenge that we have when one encounters such spirits is to generate the compassion towards them. The normal response would be fear and how best to get rid of them.
    Your teaching has certainly opened my mind on the right response and right approach in these engagements.

    Thank you again Rinpoche

  22. Pee Bee Chong on Oct 13, 2014 at 11:19 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing. Some people born with the 3rd eye and can see the ghosts or spirits. Is this because of their karma? Could I what type of causes from previous lives bring such results?

  23. Hee TS on Oct 13, 2014 at 10:39 pm


  24. Joy on Oct 13, 2014 at 10:16 pm

    Reading this old post again the 2nd time, made me appreciate the article even more and helped refreshed my memory on how to advice if someone came up to me with this problem. In the end Ghost are just like us humans or any sentient beings, everyone wants happiness and no one wants suffering but due to their actions, they reap the unfortunate sad result of being reborn in the lower realms as ghost and reliving their traumas and experiences of disappointment, loneliness and unhappiness, with that understanding we can generate true pity and compassion on them and chant mantras to dedicate to them.

    I also like Buddhism’s approach on protecting ourselves from ghost. The concept of doing certain practices to protect ourselves, blesses us as well as the “spirit” so that through blessing them, they will eventually stay away is a good and positive effect which is very different from other faiths that usually wants to catch them or harm them etc. These action are more negative, hostile ways of dealing with these entities which I think would lead to more problems, perhaps that is why some ghost keep coming back or some follows quietly the person who harmed them life and life, waiting for an opportunity to get them back. So I thought this key point on “blessing” them as a way to protect ourselves and also benefits them in a way is a positive one.

    Also a good reminders for us to not hang on and be so attached to things, problems, negative mind set, projections, possession, people, friends, etc. anything of this life because strong attachments of not being able to “let go” is what propels us to be reborn in such a state of suffering. Definitely none of us want that, hence we breath, meditate, and stop living in the pain body.

    • Michael C. on Oct 14, 2014 at 2:04 am

      “Also a good reminders for us to not hang on and be so attached to things, problems, negative mind set, projections, possession, people, friends, etc. anything of this life because strong attachments of not being able to “let go” is what propels us to be reborn in such a state of suffering. Definitely none of us want that, hence we breath, meditate, and stop living in the pain body.”

      so i need to focus on my out breath – Breathing out my negative habits & attachments to friends & thoughts. There is not enough space in my mind for Dharma to grow and stabilize because there are so many weeds in the way!

  25. nicholas on Oct 13, 2014 at 6:16 pm

    Seeing those kids having psychic power at such a young age really worrying as they can’t control them or even understand what their ability will lead them to. The interaction with the spirits may haunt them or confused them. But if they were being nurtured and guided it will bring good benefits to them and the beings just like what we watch in the video.

    I often thinking of seeing spirit is always a negative thing. Reason is that I don’t know what to do or what I can do if I really see them. But after reading the post it’s really answer a lot of my question and teaches me what the dos and don’ts.

    The practices recommended are not just for protection but it’s best for gaining wisdom and compassion which we can help those spirits being in more permanent ways.

    Being in the spirit realm it is really in one of the suffering realm but if we can’t help them at least by reading this blog and the answers we can at least not to engage any of those action that will cause us and people around us in danger.

  26. henry ooi on Oct 13, 2014 at 5:18 pm

    I find this article very interesting. Interesting in that there are so many people, young and old, who are able to connect with spirits/ghosts. Like the three young girls in the video being afraid of their ‘gift.’ My son, Edward, too was able to ‘see’ until after Rinpoche sealed his “seeing cakra”. But Rinpoche said to Edward that he will again start ‘seeing’ his “friends” when he misbehaves 🙂

    • Pastor Henry Ooi on Jan 18, 2017 at 1:03 am

      Now Edward has grown up and he does not talk of spirit encounters any more. However, my wife Angel, who is sensitive to the presence of spirits can still feel their presence when she goes to ‘unclean’ places or when she stays in hotels during her travels. How does she cope with it? She will say out loud “Please don’t disturb me. My guru is Tsem Rinpoche. Go to Kechara House and he will help you.”

  27. nirmal on Oct 13, 2014 at 2:12 am

    Dear Rinpoche, The souls of the dead passengers on board MH370 came to see me in my dream two days after the sad incident.They showed me the map of Australia and the rough location of the plane that is to the south west of Perth.They said that they were hungry. I offered them 8 different type of food which I left at a quiet roadside.I multiplied the offerings so that all could have a share.Was what I did right or wrong? Thank you.

  28. Beatrix Ooi on Oct 13, 2014 at 1:11 am

    I’ve always find myself being drawn to ghost related matters/ facts/ stories. I can’t see them, but sometimes I think that I can feel them( maybe its just my imaginations running wild ). I must also admit that I’ve had always wished to see them, and of course normal people don’t wish for things like that( I’m just retarded ).

    I had always thought that spirits look like the ones we see in the movies, but the fact is, most of them don’t. I was also told that hungry ghosts have very tiny mouths that do not allow them to eat, and everything they happen to consume will taste really really bad that they won’t even eat.

    I believe that there are many types of spirits vary in personalities. Some are just so lonely that they just want some responds or interactions from us, sometimes we really can’t blame them. What I don’t understand is that, what do they eat, like on daily basis. Or they just don’t eat?

    Lately, I realised that I have a huge issue with child spirits. Anything that’s related to them, will keep me thinking, imagining. The moment I close my eyes, they just keep popping out and that leave me thinking if I were a child killer in my past life( LOL ). I even have goosebumps while typing these down, it must be again my imagination and ego that led me to this state.

    Thank You Rinpoche for sharing the information, I’ve learnt a lot.

    Love, beatrix.

  29. Sean Wang on Oct 12, 2014 at 11:40 pm

    Thank you for resharing this interesting article on ghosts. It is extremely important to know not to use spirits to attain personal gains as spirits have been created due to negative karma, they cannot generate truly positive results. Their results are similar to when someone prays to a land god to achieve things like lotto numbers however Land Gods have, in a way, better luck but with equal amount of wrath.

    Thank you for sharing alternative practises as I am sure that many people are misguided by other spirit manipulators into thinking that it is a good idea to invoke the “blessings” of spirits. I would personally recommend Tsongkhapa as he is a 3-in-1 Buddha, Vajrapani will protect you, Manjushri will make you wise to not do anything rash while Avalokiteshvara will allow you to emanate compassion to move spirits in a positive light and help them incarnate to a better life.

    When Rinpoche was mentioning the fear of spirits having 7 causes, I do not fall under any of those categories yet I immensely fear spirits because to me they are of the unknown and temporarily unfathomable. How do I deal with this? Do I just do Setrap? Or maybe I should just follow as you say and replace said fear with compassion.

    I have another question. How does one determine the level of a deity and what levels are there for deities?

    Thank you for the lovely article, Rinpoche.

  30. Edward Ooi on Apr 27, 2014 at 10:12 pm

    Dear Rinpoche, although I know that some spirits are not trying harm me but I just can’t stop being afraid of them. They said that the bigger my ego is the more I’m afraid of spirits and my ego is growing bigger and bigger. And when my ego is big, many people will hate me and when I want to promote something they would not help me with their heart. My question to Rinpoche is that, how can I lower down my ego? Thank You Rinpoche

  31. Jacinta Goh on Mar 7, 2014 at 11:59 am

    I personally do not encounter any of those… And I pray that I won’t encounter it, to say the least. Anyway, to a certain degree I do have the kind of fear that most of us do. Compassion, I mean altruistic compassion is what I have learnt. Thank you Rinpoche for guiding us on how we should deal with them.

  32. Audrey Lee on Dec 31, 2013 at 5:12 pm

    Hi Rinpoche,

    I was possessed by a fierce spirit before and then during that period I were to become a buddhist through a ceremony and holding 5 percepts. Then the monk asked me to recite om mani pad me hung on a daily basis for 108 times. He also asked me to invite the spirit to recite with me. In a day later than that, it became very fierce and I have no energy to fight against her and i was possessed by her. Then I went to a taoist temple, there is a person who was said to be possessed by god to help me but with condition that i must be one of them to be possessed by god and help people.

    Then, after the spirit was gone. I attended their ceremony to be possessed by the temple’s god. It was okay for the first 2 days but when the third day I am unable to be possessed by god. My mother said that I am already a buddhist. it is impossible for the god to possess me as taoist and buddhism isnt the same. I was confused and then I become a normal person and not possessed by spirit or god but the person who was possessed by god told me i will be possessed one day.

    I have been worrying that i will be possessed as i feel i will be doing something against what i learnt from dharma. For example, people come and ask for help to improve their business or ask for prediction. It is actually increasing their self centred mind.

    I recite “om mani pad me hung” and the big compassionate mantra on a daily basis to pray that i wouldnt be possessed by the said god and stay in a temple to grant’s ppl wish in a way they think this is helping people. Yes, it is helping people like me who was life treathening but i find it is totally against my value that i hv learnt from the dharma.

    what can I do more to not being possessed by the said god? can you advise me?

  33. Vinnie Tan on Aug 22, 2013 at 4:03 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for giving us such detailed explanation on this sensitive issue that most of us are curious about but do not dare to ask. In the end, we might have invited some beings that we do not wish to mess with them. Thank you for explaining this to us here.

  34. Sahr on Jul 22, 2013 at 10:09 pm

    A little 12 year old girl was attacked, in Pretoria South Africa, The thing that did so, was invisible and another Child witnessed as this thing pulled the Child towards the the end of the corridor of the house they were in. The Child’s leg was as if held by an invisible hand as She was dragged across the floor. This has resulted in a broken and splintered Tibia bone. She might lose her foot because of this and Adults and Doctors are baffled by this event. I turn to You, because I believe that none know better than Buddhists about these sort of issues… The Girl gets operated upon tomorrow and any advice would be greatly appreciated. Namaste.

  35. Joy on Jan 20, 2013 at 12:50 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this information and knowledge with us all. I remembered I used to dabble in playing “spirit of the coin”, I guess my mind, just like many, was curious about the other side. Curious to know if it existed and the mysteries behind it all. But after meeting Rinpoche, I now understand why we should not dabble in to such things as we may encouraged the unknown to come and not go. Many of my friends keep asking me about this topic and it still is a very hot topic from time to time… how lucky we are to be able to share what we’ve learnt from Rinpoche with them and how wonderful it is that it is just at the click of our fingers here. I have just shared this post with someone on blogchat!

  36. […] Tsem Tulku Rinpoche (formerly known as the Neon Lama) answers some questions from students about ghosts from a Vajrayana Buddhist perspective. […]

  37. Edgar on Aug 29, 2012 at 4:24 am

    Dear Venerable Rinpoche,

    I read the questions posted by Patricia and was very much interested in these questions myself. Unfortunately I very personally do not feel that you have answered them. Do all ghosts perceived by clearvoyant human beings belong to the realm of hungry ghosts or are some in the state of bardo? If they have been transformed into another realm, how is it possible that they feel, behave and are perceived as the persons they have been before. Are some trapped in the bardo state, so? Or are they / some just la energy? And in respect to the 7 generations: in many, many old traditions it is not said that one being can be seen for many generations, but exactly (!) for 7 generations – and than reincarnates. In short: the stories about ghosts we now know seem not to fit very well into any Buddhist concept, because they include the suggestion of a persistent soul. Could you, please, explain this?

  38. KYC on Aug 24, 2012 at 12:12 am

    Some people, for example, meditators can hear the ghosts. Master Hsin Tao from Taiwan used to meditate in cemeteries. These beings could be quite noisy and behave as if they are having a party. In a book by a Christian belonging to a local Sarawakian tribe, the author describes a similar experience. Just before a death in the village, one would hear beings making a lot of noice in the local cemetery.

  39. Leann Lim on Jul 12, 2012 at 7:28 pm

    I have see this post twice d, because of found that a lot of people very curious about the ghost or interesting about black magic topic, always can found answers here. Thank you Rinpoche again for sharing this precious teaching.
    And i found that even the post/teaching we view 2nd or 3rd times, you always will get a new point catchy and into your mind, that’s so true…have a same feel when reading Lamrin.

  40. Wan Wai Meng on Jul 9, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    Ghosts are definitely real and can harm us but at the same time we should be very aware that these beings are not in a good state and they arrived there through negative actions or thoughts and can you imagine live for hundreds of years or even thousands and you cannot feel, touch etc etc. So these beings will crave a body wont they?

  41. Grace (KSLC) on Jul 8, 2012 at 11:39 pm

    Thanks for the Information , Rinpoche. This is a interesting and scaring topic as well-did ghost exist ?? i do believe when i have an encounter in Genting highland, which i still the sound come from the toilet, so scary, your instant feeling will tell you something is wrong. but wihtout dharma, we may think of how to “get rid” the ghost, but from dharma , we know that we need dedicate the prayer to them, not only blessing us and also can blessed them. this is true compassion that we need to practice.

  42. Julia Tan on Jul 6, 2012 at 6:48 pm

    I think those ghosts that stayed in the house are very pitiful. I think most of them do not want to be there. Imagine they are stuck at that small corner, sometimes at that particular corridor for ages. Some might be waiting for someone. Some don’t to even know they are dead. Some wanted to be with their family. When we found out that they are in our house, we find some master to chase them away. Then where do they go after being chased out? Will they be waiting for us outside the house?

  43. Sheryl KH (JB) on Jun 26, 2012 at 7:28 pm

    This blog post answers many questions that common people usually have towards ghosts.

    This is really a very informative place and I am glad to know from Rinpoche that ghosts are moved by altruism and compassion and so I will try to practice this if I really run into this situation, although I can imagine that the very first reaction I have when I am in that scenario is nothing but scares.

    Reading this post also makes me glad as it seems to me that there are specific buddhas who will be there if we need their help. How compassionate they are, and how fortunate I am to come to know tibetan buddhism.

    Personally I have been doing Setrap practice for coming to a year. Whenever I feel that I am in potentially dangerous situation I will chant Setrap mantra. I feel more at ease when I do that and I how this feeling that Lord Setrap will protect me, although I cant see him. 🙂

  44. Han on Jun 26, 2012 at 3:34 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for all the ghosts answers and very informative facts with regards spirits.
    I not really scare of spirits since young. I always think that as long as I do not disturb the spirits, spirits will not come to disturb me or harm me either!
    Until I involved in producing Tsem Paranormal Zone and filming some interviews and stories. Through Rinpoche teachings, I learn how to respect spirits, what are the dos and donts when we encounter paranormal experiences. The key is our motivation is not to harm but respect them like what we respect another human being. The experiences I gain in producing paranormal program is an eye opening to me and I will continue working hard on it with the team , to bring benefits to others.

  45. pat on Jun 26, 2012 at 1:22 am

    I personally have not encounter with a ghost before but i definitely believed they do exist…..At one night I was with a friend ,both of us were playing with the swing at a playground.Then suddenly my friend suggested that we leave quickly…so we left, then out of curiousity i asked her why.She told me she saw a mother and a child waiting for their turn to play with the swing, but i told her i didn’t see anybody…she explained that she got the third eye…… and i got the goosebumps….i think we must also respect them,give them their space… not all ghost are harmful.

  46. abby F on Jun 25, 2012 at 11:37 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for telling/explaining us this. By knowing that those who takes rebirth in the ghost realm means something goes wrong and they have great attachment to something thus they suffered a lot. I believe that not all ghost are evil, as there are good people and bad people too.

    I also believe that近朱者赤,近墨者黑。If we behave well, kind to others, then we don’t have the bad energy to attract ghosts. If we act cruelly and badly, we will definitely have the bad energy to attract all the evil ghosts as you are ‘close’to him/her.

    In short, spirits/ghosts are not object to take refuge, but we can be kind to them when we really encounter some particular situation. They are just like is, who needs love and care. And I am sure, Dharma is the best gift to us and them.

  47. June Kang on Jun 25, 2012 at 1:46 am

    reading this, feel that ghost is human who live in a different world. However they are more suffering than us. We should do more recitation of mantra and dedicating to them. Of course the highest is we ourselves get enlightenment and help to liberate them.

  48. henry ooi on Jun 24, 2012 at 3:09 pm

    These questions and answers are a great help for me to understand more of the spirit realm, what to do and what not to do. They are a great source as reference for friends and acquaintances who have similar questions and encounters. I have come across many people who have many questions pertaining to this topic and they and others would benefit from this post.

    I will keep by the general guideline given by Rinpoche and prevent untoward events. Thank you, Rinpoche.

  49. ECheah on Jun 23, 2012 at 11:28 pm

    I think the fear of ghosts are compounded by watching scary ghost movies because they make them so dramatic and frightful. Therefore our imagination starts to play out and we’re always fearful of ghosts maybe quite unnecessarily. They exist and we exist but there are people who choose to meddle in their realm for whatever reason. Isn’t there anything better to do? Don’t we have enough problems ourselves? Once one chooses to open the floodgates and invite them, then be prepared for the consequences especially when one is not at a level to be able to control or handle it. It’s true, they are in a less fortunate realm and are suffering a lot. But we can at least be mindful of their existence, be respectful and through dharma practice, dedicate merits that they have a good rebirth in a human realm next time. We should develop our communication channels with the Buddhas instead rather than the netherbeings, wouldn’t that make better sense and be more beneficial?

  50. Paul Yap on Jun 23, 2012 at 11:06 pm

    I always thought having the ability to see ghost and communicate with them is NOT a good thing…cos it takes one to know one, those people is opening a portal for “THEM” to penetrate into their lives and eventually harm them…

  51. MayOng on Jun 22, 2012 at 6:37 pm

    The cause to take rebirth in the Spirit realm generally requires one’s mind to have extreme great attachment to a place, person, thing, idea or the such. That attachment is what binds them to their situation until karma is ‘finished’. Quoted by Tsem Rinpoche.

    Attachment is emotional bond, affection or loyalty or an object to be attached. I remembered asking why in areas around hospitals, police stations and T-junctions – people sees these ‘spirits’ lurking around for years and never seem to get out of this realm. It is so sad but Rinpoche have a solution for us, is to generate compassion towards them, as they were ‘humans’ in previous lives. So if we do come across these beings, we would know what to do for them.

  52. Helena Chin on Jun 20, 2012 at 10:49 pm

    Wow.. I have more understanding about ghost now. Thank you Rinpoche for explaining.

  53. Leann Lim on Jun 20, 2012 at 7:41 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this topic with details, is lead me to know more about how to deal with spirits, why we attract with the spirits, and the protection practice. How fortune we have this teaching and concept about ‘Ghost’.

    From very young ages, I had listen many ghost story, and I do very fear about this ‘unknown being”. And even is happen on myself..But Thanks Buddha, i have meet Rinpoche, by following the instruction (this is very important), I know by practicing it’s help to removed disturbing problem and it’s really work. At the same time, i understand it a good way for practice our compassion and kindness to others being, to understand their suffering, is beautiful if we can help them but not only fear them.

    Through this sharing , i understand more about other ‘divination tools like : crystal, tarot card and more..Yes, i been tarot card player before, and i really get into “trouble” at that time… By linked with my experience and the teaching here, i understand why we are discourage to ‘touch’ this tools, is really for our own good. And i understand more when we are using this ‘tools’ what actually the spirits or others ‘being’ coming and work on.

    Thank you again for Rinpoche. This is a very interesting topic, i learn a lot.

    Fold Hand_/|\_,

  54. Sofi on Jun 20, 2012 at 2:22 pm

    Everyone is interested in or have met with the supernatural one time or another, so Rinpoche’s post is very helpful in clearing up the doubts and providing information on this. Having met with the dharma, I now have more understanding towards “ghosts” and with sincerity, include them in my dedications. Yesterday while doing my saddhana, suddenly wondered why do we segregate sentient beings during our visualization. It is at that moment that I realised that all had been my mother and father, so now jus visualize in human forms (no assigning parents, family, relatives, friends, etc.) Thank you Rinpoche for your sharing.

  55. Cynthia Ng on Jun 20, 2012 at 2:17 pm





  56. Lim KH (JB) on Jun 20, 2012 at 1:05 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    Thanks for sharing this article to let, is very useful and complete if someone ask about the unnatural problems with us. Sometime we really dunno when, where, why we are connected to others beings but we can try to practice Setrap or Guru Yoga so we can prevent this happen on us.

    ” Prevent is better than cure”, so practice now to gain the protection and sharing this out to help others also.

  57. Albert Ratchaga on Jun 20, 2012 at 2:52 am

    Yes, it is very important to not mess with things to do with spirits / ghosts, because their energy and power are beyond us, they are already died with so much attachment, but due to the greediness of human, we use them as a portal to help us get what we want. sad to say that, many of us didn’t realize or I should say material attachment has blind folded us to see the consequences after used them to get what we want. By doing so, it is so bad for us and for them.

  58. Jace Chong on Jun 20, 2012 at 12:56 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for answering all these questions in details, I think most us have similar questions in our mind.

    I met a lot of people who can “feel” and “see” spirits. Sometimes, I am not sure it’s a privilege or a disadvantage. From what Rinpoche has answered, it really depends on your motivation and what you gonna do about it.

    Like everything else in life, something that drive you to do good thing and be a better person, that’s something good and the other way round. I mean no offense, it’s really not a big deal for a person who has supernatural ability, what’s the big deal is, how do you help others and yourselves with the ability.

  59. patsy on Jun 19, 2012 at 11:59 pm

    Cakras are blessed talismans containing the Buddha’s essence, power and protection. The powerful energies within provide very effective protection against negative energies such as harmful supernatural forces, accidents, spells and black magic. Cakras also bless us with the energies of wisdom, healing, longevity and wealth.

    For more info:

  60. verontung on Jun 19, 2012 at 11:07 pm

    Dear Rinpoche, thanks for opened up my mind about ghost and spirit. Since young, i will always be fear with all these ghost stories. If happen to be gathering or partying with friend and they ends up sharing horror stories, I’ll will have to force myself to sit together, pretend to listen but all the words they are sharing i will just have them bypassing my ear. I’m really glad that I have the chance to read all about ghost & spirits. And i know i do not have to fear them if i would always know what i did and make sure myself do not disturb or offend them. I have better understanding on what is spirits. I sure be able to advise my friends who has problems with having “friends” around them.

  61. nicholas on Jun 19, 2012 at 10:14 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for this great sharing.

    The advice is really useful. A lot of people out there really don’t know why and what to do when they faces such disturbance and unable to understand dharmicly.

    With Rinpoche great explanation,actually we should be compassion towards the spirit because of taking rebirth in such a realm nothing much they can do until their karma exhausted in this realm.
    Glad that we are able to help them with the prayer to bless them beside protection.

  62. nani on Jun 19, 2012 at 7:58 pm

    long time ago i have real storry .i was 12 year old i can see ghost yong girl .what i thinking she is real.every time she come to play after 12am when my mother not father already passway when i m 12 year.every time she point to follow with her .but i scare my mom come to scold me.never go with her.1 day i request mom that i want to follow her.she also think i wanted to go with nest house people s children.then she say ok but come fast.nest day same thing she come to vijit me and she point to follow her .this time i go with her from my house almost 1 hours . there have big river.sudanly she jump in the river .i ready scare qukly come home and i told mom.many people go to sherch in the river but they only found uncle that boon make fire.after that i never see that girl agen.this is my true storry.

  63. Mei Fong on Jun 19, 2012 at 7:02 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for the teaching on ghosts. Many of us are curious about the existence of ghosts, some even fear on them and thinking that they can harm us. Ghosts can only harm us if we have the karma to be harmed.

  64. pastor ngeow on Jun 19, 2012 at 4:28 pm

    A common ‘ mistake’ we make when chanting mantras or performing pujas of Buddhist deities is that we limit its function to only clearing obstacles. As Rinpoche said, we can also achieve good qualities like love , compassion, and wisdom which can help us gain realizations to help others.
    I don’t hv personal encounters with spirits and ghosts except for a few hair raising experiences which I cannot ascertain they are the influences of spirits or just plain fear of the dark or self induced fear of being alone.I really like the explanation on how respect and compassion can protect us from harm of these unfortunate beings and it is not easy to generate such qualities due to the often unsightly forms they take on and also our own wrong views about them by labelling them as naturally evil or threats to our safety.

  65. JP on Jun 19, 2012 at 3:29 pm

    When we all start talking about spirits, I realise many people have actually experienced an encounter or two or even more. But nobody talks about it. I used to have spirit encounters 5 times a year for 4 to 5 years. Then when I started energy healing, the encounters became daily. It was as though the gates to the ethereal realm were wide open. Felt literally like an open house!

    The spirit encounters became more intrusive. Some of them were attacking me and won’t let me sleep. Thank goodness, at that time I have already met Tsem Rinpoche. Rinpoche explained to me that I should stop my energy healing and just focus on reciting the Heart Sutra and Rinpoche’s long life mantra. Rinpoche performed a “Gako”, Vajrayogini’s purification and protection ritual, on me and all spirit disturbances stopped immediately!

    I was so relieved because I hadn’t been sleeping for 2 weeks due to the spirit disturbances. In a nutshell, I’ve learnt never to meddle with new age healing as it opens up the portal to the ethereal realm which is potentially very dangerous. It’s better to stick with helping humans and animals if we really want practise compassion.

  66. Lim Han Nee on Jun 19, 2012 at 3:08 pm

    Thank you, Rinpoche, for answering questions on ghosts posed by Patricia and Fang in this post, questions which we ourselves would have asked. Thank you for giving us the prayers and mantras that we can recite when we are troubled by these spirits.

    Ghosts belong to the samsaric realm of The Hungry Ghosts. If they can live so long as to appear to 7 generations of people, we can imagine their tremendous suffering over such a long period; their suffering comes in the form of their not being to get any food or water at all or not being able to eat or drink because of their tiny mouths, or their seeing even water in front of them as blood or urine or some undrinkable stuff, as the Lamrim says. They also have to wander everywhere and for long distances in a vain search for food.

    Thus, when we have the karma to encounter them, we must learn to react with compassion(as Rinpoche says) and not with fear, though they will appear to us in a horrifying form.

  67. David Lai on Jun 19, 2012 at 2:51 pm

    I have actually been afflicted by spirits before. I was pressed down by a certain kind of spirit. It came to a point where I was getting a few of these ‘attacks’ a night. I consulted Rinpoche at that time and he told me to recite Dukkar mantra.

    He said that Dukkar or White Umbrella is very effective to fend off these kind of attacks. However, the effect wouldn’t come immediately as one must build up the shield against these spirits. At that time, I recited, it initially became worse. I was worried but I continued my practice and later, the attacks became lesser and lesser. I hardly get these attacks these days.

    So, when people talk of spirits pressing them down, I always recommend them to recite Dukkar’s mantra. Here on Rinpoche’s blog, there’s the Dukkar Sadhana that one can perform daily to build a shield against these spirits :-

  68. Uncle Eddie on Jun 19, 2012 at 1:51 pm

    Ghosts may be exorcised and can be also rid-off by ritual daggers, as shown in some ritual books. It is said that some were caught in “spirit-trap” and were burnt, thus releasing them to be reborn, as said in other buddhist script. All ghosts have their own realm, and sights of certain ghosts can be scary as shown in pictures. Some are said to have mouths the size of an needle eye and a stomach the size of a big baloon, while others have necks too thin for food to go through, yet with bloated stomachs. It seems they are always hungry and can never get enough food. For people to prevent or counter-act spirits’phenomenum must have accurate knowledge – in other words, they must know the truth of the facts of the case, in order to tackle them. Otherwise, one will be asking for trouble, which be years later when we are at a low point, as mentioned by Rinpoche.

  69. Andrew Chiam on Jun 19, 2012 at 1:10 pm

    So much to learn about ghost. Very informative. But come to think of it, now human are even more scarier than ghost. Thanks for the sharing Rinpoche.

  70. cindy on Jun 19, 2012 at 12:34 pm

    Thank you for this informative blog. I certainly believe in Spirit/Ghosts. I also believe that if we done no harm to others we shouldn’t be afraid.
    I do experienced before when I worked with my previous company, usually in the morning I’ll be alone in the office, than i’ll start to hear the door handle noise like someone is trying to open the door but i just ignore it. So, when my boss came in i’ll tell her about it then only she tell me the story, she said that before she rent this office she already know that there is her pregnant lady that hang herself beacuse her boyfriend do not want to married her.
    Till then she is staying there, so my boss told me to offer foods to her every morning, so i did that every morning & fr that day onwards i don’t hear sound any more.Even every Qing Ming we’ll burn things & pray for both of them. And actually alot of people rent theis place but no one last long. We stay at the office for almost 7 years.

  71. Pastor Yek Yee on Jun 19, 2012 at 12:11 pm

    Malaysian famous with 撞鬼,this post from Tsem Rinpoche is tremendously understand more. It is so powerful. In the post, Rinpoche mentioned how we can deal with ghost/spirit, what practice we should do, what is the reason we 撞鬼?Karma, affinity and may be people put it to you…one thing heated me very badly is while we deal with them must show respect, sincerity and compassion to them. Make them pleased and calm. Some of them had lived in the spirit realm over eight generation…some of them may be we meet them in previous life too…can you image…over hundred years…

    I would to share to everyone, the spirit/ghost generally is existed in this planet and surprisingly their popular is more than human..OMB. Now, I knowing they are anywhere so I will use the proper way to work them instead of harm or chasing them.

  72. KH Ng on Jun 19, 2012 at 11:36 am

    Thank You Rinpoche for this post. It is really interesting. In this post Rinpoche mentioned that ghost are moved by great compassion and altruism. I also remember that Guru Rinpoche subdued the spirit Pehar with the power of compassion and make him promised to protect the Dharma. How does this work? When we say subdue, we usually think of using force or wrath. It seems contrary to me. I request Rinpoche to teach us.

  73. Yoke Fui on Jun 19, 2012 at 11:33 am

    Dear Rinpoche,
    Thank you for the clear explanations.

    At KH, we are often asked questions like these. Without the complete knowledge, we usually blame the practice/puja for not being effective in solving the problem and stop the practice. This may further agitate the beings and become more ferocious.

    Therefore it is very important to follow through with the instructions on how to clear the problem. Just like seeing a doctor when we are sick, we must take the medicine in the correct dosage.

  74. Bengkooi on Jun 19, 2012 at 4:16 am

    I enjoyed reading this post 2 years ago when it was first published, and this second time round, I appreciate it even more, having met many people over the past 2 years who have suffered from such disturbances.

    As one of Rinpoche’s assistants, I hear many such stories, and I can definitely feel the fear from those affected. Sometimes, when the problem is particularly bad, I too feel my hairs standing on end. So when Fang asks about fear, I can totally relate. Rinpoche’s advice about having compassion and pity for them is not easy to follow, especially if we are in the grip of fear, but the analogy to the abused dog really makes sense for me.

    What strikes me very strongly most of all, is how fortunate we are, to have even come across this post, let alone a guru like Rinpoche. So many people who are having spirit disturbances or black magic could perhaps have avoided their problems altogether, or reduced the intensity of their problems, if they were armed with this knowledge.

  75. su an on Jun 19, 2012 at 1:02 am

    From what I gather from this post, ghosts/ spirits are really the same as humans in terms of having feelings of sadness, loneliness, anger, and have different personalities just like us. it is rather scary to know that their population size is much larger than humans… it means to me that there are more sentient beings reborn in that realm compared to humans or the likelihood of us going down to the ghost realm is so high. It is rather fascinating to know that they can travel at the speed of thought.. that is super fast! but they live really long lives… i heard from someone that in the animal kingdom, big animals tend to move slower but they live longer, while small animals move fast (and their world moves fast) but have shorter lives (time also moves fast). Can you imagine being able to move at the speed of thought (i believe that is faster than the speed of light) and yet live for super long? it means they stay as ghosts for really really really long time… i don’t want to be reborn as a ghost! Although i can’t perceive ghosts, i am glad that i can do something to help them a little by doing prayers daily and dedicating it to them. and i am glad i have met the dharma in this life so i can reduce a very very little amount of the probability to be reborn as a ghost (better than nothing!)

  76. KYC on Jun 19, 2012 at 12:30 am

    It’s true we must develop compassion for ghosts. Normally we are afraid of them thinking that they can harm us. I read somewhere that it is possible to teach dharma to some ghosts because unlike animals, they have the intelligence to understand.

  77. Pastor Yek Yee on Jun 18, 2012 at 7:36 pm

    The biggest snake in the world was found in Malaysia. But it had dead! The amazing thing is the snake already 140 years old. OMB!!!

    If I live around 140 years old what can I do in my 140 years old? Wah…something I want to think about it…140 years, what I want to do in this planet?

  78. Lai on Jun 18, 2012 at 6:35 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    about the “La energy”, is it mean if “A” was pass away and already take a re-birth, but we still can feel “A” beside us?? how can we know whether “A” is already “re-birth”? the energy of “A” mantain as a ghost after re-birth, so this energy still exit as “A”?
    Sorry for many question, because i am having this problem with my friend, my friend did abortion 7~8 years ago, she always feels sorry to the child and she also did paid a taoism master for sending the child to rebirth, but problem is after so many years, she still feel that the child is around her. What can i advise her?

  79. lanse on Jun 14, 2012 at 10:00 am

    I have heard a lot about ghost since I was a child. I always wonder whether ghost actually exist, or it is just a man created story. But since so many people have been talking about ghost, and these stories existed all over the world for thousands of years, there must be “something” real, perhaps they are other forms of energy. I would rather take it as an alien beings than relate them with people who are dead. Perhaps I refused to accept that there is life after death in any way or form.

    Life is so full of suffering, if ghost really exists, it only means that we have to go through everything again, may be worst. This is very scary. So basically I did not really afraid of ghost, what I afraid of is that if I really see them, what can I give them in order to comfort them? They must be sad and lonely, wandering around, looking for something and couldn’t get. They do not want us to see them too. So if I happen to see them, what can I give them? I used to think like that before I learn any Dharma. So since I never met one, I chose not to believe in their existence.

    However, since I came to know Kechara, since I started to learn about prayers, rituals and Lam Rim, I found out that I started to not so refuse to think about ghost. When I do my prayer or Lam Rim recitation at home, I would sometimes talk to the “air” and asked “them” to listen carefully. I do not know how this would help them, but since this is the only thing I can give them, it makes me feel better when I think about them.

    Everyone needs love and care, so do ghost. I hate to feel helpless when I can’t do anything to help. Thanks to Rinpoche’s teachings and explanation. Now I know what I can do to help. Compassion is the key.

  80. Elizabeth Ann on Jan 26, 2011 at 12:46 pm

    I wonder if people that are attacked by black magic have been caused the harm due to their negative past lives? If so does it follow that the Tibetans in chinese prisons also have (all of them) the bad karma to be imprisoned and tortured? I think there are accidents. I don’t think it is always karma. Blaming an attack by black magic on the being attacked or Tibetans torture in prison on negative karma is like saying the rapist had no choice and the rape victim is a partially responsible party to the act. Is it sometimes just too late to purify? Maybe. I have issues about people having been good, even quite spiritual during their lives and then they are imprisoned/tortured or attacked by evil spirits and it is all over for them. Their life is excruciating suffering. If they go to the hell realms they will get enlightened faster. Manjushri It is almost impossible to become enlightened and the path is dangerous, you dare the obstacles but if you don’t you suffer. There is no escape.

  81. nbl on Dec 23, 2010 at 11:52 am

    Sad to see that there are still many people practise black magic in this part of Asia.

  82. Elizabeth Ann on Oct 19, 2010 at 1:43 pm

    It is my understanding that once a person is fully possessed and has no free will it is a lifelong suffering and there is no hope for them to be free again. Part of the reason is that they are tied down by black magic and their mantras or prayers don’t work. They are unable to free themselves. Is this true? E

  83. Marianne on Oct 3, 2010 at 4:29 pm

    Thank you for sharing this understanding of ghost and black magic
    Can you help me find the ‘link’:-)for the book
    Protection from Black Magic and Spirits, so I can buy it!
    Thank you Marianne

  84. Ash Ng on Sep 29, 2010 at 1:57 pm

    I have always been fearful of ghosts for many years which I can’t explain why. Perhaps because of their horrible facial expression they have or maybe thinking that they would harm human beings for whatever reasons I guess. Little did I know that I was followed by a spirit for many years until when I met Tsem Rinpoche three years ago. Fortunately, with the kindness of my Lama – Tsem Rinpoche who compassionately introduce a powerful Dharma protector – Lord Setarp to engage in protector practice for self protection. It would scares the hell out of me even if I meet one today, guess it’s human nature 🙂

  85. keng tan on Aug 13, 2010 at 8:44 am

    I used to see an old man all dressed in white in the little red huts by the trees, roadside when I was little but I have no re-collection of it. I think children do have the abilities to see such things but due to their innocence, they have no comprehension of what they are. I remembered once we were in a bed and breakfast in Scotland and were about to sleep and my young son who was 2 years old then, pointed to the curtain and said – man there. Yikes – scared the hell out of us. Thankfully, we only stayed one night.

  86. Maggie Chang on Jul 11, 2010 at 10:16 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing beneficial info about ghost and how to protect ourselves.
    With Great Respect,
    Maggie Chang

  87. pamela on Jul 10, 2010 at 4:17 pm

    My mum and family members told me that I used to scare them with ghosts when I was much younger. Especially my full time stay at home mum who mentioned that I used to tell her someone is standing behind her or someone is the house or someone is staring at me from the ceiling. Well, I dont recall those things, I would rather think that I made it up just to scare them. Even when my kids tell me they have nightmare or scared, I always tell them to chant Setrap’s mantra.
    Anyway, people always think that having the ‘3rd eye’ is a good thing but it depends as mentioned by Rinpoche :
    If you use the 3rd eye for good things then it is good. If you use it to take advantage of people, then it is not good.
    If you have that ability, what your motivation behind it’s usage makes it good or negative.
    It’s always the motivation that is of utmost importance.
    Tsem Tulku

  88. Elsie Toy on Jul 10, 2010 at 3:28 pm

    Dearest Rinpoche
    Thank you for this informative blog. I certainly believe in Spirit and Ghost.I was very arrogant and full of ego that I believe that I done no harm to others I shouldnt be afraid. I was wrong wrong wrong. My ex evicted me from the apartment in Causewaybay and I moved to apartments opposite Tung Hwa hospitals next to the Mortury. I was disturbed by spirit or rather the spirit attached to me. I would dress with shirts and tie to work and constant headhead and would want to kill myself most of the time. However, I was lucky at that time I met a benefactor Michelle Yim who brought me mooncakes and invited me to have “yum cha” with Bryan. (Bryan is a taoist – he knew what it was) he has never been to my apartment but he told me in my room there were things that you must throw destroy (my tarot cards – which in my younger days used them for fortune telling) He also told me that there things in my apartment in Singapre to be destroyed too. Someone has been controlling me with the items in the house with black magic). My lesson is best not to accept food, gifts from people. I learned my lesson well. Although it was a lesson. I also understand now some spirits are weaker and some are stronger some full of vengence hatre and pain. I am also glad that I have friends who come by to help me. My gratitude to 米雪, Bryan Lai and my “Lou Tau”. Thank you for helping me through my difficult times in Hong Kong. I believe all these happened to me is because of my own Karma. I may have hurt these being in my past lives. Correct me if I am wrong thank you.
    With Much Love and Great Respect…

  89. weeliang on Jul 9, 2010 at 3:50 am

    I was once told that if we stay positive and kind, spirits and ghosts will not be able to stick to us. This applies for the case of whether you have affinity to them or you have the affinity for people to send them to harm you. They are attracted to negativity like jealousy, anger and hate. I found that since I have been participating in more dharma activities, I have become less angry and have almost gotten rid of all the hate embedded in me. As a result of that, I do not fear darkness as much as I used to. I use to stare into darkness and feel fear. Does anyone know whether that has anything to do with ghosts or spirits?
    Wee Liang

  90. Likheng on Jul 8, 2010 at 11:49 pm

    It is pretty freaky to get a confirmation that ghosts are for real. Simultaneously, it is very mind changing to read Rinpoche’s way of viewing these beings.
    From the way Rinpoche explain about ghosts, my mind begins to look at them like a different “species” that exist along with us. Animals like dogs, cats, rabbits etc. look very different from us and behave very differently too. However, we can accept them because our eyes, or rather our MINDS, are used to their images. We have this fear for ghosts because our minds are not used to viewing them as beings that co-exist with us within the 6 realms. Instead, our minds are habituated to view them with fear. Therefore, the problem lies with us. The fear of ghosts etc. is due to my fixed belief and perception, which influences my reaction to them.
    With habituation, may we develop a different view about the ghosts and with a new view about them being a part of our universal system. May we develop compassion for them (which as Rinpoche advises, does NOT mean to interact with them) as the Dharma teaches us to be compassionate to all sentient beings.

  91. May Ong on Jul 8, 2010 at 11:15 pm

    Can ghost kill us? No – but they can harm us.
    Do ghosts give birth to ghost babies? They adopt ghost babies.
    Can ghost babies grow up? No they do not eat. That is why they are called hungry ghosts.
    There are some humans who experience the similar sufferings to that of a hungry ghost.
    Examples of these are: a rich person lying down on a bed with a tube stuck into his throat feeding him or people dying from hunger in certain parts of Africa. These are caused by previous lives karma.
    So how does a human become a hungry ghost in their next life?
    They are those who kept on taking and taking from other and never giving back. Or those that stole food from the sangha. It is miserliness.

  92. Peter on Jul 7, 2010 at 6:50 pm

    Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
    “Some spirits can even appear to the untrained as Tara!!! Zong Rinpoche told us, some appear as Tara to people!!! So we have to be extremely careful when dealing with them. Better not to deal with them but be aware of their presence.”
    This is a good and important point raised by Rinpoche and yet ignored by many as most are taken in by the emotional dazzle that these beings can perform as counterfeit.
    I recall reading in the Shurangama Sutra on the 50 Demon Skandha States Chapter, it has a similar warning ringtone to caution people to beware and avoid these common pitfalls.

  93. Susan Lim on Jul 7, 2010 at 5:50 pm

    Dear Melissa
    I will attempt to answer your question:
    Who we are with is due to our uncontrolled karma..which is the result of what we have done in the past. What we do now will affect what comes next. In short, this is what Karma is like.. Most if not all of us live our lives based on what we like, prefers, what we find pleasant and pleasurable..that’s how we get happiness. Often times, what we do to make us happy will turn out to harm us in the long run. Why? because we don’t know better (ignorant)
    When I was young , ok..not that young (about 18 years old), i could just eat donuts for dinner! I know…ain’t i disgusting! 🙂 And I did…I had many nights of dinner which comprised of DONUTS. It made me happy…but I’d be DEAD by now if I had continued eating donuts for dinner every night. If I had died, perhaps as a ghost I may be lingering over the donut shop because of my attachment to donuts! Maybe not,…as Rinpoche taught us, our next rebirth will depend on what our mental state is like at the point of death to determine where we go next. Anything could spring up in our minds at that point…
    So to answer your question there’s no guarantee that if a family member dies and turn into a ghost if he/she will reunite or be separated for life. It depends on what he has done, what he’s attached to… Even if he lingers around the family as a ghost, he will not be able to receive the love and care as how he used to when he was alive as a human. Memories will fade. We will not know ourselves as how we know now…
    So it is important to learn and apply dharma into our lives and to help everyone. We never know,…some stranger could have been our family member from a previous life. It’s stated in the teachings that everyone at some point had been our mother.
    You are a real sweet kid, always helping in the ladrang, cleaning the aviary…I know you will grow up to be a wonderful person, taking care of your mom, your family, friends and contributing in Kechara.
    best wishes

  94. Susan Lim on Jul 7, 2010 at 5:28 pm

    Dear Skywalker
    I will attempt to answer your question the best I can.
    Dharma, defined as “right conduct, right view” as taught by Buddha is powerful. It is powerful because it works. It worked to set Prince Siddharta free of samsara, resulting in him achieving total liberation, Buddhahood or Enlightenment. On this basis, Dharma is proven to be powerful because it is not a theory waiting to be tested to see if it works. To start out with, it worked then, it was written and presented to us as a guideline/path to follow.
    Dharma is powerful and works when we APPLY it in our lives, that’s how our negativity which manifests as “evil” can be rid off.
    Evil may be scary, hurtful, damaging, but it does not mean it’s more powerful than Dharma. Why? Any negativity or evilness can be changed due to the law of impermanence. Harmful ghosts, spirits and our own negativity can be changed when Dharma is applied.
    Example: MR EVIL can lose its powers to become MR GOOD. But MR BUDDHA is ULTIMATE GOOD and his qualities cannot degenerate into MR EVIL. On this logic, is MR BUDDHA more powerful of MR EVIL?

  95. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche on Jun 27, 2010 at 10:35 pm

    If you use the 3rd eye for good things then it is good. If you use it to take advantage of people, then it is not good.
    If you have that ability, what your motivation behind it’s usage makes it good or negative.
    It’s always the motivation that is of utmost importance.
    Tsem Tulku

  96. Beatrix Ooi on Jun 27, 2010 at 10:04 pm

    Dearest Rinpoche
    The person that has a ‘third eye’,is that good or bad?
    Why do some people see ghosts but some can’t?
    Beatrix Ooi

  97. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche on Jun 27, 2010 at 9:19 pm

    Dear Venerable Rinpoche ,
    Wishing you a good day. An interesting story on The Star today. For your reading.
    Sunday June 27, 2010
    Close encounter with spirits and a headless woman
    THE older the structure, the more likely it is to be haunted. Given the chequered history of Pudu Prison – which dates back to 1895 – you can be sure it has more than its fair share of ghostly tales.
    Abu Bakar Juah says it was common to hear things at night – footsteps where no one was supposed to be, chains rattling, and even hearing someone or something taking a bath when everyone is locked in.
    “We normally shout out loud that we are merely trying to make a living and tell whatever that’s out there to leave us alone,” he says.
    Haji Aziz Haji Idris tells of an encounter while on duty at one of the guard towers when he was still a young officer.
    “It was shortly after midnight and I was on night duty with another person when I saw an officer approaching. As we had been trained, I banged my rifle on the floor and shouted out ‘Everything all right, sir!”
    Aziz says the figure said nothing but raised his hand, and then suddenly disappeared.
    He also remembers one particular bunk in the warder’s dormitory which everyone tried to avoid.
    “Anyone who slept there would be sure to feel an unseen force pressing down on his chest. They may try to shout or move but will be helpless to do anything,” he says, adding that some would rather sleep on the floor than use the bunk.
    Abu Bakar also recalls a weird phenomenon – a ball of fire the size of a football that suddenly appeared and rolled out of sight.
    “It happened every once in a while, and in cycles. Everyone would be talking about it for a while,” he says.
    But the scariest tale is that of a recurring apparition of a woman. Aziz believes it was the ghost of a woman who was hanged there.
    “She had tried to kill herself previously by slitting her throat. She survived but before she was fully recovered, the execution order came,” he says.
    “She was brought to the execution chamber and hanged – but because of the injury, her head was literally torn off. It was a gruesome death and that is the ghost that many people have seen.”
    He recalls an encounter with this apparition.
    “I was on duty at Block D, where death row is located, and directly above the execution chamber is a huge anchor stone.
    “Out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure sitting on this stone. Malays believe ghosts’ feet do not touch the ground, and when I bent over to look, the figure disappeared,” he says.
    But a fellow officer’s encounter was even more shocking.
    “Once, a police officer was interviewing prisoners and it was getting late. However, he said that he could interview one more, and I went down to bring another one.
    “As he was filling in some forms he saw a figure sitting down. Thinking it was another prisoner he looked up, only to see a headless woman with blood flowing down her chest. The officer ran down the stairs as fast as he could,” he says.
    Aziz believes Pudu Prison is a very “dirty” place and in some places is a giant graveyard.
    “During World War II, the British buried Japanese soldiers there, and when the Japanese took over, they buried the British there.
    “The ghosts here are real,” says Aziz.
    Yours Sincerely ,
    Liew Chee Khoi.
    (the above was emailed to me, I thought I’d share it)

    • YoshiruLiaw Yung Fang on Jun 6, 2012 at 7:05 pm

      that was interesting! :DD gonna share with my friends! thanks rimpoche! ^^

  98. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche on Jun 27, 2010 at 6:18 pm

    Dear Gimlee,
    The object of the classes is not to have more questions directed. You should read, encourage research, encourage answers among yourselves. If you just read and ask and read and ask, then you are promoting a class of kids who wish to be spoon fed. That is not learning.
    Encourage research, and finding answers on your own and posting questions with answers to share with the world. Help the kids to learn by research and effort.
    Tsem Tulku

  99. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche on Jun 27, 2010 at 6:13 pm

    Two reasons:
    1. When they see the food, they feel you care. So it gives their minds temporary relief.
    2. They cannot eat but they can smell it and the smell temporarily ‘fills’ them up.
    Tsem Tulku

  100. Gimlee on Jun 27, 2010 at 5:51 pm

    Dear Rinpoche
    Thanks for this post on ghosts. I definitely believe in their existence after my real encounter during my teen… due to curiousity a group of us in students house have foolishly meddled with them in a game called ‘Spirit of the coin’. After that night a few of us were disturbed by spirits especially while we’re sleeping..
    Anyway, in the class today I showed them this video to excite them..
    The kids were encourage to ask questions… Oops… I hope Rinpoche will not be too tired to answer all their questions…
    Thank you Rinpoche for your patience and your kindness…
    With folded hands, Gimlee

  101. Alex Yeoh on Jun 27, 2010 at 4:11 pm

    Dear Venarable Rinpoche,
    In which state of karma we will be reborn as a ghost or a hungry ghost?
    With sincerity and folded hands,
    Alex Yeoh

  102. Bradley on Jun 27, 2010 at 4:09 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,
    There are some humans whom experience the similiar sufferings to that of a hungry ghost. Are they considered to be in the hungry ghost realm?
    With folded hands and respect,

  103. Phng Keng Boon on Jun 27, 2010 at 4:04 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,
    Can ghosts kill us? If they can, how do they kill us?
    Do ghosts give birth to ghost’ babies? Can ghost babies grow up?
    Teacher Gimlee give me this idea.. :p
    Keng Boon

  104. AdrianC on Jun 27, 2010 at 3:56 pm

    Thank you for your tip on ghost. XD

  105. Sean Wang Xian-An on Jun 27, 2010 at 3:49 pm

    Dear H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche,
    Why do people see ghosts? Do they have a specific reason in life to see them?
    When you say that they are not positive is that in general? Can Lamas reincarnate into spirits? If so, what is their purpose? Can they benefit us in that state?
    An ocean of prayers and folded hands,
    Sean Wang Xian-An

  106. Melissa Sin on Jun 27, 2010 at 3:42 pm

    If people from the same family dies, when they turn into ghosts, will they reunite as a family or be seperated for life?
    With folded hands,

  107. Phng Keng Hwa on Jun 27, 2010 at 3:39 pm

    If hungry ghosts cannot eat food, why do we offer food to them during hungry ghost season?
    Keng Hwa

  108. Yoke Fui on Jun 17, 2010 at 1:59 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,
    Thank you for the teaching on ghosts. Many people fear ghosts and yet curious about them. Children are fascinated by ghost stories.
    Manjushri Kids Class will have a class on ghost. Teacher Gim Lee will explain the “unknown” to the children based on Rinpoche’s teaching and most importantly we will teach the children to have compassion instead of aversion and fear for these unfortunate beings.
    Love & prayers,yf

  109. skywalker on Jun 14, 2010 at 10:17 am

    Dear Rinpoche,
    Would Rinpoche kindly shed some light on my previous question above ?
    Thank you very much ..

  110. Dechen Chötso on Jun 14, 2010 at 12:31 am

    Thank you very much Rinpoche

  111. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche on Jun 13, 2010 at 7:25 pm

    Dear Dechen Chotso,
    “Crystals and divination tools (pendulum, tarot cards, etc.) connect with spirits/ghosts or with a different entity? should we avoid using them for being dangerous, waste of time…?””
    What you connect with is dependent on a few factors:
    1. The abilities/power/ or attainments if it applies to the person using these tools to call upon a ethereal being. If the person calling them through these tools are not prepared or know how to handle them, it could go out of hand. If you invite a spirit no matter how nice they seem at first, can harm you later on. Or they might want you to return their help in ways you can’t fulfill, then they can become angered. Crystals and other divination tools should be avoided as much as possible. They might bring ‘quick’ results in communication with something not physical, but there is a price to be payed usually. I would not advise.
    2. What beings are available when you are summoning them.
    3. The nature, level and character of the being being summoned. They could be powerful, weak, nasty, helpful, playful or even tricky. It is hard to tell their motives.
    You have to be careful, avoid and not contact them. It is not a game or for quick gains. There are no quick gains when it comes to these beings. Some like to contact them out of ego, to look powerful, to win respect from others, that is also very dangerous. Because if the spirit gets offended and gets you, you will look very silly and not impressive at all.
    Some wish quick answers for difficult problems, but asking these type of beings will not really solve the problem for long term.
    I offer you my good wishes,
    Tsem Tulku

  112. Dechen Chötso on Jun 13, 2010 at 6:19 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,
    Crystals and divination tools (pendulum, tarot cards, etc.) connect with spirits/ghosts or with a different entity?
    should we avoid using them for being dangerous, waste of time…?
    On the other hand, I have highly appreciated your teachings available on the web.

  113. Fang on Jun 13, 2010 at 12:13 am

    Thank you very much, Rinpoche 🙂 I will try get a copy of the book Rinpoche suggested and read more on the topic.

  114. skywalker on Jun 13, 2010 at 12:00 am

    Dear Rinpoche,
    Thank you for sharing with us these hard-to-find details.
    A question that i’ve been pondering since long time has just flashed back to my mind, although it’s not directly about ghost, but to certain extent is similar …
    – while Dharma is powerful enough in the universe (无量无边), why is that Evil can still exist in parallel with Buddha or Heaven realm, sometimes even much more powerful than Dharma ?
    i’m sorry if this question sounds noob.. But i wish Rinpoche could kindly shed some light.. Thx a lot.

  115. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche on Jun 12, 2010 at 10:51 pm

    fang said…
    Dear Rinpoche, a few questions if i may…
    – with the influences of media and upbringing, we are conditioned to fear what/who we do not understand. is there any reason we should fear these entities?
    Yes, there are cases that you will fear these beings such as:
    1. If you have offended them in any way, shape or form.
    2. Taken anything from them.
    3. Ask them for help and then later ignored them.
    4. They gave help and you are suppose to give them something in return and you didn’t .
    5. If someone has cursed you or send magic to you using them.
    6. Harming a person they are close to or ‘protecting’.
    These are just some examples people ‘might’ fear them or have experienced disturbances.
    And if we do, should we learn to suppress the feeling of fear. by suppressing the fear, should we then substitute it with compassion and kindness?
    1. We should apologize to them from our hearts and not do it again.
    2. Do what we have promised once and for all unless totally impossible but don’t break the law doing so.
    3. If we have done none of the above 6 points except number 5, then we don’t need to fear or put that fear in remedial actions such as Tsongkapa or Setrap practice.
    4. Generate great pity for the state they are born in without being condescending but genuine pity and wish them well.
    5. Generating great compassion towards them will help a lot and do practices such as Tsongkapa and Setrap. Dedicate the merits of that practice to them and all beings who suffer, and be genuine in it. They will feel it.
    6. You can’t suppress fear or pretend you don’t feel it. But remember they are suffering much more than you from loneliness, cold, reliving tragedies/disappointments, hunger, thirst and great attachments. If you look at a dog who’s on the streets, starving, hurt and when you go near to feed, bite you, you don’t feel anger. But even more compassion for what has been done to the poor dog. Same example for spirits. Some are nasty and harmful because they have been given a lot of pain. They are in pain and deserve your pity not so much fear.
    – When harmed by what we believe to be a spirit/ghost… what should we do, where do we go? i have personally experienced a ‘confrontation’ of sort with an entity and after going to different practitioners who takes trance, i eventually found one who could help me. (this happened prior to my knowing of Kechara).
    1. Kechara is not the only place that can help. Many places can help. But Kechara is qualified to help when necessary.
    2. As to what to do, this will take up much more space to explain. For now, I have a book, please refer to that and read it thoroughly. It will help a lot. The book is called ‘Protection from Black Magic and Spirits’. Please direct people to that book would help a lot.
    3. In general, practicing the 8 verses of Thought Transformation, Tsongkapa Guru Yoga then capped off with Setrap would be very very very good for general disturbances. More ferocious disturbances would require variations of the above or certain rituals. If you do the above three practices very well and daily, you will be ok. Really. Sometimes annoyingly these spirits can come get us later, years later, when we are at a low point. They watch. But doing these practices would be a great protection, blessing yourself and ‘them’. By Blessing them, they eventually go away.
    Why do some advice from ‘deities’ work and some don’t. it doesn’t mean that they are fake, i am sure because; they have managed to help others in the past.
    1. The level of the deities are important. The level of the deities that are being used to nullify whatever is disturbing you is very important.
    2. How long the disturbance has been with you. If it has been a very long time, then it will not have instant effect. It will take time. Like if you see the best doctor in the whole world, but your disease is very old, it will take time.
    3. Affinity.
    4. Karmic disposition of the person who needs help. Sometimes the karma is so heavy, the helping deity cannot help you.
    These are some of the possible reasons.
    – In Mahayana, i was advised to learn and recite the Great Compassion Mantra (大悲咒) when i feel uneasy in certain situations. is there a mantra in Vajrayana practice that is similar? would reciting Lama Tsongkhapa’s Migtsema help? or would Setrap? Green Tara?
    1. Definitely doing the Great Compassion Mantra, Tsongkapa’s migtseyma, Setrap and Green Tara would help. It depends on your affinity to which Deity and your karma.
    2. For some Green Tara would be and some not. It is not Green Tara’s fault, it is the affinity of the person.
    3. But for sure all these above practices are for much higher purposes, so protection for spirits is a minor side benefit.
    4. We should engage in these practices for development of wisdom, compassion, skilful means, letting go of attachments, anger and the like.
    thank you for your time and kind sharing, Rinpoche 🙂
    Dear Fang,
    I hope the above helps you. Much care, Tsem Tulku

    • Paris on Jan 20, 2013 at 4:16 pm

      Hi Fang,
      Rinpoche has also advised us that when we are in places which we feel are scary or “unclean”, one of the best mantras we can recite is our Guru’s mantra. We think that our Guru embodies all the Buddhas, and that a thumb-sized version of him is sitting atop our head. Then we recite his mantra. For Tsem Rinpoche, it is “OM AH GURU KIRTI DAZA SHASEN DARA KYANDI SIDDHI HUNG HUNG”. Recite with faith and call for the protection and blessings of the Guru, and have faith in two things: that you will be protected, and that your Gurus (embodying all the Buddhas) will also send blessings and relief to the spirits, who are in great suffering.

      In this way, the Guru’s mantra encompasses all the mantras that you have named (Great compassionate mantra, Tsongkhapa, Setrap, Green Tara etc etc).

      Hope that helps!

  116. fang on Jun 12, 2010 at 9:49 pm

    Dear Rinpoche, a few questions if i may…
    – with the influences of media and upbringing, we are conditioned to fear what/who we do not understand. is there any reason we should fear these entities? and if we do, should we learn to suppress the feeling of fear. by suppressing the fear, should we then substitute it with compassion and kindness?
    – when harmed by what we believe to be a spirit/ghost… what should we do, where do we go? i have personally experienced a ‘confrontation’ of sort with an entity and after going to different practitioners who takes trance, i eventually found one who could help me. (this happened prior to my knowing of Kechara). why do some advice from ‘dieties’ work and some don’t. it doesn’t mean that they are fake, i am sure because; they have managed to help others in the past.
    – in Mahayana, i was advised to learn and recite the Great Compassion Mantra (大悲咒) when i feel uneasy in certain situations. is there a mantra in Vajrayana practice that is similar? would reciting Lama Tsongkhapa’s Migtsema help? or would Setrap? Green Tara?
    thank you for your time and kind sharing, Rinpoche 🙂

    • andrew hibberd on Oct 20, 2011 at 10:32 pm

      rest man do your best work after now

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Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

My name is Tsem Rinpoche and I am a Buddhist monk and teacher. I have a wide range of interests just like anyone else. Ever since I was a young child growing up in America, I have had a huge interest in the paranormal. I have always loved this subject. I love all things magical and mysterious – Tibet, Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Findhorn, UFO, Nazca lines, Spirits, Salem, Easter Island, Dowsing, Greek Gods, Hindu Gods, Yogis, Himalayas, Shambala, Aura, Divinations, Delphic Oracles, Tibetan Oracles, Nature Spirits, Pan, Shamans and more.

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Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

China builds world’s largest radio telescope to hunt for aliens

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 25, 2023

Dear friends around the world, It is interesting that China is looking for extraterrestrial communications. China is really catching up on all fields of interest. Take a read. Tsem...

Proof That We Are Not Alone?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 8, 2023

We have always wondered if we are the only beings in the whole universe. In fact, the Buddha has revealed 2600 years ago that there are other beings in...

Foreign Visitor in the Amazon!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2022

Alien enthusiasts are always eager to find the latest alien discovery or encounters. Over the years, hundreds of media releases turn out to be hoaxes… It’s difficult to figure...

Ancient Aliens – Season 1 to Season 3

by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 25, 2021

Ancient Aliens is a series that launched their first episode on 20 April 2010. The series proposes various evidence around the theory that sometime within the existence of human civilization,...

Are angels ancient aliens??

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2021

Many of us believe in angels. 70% of Americans, believe in the existence of angels… 55% of Americans believe in guardian angels. It is said that every day, one...

Ancient Aliens: The Return

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2021

“The Return” is the last episode of Season 1 of the Ancient Aliens series. In the 20th century there was evidence that we were still being visited by alien...

Ancient Aliens: The Mission (episode 4)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 24, 2021

If we can make expeditions in search of resources to sustain our culture, wouldn't any other life form who needs resources to survive do the exact same thing by...

Ancient Aliens: The Evidence (Episode 2)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 8, 2021

Hard evidence is presented that makes the possibility of alien existence undeniably real - and yet some people would still rather not accept it. It may go against our...

Ancient Aliens: The Visitors (Episode 3)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2021

It is written in the Old Testament: 'The God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness". Who is "Us" and "Our"? In the Quran,...

Do Aliens exist?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2021

Mysteries about ancient aliens that brought civilization to earth, be it via direct manipulation of evolution or introduction of new technologies, have always amazed a large number of people....

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

Who are the Freemasons?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2021

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The Hidden Nature of Trolls

by Admin | Sep 24, 2024

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The Legend of “Nessie”, the Loch Ness Monster

by Cindy Hew | Aug 25, 2024

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The Beast of Bray Road

by Cindy Hew | Aug 8, 2024

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The Flatwoods Monster

by Tsem Tulku Rinpoche | Jul 25, 2024

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by Cindy Hew | Apr 8, 2024

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Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

Toyols: The Child-Spirits

by Pastor Shin Tan | Oct 8, 2023

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Spectacular footage!!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2023

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10 Global Mysterious Events

by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 8, 2020

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The Sound of Light

by Phng Li Kim | Jun 8, 2024

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by Admin | Mar 8, 2024

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Kuchisake Onna

by Admin | Feb 23, 2024

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Black Eyed Child

by Admin | Jan 25, 2024

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Valak – The Conjuring 2 Demon?

by Admin | Jan 8, 2024

Dear friends, Recently, there has been a huge craze about a horror movie called The Conjuring 2. Yes! I am a self-professed horror junkie although I am also really...

Paranormal Protection

by Pastor David Lai | Nov 8, 2023

Dear everyone, I have chosen to write about this topic for Rinpoche’s blog because it fascinates me and it is something that many people are drawn to. Generally, people are...

Boo! Why Do We Love The Things That Scare Us?

by Shakila Rajendra | Oct 25, 2023

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Zozo – The Ouija Board Demon

by Admin | Sep 24, 2023

I was hesitant to have Ms. Vinnie Tan write up this article as I do not encourage anyone to contact negative beings especially with a Ouija board. Negative beings...

Questions on Ghosts

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 8, 2023

(By Tsem Rinpoche)   I posted regarding ‘psychic kids’ and Patricia posed some interesting questions which I have answered. With respect to Patricia, I am posting it here as...

10 Paranormal Pictures!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2023

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Inhuman Entity caught on film

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2023

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Thursday Paranormal Tales

by Admin | Nov 30, 2022

Many people like myself, are curious about paranormal experiences. It is a whole new world that most of us have yet to completely explore and understand. Some people have...

10 Creepy Mysteries You Haven’t Heard Of

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 25, 2020

Mysteries are always interesting to read about. Not only does it make our day a little less mundane, but it also help us to open our mind and contemplate...

The Burning Times

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2020

The 6-part film below is called “The Burning Times”. It explains what went on during the period from 1450 to 1700. That period of time in history is actually...


by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 25, 2019

Below are videos that I have found on witches. They are very very good and very informative… interesting and you would enjoy watching. Also learn a lot about bias,...

Malaysian Ghosts: Orang Minyak

by Cindy Hew | May 12, 2018

Of the many types of Malaysian ghost, one of the most perplexing is the Orang Minyak, literally translated as ‘Oily Man’. However, the exact nature of the Orang Minyak...

The Power of Sak Yant

by Phng Li Kim | Dec 19, 2017

For this episode, I flew to Bangkok to discover the mystery behind the Sak Yant (spiritual tattoo). My mission was to learn more about the purpose of the sak...

Mystical Magic and Medical Science

by Phng Li Kim | Aug 28, 2017

In Yogyakarta, I visited Hospital Nur Hidayah where not too long ago, a young woman caused quite a stir. When the woman in question, Supiyati, arrived at the hospital,...

Valak – The Conjuring 2 Demon?

by Admin | Jan 8, 2024

Dear friends, Recently, there has been a huge craze about a horror movie called The Conjuring 2. Yes! I am a self-professed horror junkie although I am also really...

Must Watch: The Paranormal Zone on NTV7

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 8, 2023

The Paranormal Zone official launch!! Congrats to Celebrity Host Ms. Li Kim!!   Last night, The Paranormal Zone had their official launch party! It was an invitation-only event, held at...

The Mysterious Monsters – narrated by Peter Graves

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2023

Dear Everyone, Another favorite video of mine narrated by Peter Graves. He does a good job as he seems convinced in what he is narrating. I wish I can...

Psychic Kids (4)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2019

Another episode of Psychic Kids I thought my friends would enjoy. Notice how the senior psychics train up the younger ones. Reminds me of the Monastery where senior monks...

Celebrity Ghost Stories (7)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2019

Here’s another wonderful selection of supernatural encounters by celebrities. I find these neat as they show that people from all walks of life have experiences. Have a watch, learn...

Celebrities Ghost Stories (4) and Psychic Kids (2)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2019

Another dosage of great accounts of the supernatural that gives you a break and also helps you to ponder deeper on mysteries not visible to everyone yet exists. DO...

Celebrities Ghost Stories 2 & 3

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 26, 2018

Hello, This is your latest dose of Celebrity Ghosts. I hope you enjoy. Tsem Rinpoche   Part 2   Part 3   Note: All articles published on the blog...

The Balan-Balan

by Phng Li Kim | Sep 8, 2024

My adventures in Sabah are kept alive in Kota Belud – a place where the natives are firm believers of paganism and the practice of dark magic since hundreds...

Kuchisake Onna

by Admin | Feb 23, 2024

Dear friends, From a young age, I have always been intrigued by Kuchisake Onna, the Slit-Mouthed Woman from Japanese folklore. Originally I didn’t know her name or that she...

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

Reincarnation Videos YOU MUST WATCH!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2023

Nov 28, 2012 (By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends, I wanted to share this videos with you for the longest time and happy I can do so now. Learn, ponder...

Can you believe in this?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2023

I have always had an interest in mythology and folklore... about mysterious occurrences or beings that were described in books, or from stories shared by our family and friends...

Atlantis: The Richat Structure

by Wei Tan | Nov 30, 2021

Could the legendary Atlantis be real? These videos suggest that it can be located with relative ease in the modern day. The main sources of evidence draws from Plato’s...

Are angels ancient aliens??

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2021

Many of us believe in angels. 70% of Americans, believe in the existence of angels… 55% of Americans believe in guardian angels. It is said that every day, one...

Ancient Aliens: The Return

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2021

“The Return” is the last episode of Season 1 of the Ancient Aliens series. In the 20th century there was evidence that we were still being visited by alien...

Ancient Aliens: The Mission (episode 4)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 24, 2021

If we can make expeditions in search of resources to sustain our culture, wouldn't any other life form who needs resources to survive do the exact same thing by...

Ancient Aliens: The Evidence (Episode 2)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 8, 2021

Hard evidence is presented that makes the possibility of alien existence undeniably real - and yet some people would still rather not accept it. It may go against our...

Ancient Aliens: The Visitors (Episode 3)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2021

It is written in the Old Testament: 'The God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness". Who is "Us" and "Our"? In the Quran,...

Do Aliens exist?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2021

Mysteries about ancient aliens that brought civilization to earth, be it via direct manipulation of evolution or introduction of new technologies, have always amazed a large number of people....

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

Reincarnation Videos YOU MUST WATCH!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2023

Nov 28, 2012 (By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends, I wanted to share this videos with you for the longest time and happy I can do so now. Learn, ponder...

Thursday Paranormal Tales

by Admin | Nov 30, 2022

Many people like myself, are curious about paranormal experiences. It is a whole new world that most of us have yet to completely explore and understand. Some people have...

Nazca Lines – Another Sign of Paranormal Activity?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 8, 2021

Have you ever wondered how the Nazca Lines are made? Are they man made or is there something else behind its creation that we might not know of...

Atlantis: The Richat Structure

by Wei Tan | Nov 30, 2021

Could the legendary Atlantis be real? These videos suggest that it can be located with relative ease in the modern day. The main sources of evidence draws from Plato’s...


by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2021

On March 19th… You may be surprised by what you will see or have seen… For the first time in 18 years, the moon will swing around Earth very...

Just What Are Sailing Stones?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2020

Look at these pictures and let your imagination try to figure out how this came to pass. Stones in the middle of nowhere that leave trails behind them, yet...

Psychic Kids (4)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2019

Another episode of Psychic Kids I thought my friends would enjoy. Notice how the senior psychics train up the younger ones. Reminds me of the Monastery where senior monks...

Kid Painter is Mini Monet

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 8, 2019

Kid geniuses are people who were good in something in another life and they from a young age without or with very little training can do something beyond your belief system...

Celebrities Ghost Stories (4) and Psychic Kids (2)

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2019

Another dosage of great accounts of the supernatural that gives you a break and also helps you to ponder deeper on mysteries not visible to everyone yet exists. DO...

The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle

by Cindy Hew | Jul 17, 2017

Mind boggling disappearances of ships and aircrafts – this is what immediately comes to mind at the mere mention of the Bermuda Triangle. Its reputation is so notorious that...

Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2024

I have always been interested in ancient civilisations such as China, Egypt and Mesopotamia as they reflect the sophistication and advancements of the people at that time. Although people...

Sleep Paralysis – Medical or Paranormal?

by Admin | Mar 8, 2024

Sleep paralysis or more commonly known in Chinese as ‘鬼压床’ is one of the most common paranormal encounters. Hence, most people would have experienced some form of sleep paralysis...

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

China builds world’s largest radio telescope to hunt for aliens

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 25, 2023

Dear friends around the world, It is interesting that China is looking for extraterrestrial communications. China is really catching up on all fields of interest. Take a read. Tsem...

Einstein on Buddhism

by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 8, 2023

Dear friends around the world, I came across this interesting article recently and thought that it’d be nice to share it on my blog. People would often pick science...

Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 25, 2023

Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results 5 February, 2014 – 13:47 by April Holloway Paracas is a desert peninsula located within the Pisco...

Guess what was found!!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Nov 8, 2022

I have interests in many subjects. I just don’t have enough time in the day to get deeper into many of the subjects that captures my mind. One of...

Top 10 Space Mysteries

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2020

In something as big as the universe, there are bound to be unexplainable phenomena... and things we truly can’t grasp. The universe shows us how small we really are...

Resurrecting Mammoths

by Tsem Rinpoche | Nov 24, 2019

Researchers aim to resurrect mammoth in five years By Agence France-Presse | Updated: 1/17/2011 Japanese researchers will launch a project this year to resurrect the long-extinct mammoth by using...

A Planet discovered that could have life…..

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 8, 2019

Imagine there are 40 BILLION planets out there that can support life in our universe… Wow… There has to be other life forms. The mathematical chances is beyond doubt...

Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking – Time Travel

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2019

Watch enlightening documentaries online! Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking – Time Travel (2010).The promise of time travel has long been one of the worlds favorite scientific what-ifs? Hawking...

Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking – The Story Of Everything

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2019

Watch enlightening documentaries online! Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking – The Story Of Everything (2010) In two mind-blowing hours, Hawking reveals the wonders of the cosmos to a...

Paranormal Experiences Occur Everywhere – Part 2!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 8, 2022

In the late 80’s, I was a university student in Essex, England. I was living in a student hostel at the university ground. The hostel was a high-rise building...

Paranormal Experiences Occur Everywhere – Part 1!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 8, 2022

I like Steven Wong's stories very much as it shows that spirits and unseen beings are actually not restricted to specific areas like cemeteries or abandoned houses. Instead, they...

Bukit Antarabangsa Hauntings

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 25, 2022

Remember the Bukit Antarabangsa Landslide in 2008? What about the Highland Towers apartment building which collapsed in 1993? I am sure that you know many died during those two...

The Shadow On My Bed

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 8, 2022

More and more people are sharing their paranormal experiences with us, and I thank Mr. Michael Moore for sharing with us a very kind and sincere story... can you...

A Relieving Experience

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2022

Some people encounter with spirits directly and have disturbing experiences with the unseen whilst there are others who experience it very differently, where they feel that the incident has...

A swirl at the foot of my bed

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 24, 2022

  Perhaps Paranormal: Two night ago in the middle of the night in my hotel room, I woke up and noticed a dark swirling ‘entity’ that was not exactly...

The Lady in Red

by Admin | Sep 8, 2021

The two men disappeared into the woods and came out on the other side. They walked very fast without saying a word to one another. Finally, they stopped at...

The Headless Nun: A Canadian Ghost Story

by Guest | May 6, 2019

In the mid 1700s, The French Fort Cove, the place of the happenings concerning our tale, was a military fortification on the banks of the Miramichi River, between what...

The Balan-Balan

by Phng Li Kim | Sep 8, 2024

My adventures in Sabah are kept alive in Kota Belud – a place where the natives are firm believers of paganism and the practice of dark magic since hundreds...

Jean Ai

by Tsem Rinpoche | Dec 8, 2022

Thailand is known for their terrifying horror movies and you know what people say...where there is smoke, there is fire so when Jean Ai went to Bangkok to work...

Thursday Paranormal Tales

by Admin | Nov 30, 2022

Many people like myself, are curious about paranormal experiences. It is a whole new world that most of us have yet to completely explore and understand. Some people have...

JP Revisited

by Tsem Rinpoche | Nov 24, 2022

Whilst the Chinese have practised ancestral worship for centuries, for most people a visit to the graves of their forefathers stops there. A few offerings and some flowers, and...

David Lai

by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 25, 2022

Quiet and unassuming, on first appearance David Lai does not come across as a person who has paranormal experiences. As they say however, looks can be deceiving...


by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 24, 2022

Facing college life in a new city, JP Thong had no idea what awaited him when he moved thousands of miles away from home to New York, where he...

Till I See Blood

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2022

After sleepless nights in Bangkok, Angel finally fell asleep, only to find herself struggling for her breath as she was rudely awakened by an unseen stranger. Feeling pressed down...


by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 25, 2022

Many of us have heard that some people have the ability to see the dead and many of us have heard of the movie 'The Sixth Sense'. For 16...


by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2022

There are many children around the world who tell their parents that they see dark figures. Most of the time, their parents would brush them off and tell them...

Snake Spirit

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2022

This week, I share with you a story that relates to the time when I was residing in southern Thailand. I stayed there for about a month to do...

Burmese Temple & Floating Heads

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 8, 2022

In this episode, we have exclusive rights to film at one of the most exotic locations in Malaysia at night: The Dhammikarama Burmese Buddhist Temple. Founded on 1st August...

Red Face

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 22, 2022

This week, I share with all of you 2 paranormal stories. The first relates to the filming location: Shih Chung Branch School. Around 1885, the very first 5-storey bungalow in Penang...

Legends of Mount Shasta

by Pastor David Lai | Feb 8, 2024

In the language of the Karuk natives, Mt Shasta is known as Úytaahkoo or ‘White Mountain’. It is an active volcano located at the southern tip of the Cascade...

They are Everywhere

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2022

Whether we believe in aliens or not, it is undeniable that the thought of other beings existing in places unknown to mankind yet is interesting...

Foreign Visitor in the Amazon!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2022

Alien enthusiasts are always eager to find the latest alien discovery or encounters. Over the years, hundreds of media releases turn out to be hoaxes… It’s difficult to figure...

Spotted in a Sandstorm

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 25, 2021

I received an interesting email from Philip Yong, which shows some live CNN footage of a sandstorm also known as a “Haboob”. What’s interesting to note about this live...

A HUGE Collection of UFO Photographs from 1870 to 2011

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2021

  I was sent an email with a link to one of the most interesting websites on UFOs:! This website contains A LOT of information in the form...

Top 10 Space Mysteries

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2020

In something as big as the universe, there are bound to be unexplainable phenomena... and things we truly can’t grasp. The universe shows us how small we really are...

Astronauts & Military Men Speak

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 8, 2020

There are 2 videos below that are of UFOs. These are probably 2 of the most convincing videos on UFOs so far. This is mostly because the presenters are...

They’re Sighted Everywhere

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2020

This YouTube video was forwarded to me by Shirley Tan. It is of a UFO sighting on the 18th of January in Moscow, Russia. The video was taken from...

Second UFO sighting baffles China & Malaysia

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 24, 2019

Another unidentified flying object (UFO) has been spotted hovering over a part in southwestern China’s Chongqing province after a similar sighting last week caused massive flight delays at a...

More UFO videos from China!!! Very convincing!!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 22, 2019

You have to watch these neat videos. They are very convincing. I copy and pasted the information below just so you have more to go on and understand. Enjoy...

Unsolved Mysteries – UFO’s & Me…

by Tsem Rinpoche | Sep 14, 2018

Since I was very young, I was naturally drawn to phenomena that was not accepted by ‘mainstream’ public. That didn’t bother me. I was always the type of person...

Flatwoods Monster: Close Encounter of the Third Kind?

by Cindy Hew | Nov 25, 2017

If you were in Flatwoods in Braxton Country, West Virginia around September 1952, chances are you would have been caught up in the hype surrounding the first sighting of...

Reincarnation Videos YOU MUST WATCH!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Aug 8, 2023

Nov 28, 2012 (By Tsem Rinpoche) Dear friends, I wanted to share this videos with you for the longest time and happy I can do so now. Learn, ponder...

Pastor Chia on Wah Lai Toi!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Apr 24, 2023

Pastor Chia, a long time student of mine appeared on TV recently. He was interviewed by a Paranormal Program on Astro Wah Lai Toi. It is so exciting to...

Inhuman Entity caught on film

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 25, 2023

See this episode. It is very good. Very interesting! Look at 5:01 and see an inhuman entity caught on film. Very interesting how these beings can be caught on...

Bigfoot Proven?? Must Watch!!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Feb 8, 2023

American Paranormal is a one year old series on the National Geographic channel. They kicked-off their new series in 2010 with a documentary on Bigfoot!! This documentary uses thorough...

The Mysterious Monsters – narrated by Peter Graves

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jan 25, 2023

Dear Everyone, Another favorite video of mine narrated by Peter Graves. He does a good job as he seems convinced in what he is narrating. I wish I can...

Thursday Paranormal Tales

by Admin | Nov 30, 2022

Many people like myself, are curious about paranormal experiences. It is a whole new world that most of us have yet to completely explore and understand. Some people have...

Foreign Visitor in the Amazon!!

by Tsem Rinpoche | Mar 8, 2022

Alien enthusiasts are always eager to find the latest alien discovery or encounters. Over the years, hundreds of media releases turn out to be hoaxes… It’s difficult to figure...

Ancient Aliens – Season 1 to Season 3

by Tsem Rinpoche | Oct 25, 2021

Ancient Aliens is a series that launched their first episode on 20 April 2010. The series proposes various evidence around the theory that sometime within the existence of human civilization,...

League of Gentlemen visit ‘haunted’ Gloucestershire pub

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jul 8, 2021

Below is an article that my student, Shirley Tan, sent me. It is about a popular group of British comedians who decided to brave potential scares in a haunted...

Who are the Freemasons?

by Tsem Rinpoche | Jun 8, 2021

The Freemasons are known to be very secretive and according to some people, almost cult-like. Cult is a very subjective word of course. Although I do not know much....

Are angels ancient aliens??

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 25, 2021

Many of us believe in angels. 70% of Americans, believe in the existence of angels… 55% of Americans believe in guardian angels. It is said that every day, one...

Ancient Aliens: The Return

by Tsem Rinpoche | May 8, 2021

“The Return” is the last episode of Season 1 of the Ancient Aliens series. In the 20th century there was evidence that we were still being visited by alien...


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